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Stargate Novels

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    Originally posted by katikatnik View Post
    Yup, Dynamite Entertainment will be publishing comic books for all three series, continuing with SG-1 season 11 and SGA season 6. I don't know about SGU, I didn't read that part because I'm not interested in it.
    Below is why I never purchased the comic books:


    Price: $14.99

    Shipping: Available Soon!
    Related Products:

    SKU: C1606901982
    Rating: Teen +
    Cover: Chasen Grieshop
    Writer: Doug Murray
    Penciller/Inker: John Watson
    Publication Date: Jan 2011
    Format: Comic Book Collection
    Page Count: 112
    Dynamite opens the Stargate ... again! This time around, they're featuring fan-favorite character and resident bad boy Daniel Jackson as he heads off world (through a Stargate, of course) to explore a seemingly primitive planet with deadly treasure and danger all around!

    Any publication that refers to Daniel Jackson as a "resident bad boy" can't possibly know anything about the franchise. Heck, anyone who's never watched the show but seen promos would know better than that! Sheesh! And this is my first time noticing the beginning of the summary: "Dynamite opens the Stargate ... again!" Maybe they don't mean "dynamite" literally, but I won't risk my money on something that sounds smushed together like a GI Joe story that somebody said "I know how we can move these stories - slap Stargate on there, rename the characters to Daniel, Jack, etc. Those fans will by anything that says Stargate!"
    sigpicRamonaThePest (you know, Henry Huggins' friend)


      Originally posted by RamonaThePest View Post
      Below is why I never purchased the comic books:


      Price: $14.99

      Shipping: Available Soon!
      Related Products:

      SKU: C1606901982
      Rating: Teen +
      Cover: Chasen Grieshop
      Writer: Doug Murray
      Penciller/Inker: John Watson
      Publication Date: Jan 2011
      Format: Comic Book Collection
      Page Count: 112
      Dynamite opens the Stargate ... again! This time around, they're featuring fan-favorite character and resident bad boy Daniel Jackson as he heads off world (through a Stargate, of course) to explore a seemingly primitive planet with deadly treasure and danger all around!

      Any publication that refers to Daniel Jackson as a "resident bad boy" can't possibly know anything about the franchise. Heck, anyone who's never watched the show but seen promos would know better than that! Sheesh! And this is my first time noticing the beginning of the summary: "Dynamite opens the Stargate ... again!" Maybe they don't mean "dynamite" literally, but I won't risk my money on something that sounds smushed together like a GI Joe story that somebody said "I know how we can move these stories - slap Stargate on there, rename the characters to Daniel, Jack, etc. Those fans will by anything that says Stargate!"
      Wow, I totally just laughed (scoffed, really) out loud. "Resident bad boy?" Seriously?
      The Return of King Arthur
      Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
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        Originally posted by RamonaThePest View Post
        Below is why I never purchased the comic books:


        Price: $14.99

        Shipping: Available Soon!
        Related Products:

        SKU: C1606901982
        Rating: Teen +
        Cover: Chasen Grieshop
        Writer: Doug Murray
        Penciller/Inker: John Watson
        Publication Date: Jan 2011
        Format: Comic Book Collection
        Page Count: 112
        Dynamite opens the Stargate ... again! This time around, they're featuring fan-favorite character and resident bad boy Daniel Jackson as he heads off world (through a Stargate, of course) to explore a seemingly primitive planet with deadly treasure and danger all around!

        Any publication that refers to Daniel Jackson as a "resident bad boy" can't possibly know anything about the franchise. Heck, anyone who's never watched the show but seen promos would know better than that! Sheesh! And this is my first time noticing the beginning of the summary: "Dynamite opens the Stargate ... again!" Maybe they don't mean "dynamite" literally, but I won't risk my money on something that sounds smushed together like a GI Joe story that somebody said "I know how we can move these stories - slap Stargate on there, rename the characters to Daniel, Jack, etc. Those fans will by anything that says Stargate!"
        Since this is published by Dynamite Entertainment, that's probably what they mean by "Dynamite opens the Stargate."

        You know these things are written by whoever runs the website, right? The authors and artists have nothing to do with it.
        sigpicsig by Isolde


          No, I didn't know per se, but I assumed they were written by someone who read, or at least was given a sunopsis or SOMETHING to go on. That "bad boy" reference could not be more offputting. If it were not for that, I would have purchased all of the comics long ago. So whoever wrote it, or authorized the writing of it, lost money because of it and I'm sure I'm not the only fan that has left this alone because of that right there.
          sigpicRamonaThePest (you know, Henry Huggins' friend)


            Originally posted by RamonaThePest View Post
            No, I didn't know per se, but I assumed they were written by someone who read, or at least was given a sunopsis or SOMETHING to go on. That "bad boy" reference could not be more offputting. If it were not for that, I would have purchased all of the comics long ago. So whoever wrote it, or authorized the writing of it, lost money because of it and I'm sure I'm not the only fan that has left this alone because of that right there.
            Usually the website that has it for sale writes it. Some guy who knows nothing about it flips through a couple of pages and spits something out. (OMG Amazon's episode synopses! Clearly this did not come from MGM or anyone who's ever seen them!) The authors and artists have nothing to do with the website copy and have no control over it. It could say, "Pumpkins and bats for sale cheap!" and the authors and artists would have to put up.
            sigpicsig by Isolde


              Thanks for the info, Artie. Now, have you, or anyone here, read the comics?
              if so, are they any good? I read (skimmed some pages so as not to be spoiled on the only 2 Sg-1 books I haven't read yet) through this thread and didn't see anyone recommending them.
              sigpicRamonaThePest (you know, Henry Huggins' friend)


                Originally posted by RamonaThePest View Post
                Even if I don't love the story, or it doesn't focus on my favorites - I don't mind if it's not drivel or being passed off as SG-1 when it's obvious somebody had a pre-existing story about aliens, squeezed our characters in and submitted it. What? Did Fandomania Publishing owe this guy a favor? I can't think of the book title that did this right now, but it was awful.

