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Stargate Novels

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    FYI I don't blame Fandy for any of these delays and am fully aware that the fault is MGM's one-staffed approving department thing. I'm just saying we know many of the new novels that are being worked on/waiting to be approved so I know we'll have plenty to keep us entertained.
    Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


      Originally posted by Elite Anubis Guard View Post
      FYI I don't blame Fandy for any of these delays and am fully aware that the fault is MGM's one-staffed approving department thing. I'm just saying we know many of the new novels that are being worked on/waiting to be approved so I know we'll have plenty to keep us entertained.
      Oh, indeed. Having only one person handling merchandising approvals for all of MGM's properties is really short-sighted. I guess in this economy (and given MGM's financial troubles), they just can't afford additional staff even though they clearly need it.
      (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
      Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


        Just bought 'Dead End' and 'Hunt and Run' from the official site as is worse than useless It says they should arrive in a couple of days

        The booklist has also been updated
        SGA-12 Dead End - out now
        SGA-13 Hunt and Run - out now
        SGA-14 Death Game - September
        SGA-15 Brimstone - September
        SGA-16 Homecoming (Legacy Book 1) - October

        McKAY: Hey, I can eat frozen dinners without thawing them. (~Trinity)


          Quick question: Does anyone know what seasons Dead End and Hunt and Run are set in? The promotional back cover blurbs don't give any clues to that answer.
          (This is legal notice that any attempt to censor or delete, for the purpose of oppressing fair and open discussion, any statement made by me will be considered a violation of my right to free speech as guaranteed by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and will be dealt with in accordance with federal law.)
          Sparky is on screen. Therefore, it is canon. Elizabeth is still out there. And John WILL bring her home.


            Originally posted by x Varda x View Post
            Just bought 'Dead End' and 'Hunt and Run' from the official site as is worse than useless
            Mine are already pre-ordered from, so I don't want to mess with trying to get them from somewhere else just yet. Hopefully they'll be here by early July, when my vacation starts!


              Latest newsletter.

              Dear Stargate fan,
              You may have noticed that we’ve had some problems with our production schedule recently, and we’d like to apologise for any frustration that has caused to our readers. We’re happy to say, however, that those problems are behind us now and we’d like to share with you what we have coming up over the next few months. With a mixture of STARGATE SG-1 and STARGATE ATLANTIS books, there’s something for everyone!

              June 2010 - available from our website NOW!

              STARGATE ATLANTIS: Dead End by Chris Wraight

              Stranded on a frozen planet only days from global catastrophe, Colonel Sheppard and his team discover a people – and a mystery – long forgotten by the Ancients. But with the Stargate inoperable and their Puddle Jumper damaged, there is no way to escape the dying world of Khost. And then disaster strikes. With half the team going missing, Sheppard and McKay must battle the elements and the limits of endurance to bring their friends home.

              Series No.: SGA-12
              RRP:$7.95 (US) | £6.99 (UK)
              ISBN: 978-1-905586-22-6
              Click for more info

              STARGATE ATLANTIS: Hunt and Run by Aaron Rosenberg

              Ronon Dex is a mystery. His past is a closed book and he likes it that way. But when the Atlantis team trigger a trap that leaves them stranded on a hostile world, only Ronon’s past can save them – if it doesn’t kill them first. As the gripping tale unfolds, we return to Ronon’s earliest days as a Runner and meet the charismatic leader who transformed him from prey into a hunter of Wraith….

