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when would the public be ready for the stargate?

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    Originally posted by Bareassedmunky View Post
    Have you not noticed that technology has been improving very fast since the end of WWII...microchips, lasers, the internet, effective deodorant.
    Yotz That's right - deodorant is a trick aliens. So I never use them. Save the world - long live the natural odors.
    Well, contrary to popular human belief, the Earth is not the centre of the galaxy. (c) ARIS BOCH
    SGU DEAD - Good News !!!


      Originally posted by Bareassedmunky View Post
      That would just make the public think that they didn't want to reveal it, and that their hand was forced. The groundwork should be laid carefully, but the idea that you could leak it like that would actually destroy the trust between the people and the officials revealing it.
      You trust in that that it exists?
      Well, contrary to popular human belief, the Earth is not the centre of the galaxy. (c) ARIS BOCH
      SGU DEAD - Good News !!!


        Originally posted by spinny magee View Post
        If i remember correctly it was actually a carrier group which is often several smaller vessels, minesweepers and anti-missle carriers for example tied to the Carrier

        And the scene with the carrier exploding mentions another ship saw the carrier explode.
        TPTB Script Error only. In the universe that is shown in the show have nothing to hide. This concealment after 10.20 SG-1 does not make any sense.
        Well, contrary to popular human belief, the Earth is not the centre of the galaxy. (c) ARIS BOCH
        SGU DEAD - Good News !!!


          Originally posted by QuantumDragon View Post
          maybee so, but at least there wont be rioting in the streets
          Why would leaking it out avoid rioting?

          You seem to think that by putting it in a few journals here and there, that the people reading about it will say 'oh, thats interesting', and not mention it to anybody. As soon as it gets any serious suggestion in any form of media, no matter how obscure, it will be the headline in every newspaper the next day.
          I don't mean to sound like a nerdy fan who talks about science-fiction like it is real, but the problem with 'clever' storylines is that they make the audience start to think, and if you put in bad science, they are more likely to notice it. It breaks the suspension of disbelief


            One way I'd actually try to prepare the public for it would be to make a "Stargate" show or series of movies that exactly reflect the reality of what's out there so at least some people will watch them and get interested. You'd have to really push them out there though, make it a big deal somehow so that most of society becomes at least passingly aware of it the way they are of something like star wars or star trek.

            Then you just spring the equivalent of "surprise Star Wars is real". It's still a massive shock but I'd say the shock would be greatly reduced by removing the whole "fear of the unknown" element from the equation. It would probably dramatically reduce things like random violence and the incidence of religious nutjobs and general con men that always tend to surface when things like this happen to claim it's the apocalypse/prey on the frightened somehow.

            If they get too rowdy regardless I'll just start trading them to the Wraith for cheap bioship technology that all the reasonable people can use. Tell them they're getting a free vacation on the government dime to make them "believe in the cause" or something.


              Originally posted by Ouroboros View Post
              One way I'd actually try to prepare the public for it would be to make a "Stargate" show or series of movies that exactly reflect the reality of what's out there so at least some people will watch them and get interested. You'd have to really push them out there though, make it a big deal somehow so that most of society becomes at least passingly aware of it the way they are of something like star wars or star trek.

              Then you just spring the equivalent of "surprise Star Wars is real". It's still a massive shock but I'd say the shock would be greatly reduced by removing the whole "fear of the unknown" element from the equation. It would probably dramatically reduce things like random violence and the incidence of religious nutjobs and general con men that always tend to surface when things like this happen to claim it's the apocalypse/prey on the frightened somehow.

              If they get too rowdy regardless I'll just start trading them to the Wraith for cheap bioship technology that all the reasonable people can use. Tell them they're getting a free vacation on the government dime to make them "believe in the cause" or something.
              Hey guy you really belive that in Chayen is stargate ??? I advise to pass to tobacco
              Well, contrary to popular human belief, the Earth is not the centre of the galaxy. (c) ARIS BOCH
              SGU DEAD - Good News !!!


                I think that if and when the Stargate Program is released to the Public, every government on Earth has to know about it first. Also, it wouldn't go amiss to introduce it to high-ranking scientists in the scientific community as well. Then, slowly, introduce technological advancements. Then finally, reveal the gate program.
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                Check out Pharaoh Hamenthotep's wicked 3D renders here!
                If you can prove me wrong, go for it. I enjoy being proven wrong.

                Worship the Zefron. Always the Zefron.


                  Originally posted by lordofseas View Post
                  I think that if and when the Stargate Program is released to the Public, every government on Earth has to know about it first. Also, it wouldn't go amiss to introduce it to high-ranking scientists in the scientific community as well. Then, slowly, introduce technological advancements. Then finally, reveal the gate program.
                  Why? Why slowly. If on earth orbit several 304 it is enough is simply landed in Minnesota. And ALL. No sense to hide and slowly enter if planet no have real serious threat.
                  Well, contrary to popular human belief, the Earth is not the centre of the galaxy. (c) ARIS BOCH
                  SGU DEAD - Good News !!!


                    Originally posted by techwork View Post
                    Hey guy you really belive that in Chayen is stargate ??? I advise to pass to tobacco
                    Yeah that's exactly what I said, "I believe Stargate is real", gold star buddy.

                    Come on, it wasn't even a long post you had to read.


                      Originally posted by Ouroboros View Post
                      Yeah that's exactly what I said, "I believe Stargate is real", gold star buddy.

                      Come on, it wasn't even a long post you had to read.
                      Yotz But you accidentally not that guy with tablets?
                      Well, contrary to popular human belief, the Earth is not the centre of the galaxy. (c) ARIS BOCH
                      SGU DEAD - Good News !!!


                        It would have to be after a number of events happen to prepare the public. Right now weve had decades of alien movies and that last poll i saw said more than 50% of the world believes aliens exist.

