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What do you think we can learn from the Asgard Core?

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    Originally posted by fwupow View Post
    I got to thinking about this some more and it may be that the Asgard have deliberately concealed info about what really happened to the Furlings.

    Here's my theory:

    1. The Furlings were pacifists.

    2. The technology that we saw aboard the Alterran/Ancient ship Aurora in SGA 209 of combining virtual reality with stasis was developed by the Furlings.

    3. When the Goa'uld began taking over the Milky Way galaxy, the Furlings decided that it was time to go.

    4. The Furlings built massive evacuation ships full of Stasis pods and told the Asgard that they were leaving.

    5. Based on their heading and after detailed analysis of the Furling's ship design, senior Asgard scientists determined that the Furlings would grow old and die inside their stasis pods long before they reached any destination.

    6. Asgards determine that, at least, the Furling leadership had been aware of the self-genocidal nature of the departure.

    7. Out of desire to protect the memory of the Furlings, the Asgard decide to keep their findings secret. As a consequence all they tell humans is that the Furlings "left our galaxy a long time ago". In addition, information about what really happened to the Furlings was not provided in the core database left with us humans.

    8. The Asgard took a page from the Furlings when faced with the inevitability of their own demise.

    Over the course of millennia, the Furlings had become increasingly frustrated by the repetition of various races rising to power and seeking galactic domination.

    The Furlings had pursued virtual reality technology vigorously when they saw it as a means to live in harmony with their deep religious convictions of non-violence, peace and loving even one's enemies. In other words, leave the real world behind and live in a perfect world, the sort of world where evil external forces don't exist.

    In the face of a creature like the Goa'uld, who mercilessly enslaved and slaughtered everyone it could and had no sense of guilt, running away seemed the only available option to the Furlings.
    Originally posted by fwupow View Post
    Just to expand on the Furling/Asgard back story a bit.

    I think that, in the distant past, the Asgard had been a very warlike species--the bane of all Furlings.

    In fact, it was the overt and covert programs of intellectual and genetic reformation undertaken by the Furlings that ultimately led to the circumstances of the Asgard resorting to cloning. The pacifist Furlings fought back against the Asgard by trying to help them evolve more quickly into higher order, more peace loving creatures.

    When the Furlings were faced with the same sort of challenge coming from the Goa'uld and the likelihood that the intense study of genetics being undertaken by the Asgard would result in them discovering the secret Furling modifications, they saw no other solution but to get out of the galaxy.

    As it turns out, the Asgard never did realize that, what they had always attributed to natural evolution, had, in large part, been a result of intentional manipulation by the Furlings. They continued to see the Furlings as their great benefactors and teachers.

    Because of the Furlings, the Asgard came to appreciate the value of peaceful relations with other races/planets, however, they did not subscribe to the same deeply religious values of the Furlings and considered it appropriate to defend themselves by violent means, if necessary. They also thought it good and righteous to make compensation to the Furlings for all past wrongs, by protecting them.
    Like Crazy Tom said, we know so little about the Furlings, that I switched "flying elephant fish" every time you said "furling" in, it would make as much sense.
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    If you can prove me wrong, go for it. I enjoy being proven wrong.

    Worship the Zefron. Always the Zefron.


      Originally posted by segaxgames View Post
      The 304 proved to be inefficient when dealing with a ZPM powered hive.
      I know I'm not really answering your main question here, but I have to point out that the 304--the Daedalus--could probably have destroyed the ZPM-powered hive if the following had happened:

      The hive begins to fire on the cloaked jumper; after a moment the team realizes that its sensors can now detect them. Immediately Rodney radioes back to the Daedalus and tells them to open fire with all batteries, to destroy the hive before it can do any more damage to either the jumper or the Daedalus. Col. Caldwell orders Marks to fire all Asgard beam weapons and railguns (if the ship still has railguns), as well as launching all missiles. With a tremendous amount of sudden fire on it, the hive is badly damaged; although it begins to regenerate immediately thanks to the ZPM's power, the Daedalus speeds in and destroys it.

      Of course, they couldn't have done that, because the episode would then have finished in 20 minutes, but it certainly seems like the common-sense thing to do...


      Anyhow, to answer your question, I think that there are plenty of things to do with the Asgard core. The most important thing to do is to get all the scientists possible on it, studying the information from the core. Also, they'd have to keep politicians away from it, so that way none of them will even begin wanting to snatch up every weapon in the core's information banks...
      ~the guitarists~


        Originally posted by lordofseas View Post
        Like Crazy Tom said, we know so little about the Furlings, that I switched "flying elephant fish" every time you said "furling" in, it would make as much sense.
        Well sure, and we probably never will.

        I would enjoy seeing TPTB, give such an explanation to why so little is known about what became of the Furlings. I think my theory is a great explanation. It's not natural for so little information to be available in regard to a race of beings that was considered one of the FOUR great races. There has/had to have been some sort of cover-up involved.

        We could find this out on SGU, since the Destiny will apparently have wormhole-drive and be capable of bouncing around in the huge void between galactic superclusters. They could stumble upon the Furling stasis ships and discover the whole truth about why the Furlings left our galaxy and what they're doing on 10,000+ year old ships in the middle of nowhere.
        sigpic My Twit-name (@fwupow) is the same!


          I thought that was the Ancients (to Pegasus?)
          Oops, that's right. Brain fart. I guess the Asgard never actually said anything about the Furlings other than that they were "one of the 4 great races" in Ep. 215-The Fifth Race.
          sigpic My Twit-name (@fwupow) is the same!

