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A new ship design?

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    A new ship design?

    Could the SGC be able to modified a 302 to be used as a bomer rather than a fighter.

    Air to surface missiles instead of air to air.
    Though i dont know if they require gravity to hit theyi targets but for attacking ground targets sure it could be done
    This isn't Atlantis?
    I don't think so.
    If this is not the Lost City…then where is it?

    SGU= Awesome Eli is so me =P


      Originally posted by Dark lord me View Post
      Air to surface missiles instead of air to air.
      Though i dont know if they require gravity to hit theyi targets but for attacking ground targets sure it could be done
      wouldnt that be more along the lines of attacking a small specific target i think he means more along the lines of dropping bombs


        Originally posted by LT.Adams View Post
        Could the SGC be able to modified a 302 to be used as a bomer rather than a fighter.
        You could try asking the USAF, but I think that information would be classified.


          I meant like in Star wars they have the Y-wing, which is a bomer as opposed to the X-wing, which is a fighter


            Originally posted by LT.Adams View Post
            I meant like in Star wars they have the Y-wing, which is a bomer as opposed to the X-wing, which is a fighter
            I'm currently working on a FanFic and this is one option I came up with.

            F307'sB/C: Completely new versions of the older F302A model. The 307B, is a single seat ride, the C version has the D model weapons and wing form with four hard points on each wing and three on the underside of the fuselage (see below) but not the internal weapons bay, the B has two cannons only. C type has the larger ‘D’ model engines and no ventral guns, outfitted with special docking clamps, that allow craft to be attached to fittings on the outer hull of the new 310's, allowing those ships to increase their fighter carrying capacity by another 32 307's . Pilot enters via special entry ports that lower the 307's seat into the BC-310 inner hull. The B and C models are the favoured fighter pilots ride, even without the additional ventral guns, being the fastest and most manoeuvrable of all the 307's. (Cloaking and shields retrofitted after the ‘D’ models were proven.) The B & C models were given the tag of Phantom, in memory of the F4's of earlier days. Itself a highly capable and much evolved fighter.

            Data; F307D/ E/F: Definitive larger version. Hyper capabilities now operational (on all models, except the original F302A model which is only used now as a lead in trainer exclusively at the Beta and Gama bases), as well as cloaking and shields. It has an enormous range, dependant only on the crews own ability for such sustained operations. Has internal weapons bay in lieu of the external hard points. Six Asgard design mini cannons, two on each wing and two in a ventral housing just behind the bomb bay, which now makes this one of the most lethal fighters in the galaxy. The Free Jaffa have been given limited access to them, (but only on those vessels that have a contingent of ‘Tauri’ advisors. B models have also been made available to Earth’s allies) as well as a few of the other allies that had managed to survive the Ori. The ‘E’ model will carry four to six crew for even longer range strike and recon missions. It’s internal bay being utilised for many applications. The ‘D’ and ‘E’ models will theoretically be able to escort Daedalus ships, without actually being stowed aboard, the crews only needed to be rotated every now and then. All the new 307's now have exhaust nozzle vectoring, to allow VTOL capability. ‘E’ models will be configured in a similar way to the Navy’s old E/A6B Prowlers, for long range electronic surveillance, jamming or as a strike bomber with mission profiles somewhat like the venerable F111. (A Tauri version of the Alkesh) The ‘E’ model will also have beaming capability. (In reality the ‘E’ is so different from all the other models, it’s like comparing a MK1 Spitfire to the post war versions). The ‘F’ is still on the drawing board, but it is planned as purely an attack bomber, it’s sole purpose will be to carry out bombing missions on land based targets, such as Wraith facilities.
            My FF.netStories -Stargate Atlantis Allies-Colonel Ted Hasluck Bio
            sigpic "Weedle" 27/09/1987-16/09/2010 RIP Soldier


              A Y-Wing isn't a "Bomber", in the truest sense. Sure, it drops bombs, but so can a variety of other fast-jet planes out there. I'm not sure if its a requirement of the classification or not, but a Bomber is generally a multi-engined aircraft, and carries a particularly high yield of bombs. That can either be lots of conventional bombs, or one nuclear device (for weight reasons).

              If the United States Air Force were to classify the Y-Wing, they would likely assign it an A- prefix; as a ground Assault plane. Similarly, the Royal Air Force from the UK would class it as a GR- (Ground assault) plane. These are usually "fast-jet" / fighter-like aircraft, that are fitted with air-to-surface weapons, or laser-guided "bombs". However, because the craft is comparatively small, there is a limit on the yield that these bombs can produce.

