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The Cosmos interviews…

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    The Cosmos interviews…

    You are a reporter for The Cosmos with Universal circulation
    Interview a character good or bad of your choice from any SG1 /SGA episode - just pretend you can ask anything, be funny be serious whatever you like;

    For example -

    Cosmos : Thanks for spending the time to allow this interview Teal'c how are things at SGC ?

    Teal’c: That is classified information I am afraid (smiles serenely)

    Cosmos: OK, well then how are you and how are the team ?

    Teal’c I am very well in fact as are the remainder of SG1(smiles serenely)

    Cosmos: Fine… well what can you tell me Teal’c ?

    Teal’c: Very little I am afraid… I could tell you a joke (smiles hopefully)

    Cosmos: Aaaaahm well erm Jaffa joke huh?…Fine go ahead. (winces)

    Teal’c What do you call an Unas with a toothache ?

    Cosmos: I’m sure I don’t know please do tell.

    Teal’c: Dangerous (laughing) Do you understand ?…Why are you not laughing, hilarious is it not ?

    Cosmos: Erm...yes -Oh look my tape has just ended thank you Teal’c until the next time Cosmos thanks you for your time.

    Over to you …

    Jack: 'Mature symbiote, Immature host'
    Teal'c: 'Indeed'
    Artifysial: 'Thanks a million'

    Shouldn't this be off-topic Fun & Games?
    C: Where's Jack O'neill? I was promised an interview with him .
    :I'll stand in, I suppose...
    C:Carter, is it true that you have discovered a greenjello-eating monster on P3X747?
    Where did you get this information? *during which Interviewer notices Jack and makes a move for him*
    C: *glimpses at Carter* I-
    *sam pulls black bag from behind back and shoves over interviewer's head*
    Take him away!
    Well handled!
    Hey, president! You wanna buy a kidney?


      [QUOTE=Supreme Commander Sil;8891717]Shouldn't this be off-topic Fun & Games?
      yes think will be moved and that Cosmos jounalists have short lives

      Jack: 'Mature symbiote, Immature host'
      Teal'c: 'Indeed'
      Artifysial: 'Thanks a million'


        Moved to funb and games

        Jack: 'Mature symbiote, Immature host'
        Teal'c: 'Indeed'
        Artifysial: 'Thanks a million'

