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Stargate Novels

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    I hope it's O.K. to post this here:

    There's an interview I and my co-Writer did with James Swallow up at

    Beside many other things (i.E. Star Trek, Doctor Who) we also talked about the Stargate Universe: Air novelization, so I figured some here might be interested.


      Argh! So I emailed asking if Dead End was still coming out this month. This is the reply-

      Sorry it has been cancelled.
      The definitive list of upcoming books is at

      We also excited to release the first book in the new Stargate Universe series, Air, by James Swallow. You can order it now from our web site.

      As soon as new books are available, we announce that via our email newsletter. Often books are available directly from us much sooner than they are available in the stores. Sign up for the newsletter at

      Thanks for your interest in Stargate novels.

      - Mark

      It's still listed on the link provided though. I must say I am extremely dissapointed.
      Last edited by gottaluvit; 20 November 2009, 12:43 PM.


        I wonder how MGM's problems with affect the novels?
        The manuscripts go to MGM for approval, if MGM is out of business or is sold off, how will that effect the licenses?



          Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
          I wonder how MGM's problems with affect the novels?
          The manuscripts go to MGM for approval, if MGM is out of business or is sold off, how will that effect the licenses?


          Thats a good question. i don't think it will affect novels at the moment though, SG1 and SGU novels have been released okay. But the future might be a little rocky if MGM does get sold.


            Originally posted by gottaluvit View Post
            Argh! So I emailed asking if Dead End was still coming out this month. This is the reply-

            It's still listed on the link provided though. I must say I am extremely dissapointed.
            It's still listed on Amazon too!


              Originally posted by Jumper 1 View Post
              It's still listed on Amazon too!
              Yeah. i actually got a preorder email from Amazon last week for it. Glad I didn't follow the link and order it. It's still listed as being released on all the sites that had it listed.

              Mark didn't say 'postponned' or 'delayed' he said "cancelled". I've written back asking for clarification as to whether he means cancelled completely or just for now and I pointed out that the link he provided as the 'definitive list' of release dates still has Dead End listed for release this week.


                Not actually too bothered about it if it is canceled. The preview totally turned me off.
                Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


                  Originally posted by Elite Anubis Guard View Post
                  Not actually too bothered about it if it is canceled. The preview totally turned me off.
                  I'm actually more bothered by the fact that it's so common for these novels to be postponned that it it predictable. I understand there are hoops to jump through before publication but perhaps they shouldn't give release dates for unapproved novels and continually get fans hopes up only to be dashed over and over.

                  The preveiw for Dead End had me looking forward to this book lol. Different strokes I guess.
                  Last edited by gottaluvit; 21 November 2009, 01:42 PM.


                    Anyone read SGU Air?


                      Originally posted by gottaluvit View Post
                      The preveiw for Dead End had me looking forward to this book lol. Different strokes I guess.
                      The preview had the wormhole being a physical thing you piloted through. No thanks. The thing I love about Fandy is they say true to the show (well more often than not).

                      And no, not yet. Still waiting for my copy to come. Really excited though!
                      Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


                        Originally posted by Elite Anubis Guard View Post
                        The preview had the wormhole being a physical thing you piloted through. No thanks. The thing I love about Fandy is they say true to the show (well more often than not).

                        And no, not yet. Still waiting for my copy to come. Really excited though!
                        What preveiw did you see? The one I saw showed nothing about a wormhole.

                        Oh..wait, by preveiw do you mean a sneak peak at the internal pages? I've only seen the synopsis but I'd love to read more about it if you can steer me towards where I can read.

                        I read the synopsis here-

                        It would be off base if they say a wormhole is something you can pilot through though. Maybe they are confusing SGA with Farescape which seems to veer towards that possibility (because none of the laws of universal physics seem to apply to Farescape lol)


                          It was the preview in the back of Angelus.
                          Stargate Destiny - Coming Again Soon


                            Originally posted by Elite Anubis Guard View Post
                            It was the preview in the back of Angelus.
                            Not Far! My copy of Angelus doesn't have a preview of Dead End in the back of it. *pouts* Gonna go try google out to see what I can find.


                              Originally posted by Jumper 1 View Post
                              It's still listed on Amazon too!
                              And at Barnes and Noble listed coming out on Nov 25th
                              Please help my dragon eggs CLICK HERE My fanfics


                                Originally posted by Jedi40 View Post
                                And at Barnes and Noble listed coming out on Nov 25th
                                Target has it listed as having been released on Nov 1st. I guess the online stores haven't been updated yet.