                        But we need nonthreatening aliens or we will panic, some people will panic anyways. I recommend small steps. Like a fossil in a meteorite, or a continous repeating signal from space. Something we can bicker and debate for years.

                        Then we need confirmation. Something small and non threatening, like a tiny ship arriving, or a coherant constant verifiable greeting signal from space. If we get big Independance Day or V ships hovering over out cities we are going to flip the @#$% out. A little ship buzzing washington long enough for everyone in the world to see it so theres no doubt would be best.

                        The passage of time is the best factor. 100 years ago war of the worlds made people freak out and kill eachother, in 2009 the same radio broadcast would be laughed at, and get terrible ratings. I live on my computer while my grandparents barely know what one is, while todays kids are playing MMOs before they can even talk. Whats weird to us will be old hat in less than a generation. So if aliens land everyone born after it is gonna consider it normal. While some of us will freak out, the next gen is gonna always see it as same old same old. So realistically, as bad as it can be itll be over in <10 years. If 100 years after first contact they were to announce that the pyramids were landing pads for aliens or that we are all BSG refugees no one would bat an eye. If they did that now we would freak out. If Obama got on tv right now and announced ET contact a fair percentage of people would say DUH or I TOLD YOU SO!

                        Finally, ET needs a cute figure head like Thor. Charismatic and physically cute. If my first alien was a unas id prolly throw a rock at it and scream. They need a hell of a PR guy.

                        All of this goes for the existance of a stargate as well as alien life


                          Originally posted by kymeric View Post
                          It would have to be after a number of events happen to prepare the public. Right now weve had decades of alien movies and that last poll i saw said more than 50% of the world believes aliens exist.

                          But we need nonthreatening aliens or we will panic, some people will panic anyways. I recommend small steps. Like a fossil in a meteorite, or a continous repeating signal from space. Something we can bicker and debate for years.

                          Then we need confirmation. Something small and non threatening, like a tiny ship arriving, or a coherant constant verifiable greeting signal from space. If we get big Independance Day or V ships hovering over out cities we are going to flip the @#$% out. A little ship buzzing washington long enough for everyone in the world to see it so theres no doubt would be best.

                          The passage of time is the best factor. 100 years ago war of the worlds made people freak out and kill eachother, in 2009 the same radio broadcast would be laughed at, and get terrible ratings. I live on my computer while my grandparents barely know what one is, while todays kids are playing MMOs before they can even talk. Whats weird to us will be old hat in less than a generation. So if aliens land everyone born after it is gonna consider it normal. While some of us will freak out, the next gen is gonna always see it as same old same old. So realistically, as bad as it can be itll be over in <10 years. If 100 years after first contact they were to announce that the pyramids were landing pads for aliens or that we are all BSG refugees no one would bat an eye. If they did that now we would freak out. If Obama got on tv right now and announced ET contact a fair percentage of people would say DUH or I TOLD YOU SO!

                          All of this goes for the existance of a stargate as well as alien life
                          I totally agree with the broad point you are trying to make, but I am not sure how to relate this to stargate. Are you suggesting that they should stage a crashed cargo ship in a public place, and introduce technology from that, and slowly over time, after our society has adjusted to the practical changes then they could reveal the true source of the knowledge?

                          Your point is valid for an uncontrolable event, where the politicians/scientists knows no more than the general public do - such as a signal being detected (by the way - check this out), but I don't think this really applies to the revellation of a secret which has been kept for 80 years. Now that there is no serious threat to earth's safety, the biggest issue with the public reaction is that they would feel like they were being lied to for all that time.

                          Finally, ET needs a cute figure head like Thor. Charismatic and physically cute. If my first alien was a unas id prolly throw a rock at it and scream. They need a hell of a PR guy.
                          That is very true
                          I don't mean to sound like a nerdy fan who talks about science-fiction like it is real, but the problem with 'clever' storylines is that they make the audience start to think, and if you put in bad science, they are more likely to notice it. It breaks the suspension of disbelief


                            That actually isnt a bad idea. Stage a ufo crash with abuncha dead aliens inside (pre dead not murdered for the event) and have one charismatic survivor to tell us about his world and set up public relations with his species. Then the goverment can make public alot of their advanced technology they already had anyways and say it was alien derived. None of that is really a lie, its staged as hell, but it gets the job done safely and quickly.

                            By the time we are used to aliens no one will give a crap if it was staged. Its like seeing the Zapruder film now, who cares other than the 10 history authors writing another freaking book on jfk?


                              Originally posted by kymeric View Post
                              That actually isnt a bad idea. Stage a ufo crash with abuncha dead aliens inside (pre dead not murdered for the event) and have one charismatic survivor to tell us about his world and set up public relations with his species. Then the goverment can make public alot of their advanced technology they already had anyways and say it was alien derived. None of that is really a lie, its staged as hell, but it gets the job done safely and quickly.

                              By the time we are used to aliens no one will give a crap if it was staged. Its like seeing the Zapruder film now, who cares other than the 10 history authors writing another freaking book on jfk?
                              It still doesn't get around the whole - 'those *******s lied to us' bit that would piss off a lot of humanity
                              I don't mean to sound like a nerdy fan who talks about science-fiction like it is real, but the problem with 'clever' storylines is that they make the audience start to think, and if you put in bad science, they are more likely to notice it. It breaks the suspension of disbelief


                                Originally posted by kymeric View Post
                                If 100 years after first contact they were to announce that the pyramids were landing pads for aliens
                                In fact, this theory more than a hundred years, and is not confirmed until now.
                                Well, contrary to popular human belief, the Earth is not the centre of the galaxy. (c) ARIS BOCH
                                SGU DEAD - Good News !!!

