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What was the alliance of the four races about?

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    We know that the alliance did not mean that the four races exchanged knowledge to the point that they were all at technological parity. It is possible that the alliance was created to counter a common threat; although I do not believe this to be the case.

    Furthermore, I do not believe that it is accurate to portray each of the members of the alliance as representing some different ideal or posessing of different technologies. Many things can change over the course of time, including the cultures of the alien races SG1 has encountered.

    It is my theory that in the course of events these four races encountered one another. Each race had to accomadate the others in the their cultural universes. It could have been war, or something. But each race recognized in the others a race and culture with whom they could peacefully cooexist. It seems each retained their own political structure, yet they established a peace and the means through which assistance could be redered to the others. For example, it seems reasonable, that should the asgard had had their problem with the replicators when the Ancients were still around, the Ancients would have been willing to help them out.

    This alliance must have been built upon common principles. What were they? From what we have encountered from the Asgard and the Nox. One principle may have been the non-interference with developing races. Notice that if this is true that the Asgard-Goa'uld protected planets treaty would be in keeping with this principle. The asgard protecting some populations from interference from the Goa'uld.

    Just a little bit off-topic: Notice what happens when a technologically advance culture is fading; they seem to leave behind some sort of legacy. The Ancients left the stargates and the knowledge repositories. The Furlings created their paradise planet and left invitations to everyone in the galaxy. And the Asgard seem to be setting up earth so that it can succeed them. Both as protecters in the Milky Way galaxy and worthy members of the Alliance.

    P.S. I subscribe to the theory that we have seen Furlings already in "Fire and Water".


      Originally posted by Darkstar
      the asgard the ancients the nox and the furrlings were all members of the alliance with earth being the possible 5th member of theis alliance.
      but what was the alliance for? was it to stop the goa'ulds or was it to stop the wraith or another unknown enemy?

      please let me know.

      or you can speculate if you'd like.
      They just liked hangin' out and doin' stuff on da weekends. They used to party, swap tech, and dis on the snakeheads...or, play cards?

      Seriously, they never really said much about the alliance, but I don't think it was against the Goa'uld or Wraith. I think it was more of an exchange of cultures and tech.


        Originally posted by Fox McCloud
        I think it was a simple alliance for knowledge and piece and prosperity etc. The Ancients were the most wide spanning race, using their gates and also giving this tech to the othr races. But it seems that each race had their own speciality.

        The Ancients had Stargates but only close rangering transporters. The asgard have a space fleet and wicked teleporation tech. The Nox have the magicyness. And hte furlings have the interplanetary (in system) teleportation.
        At that point in time, it's doubtful that the Asgard had much of a fleet or such advanced transporters. I think they advanced because of the alliance, especially with Ancient technology. Before the Alliance, who knows, but I doubt they had much to offer the Ancients technologically.


          I'll try and find my guess, I know I posted it somewhere on this forum


            The allegiance wasn't about technology or war, it was (probably) about understanding, morale, ethics but most of all, knowledge in all it's forms.

            I think the allegiance was formed just before the Ancients ascended/died out. It was their way of making sure that the galaxy would have a few older races that would guide the younger ones and make sure that it didn't frell out too much.

            The Asgard were the race that focused on technology, they were therefore the military force that was supposed to keep the order in the galaxy.

            The Nox were the morale and ethics making sure that no one immature would get too much technology and/or knowledge from the allegiance (see the Tollans old friends that destroyed themselves).

            The Furlings... Maybe they're explorers.

            Hence the Ancients divided everything they were into three parts. Combined they would be the essence of the Ancient race. A technological advanced race(Asgard) with a human interest and curiosity(Nox) that explored both the universe and dimensions(Furlings?)

            But the replicators changed this, and/or something else.

            As time passes other races will be included, for example Earth and after time the Asgard, Nox and Furlings will move on/die out, just like the Ancients did. And so the cycle continues.

            This can be compared to Babylon5. The older ones guiding the younger ones.


              Originally posted by aAnubiSs
              The allegiance wasn't about technology or war, it was (probably) about understanding, morale, ethics but most of all, knowledge in all it's forms.

              I think the allegiance was formed just before the Ancients ascended/died out. It was their way of making sure that the galaxy would have a few older races that would guide the younger ones and make sure that it didn't frell out too much.

              The Asgard were the race that focused on technology, they were therefore the military force that was supposed to keep the order in the galaxy.

              The Nox were the morale and ethics making sure that no one immature would get too much technology and/or knowledge from the allegiance (see the Tollans old friends that destroyed themselves).