              Something like an Al'kesh is most definately a bomber. It has the internal capacity to carry lots of "bombs", and is pretty much equipped to do nothing else except transport bombs to target. Something based on an F-302 however would probably be one of these Ground Attack craft, like a Y-Wing: they'd just swap out the missiles on the weapons hardpoints for bombs, or whatever.

              Probably didn't explain that very well, but it is 4.30 in the morning, so cut me some slack.
              Captain Untouchable
              Captain's Blog


                Originally posted by Captain Untouchable View Post
                That can either be lots of conventional bombs, or one nuclear device (for weight reasons).
                Actually, a B-1 bomber can carry 24 nuclear bombs and a B-2 bomber can carry 16 nuclear bombs...


                  Originally posted by tinerin View Post
                  Actually, a B-1 bomber can carry 24 nuclear bombs and a B-2 bomber can carry 16 nuclear bombs...
                  Thats true. For some reason, the only bomber that sprung to mind at the time was the Avro Vulcan... and even so, I think that carries two. >_<

                  Let me rephrase then: Lots of conventional bombs, or a smaller number of nuclear ones (for weight reasons).
                  Captain Untouchable
                  Captain's Blog


                    Originally posted by Captain Untouchable View Post
                    Let me rephrase then: Lots of conventional bombs, or a smaller number of nuclear ones (for weight reasons).
                    Well B-1 and B-2 bombers use the same bomb launcher for nuclear bombs as they do for any 2000 pound class weapon (for weight reasons haha)...


                      i think you're thinking of the difference between Strategic Bombers and Tactical Bombers (i hope i'm getting that right,i'm soo tired right now.)

                      Like... a B-52 is a strategic bomber while an A-10 Thunderbolt is a Tactical. One drops massive amounts of ordinance, while the other is more pinpoint with its munitions.

                      a 302 would be a tactical bomber. Think Jack and Sam's Death Star Run on Anubis's mothership.
                      Last edited by Guest; 16 August 2009, 07:53 PM. Reason: its and it's are annoying


                        Originally posted by Aragon101/Loneranger-1 View Post
                        i think you're thinking of the difference between Strategic Bombers and Tactical Bombers (i hope i'm getting that right,i'm soo tired right now.)

                        Like... a B-52 is a strategic bomber while an A-10 Thunderbolt is a Tactical. One drops massive amounts of ordinance, while the other is more pinpoint with its munitions.

                        a 302 would be a tactical bomber. Think Jack and Sam's Death Star Run on Anubis's mothership.
                        I'm thinking in terms of how they would be classified by the United States Air Force, and the Royal Air Force. In fact, you just agreed with me: an A-10 Thunderbolt is a ground attack craft - one of those A- things I mentioned. Similarly, the RAF's Tornado GR-4 is a similar beast. You call them a "Tactical Bomber" - I'm just using the "official" terminology from the naming conventions.
                        Captain Untouchable
                        Captain's Blog


                          Originally posted by Captain Untouchable View Post
                          I'm thinking in terms of how they would be classified by the United States Air Force, and the Royal Air Force. In fact, you just agreed with me: an A-10 Thunderbolt is a ground attack craft - one of those A- things I mentioned. Similarly, the RAF's Tornado GR-4 is a similar beast. You call them a "Tactical Bomber" - I'm just using the "official" terminology from the naming conventions.
                          sorry mate, wasn't actually quoting you

                          I do agree with you!

                          My post was for the OP. just less of a technical way of answering.


                            Originally posted by Aragon101/Loneranger-1 View Post
                            sorry mate, wasn't actually quoting you

                            I do agree with you!

                            My post was for the OP. just less of a technical way of answering.
                            Well, that's alright then. I guess I can call off the disagreement ninjas...

                            ...for now...
                            Captain Untouchable
                            Captain's Blog


                              Originally posted by Captain Untouchable View Post
                              Well, that's alright then. I guess I can call off the disagreement ninjas...

                              ...for now...
                              Off topic, but have you ever seen Kung-Fu: The Legend Continues?

                              There's one episode when Caine and his son are walking in the park, and they suddenly get attacked by like 6 ninjas out of the complete blue.

                              Once they're done fighting, the Son peter asks "Who were they?" and Caine replies "I do not know... the come and go like the wind." Or something like that just out of the COMPLETE blue Ninjas are attacking him!

                              OH i just remembered something that's On-Topic! in "The Road Not Travelled" there's mention of 302s bombing a village or something, there you go!