              Series No.: SGA-13
              RRP:$7.95 (US) | £6.99 (UK)
              ISBN: 978-1-905586-44-8
              Click for more info

              Coming in August 2010

              STARGATE SG-1: The Power Behind the Throne by Steve Savile

              SG-1 are asked by the Tok’ra to rescue a creature known as Mujina. The last of its species, Mujina is devoid of face or form and draws its substance from the needs of those around it. The creature is an archetype – a hero for all, a villain for all, depending upon whose influence it falls under. And the Goa’uld Apophis, understanding the potential for havoc Mujina offers, has set his heart on possessing the creature…

              STARGATE SG-1: Four Dragons by Diana Dru Botsford

              Shortly after Daniel Jackson returns from his time among the ascended Ancients, he volunteers to join an archaeological survey of Chinese ruins on P3Y-702. But after accidentally activating a Goa’uld transport ring, Daniel finds himself a prisoner of the goa’uld Lord Yu. Blaming himself for Daniel’s capture, Jack O’Neill vows to get him back – even if it means taking matters into his own hands.

              September 2010

              STARGATE ATLANTIS: Brimstone by David Niall Wilson & Patricia Lee Macomber

              When a moon inexplicably leaves its planetary orbit for a collision course with its own sun, Rodney McKay’s interest is peaked. What he discovers is enough to make him dance, for an entire Ancient city – the size of Atlantis – is there for the taking. But the city is not as abandoned as he had first believed and the team soon encounter a sect of unascended Ancients living far beneath the its surface…

              STARGATE ATLANTIS: Death Game by Jo Graham

              Waking up on an alien world, in the wreckage of a Puddle Jumper, is never good. Waking up with no idea where you are or how you got there is much worse. Suffering from a serious head wound, John Sheppard slowly puts the pieces together and discovers that his team is scattered across a tropical archipelago, unable to communicate with each other and cut off from the Stargate. Badly injured, he and Teyla are taken prisoner by the local population and sent as tribute to the planet’s mysterious overlord. Meanwhile, Ronon, McKay, and Zelenka form an unlikely rescue team as they search the planet for their friends...

              Look out for more news soon, including details of books hitting the shops before Christmas and the launch of our groundbreaking new Stargate Atlantis ‘Legacy’ series that picks up where season five left off. And if you want a sneak preview, check out the in depth interview with two of the Stargate Atlantis 'Legacy' authors in the next edition of the Official Stargate Magazine!

              Happy 'gating!

              Fandemonium Books
              Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


                Does anyone know when the SG-1 book Sunrise is scheduled to come out?
                The Return of King Arthur
                Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                  So nice to see this one announced with a real date and everything coming to a head. Ahhh.

                  If anyone's all kindled up and fancies spending under a buck, I've just put my first ever novel up on Amazon...

                  Originally released in 2000 to excellent reviews, long-listed for the best debut horror novel of the year in two of the major awards, The Last Angel is the definitive version of my debut horror novel (The Secret Life of Colours). Long out of print, I've taken the leap and put this book out at the lowest price point I can imagine purely in the hope that it'll bring new readers who've never read me before. I have great fondness for this very nasty, crime noir, horror fusion novel... Shivers in the UK called it the best of its sort since Hjortsberg's Falling Angel (filmed as Angel Heart with Mickey Rourke).

                  The Last Angel

                  Gabriel Rush takes a photograph of a beautiful sad-faced hooker in a down town bar and is stunned by what he sees when the picture is developed. At first he thinks it is a flaw in the photograph, but then he recognizes it for what it is, the mark of the Trinity Killer. It is the same mark that scars the faces of mutilated corpses that are turning up all over New York City.

                  Racing to warn the woman, Gabriel instead finds himself haunted by visions and fighting against time to save his future, the woman he loves, his friends, and - when the killer's identity is finally revealed - his own sanity.


                  (if this is against forum etiquette, delete away, mods. I just figured it's *almost free* and hopefully guys who enjoy Power will get a kick out of seeing how warped I was when I started out ,) )


                    For those, like me, that could never pull the trigger on an overpriced used copy, Halcyon is now available for the Kindle.


