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Earth Defense Capabilitys

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    Earth Defense Capabilitys

    Ok so earth is so **** and all, very bad at defending itself
    say we dont have any mother ships
    just the 302's

    if we got attacked by the ga'ould in a mother ship or whatever
    as long as they didnt destroy stuff from orbit with there ship no matter what earth would be victorious,

    once the 302's run out of ammo they become useless?
    the gaould death gliders in Continuum get taken out by f-16s!

    the humans would win any war tht wasnt in orbit in my opinion.

    Originally posted by Forgottensmoke View Post
    Ok so earth is so **** and all, very bad at defending itself
    say we dont have any mother ships
    just the 302's

    if we got attacked by the ga'ould in a mother ship or whatever
    as long as they didnt destroy stuff from orbit with there ship no matter what earth would be victorious,

    once the 302's run out of ammo they become useless?
    the gaould death gliders in Continuum get taken out by f-16s!

    the humans would win any war tht wasnt in orbit in my opinion.
    Don't forget, we have the 304s and the Asgard Beam Weapons, and the Ancient Outpost in Antarctica.
    Lose it... It means go crazy, nuts, insane, bonzo, no longer in possession of ones faculties, three fries short of a Happy Meal, wacko!


      But he said that earth didn't have any mother ships.

      My fan-fic, swedish outpost


        Originally posted by SG1Commander View Post
        Don't forget, we have the 304s and the Asgard Beam Weapons, and the Ancient Outpost in Antarctica.
        Edit: The Outpost, No we dont - its been destroyed

        We have the 304's and 302's we dont need anything else. Apart from that, there isnt much left to attack us, Snakeheads are all but gone, Jaffa wont attack since 90% are dead (Thanks Ori) and the Ori are now left as blubbering idiots with some sorts of magical power.

        We is the shizz.. To be completely honest


          Originally posted by SG1Commander View Post
          Don't forget, we have the 304s and the Asgard Beam Weapons, and the Ancient Outpost in Antarctica.
          I mean like for example, The Lost City [1+2]

          when the cargo ship is going to the ice in anartica all we have was like 30 302's and the prometheous.

          The USAF would have atleast 1000 fighter jets capable of getting to anartica idk im not good with figures

          all the 302's used the missiles they had and coulddnt do nothing, why couldnt they send f-16s or f-35's or something when they are very capable of shooting down a glider or alkesh!
          the battle would of been much much easier insted of a couple of 302's vs a lot of gliders and alkesh do you not agree?


            Originally posted by Kris_x-303 View Post
            Edit: The Outpost, No we dont - its been destroyed
            Only the chair has been destroyed, but the outpost with the drones are still there

            But the defenses of Earth were crap in EatG, they only had a couple of 302's since the chair was destroyed and all the 304's were severly damaged. Also I don't get it why they didn't add a shield around Area 51 since it is a very important place. Also a couple of sattelites with the Asgard beam weapon or an other weapon would be of use, we have so much advanced tech but we don't use much of it.


              Millions of solders. Thousands of planes. Hundreds of warships. Nuclear weapons. ICMB's We could put up a deascent fight. Even without the drone platform at Area 51 we could still hold our own for a while. And thats not even including Atlantis or any 304's in orbit.
              This isn't Atlantis?
              I don't think so.
              If this is not the Lost City…then where is it?

              SGU= Awesome Eli is so me =P


                We saw how a scenario like that would play out in Enemy at the Gate. All of Earth's 304's were either heavily damaged or for some reason weren't launched (why wasn't the General Hammond launched when Earth's other 304's couldn't make it and Atlantis was still hours away?). The control chair was sent to Area 51, which was destroyed in one of the initial volleys. The Stargate couldn't be used because the Wraith stored a Pegasus gate on board so Earth couldn't dial out. So after all that, we're slightly worse off than in Lost City; we have no X-303 or any F-304's but we've got the 302's. And we saw how much of a fight they put up. The only way we won was the Atlantis frontline team snuck onboard the Wraith "Super Hive" and did enough damage to destroy it. Had it not been for Col. Shepherd's team and Atlantis showing up at the 11th hour (reminiscent of how the Daedalus showed up just before it looked like Atlantis would lose in The Siege) Earth would have been screwed big-time with just the 302's fighting.


                  The only problem with that is earths nuclear weapons (bar naquada enhanced ones) have no effect, example season 1 finale, they just explode on mothership shields with little effect.

