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Goa'uld inventions!

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    Originally posted by aretood2 View Post
    They are no different than Earth. All of the cool tech the SGC has is due to Tech the teams scavenged over the years.
    There is a difference. The difference is that we negotiated for the technology, we found it, we discovered where it was. Atlantis, Repositories, Memory Device, etc. The Goa'uld are comparable to the NID, in the sense that they will use violence to gain unfettered access to technology.
    If you wish to see more of my rants, diatribes, and general comments, check out my Twitter account SirRyanR!
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    Worship the Zefron. Always the Zefron.


      Would the ribbon devices count?


        Originally posted by garhkal View Post
        Would the ribbon devices count?
        It wouldn't fit with the motif that TPTB established with the Goa'uld. Steal all advanced tech, redesign it, add a couple of improvements with my limited knowledge of this stuff, and rule the galaxy.
        If you wish to see more of my rants, diatribes, and general comments, check out my Twitter account SirRyanR!
        Check out Pharaoh Hamenthotep's wicked 3D renders here!
        If you can prove me wrong, go for it. I enjoy being proven wrong.

        Worship the Zefron. Always the Zefron.


          I don't believe the Goa'uld have had an original idea, except using the Stargate to transport slaves


            goauld didn't steal much tech. remember, they were one of the first to walk the galaxy after the ancients. most of it is simply found. however, seeing their war-like nature, they reverse-engineered the ancient tech, made their own versions, and then the originals got destroyed by war, locking them in this level of technology.

            so a lot of it isn't really stolen.

            also, what do you guys see as "invention"? because i think that after races like the Asgard and the Ancients, there isn't much to invent anymore.

            the goauld nevertheless were very powerful. their arrogance was what toppled their empire, and it is made rather clear in SG1 that the goauld never lost due to their technology


              Originally posted by thekillman View Post
              goauld didn't steal much tech. remember, they were one of the first to walk the galaxy after the ancients. most of it is simply found. however, seeing their war-like nature, they reverse-engineered the ancient tech, made their own versions, and then the originals got destroyed by war, locking them in this level of technology.

              so a lot of it isn't really stolen.

              also, what do you guys see as "invention"? because i think that after races like the Asgard and the Ancients, there isn't much to invent anymore.

              the goauld nevertheless were very powerful. their arrogance was what toppled their empire, and it is made rather clear in SG1 that the goauld never lost due to their technology
              We've seen several Goa'uld scientists in SG-1, the main one being Nerus and then Thoth from 'Evolution' the female scientist in 'Double Jeopardy' and Anubis' scientist in 'Homecoming.' The Goa'uld may have originally stolen all of their technology, that doesn't their technology only advances when they steal more. The Goa'uld will just like Earth try and adapt the technology gained from other races and increase its effectiveness, why would they just be happy with the exact same level of technology for hundreds of years? The Goa'uld are a very intelligent species.
              Does it say Colonel anywhere on my uniform?


                there has not been a lot of improvement in many years. granted, Sokar managed to cloak ha'tak, and a few times, a new ship was made, but nothing really major.

                so no, the goauld have been pretty much stagnant. not saying they CANT advance, they just dont due to egoism and arrogance


                  Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                  there has not been a lot of improvement in many years. granted, Sokar managed to cloak ha'tak, and a few times, a new ship was made, but nothing really major.
                  so no, the goauld have been pretty much stagnant. not saying they CANT advance, they just dont due to egoism and arrogance
                  And the System Lords' agreement of sharing technology.
                  Seriously, what's the point of making a super nice stuff, which is a huge amount of personal investment, just to have other Goa'uld use it for free?

                  I'm pretty sure that Ra never shared anything with anyone (except Earth location).
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                  L'Histoire est une comédie - Les gentils gagnent toujours à la fin.


                    Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                    there has not been a lot of improvement in many years. granted, Sokar managed to cloak ha'tak, and a few times, a new ship was made, but nothing really major.

                    so no, the goauld have been pretty much stagnant. not saying they CANT advance, they just dont due to egoism and arrogance
                    The Asgard have rarely advanced their ships either, the O'Neill class ship and the Beliskner class ships are the only kind we have seen of theirs. The only race we have seen change the most is the Replicators, they had their own ships, controlled other races ships and then the Replicators block ships.

                    It will be hard for any advanced race to constantly update their fleet, it would change slowly over time until the new ships are built in large enough numbers to replace the old.
                    Does it say Colonel anywhere on my uniform?


                      the O'neill required advancements in all aspects of shipbuilding.

                      then again, it's better to be stupid against the replicators than smart.

                      the asgard BTW advanced their technology quite fast.


                        Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                        the O'neill required advancements in all aspects of shipbuilding.

                        then again, it's better to be stupid against the replicators than smart.

