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How About A Video Game?

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    The one thing that the game shoulod have is an online feature. imagine how fun it would be to do co-op games online. Or a typle of death match of Humans vs Jaffa. The game could really take off. I hope it is more then just like Elite force.


      I'm hoping that it will be built on an engine, like Quake III. It would be nice if it was like the CSI series games where you play as if you were in one long episode from the series. Hopefully it will let you exaimine your enviroment, and you will have a lot of freedoms (think of Jurassic Park: Trespasser).
      Dark Helmet: So, Lone Starr, now you see that evil will always triumph because good is dumb.
      Dark Helmet: No, it's not what you think. It's much, much worse!

      Col. Sandurz: Prepare for light speed.
      Dark Helmet: No, no, light speed is too slow.
      Col. Sandurz: Light speed too slow?
      Dark Helmet: Yes, we'll have to go right to...Ludicrous speed!
      Col. Sandurz:Ludicrous speed! Sir, we've never gone that fast before. I don't think the ship can take it.
      Dark Helmet: What's the matter, Colonel Sandurz...CHICKEN?!


        Originally posted by Teal'c
        The best game would be if you get to pick a character (Apophis, Anubis, Hammond, Thor, Travell, Garshaw etc.) and then you run their empire, but not in real time (Managing a dozen planets would be very difficult in real time ), in turns, you can do so much each turn and then it's the next turn. You'd be able to do stuff on each of your planets and in space, and combat could occur in real time to make that more accurate. Basically a cross between C&C and ST:Armada, but half turn based/half real time, and a hint of RPG (Relations with other empires, some plot etc.)
        if it were real time, it would take tens of thousands of years...per turn!
        Suffer, for it is your reward.


          by real time I meant that everything in the game happens in time, rather then by so much happens each turn and things can only be done at the end of each turn. Obviously real time is faster than actual time


            oky i have some ideas for SG games:
            1. 3d shooter, something like Unreal Turnament 2004/Star Trek Elite Force 2/Half-Life 2/Max Payne 2/etc. but better, which more avilable enteraction with things and other charaters...The main character can not be anyone from SG-1, and it'd be lame if they added an extra person to SG-1, so what they can do, is make the player a trainie or a mamber of some other SG team. Then we can go to differnt worlds and save them...while finding some info to to get a full image peace by peace form different worlds...some will have to be clueless, or it would be unreal. Anyway..then we can make cool mods, extra missions, and maps of different worlds for the game And it would also be cool if we could make our own character (something like Tony Hawk Underground), and name him/her...
            2. A strategy, might have to wait until Altantis goes into 2nd season, so that we are familiar with new technologies, and then in the game we can go and populate other plantes, and destroy the enimes. Or make it an "enemy game" where you are a Gould building its powers....Welll anyway this can not be a first game....

            So I think that 3D shooter would be the best game version here...However not really confusing QUEST would also work, or may be something like Splinter CELL!!!


              maby something like everquest... a pay per month kinda game wehre teams are asssinged and brefed for missoins to go out ot diffrent planets and face goulds and ohter enimies.. and snece everquest usses the "buy the new version" tactic stargate could have "buy the next season" kinda ting where onece the 1st season was beat till it was boring they realsesed season2 and so on.. they could make some mighty profit like that.. maby not so everquesty.. but more starwars galexies.. but it wouldnt suck so bad.. i havnt read all the posts above so maby someone has already come up w/ this. but having a 3rd person or 1st person adventure/action title out would be ausome!!! that way there oculd be 1000s of sg teams going on misisons simontalioiulsy on maby difrent game servers and clans or sg teams could be formed using special abilites earend thoughut the game. and teh ablibily to choose charcs.. like rebel jaffa, sam, jack, daniel, or any other sg unit member.. id like that alot if they could make it happen and do it well


                Yeah everquest would work may be... but its and mmpgr.....whatever....i don't really like those games , so may will hav eto be made VERY WELL...
                and when i was talking about a quest...something like URU, or Syberia style would work alos, but it has to be VERY WELL made again


                  Originally posted by DUDE
                  maby something like everquest... a pay per month kinda game wehre teams are asssinged and brefed for missoins to go out ot diffrent planets and face goulds and ohter enimies.. and snece everquest usses the "buy the new version" tactic stargate could have "buy the next season" kinda ting where onece the 1st season was beat till it was boring they realsesed season2 and so on.. they could make some mighty profit like that.. maby not so everquesty.. but more starwars galexies.. but it wouldnt suck so bad.. i havnt read all the posts above so maby someone has already come up w/ this. but having a 3rd person or 1st person adventure/action title out would be ausome!!! that way there oculd be 1000s of sg teams going on misisons simontalioiulsy on maby difrent game servers and clans or sg teams could be formed using special abilites earend thoughut the game. and teh ablibily to choose charcs.. like rebel jaffa, sam, jack, daniel, or any other sg unit member.. id like that alot if they could make it happen and do it well
                  Frankly I prefer games where I pay for them once, not all the time


                    I would wish that it would be somewhat like Vampire the Masquarade: Redemption. Where you have a choice on which charactor you want to be and you play with other ai charactors that you would work with to solve puzzles or fight along side. For those who have played this game, you'll understand and know what I mean..


                      Stargate would make one of the most kickass MMPOG's(Massively Multiplayer Online Game) EVER. The idea would be absolutely perfect for a game of that magnitude.


                        So far all that's been announced is an fps. I personally am looking forward to it. There are plenty of stargate mods out there for many different games. I have one for half life called Stargate TC. It's origins are french but the game and the site have been translated to english. It's not like super mega awesome or anything but it's a start. They have only a multiplayer right now but they do have a demo for the single player. It may not be as good as when the real game comes out but it's still fun.


                          if it was a multi player RPG for the net, you would need people to be the Gou'ald for it to be truly great.
                          THOR: It was your stupid idea Major Carter.


                            Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                            I'd much prefer something more oriented towards puzzle solving. Believe it or not, thinking is one of my strong points. At least compared to shooting things.
                            you're in the minority then thinking is just so 'last renaissance'
                            -Liberty Prime


                              Bloody hell stargate01 talk about bringing up things that were in the past. There is a stargate game coming out But it's a massively Multiplayer online game. For something more single player then there's lots of mods coming out and are out for games like Half Life 2, Unreal Tournament, ArmA, and even the Bttlefield series of games.
                              Please do me a huge favour and help me be with the love of my life.


                                Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                                I'm utterly incapable of playing anything even remotely similar to a FPS-style game. Bad hand/eye coordination and stress levels which would probably ratchet me right into an apoplexy.

                                I'd much prefer something more oriented towards puzzle solving. Believe it or not, thinking is one of my strong points. At least compared to shooting things.
                                You're in luck, there's going to be a lot of puzzles and mini games in the game that will allow you to progress, especially with the archaeologist archetype.