                Written by a guy with a great summary that SG-1 was going after a creature that could make you want it?

                I would add Hydra to the list. A very complicated read but I felt it was worth it. When I started the story, I first thought "Oh great. Another book where the author doesn't know the characters well or how they address each other." But as the story progresses, there is a very good reason for the "mistake". It's not a mistake. i don't want to spoil it for anyone but I'd really love to hear what others' thought of Hydra.

                Would the story you're speaking of refer to the awful Power Behind the Throne? The story that has left the fate of our SG-1 characters up in the air? That was truly awful. (Yet I hope another author will pick up where the author left off and rescue finish the story off just so our heroes get home.)

                Hydra was not one of my favorites. The constant back and forth got a little annoying and I just found it very dry and unexciting. I would have to read through it again to remind myself of the things I really didn't like about it as it has been a while since I read it and it is one of 3 SG-1 books I don't reread over and over. I'm curious, have you read Siren Song? It is by the same authors who wrote Hydra. That one I liked a little more, perhaps because it featured a familiar character (Aris Boch), but I had difficulty enjoying that book as well.


                  Yes - Power Behind the Thone was the atrocity!

                  Hydra is dificult but I plan to re-read it after I read Oceans of Dust (reading it now) and then Transitions. I've read all of te Sg-1 books except the last two that I just mentioned. I'll have to re-read Siren Song to recall the story. I remember being a bit dissapointed in how Aris Boch's character was portrayed as he's one of my favorites. And I seem to recall the team being separated a lot throughout the story and I wasn't crazy about that.

                  The two Sally Malcolm "Honor" books are my favorite and after those - Survival of the Fittest. The only two I actually hate are Power and Vahalla, in that order.

                  I'm a little mad at Sunrise becuse we finally get a book deling with The S/J 'Ship and the surrounding story started out with an interesting premise and characters, then fizzled.
                  Last edited by RamonaThePest; 30 September 2012, 04:28 AM.
                  sigpicRamonaThePest (you know, Henry Huggins' friend)


                    Originally posted by RamonaThePest View Post
                    Yes - Power Behind the Thone was the atocity!

                    I'm a little mad at Sunrise becuse we finally get a book deling with The S/J 'Ship and the surrounding story started out with an interesting premise and characters, then fizzled.

                    Then you may like the upcoming Moebius Squared SG-1 book. I think it was mentioned by the author or in this thread there is some ship involved.


                      Originally posted by RamonaThePest View Post
                      Yes - Power Behind the Thone was the atocity!
                      To be fair Power Behind the Throne was supposed to be a trilogy but the other was unable to finish it so the ending of book one was changed around and it became what we got.


                        Originally posted by gatechick View Post
                        Then you may like the upcoming Moebius Squared SG-1 book. I think it was mentioned by the author or in this thread there is some ship involved.
                        Thanks, gatechick. Good to know. The Ship is a bonus for me although a book doesn't have to have it if the characters ring true to how we know them. And too much ship before Season 8 would be way out of character for me no matter how much I want it resolved.

                        Originally posted by lightsyder View Post
                        To be fair Power Behind the Throne was supposed to be a trilogy but the other was unable to finish it so the ending of book one was changed around and it became what we got.
                        I saw that after perusing this thread. I would not have worded it the way that I did if I'd known the authors subscribe here. That said - in a more civilized tone - I just did not enjoy any parts of this book. . Sorry if I offended anyone in my anger with Fandemonium/MGM for not scrutinizing the stories more with an eye for what type of stories the fans want out of these books. I know it must be difficult to present new material within a canon that must be adhered to - but hey, that's the job. If you want to write Stargate, meticulously research (watch) the show because nothing slides by us.
                        sigpicRamonaThePest (you know, Henry Huggins' friend)


                          I have to agree that it was definitely the most none sg-1 like of all of the books and the ending was odd. I was just pointing out we didn't have the whole story regarding the authors intentions on what was supposed to happen next. I'm sure no one was offended.


                            Originally posted by RamonaThePest View Post
                            Thanks, gatechick. Good to know. The Ship is a bonus for me although a book doesn't have to have it if the characters ring true to how we know them. And too much ship before Season 8 would be way out of character for me no matter how much I want it resolved.
                            Moebius Squared is set right after Continuum, so yes, post Season 8!
                            sigpicsig by Isolde


                              Originally posted by lightsyder View Post
                              To be fair Power Behind the Throne was supposed to be a trilogy but the other was unable to finish it so the ending of book one was changed around and it became what we got.
                              It wasn't that the author couldn't finish it. I read somewhere that MGM decided against continuing the trilogy. Maybe they didn't like that book either.


                                Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                                It wasn't that the author couldn't finish it. I read somewhere that MGM decided against continuing the trilogy. Maybe they didn't like that book either.
                                I heard that too. That Fandemonium pulled the plug on the other two.
                                sigpicsig by Isolde

