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could Goa'uld take over North Korea?

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    maybe mercenaries will become a reality!/Solar_wind84


      Why do you think Kim Jong-Il wears his sunglasses all the time...

      He can't control his eyeglowings because everything he does is cliché evil..

      - Why SciFi when you can have SciFun? -


        I agree that it'd not be worth the effort. Still, sticking with the premise that taking over a powerful autocrat would be a good 1st step: how about the King of Saudi Arabia?
        Oh, that's gotta hurt! He'll be feeling that for weeks...


          North korea is bad enough without a goauld in charge.
          Some say that he has only one ear.
          And that he solved the Da Vinci Code in 3 minutes.
          All we know is he's called


            I started to Laughing out loud and i fared when reading all the posts.
            Could Goa'uld take over North Korea i think thay did.
            ... So said Deline before the Battle of Ages. He spoke to the sky and said, 'And the people shall deliver unto you the wicked for your divine judgement, where their sins shall be weighed in the balance of all that is just and true.'


              maybe a Goa'uld isn't such a bad idea for the CIA, didn't they try exploding cigars on Castro?


                Its funny. At the same time that a thread is asking if the goauld could take over North Korea, another one is asking if the Goauld could take over the entire planet.

                Mmmmmm Goauld vs North Korea. I know who the smart money is on!!!


                  Originally posted by ckwongau View Post
                  could Goa'uld take over North Korea?

                  With all the news about Noth Korea's satellite launch, Then i thought in the stargate universe, the IOA is an alliance of Earth's major power and many nation,They probably exclude North Korea.

                  It would be easy for Goa'uld to takeover North Korea,all they have to do is to get near Kim Jong-il and take him as a host.
                  And once they can control Kim Jong-il ,everything of North Korea would be under Goa'uld control.
                  considering the real Kim Jong-il normal behavior,Nobody would notice any strange new behavior as a Goa'uld host .Maybe even an improvment for the north Korean people.

                  Imagine get control of Kim Jong-il's missile ,nuclear weapon and spy network ,drug and Counterfeit Money operation ,the population's unquestioning obedience
                  The Question isn't that could the Goa'uld take over North Korea, it's that have they?
                  R.I.P. you will be missed

                  My Top Five Favorite Quotes/Quips(right now)
                  "Well, it's like my grandma used to say, if at first you don't succeed..."
                  "Try a larger thermonuclear reaction?"
                  "Her words exactly."

                  "We are beacons on the road to enlightenment."
                  "No, you're dark-side intergalactic encyclopedia salesmen. Unfortunately, the home office hasn't been quite upfront with you."
                  "Nice work on the metaphor."
                  "Thank you."

                  "Will you excuse me? We just don't get out of Cheyenne Mountain enough. I'm gonna grab some air... outside. General, Captain, General... waiter."

                  "Colonel. We've all met."
                  "Yes, actually we know each other's life stories."
                  "That snippiness?"
                  "Is that a word?"

                  "If we want to find out who's behind this, we have to do what the Asgard do."
                  "You mean bluff?"
                  "Yep. We just need to do it without revealing what we know."
                  "Which is nothing."
                  "Right. But they don't know we know nothing."


                    Originally posted by Phenom View Post
                    Its funny. At the same time that a thread is asking if the goauld could take over North Korea, another one is asking if the Goauld could take over the entire planet.

                    Mmmmmm Goauld vs North Korea. I know who the smart money is on!!!
                    The Wraith?
                    Originally posted by aretood2
                    Jelgate is right