                        the asgard BTW advanced their technology quite fast.
                        Only because most of their fleet was destroyed by the Replicators. The Asgard had barely any ships to spare in the last years of their existence and they were concerned primarily about re-building their empire after the Replicators were defeated. So every new ship that was built was far in advance of the old Asgard ships. In 'Misbegotten' they only had a ship that would take two weeks to get to Atlantis from Earth, when we know they can travel so much more faster than that.

                        Sokar's and Anubis' flagships were so much more advanced than the hat'ak class ship, the shields were impervious to Goa'uld weapons and both ships were able to attack and defeat huge Goa'uld fleets. (Even though we only saw Apophis destroy one ship in 'The Serpent's Venom' but judging by how easy it was, the ships is probably just as powerful as Anubis'.)

                        Before you say that Anubis had the knowledge of the Ancients and that is why his ships was so powerful, his flagship was powered by the Eyes of various Goa'uld that once combined are an incredible power source. These two ships are a massive leap in technology and are comparable to the leap between the Beliskner class and O'Neill class Asgard ships.
                        Does it say Colonel anywhere on my uniform?


                          I just skipped ahead and posted a reply and didn't read all of the post's
                          So sorry if some of this has been said before.

                          Nirrti made the cloacking field. She porbably based this on something else, but she "made" the device herself. Which meant she had tech the others didn't. Which in my eyes means that goa'uld do make there own stuff.
                          She also made that gene splicer thing

                          The Tok'ra (Parasites which someone else mentioned) made the decvices capable of makeing those invisible things visible.

                          They made personal shields. The pain stick. Ba'al made the Anti-Grave chambers and stuff. They made grenades. They made Naqudah based power systems. They Backwards engineered an Ancient Device to make the Sarcophagus and then the hand healing device.

                          The Eye's of various System Lords (Eye of Ra)

                          They made there own Hyper drive based on one's they had found.

                          But I don't think it is if they can build stuff. It is more the face that they learned, because to make tech from other tech you have to study it and make sure you understand it before you can make one out of the materials you have available. Anyone could take something that already exsit's and make it there own and say it's there's, but as soon as they want to make it better or replace it with a new one they can't because they don't know how to use it.
                          So yes the Goa'uld may have been parasitical and leached every piece of tech they have, but they actually learned how to use it and then put it into practice and then make tech from it. However unlike us they lacked the wanting for advancement. They kept people afraid of their tech and told people that the things they could do were because of "Their devine powers" and not some tech they had, and they never let any civilisation advance to the point where they could surpass them.

                          So in short, the goa'uld aint dumb, they can make their own tech, they are just lazy and lack the "drive" to advance, they are quite happy as they are. The only time they make advancements in tech is when they need an advantage over their rival system lord (Sound Familiar )


                            So in short, the goa'uld aint dumb, they can make their own tech, they are just lazy and lack the "drive" to advance, they are quite happy as they are. The only time they make advancements in tech is when they need an advantage over their rival system lord (Sound Familiar )
                            But the Goa'uld were constantly at war with one another, so there was a need for new weapons, shields, hyperdrives all of the time. If a Goa'uld was increasing the empire by any sizeable amount they would need faster ships to reach the furthest parts of their empire and better shields and weapons to defend their now larger borders with their enemies. It doesn’t take much to make a better version of what you already have, each new version of a technology would be more effective and has got rid of some of the problems of the previous version.

                            The fact that Teal’c said that he wasn’t aware how fast that Goa’uld ships can travel is the main reason people believe the Goa’uld only advance when they need too, Teal’c would never have been told about the full ability of the Goa’uld. On a side note how would Teal’c know what the speed of light is? And how it relates to the amount of time it takes to travel between stars? The Goa’uld most likely never tell their Jaffa exactly what their ships are capable of, so when a situation arises that needs more than the ship is capable of in the Jaffa minds the Goa’uld can call it a miracle when they destroy an enemy ship, or arrive at their destintation quicker than expected.

                            Certain Goa’uld were definitely more advanced than the others, at one point Yu was defending himself against all of the System Lords who had sided with Anubis against him. He may have had a large fleet and armies, but all of that would have been no match for the combined might of the System Lords. His ships had to have been able to attack and destroy ships in superior numbers, the only way this could have been the case is that he was always researching advancements in his technology.

                            The Tok'ra (Parasites which someone else mentioned) made the decvices capable of makeing those invisible things visible.
                            Those were actually invented by the Goa’uld and the Tok’Ra stole them and reversed engineered their own version of the weapon.
                            Does it say Colonel anywhere on my uniform?


                              Originally posted by Thermi View Post
                              I just skipped ahead and posted a reply and didn't read all of the post's
                              So sorry if some of this has been said before.

