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Stargate Novels

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    I was looking back at the authors posts and found this...

    "There was definitely a sequel... then there definitely wasn't... so I changed the entire last 30 pages... then MGM came back and Fandemonium asked for it to be left open... so I changed it again,... "

    You can view all of his posts in this link .

    I remember being really excited for a trilogy at the time since this was way before Legacy came to fruition. To bad it didn't work out so hot, either due to MGM, Fandemonium or just the original story...


      I actually just finished Oceans of Dust, which I waited awhile for, and only purchased about 2 weeks before the Stargate Convention in Chicago (I read a chunk of it on my way in to Chicago). I thoroughly enjoyed it, well worth the wait we had to get it. I had the opportunity to chat up some of the books while in the vendor's room the first day. I will agree that Power Behind the Throne is the weakest link of the Fandemonium books, though it did keep me reading to the end, and yes, that ending left much to be desired. It took me about a month to read, whereas I can break speed-reading records on some of the other books (I read Sacrifice Moon in 4 days). Most of the books take me about 2-3 weeks to get through, depending on how much free time I have and i I'm in the mood to read at night. And they aren't exactly easy reads either (I like difficulty and look for it in my books). I also look for how much I can visualize the plot and hear their voices.

      I am on to Heart's Desire now (too early in the book for form an opinion, I'm on chapter 2). After this one, I am planning to take a brief break to read "Fifty Shades of Grey" (yes, I know, but I have to see what everyone at work was talking about!). So hopefully, by the time I complete these two books, the next Stargate books will be released for Nook.

      Happy reading all!

      Allison's Written Words - Blogger Blog

      Creation Entertainment Official Stargate Convention, Chicago - August 2012
      Creation Entertainment Official Stargate Convention, Chicago - August 2013
      Creation Entertainment Official Stargate Convention - The Final Journey, Chicago - August 2014 (can't wait!)


        Well, looks like the Drift didn't make it in time for September, hopefully it will be out this week...

        Anyway, does anyone that follows this thread listen to the Gateworld Podcast? Episode #137 reveals that the hosts have pitched an idea to MGM through Fandemonium regarding a post Season 10 SG-1/Atlantis story arc called Oblivion that will involve the cast from both series. Sounds kind of fun to me. Here's hoping it makes it out.

        One of the host's is the author of Four Dragons and The Drift.


          Originally posted by lightsyder View Post
          Well, looks like the Drift didn't make it in time for September, hopefully it will be out this week...

          Anyway, does anyone that follows this thread listen to the Gateworld Podcast? Episode #137 reveals that the hosts have pitched an idea to MGM through Fandemonium regarding a post Season 10 SG-1/Atlantis story arc called Oblivion that will involve the cast from both series. Sounds kind of fun to me. Here's hoping it makes it out.

          One of the host's is the author of Four Dragons and The Drift.
          Yes, Diana Dru Botsford! Let's hope MGM goes for it!
          sigpicsig by Isolde


            Yeah, an epic long series that involves the SG1 and SGA crew? Sounds awesome to me!


              Originally posted by lightsyder View Post
              Yeah, an epic long series that involves the SG1 and SGA crew? Sounds awesome to me!
              I enjoyed Four Dragons a lot, so I'd love to see her do more. I'm looking forward to The Drift!
              sigpicsig by Isolde


                I was really hoping it would be out in September. Based on her comments in the podcast it sounds like there were some edits in late September. Here's hoping we get it in October.


                  So, no one ever responded to my earlier post. Has no one read the comics? Are they any good?
                  sigpicRamonaThePest (you know, Henry Huggins' friend)


                    They are not that great. The Vala one is the better of the two but I wouldn't recommend getting them unless you can pick up the trades fairly cheap.


                      Originally posted by lightsyder View Post
                      They are not that great. The Vala one is the better of the two but I wouldn't recommend getting them unless you can pick up the trades fairly cheap.
                      They're only two? Wow.
                      sigpicRamonaThePest (you know, Henry Huggins' friend)


                        And what about these? They don't pop up on Amazon. Anyone read any of these?


                        Crap! They came out to small to see - but they're on Gateworld under "Franchise" then "Comics".
                        sigpicRamonaThePest (you know, Henry Huggins' friend)


                          There were only 2 from dynamite. The rest are from avatar press and only the first mini and two one shots made it to a trade. eBay is probably your best bet for those. They are a lot better but much shorter.


                            Originally posted by lightsyder View Post
                            There were only 2 from dynamite. The rest are from avatar press and only the first mini and two one shots made it to a trade. eBay is probably your best bet for those. They are a lot better but much shorter.
                            So why would Gateworld even list them if they were never published? Forgive my ignorance if that's not what "made it to trade" means?
                            sigpicRamonaThePest (you know, Henry Huggins' friend)


                              Made it to trade means they were collected in one edition instead of just single issues. Everything made it out as single issues, most with multiple variant covers. Their Ra miniseries was canceled after the initial prequel issue.

                              So, everything listed on Gateworld is out there somewhere.


                                Originally posted by lightsyder View Post
                                Well, looks like the Drift didn't make it in time for September, hopefully it will be out this week...

                                Anyway, does anyone that follows this thread listen to the Gateworld Podcast? Episode #137 reveals that the hosts have pitched an idea to MGM through Fandemonium regarding a post Season 10 SG-1/Atlantis story arc called Oblivion that will involve the cast from both series. Sounds kind of fun to me. Here's hoping it makes it out.

                                One of the host's is the author of Four Dragons and The Drift.
                                A storyline that could be told through several novels like the Legacy series? That sounds awesome! I love good crossover stories, and it would be awesome to see the two teams together.