              The Furlings... Maybe they're explorers.

              Hence the Ancients divided everything they were into three parts. Combined they would be the essence of the Ancient race. A technological advanced race(Asgard) with a human interest and curiosity(Nox) that explored both the universe and dimensions(Furlings?)

              But the replicators changed this, and/or something else.

              As time passes other races will be included, for example Earth and after time the Asgard, Nox and Furlings will move on/die out, just like the Ancients did. And so the cycle continues.

              This can be compared to Babylon5. The older ones guiding the younger ones.
              Good summary/theory. I like this too!


                Perhaps the furlings are the race that we saw when that one guy was left on earth and was brain washed by his own kind. His three companions in a later episode came back during an episode of wormhole x-treme and took him back because their planet was destroyed some time ago. That means only 4 left that we know of. Maybe thats why we never heard from the furlings because they were destroyed? i dunno tho


                  well it's just like our world today, we have a lot of alliance just in case there's a big war that starts, and we got someone to back us up. Obviously each of the 4 have their own ennemie, so it's always better to have one another to protect their people. I think the alliance was made before the goau'l threat started, or the wraith.


                    as per the fifth race, how come the asgard thinks we might be of value to them/alliance? is it because we destoyed so many gould lords? our technology is so primative compared to theirs. also we're inferor in their eyes, or *thors*...

                    so the alliance must mean they're recruiting all kinds of ppl with each own specialty. i dunno, just a guess but i'm still curious though why the alliance. there must be a big threat or something or something just for fail safe incase a big threat does come.


                      Is there any episode that ever says when the alliance existed? I've gotten the impression that it was millions of years ago, before the Ancients ascended or fled to the Pegasus galaxy.

                      a time to mourn


                        I don't think the Asgard are that old. They only had limited hyperspace technology 30,000 years ago.


                          When the Asgard say that humans are on their way to becoming the fifth race, they're not talking about letting them into the alliance, which is long defunct. They're saying 'so there were four great races; you might just make it five'.
                          Behold the majesty that is...GERALD!
                          - Read The Prophet's fan fiction at The Lost Vegas Public Library.


                            Originally posted by Hatcheter
                            Is there any episode that ever says when the alliance existed? I've gotten the impression that it was millions of years ago, before the Ancients ascended or fled to the Pegasus galaxy.
                            There’s no clear indication when the alliance was formed but must have been around 30, 000 years ago well that is when the asgard had developed hyperspace technology. Thor said the alliance was formed to share knowledge now I’m wondering if that is the case then it was formed before the ancients went to pegasus galaxy and met the wraith.
                            "Love is not for life, it's for one week only" Wass

                            “You have to stay in shape. My grandmother, she started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 today and we don't know where the hell she is.” Ellen DeGeners

                            “You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is 'never try'.” Homer Simpson

                            “It took me fifteen years to discover I had no talent for writing, but I couldn't give it up, because by that time I was too famous.” Robert Benchley

                            “What is it with McDonald's staff who pretend they don't understand you unless you insert the 'Mc' before the item you're ordering? It has to be a McChicken burger...a chicken burger gets blank looks. Well, I'll have a McStraw and jam it into your McEyes, you f**cking Mc******!” Billy Connolly

                            “Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes. After that, who cares? ...He's a mile away and you've got his shoes.” Billy Connolly


                              Originally posted by Wass
                              There’s no clear indication when the alliance was formed but must have been around 30, 000 years ago well that is when the asgard had developed hyperspace technology. Thor said the alliance was formed to share knowledge now I’m wondering if that is the case then it was formed before the ancients went to pegasus galaxy and met the wraith.
                              That's what I've thought as well. From info gathered throughout SG-1, we know that the Ancients were wiped out by a plague (Window of Opportunity), which was around several million years ago (Frozen), and that Atlantis left at that time (Rising).

                              Perhaps the Asgard's extremely fast intergalactic travel is a very new invention (relatively speaking). From The Fifth Race, we see that they have a Milky Way Stargate in their galaxy. Perhaps the Ancients provided Stargates to their allies so they could easily meet with them, yet not push the development of their technology forward so fast.

                              Okay, got another question: What is the Asgard's home galaxy? The general opinion expressed on forums seems to be the Andromeda galaxy, but I'm not sure if that's ever been said in the series. Does anyone know for certain?

                              a time to mourn


                                The Asgard galaxy is Ida. A made-up galaxy.

                                Atlantis is in Pegasus, a dwarf-galaxy in Andromeda. It is around 2,000 ly across.
                                Last edited by aAnubiSs; 24 November 2004, 11:12 AM.