                      Originally posted by MrWhirly View Post
                      For those, like me, that could never pull the trigger on an overpriced used copy, Halcyon is now available for the Kindle.
                      You beat me to the post!
                      Stargate Atlantis: Halcyon Kindle Edition

                      Downloaded it to my Kindle today!

                      sig by Varda


                        ( Will be posting this in two threads, as it seems different people use different threads to talk about SGA novels now, sorry for the inconvenience. )

                        Has anybody actually gotten a printed copy of Dead End and/or Hunt and Run from yet? ( I don't do Kindle because you don't get to keep the books forever; I want to be the one deciding when, or if, I get rid of something I actually paid for. ) Several people seem to have the books but where did you get them from?

                        They say Dead End is "available for pre-order" but still they say they have copies "in stock". For Hunt and Run it looks like a normal, available book, but they haven't processed my order for that book yet. This is so annoying. First Fandemonium doesn't update their page for 6 months or something, and now Amazon has conflicting info.


                          Originally posted by Tinah View Post
                          ( Will be posting this in two threads, as it seems different people use different threads to talk about SGA novels now, sorry for the inconvenience. )

                          Has anybody actually gotten a printed copy of Dead End and/or Hunt and Run from yet? ( I don't do Kindle because you don't get to keep the books forever; I want to be the one deciding when, or if, I get rid of something I actually paid for. ) Several people seem to have the books but where did you get them from?

                          They say Dead End is "available for pre-order" but still they say they have copies "in stock". For Hunt and Run it looks like a normal, available book, but they haven't processed my order for that book yet. This is so annoying. First Fandemonium doesn't update their page for 6 months or something, and now Amazon has conflicting info.
                          I haven't got mine yet but my Amazon account shows my order as processed and the books sent out to me on the 17th of July. Tracking number confirms they're on their way to me.


                            I got a shipping order from Fandy to say my order has been sent out.
                            Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


                              Originally posted by Elite Anubis Guard View Post
                              I'd rather have a long awaited amazing novel than rubbish and well...since Dead End has them actually piloting the Jumper through the wormhole...made me wonder if the guy had read the series and I instantly wrote it off which is unlike me.
                              Hi EAG,

                              I can appreciate your frustration with the long delay on Dead End. Others here have commented on the production difficulties with recent Stargate titles, so I won't add to what they've said. If it's any consolation, I still haven't seen a printed copy myself!

                              As the copies are now shipping (at last), I thought I'd surface to apologise for the long wait, and to express the hope that, despite misgivings, you'll enjoy the read. I can't address the point above directly without giving away some spoilers, but I will say that both I and the editorial teams at Fandemonium and MGM take continuity and canon issues very seriously, and I believe the story elements are in keeping with Stargate physics. Once you've read the book, feel free to let me know what you think, and I'd be happy to discuss the thinking behind it further.

                              As for the timetable, I do know that printed copies have been received in the US as there have been some great responses over on the forums. As I said over there, as a newbie Stargate author I'm really interested to get feedback from the readers, including any constructive criticism.

                              Anyway, thanks for buying a copy, and, like I say, I hope you enjoy it.



                                Welcome to the forums, Chris.

                                Don't get me wrong. I'll happilly wait for the novels to come out - if you look back over the thread, you'll find me to be the patient one. I've been buying from Fandy since their 2nd SG1 release and will continue to because I find the majority of their publications to be fantastic. So far there has only been 2 novels I wouldn't recommend.

                                I have purchased the book and will certainly be writing up my impressions - for a long time now I've been considering opening a blog or a site to review and report on the novels. I actually write reviews for Aliens/Predator novels for a pretty big Aliens vs Predator website.

                                The point I brought up there was due to it being in the preview for your novel. Since the tie-ins are obviously written for us fans first and foremost, we expect a certain level of accuracy to the fundamental aspects of the universe. I'm not one to moan and cry about every little thing but the preview really stuck out to me like a sore thumb.

                                I'll be giving it a shot and if something in the novel addresses it, then awesome I'll be sure to let you know.

                                So how'd you get involved with Fandy and Stargate?
                                Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon

