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Is this becoming Stargate SG-1: Part II!?

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    Originally posted by walter_MacChevron
    It seems like it will be a different show entirely next year. We may not see RDA, new cast member, new enemy,.......So, my question is: do you think this show will morph into a different show completely? Will it even have the Go'uald?
    God forbid, that happens, *fffft* i'm outta here.


      Originally posted by walter_MacChevron
      It seems like it will be a different show entirely next year. We may not see RDA, new cast member, new enemy,.......So, my question is: do you think this show will morph into a different show completely? Will it even have the Go'uald?
      If I interpet it right what RCC said than the chances for having any Goa´uld in for season 9 are very low. I suppose they plan to change the show in a fundamental way in a try to please the Farscape audience. I think with "Prometheus Unbound" we have seen what a typical season 9 episode will be. (maybe not considering the plot but how the tone and feel of the show will change).

      And keeping the complex story-arcs about Goa´uld/Tok´ra/Jaffa/Asgard/earth history would bore the Farscape fans to dead. I remember very well what kind of comments many of them made as Stargate and Farscape run both on the Sci Fi channel. I see no chance that the they would stay very long if the plot of Stargate SG 1 is not fitting their tastes more. And I suppose that TPTB know that and will adapt the show to their new audience expectations.
      Last edited by Hathor999; 25 December 2004, 03:30 AM.






        I say kill of the ghoulds all of them and let the tokra die out. I mean come on, from the movie to the first episode and now the ghould and the jaffa are easy to kiss. I mean 1 jaffa warrior in the movie took out the guys guarding the gate, then in season 1 it took like a sh(t load of bullets to take 1 down and now we take them out as they run... yeh yeh we got bettr weps but come on, ghoulds die and new ones come, there are a limit to the amount of gods and religions we can use as ghoulds...

        Well atleast kill them off to the point where they are that weak they just run and hide out all the time, perhaps they go to another galaxy and then possible in the future they come back in full force. Also if season 9 is the last which i doubt now i think the show should end with earth being taken over and almost destroyed. Let the bad guys win for a change like on Mortal Kombat Mythologies that tv show that was on for a while, al lthe human warriors were kills and raiden had to watch the emporer open up a chest with something that resembles them.

        Anyways then we could have the second movie with teh revelation of earth adn the freedom of the humans etc and we start over again as if we are back at the 1st movie again. then there could be a new series conspirer from that. Not like SG-something but liek a whole new sci fi show just thoughts, i would like sg to continue on for a few more years even if the show changes completly, its still a good sci fi show.

        Does anybody know the full name to that Mortal Kombat tv series show, where it has karn Low, basically it was set back like 10 mortal kombats before the movies. if so can someone please PM me. Thanks


          ahhh it was Mortal Kombat Conquest, had the best ending for any tv series


            Originally posted by graculus
            Several people have pointed out the similarities between Vala and Aris Boch. Does anyone have any idea why TPTB didn't take advantage of the existing canon to make Vala one of Aris Boch's people?

            From what I remember of "Deadman Switch" Aris Boch's race were unable to be taken as hosts so the Go’uld wiped out most his race, keeping a small number alive (their race were strong/made good warriors) and made them drug dependant, relying on the Go’uld to supply them. If they didn't serve they didn't get their fix. Vala said she use to be a host to the Go'uld and she was able to use Go'uld tech which makes it unlikely Vala is a member of Aris Boch's race.
            Life Too Short to drink bad coffee!

            Any man smart enough to understand women is also smart enough to keep quiet about it