                  Bar 304s, 302s and ancient weapon systems the earth is defenseless, lucky we (atleast in SG) have all those things to defend the planet
                  Don't put jam on a magnet

                  my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle



                    So, these "thousands of planes"... how are you going to get them where they're needed? Especially with every aircraft carrier on the planet wiped out in the first minute and a half (a couple volleys from space should do it)? Remember also, that all any Goa'uld ship has to do is go straight up and break out of the atmosphere (these things travel interplanetary in reasonable time, they'll outrun anything you've got), then come back down and hit a city without any planes within an hour's flight time. As for the Continuum example, it was like Children of the Gods - the pilots had no idea what they were up against (how many non-goa'uld foes had an industrial tech base, much less air combat capability?). As soon as the shock wore off, it would be back to a one sided slaughterfest (think "THERE BUT FOR THE GRACE OF GOD" - in season 1).

                    Dark lord me:

                    Frankly, anyone who controls the high orbitals can just start dropping rocks (read Heinlein's "The Moon is a Harch Mistress" - I think he actually gave the energy calculations. We would have exactly nothing that could strike back.

                    Now, we could probably self-immolate with nukes, but while that would piss off a would be conqueror, it doesn't do us much god, now, does it?


                      correction has to be made.
                      roughly 6.6 billion people on earth. lets sa for argument sake 1/3 are right age to be basic infantry and fit enough of course.
                      the about 1/2 of them would be in the army due to volunteering/conscription
                      so about 1/6 of our population would be in armde services if im right.
                      thats 1.1 billion troops armed with more efficient weapons. fire and forget tech. planes which 3 on 1 can beat down DGs cause we are normally outnumbered in that respect. tanks (british) that can blast down troops from 30 miles away. the Apache class helicopter (british) naval warships we can use to bombard lands which goa'uld( or any enemy for that matter) has captured to take back. and over 5000 nuclear warheads which if we equip 98% with naqhuda and 2% with naqhudria we could and would tank the motherships in orbit.

                      now add Atlantis (now on Earth as of EATG) and 304s (obv they would get repaired once Atlantis towed them back or Jaffa towed them back) then add in vast numbers of the Jaffa fleet (our allies fyi ). the Tok'ra as our early warning system. and hebridians as our manufacture helpers (not true that last point but what the hay)

                      i think we have some pretty good defences.


                        Originally posted by KRiZ View Post
                        The only problem with that is earths nuclear weapons (bar naquada enhanced ones) have no effect, example season 1 finale, they just explode on mothership shields with little effect.

                        Bar 304s, 302s and ancient weapon systems the earth is defenseless, lucky we (atleast in SG) have all those things to defend the planet
                        Actually, those nukes *were* naquada enhanced.


                          Originally posted by tannim111 View Post
                          Actually, those nukes *were* naquada enhanced.
                          really just further proving our icbms are pretty useless....
                          Don't put jam on a magnet

                          my days of not taking you seriously are certainly coming to a middle


                            Earth has many nuclear warheads, but just a small part of them are able to make it to Earth's orbit. And those ones can be shut down from a ship sitting on the orbit. And this ship can meanwhile bombard everything on Earth's surface (aircraft carriers, bases....). So without anything space capable (other than space shuttles and some rockets), eg F-302 and BC-304, Earth would always be screwed.


                              Originally posted by Commander Thor View Post
                              correction has to be made.
                              roughly 6.6 billion people on earth. lets sa for argument sake 1/3 are right age to be basic infantry and fit enough of course.
                              the about 1/2 of them would be in the army due to volunteering/conscription
                              so about 1/6 of our population would be in armde services if im right.
                              thats 1.1 billion troops armed with more efficient weapons. fire and forget tech. planes which 3 on 1 can beat down DGs cause we are normally outnumbered in that respect. tanks (british) that can blast down troops from 30 miles away. the Apache class helicopter (british) naval warships we can use to bombard lands which goa'uld( or any enemy for that matter) has captured to take back. and over 5000 nuclear warheads which if we equip 98% with naqhuda and 2% with naqhudria we could and would tank the motherships in orbit.

                              now add Atlantis (now on Earth as of EATG) and 304s (obv they would get repaired once Atlantis towed them back or Jaffa towed them back) then add in vast numbers of the Jaffa fleet (our allies fyi ). the Tok'ra as our early warning system. and hebridians as our manufacture helpers (not true that last point but what the hay)

                              i think we have some pretty good defences.
                              Don't forget that the Stargate program is still classified as top secret so they may have to pull a few strings.
                              Not to mention the time they have to put all this together.
                              It's not Independance Day haha.