                              Nirrti made the cloacking field. She porbably based this on something else, but she "made" the device herself. Which meant she had tech the others didn't. Which in my eyes means that goa'uld do make there own stuff.
                              She also made that gene splicer thing

                              The Tok'ra (Parasites which someone else mentioned) made the decvices capable of makeing those invisible things visible.

                              They made personal shields. The pain stick. Ba'al made the Anti-Grave chambers and stuff. They made grenades. They made Naqudah based power systems. They Backwards engineered an Ancient Device to make the Sarcophagus and then the hand healing device.

                              The Eye's of various System Lords (Eye of Ra)

                              They made there own Hyper drive based on one's they had found.

                              But I don't think it is if they can build stuff. It is more the face that they learned, because to make tech from other tech you have to study it and make sure you understand it before you can make one out of the materials you have available. Anyone could take something that already exsit's and make it there own and say it's there's, but as soon as they want to make it better or replace it with a new one they can't because they don't know how to use it.
                              So yes the Goa'uld may have been parasitical and leached every piece of tech they have, but they actually learned how to use it and then put it into practice and then make tech from it. However unlike us they lacked the wanting for advancement. They kept people afraid of their tech and told people that the things they could do were because of "Their devine powers" and not some tech they had, and they never let any civilisation advance to the point where they could surpass them.

                              So in short, the goa'uld aint dumb, they can make their own tech, they are just lazy and lack the "drive" to advance, they are quite happy as they are. The only time they make advancements in tech is when they need an advantage over their rival system lord (Sound Familiar )
                              Just a clarifying point, the Tok'ra are not parasites. They live in a symbiotic relationship with their host, benefiting both host and symbiote. The Goa'uld are parasites, as they live at the expense of the host.
                              If you wish to see more of my rants, diatribes, and general comments, check out my Twitter account SirRyanR!
                              Check out Pharaoh Hamenthotep's wicked 3D renders here!
                              If you can prove me wrong, go for it. I enjoy being proven wrong.

                              Worship the Zefron. Always the Zefron.


                                Originally posted by Thermi View Post
                                Nirrti made the cloacking field. She porbably based this on something else, but she "made" the device herself. Which meant she had tech the others didn't. Which in my eyes means that goa'uld do make there own stuff.
                                Derived from the Reetou wasn't it? But yes, she developed it. I think it's fair to say the Goa'uld develop technology well, but the initial concept and design is rarely theirs.

                                Originally posted by Thermi
                                She also made that gene splicer thing
                                Forgive me if I'm wrong...but wasn't that an Ancient artefact?

                                Originally posted by Thermi
                                So in short, the goa'uld aint dumb, they can make their own tech, they are just lazy and lack the "drive" to advance, they are quite happy as they are. The only time they make advancements in tech is when they need an advantage over their rival system lord (Sound Familiar )
                                Originally posted by malfunction View Post
                                But the Goa'uld were constantly at war with one another, so there was a need for new weapons, shields, hyperdrives all of the time. If a Goa'uld was increasing the empire by any sizeable amount they would need faster ships to reach the furthest parts of their empire and better shields and weapons to defend their now larger borders with their enemies. It doesn’t take much to make a better version of what you already have, each new version of a technology would be more effective and has got rid of some of the problems of the previous version.
                                I think the root problem is anthropomorphism - Goa'uld are not human, hell, they aren't even humanoid, so that, combined with their parasitic nature almost certainly means their psychology works very, very differently to humans. Therefore ascribing human attributes to the Goa'uld doesn't work. They may do things that seem bizarre to us, but make perfect sense to them because of their biology.

                                For example: the Goa'uld are naturally long lived, even longer lived with the assistance of technology, and come from a hostile world. Unas probably attacked and killed any other Unas that they believed to have been taken over by a Goa'uld.

                                As intelligent internal parasites, staying undetected is probably a powerful biological drive - Goa'uld are the ultimate infiltrators, after all. Just as we modern humans still have drives that are largely unchanged from when we lived in caves, so the Goa'uld probably still have the same basic parasitic drives despite ten thousand years plus of advanced civilisation. For them, change is bad. Change means you stick out, it means potential predators or competitors can detect you. So while stagnation and using the same tech for thousands of years is bad or odd from our point of view, to a Goa'uld it probably makes perfect sense.

                                Originally posted by lordofseas View Post
                                Just a clarifying point, the Tok'ra are not parasites. They live in a symbiotic relationship with their host, benefiting both host and symbiote. The Goa'uld are parasites, as they live at the expense of the host.
                                Well said. Same species, different biological classification. It always annoyed me when a Goa'uld was referred to as a symbiote. Only the Tok'ra are symbiotic. System Lords are parasites and should have been named as such - not least because most humans have an innate revulsion towards the very idea of parasitism.
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