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How much would a replicator block sell for?

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    How much would a replicator block sell for?

    Just a single block of the regular bug replicators. We see the SG teams shoot em up all the time and create dozens of these blocks. But suppose someone stole a single block and offered it to the industry giants for cash. How much would something like that be worth?

    wait so can we bid on it
    May the odds be ever in your Favor ! oh and please say hello to me on Skype and Facebook


      Originally posted by The6thRace View Post
      Just a single block of the regular bug replicators. We see the SG teams shoot em up all the time and create dozens of these blocks. But suppose someone stole a single block and offered it to the industry giants for cash. How much would something like that be worth?
      As much as the highest bidder was willing to pay for it, which would be a whole lot if you could prove to them what it can actually do. Of course some shadowy government organization would probably just disappear you and take it long before that happened.


        It's worthless. A single block doesn't do anything and no one knows anything about keron based technology.


          Originally posted by The6thRace View Post
          Just a single block of the regular bug replicators. We see the SG teams shoot em up all the time and create dozens of these blocks. But suppose someone stole a single block and offered it to the industry giants for cash. How much would something like that be worth?
          Why would they want replicator blocks if:

          - They serve no purpose other than self-replication.

          - Human civilization cannot understand the nature of such technology because it is beyond us.

          For an industry tycoon to program the blocks to serve his own purposes - say, a car industry tycoon using it to produce millions of cars in a couple days - you would need to understand how it works, which we don't. Remember Sam Carter's quote from the episode "Menace" after she analysed a replicator block under an electronic microscope:

          "This stuff is just so far beyond us. We need to get help from the Asgard."

          Then, remember when Thor explains the science behind replicators in the episode "Nemesis":

          "To the best of our knowledge, each replicator block is composed of the following: two million isolated kiron pathways..."

          To which Carter interrupted:

          "Wait on a second...what the hell is a kiron?"

          To which Thor replied:

          "In simple terms, it is an energy particle."

          To which Carter replied:

          "Human science hasn't discovered this particle yet."


          "Yes, I am aware of that."


          "How am I supposed to help if I don't even know what a kiron is?"

          If the freakin' Asgard can't fully understand how the replicators work - evident by the fact that the Asgard couldn't control them -, then no way no how could the Tau'ri manipulate it for their own purposes. Remember that Reese was created by an Ancient scientist who had worked in the Asuran Project. And whie Reese was an android and not the uber-advanced nanite clouds that make the Asurans, the Ancient scientist, her "father", gave her nanites for self-repair similar to the Asurans which could sculp matter into the blocks.


            someone whould have to pay me for having a replacators block.

            but no idea the element the replacators are made from i think can be found every were because they eat every medal they find and i think they are made from that but the humans replacators arer another think


              12 cents.
              Wraith ships are giant lobsters.


                The single piece would go for approximately 20 million dollars. If there were 2 pieces that they could observe connections with, the combined two pieces would go for 200 million dollars. The technology may be beyond us, but do you really think that would stop them from trying? The slightest chance of figuring even one thing out from the blocks that could give them better technology would be worth it.



                  Originally posted by Xiphias View Post
                  12 cents.
                  at the most


                    Originally posted by xiphias View Post
                    12 cents.
                    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                      Originally posted by Xiphias View Post
                      12 cents.
                      I'd say more than that... they make nice keyrings...


                        Perhaps a penny or 2?


                          Originally posted by Pharaoh Hamenthotep View Post
                          I'd say more than that... they make nice keyrings...

                          So true


                            Originally posted by NoobTau'ri View Post
                            Why would they want replicator blocks if:

                            - They serve no purpose other than self-replication.

                            - Human civilization cannot understand the nature of such technology because it is beyond us.

                            For an industry tycoon to program the blocks to serve his own purposes - say, a car industry tycoon using it to produce millions of cars in a couple days - you would need to understand how it works, which we don't. Remember Sam Carter's quote from the episode "Menace" after she analysed a replicator block under an electronic microscope:

                            "This stuff is just so far beyond us. We need to get help from the Asgard."

                            Then, remember when Thor explains the science behind replicators in the episode "Nemesis":

                            "To the best of our knowledge, each replicator block is composed of the following: two million isolated kiron pathways..."

                            To which Carter interrupted:

                            "Wait on a second...what the hell is a kiron?"

                            To which Thor replied:

                            "In simple terms, it is an energy particle."

                            To which Carter replied:

                            "Human science hasn't discovered this particle yet."


                            "Yes, I am aware of that."


                            "How am I supposed to help if I don't even know what a kiron is?"

                            If the freakin' Asgard can't fully understand how the replicators work - evident by the fact that the Asgard couldn't control them -, then no way no how could the Tau'ri manipulate it for their own purposes. Remember that Reese was created by an Ancient scientist who had worked in the Asuran Project. And whie Reese was an android and not the uber-advanced nanite clouds that make the Asurans, the Ancient scientist, her "father", gave her nanites for self-repair similar to the Asurans which could sculp matter into the blocks.
                            Dude, in your own posts it said the Asgard understood the Replicators. They understood how they work. They just didn't completely understand how to stop them, they didn't know how to create a disruptor weapon to break the kiron pathways. Additionally, where does it ever say Reese's creator was an Ancient, and that he worked on the creation of the Asurans?
                            It's beyond us to create kiron pathways and the Replicator base code from scratch, but, as McKay clearly shows us, we do understand it once it is made for us. We understand how to create Replicators using the Ancient machine (to make FRAN) and Asgard matter converters (to make disruptor-resistant Replicators). In both situations we made key changes to either the Replicator base code or to the fundamental building blocks of what makes up Replicators. Now, there are situations where it is somewhat beyond us, such as when McKay activated the attack code successfully, but didn't know a strategy the Asurans would adapt to is destroying the Wraith's food supply. However, we do understand how Replicators work, and how to alter them to suit our needs.
                            That being said, I can't say for sure how much a block would sell for, but wasn't there an episode where a private company was developing Replicator nanites for medical purposes? Where McKay's sister was also injected with nanites? I'd say before that episode, the nanites were pretty valuable, but after the bugs (as they were) were exposed, if they were being sold, their value would immediately go down. With the association of both the nanites and the blocks to the label Replicator, I'd expect the value of a block to go down as well, with 12 cents being a decent estimate.


                              Originally posted by rsanchez View Post
                              It's beyond us to create kiron pathways and the Replicator base code from scratch, but, as McKay clearly shows us, we do understand it once it is made for us. We understand how to create Replicators using the Ancient machine (to make FRAN) and Asgard matter converters (to make disruptor-resistant Replicators). In both situations we made key changes to either the Replicator base code or to the fundamental building blocks of what makes up Replicators.
                              We programmed our own Replicator to follow our commands but using Ancient technology.

                              And to create the Anti-Replicator weapon we needed the Ancient repository of knowledge.

                              That doesn't mean we fully understand the Replicators or how to control/destroy/create the them on our own. So having a couple on Earth in anyones hands would be a huge mistake.

