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Apophis built the Replicators

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    Apophis built the Replicators

    I think Apophis may have been responsible for constructing the replicators. While we all know the android 'Reese' was directly responsible for the creations of the replicators, we never learned much about the one who created Reese. Given how technologically advanced she was, only a genius could have possibly created the android. It's possible that the android was a prototype for a new kind of army Apophis was building, an android that failed to live up to expectations.

    The reason why I think it was Apophis and not any of the other goa'uld is because of Apophisis lack of surprise when the replicators arrive. He doesn't fear them or react in an unreasonable manner (compared to Baal, who panicked). It's almost as if he has seen them before. And there aren't many other technologically proficient species in the Milky Way, so it had to be a goa'uld. Apophis also knew that his personal shield would protect him from the replicators, and didn't even bother trying to fight them himself. He was probably waiting for his ship to land when it was controlled by replicators so he could simply step out and get another ship. The ship was destroyed though, so we'll never know for sure if that was his plan.

    I think you actually might be on to something there.


      He needs to be on a higher dose.


        I think what you see as lack of surprise is more ego...he didn't want to look weak to his Jaffa as for his shield...I doubt he knew it would protect him he probley just didn't have any other option
        "I'm being extremely clever up here and there's no one to stand around looking impressed! What's the point in having you all?!" - The Doctor (#11)


          Originally posted by Gmandex View Post
          I think you actually might be on to something there.
          I disagree. If Apophis had created the replicators he would have bee able to work out a way to control them and turn them on SG1, stopping them from escaping.


   that would leave far to many plot holes.
            Vice Admiral and occasionally the Acting Leader of the Gateworld Cantina


              Originally posted by Jack_Bauer View Post
              I disagree. If Apophis had created the replicators he would have bee able to work out a way to control them and turn them on SG1, stopping them from escaping.
              not to mention he would've been able to put up a fight against the asgard and would have no reason to follow the treaty..
              Vice Admiral and occasionally the Acting Leader of the Gateworld Cantina


                Actually, if I ignore the fact that I don't think Apophis had anything to do with the replicators or Reese, there is still a fatal flaw in the theory. That is that if Apophis did have the technology to build Reese, but discarded her when she was ineffective, then he wouldn't know about the replicators until he first encountered them. So, as Sphinxinator says, it was probably less not being surprised than being an omnipotent god by hiding the surprise.


                  Originally posted by The6thRace View Post
                  I think Apophis may have been responsible for constructing the replicators. While we all know the android 'Reese' was directly responsible for the creations of the replicators, we never learned much about the one who created Reese. Given how technologically advanced she was, only a genius could have possibly created the android. It's possible that the android was a prototype for a new kind of army Apophis was building, an android that failed to live up to expectations.

                  The reason why I think it was Apophis and not any of the other goa'uld is because of Apophisis lack of surprise when the replicators arrive. He doesn't fear them or react in an unreasonable manner (compared to Baal, who panicked). It's almost as if he has seen them before. And there aren't many other technologically proficient species in the Milky Way, so it had to be a goa'uld. Apophis also knew that his personal shield would protect him from the replicators, and didn't even bother trying to fight them himself. He was probably waiting for his ship to land when it was controlled by replicators so he could simply step out and get another ship. The ship was destroyed though, so we'll never know for sure if that was his plan.

                  he did not try and fight them because he already went through that whole ordeal on his flagship. he proboly watched as most of his jaffa were killed trying to defeat them and knew that goauld weapons were ineffective against them.

                  however, im sure it might have been his plan to simply escape once on the ground protected by his shield.

                  and i do not think apophis created the android reese because if the goauld had the know how to make such things, ba'al would have known about them. also, the goaulds arent known for their compasion and if it was apophis who made her, then he wouldnt have abandoned her on that planet he would have just destroyed her. plus for a soilder, she wasnt that strong. and she was pretty onld, and im sure he had plenty of jaffa back then and did not need a new soilder.
                  STARGATE ROCKS

                  THERE IS NO BETTER SHOW


                    Reese was built by an Ancient who used the tech from the Asurans.
                    if you see a light at the end of the tunnel, it's just a photon torpedo.


                      Originally posted by sldghamr View Post
                      Reese was built by an Ancient who used the tech from the Asurans.
                      thank you. I've always thought that Reese father was a pre-ascended Ancient and I started to wonder what had I missed reading this thread..
                      There's a good chance this opinion is shared by Ashizuri
                      awesome sig by Josiane


                        I doubt it was an acient who made reese, more likely just someone who created a crude droid with or with out pieces of research on the asurand although all of that info was supposedly destroyed or hidden.

                        Reese was a rather crude peice of work compared to the main human replicators, mainly due to the fact it had a power source, which kind of makes you look at the other 'models' and wonder how they could ever really work.


                          Originally posted by sldghamr View Post
                          Reese was built by an Ancient who used the tech from the Asurans.
                          I don't think they ever established who made Reese. The inference was there after the Pegasus replicators were introduced, but I don't remember it being made explicit. I could be wrong though - do you have a source?


                            Originally posted by The6thRace View Post
                            I think Apophis may have been responsible for constructing the replicators. While we all know the android 'Reese' was directly responsible for the creations of the replicators, we never learned much about the one who created Reese. Given how technologically advanced she was, only a genius could have possibly created the android. It's possible that the android was a prototype for a new kind of army Apophis was building, an android that failed to live up to expectations.

                            The reason why I think it was Apophis and not any of the other goa'uld is because of Apophisis lack of surprise when the replicators arrive. He doesn't fear them or react in an unreasonable manner (compared to Baal, who panicked). It's almost as if he has seen them before. And there aren't many other technologically proficient species in the Milky Way, so it had to be a goa'uld. Apophis also knew that his personal shield would protect him from the replicators, and didn't even bother trying to fight them himself. He was probably waiting for his ship to land when it was controlled by replicators so he could simply step out and get another ship. The ship was destroyed though, so we'll never know for sure if that was his plan.
                            Not to be rude, but from which end did this come out?

                            Nothing in the show has alluded to this. I could say an Asgard created Reese; they sure weren't surprised to see them. the replicators aren't even goauld tech! Neither is Reese. The closest androids to Reese were Harlan's, and even the Goauld (well, Cronus) were shocked at such technology.

                            And since when has any Goauld been a genius? Anubis came the closest, because of his ability to retain an infinite amount of knowledge.
                            Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

                            ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
                            encounter on the strange journey.


                            2 Cor. 10:3-5
                            3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
                            4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
                            5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;


                              Que? We never see Apophis when He first met the replicators. When we see him, he'd just survived a battle with them on his ship. Thats why he didn't look surprised.
                              1 Year 11mths without using the letter U on the thread: ask Morbo anything

