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Why read too far into the story?

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    Why read too far into the story?

    Recently a lot of people have been making assumptions about certain things in contradiction to whats shown on screen.

    An example was when someone said the ancients created the dakara super-weapon to destroy all life in the galaxy, which is in contradiction to the fact we were told it was created to recreate all life in the galaxy and could be reprogrammed to destroy life.

    Do people actually think the writers decided to look this far into the story...they dont.

    Could people please not assume that these big things that happen have a more complex story the writers just didnt tell us about?

    Its annoying.

    People enjoy speculating. It always has happened, and will probably always happen in the future.


      Originally posted by Senet View Post
      People enjoy speculating. It always has happened, and will probably always happen in the future.
      im not talking about talking about theories based on contradictions to on-screen canon


        Originally posted by escyos View Post
        im not talking about talking about theories based on contradictions to on-screen canon
        Aah. I see no problem with it, personally. Canon is canon, fanon is fanon. Some theories are ridiculous, others make sense and others aren't really that much different from the original. Just sit back and laugh at how ridiculous it is


          Originally posted by Senet View Post
          Aah. I see no problem with it, personally. Canon is canon, fanon is fanon. Some theories are ridiculous, others make sense and others aren't really that much different from the original. Just sit back and laugh at how ridiculous it is
          yes well saying something ridiculous like staff weapons are fired mentally and actually believing it are different things. and when people argue the fact that they are right when there is prove there not, its annoying.

          i hate fanon. peopel create these stories to fill in the gaps and they usually involve something ridiculous like people on a space station with characters that are also in the regualr CANON series or a stargate being found in antarctica and jaffa come through and invade or RIDICULOUS stories about characters getting together adn their kids magically getting involved in the Stargate program....

          the list goes on.

          it get more annoying when peopel assume fanon is canon and cant get around this.


            An example was when someone said the ancients created the dakara super-weapon to destroy all life in the galaxy, which is in contradiction to the fact we were told it was created to recreate all life in the galaxy and could be reprogrammed to destroy life.
            it was used to wipe out the plague and any carriers of it.

            recreating? that was said by anubis, the same guy tricking Daniel and the same guy that wanted to annihilate all life in the galaxy.


              From the omnipedia

              Device stored inside the ruins on planet Dakara, built by the Ancients to recreate life in the Milky Way galaxy after a vast plague devastated the region of space. The technology is adaptable and can be reconfigured to actually destroy all living organisms in the galaxy.

              why create a weapon to destroy all life when the plague could be on a ship somewhere or in plants too. DO YOU REALLY THINK THE WRITERS INTENDED TO HAVE ANUBIS LIE ABOUT THAT PART???


                do you really think you can be right about a show where continuity comes last?

                that's the omnipedia. so what, not every pedia is right.

                what evidence is there that the ancients first intended it to reseed life? we dont know that, anubis is a goauld and goauld are not to be trusted. what if it was meant to annihilate life and could be reprogrammed to create life?



                  Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                  do you really think you can be right about a show where continuity comes last?

                  that's the omnipedia. so what, not every pedia is right.

                  what evidence is there that the ancients first intended it to reseed life? we dont know that, anubis is a goauld and goauld are not to be trusted. what if it was meant to annihilate life and could be reprogrammed to create life?

                  what evidence is there that it cant? a hell of a lot less than the fact that it was used to reseed life.

                  the show isnt real. the writers say the weapon was created to reseed the galaxy with life. there is nothing more to it. end of discusssion


                    Originally posted by escyos View Post
                    i hate fanon. peopel create these stories to fill in the gaps and they usually involve something ridiculous like people on a space station with characters that are also in the regualr CANON series or a stargate being found in antarctica and jaffa come through and invade or RIDICULOUS stories about characters getting together adn their kids magically getting involved in the Stargate program....
                    You're confusing fanon with fanfiction there.

                    Fanon is something that isn't definitely shown as canon in the show, but fans create/ accept it as fact.

                    Fanfiction is what you've put there. Stories that take some element of the show, and incorperate it, sometimes going against established canon, othertimes working upon it.


                      When I see contradictions on any show, it annoys me. It breaks the suspension of disbelief, which is, for me the most important thing in fiction...

                      But when they do **** up the canon, I say 'thats a shame', it would be better if there was no contradictions, but it is fiction, written by many different writers, over 12 years...mistakes are going to be made and I can live with that.

                      But it way in which people argue over which of the two contradicting elements is more accurate is ridiculous. As both statements have been seen on screen, they are both as accurate as each other. There would have to be a real device on dakara, built by real ancients for their motives to be accurately debated. As there isn't, the only way to have such debates is to base any point of view on what is seen on screen. If two contradictions crop up on screen...tough. Both are equally correct. It may seem illogical in the real world to resolve a debate that way, but these debates are based on fiction - and as such, there is no absolute truth to be found, save the one in the writers mind. (note the 's' at the end of 'writers' denoted plurality rather than position)

                      Comicbook Store Guy would be ashamed to engage in some of the 'debates' you see here.

                      I would never tell someone not to debate, it is an underused tool in our society. But I would debate against these such 'debates', arguing the pointlessness of them.
                      I don't mean to sound like a nerdy fan who talks about science-fiction like it is real, but the problem with 'clever' storylines is that they make the audience start to think, and if you put in bad science, they are more likely to notice it. It breaks the suspension of disbelief


                        Originally posted by thekillman View Post
                        it was used to wipe out the plague and any carriers of it.

                        recreating? [i]that was said by anubis, the same guy tricking Daniel[/u] and the same guy that wanted to annihilate all life in the galaxy.
                        This is exactly the sort of thing that escyos is complaining about.

                        The bolded statement was never stated nor even implied. The underlined part is simply untrue as well. Anubis had ZERO reason to lie, as he knew that neither Oma Desala nor Daniel could do anything to stop him. He was reveling in his own victory. The Dakara device was used to CREATE life, not destroy it--using it to destroy was just Anubis, as usual, perverting everything to his own ends.
                        "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life

