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is it just me or are the hyper space graphics different from the milky way and the...

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    is it just me or are the hyper space graphics different from the milky way and the...

    pegasus galaxy??
    plz respond

    Sig made by squirrely1
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    Caps, please?

    'cos I've never noticed...

    Or do you mean wormhole?


      no i mean hyper space window one is all fluffy and purple (milky way) and one is all jagged and yellow and green

      Sig made by squirrely1
      *PM me if you clicked on that link*


        Erm, caps?


          I never noticed. Prometheus's hyperspace window looked different than a 304's, but that's it.


            Yea, I've noticed. Atlantis's windows tend more towards Andromeda's slipstream windows with all sorts of energy tendrils forming around the ships. Also, ships in Pegasus never seem to need much deceleration space as the window forms, and the ship just sort of appears there.
            MW's howver are cloudier and more nebulous IMHO. Also, ships seem to burst out of the window, then shoot forward quite a bit.

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              yes they do look different, but also if you watch the later seasons of sg1 (season 10 for sure) the Pegasus hyperspace window is sneaked in under the radar i think its the episode where they have their biggest confrontation with the Lucian alliance (where they capture the Odyssey and kill its commander, if memory serves it is "company of thieves"sorry i dont have my box set on me at the moment), i would like to think that the differences in hyperspace windows could be explained by...
              a)regional differences in subspace, or
              b)different engine usages (i.e. the pirated goa'uld design vs the design provided by the asgard), but it is more likely that it was just bad editing, this is supported by the fact that when they showed the odyssey in the ori galaxy it exited out of a milky way style hyperspace window, take it or leave it but that is just what i noticed enjoy


                I just got done watching Adrift and Lifeline and the Hyperspace window for Atlantis was kind of a bluish-green color while the experimental hyperdrive for the Puddle Jumper that McKay devised was a deep fuschia color.

                My guess is that different ships and engines have utilize slightly different energy levels and methods to to open a hyperspace window.
                ...Stargate is not about the angry nerd.

                -David Hewlett,
                Gateworld Podcast Episode #8


                  Milky Way Hyperspace windows have always been blue to me and Pegasus has been green.

                  My guess its just the regional differences in subspace.


                    They look different too, the MW window creates more of a 'cloud' effect...


                      Originally posted by andy tyler View Post
                      Milky Way Hyperspace windows have always been blue to me and Pegasus has been green.

                      My guess its just the regional differences in subspace.
                      Nice theory. Green for you.

                      Best Stargate quote:
                      Sheppard: (yells to McKay) Canadian football is a joke! Celine Dion is overrated! Zelenka is smarter than you are!
                      Green is your friend.


                        And what about the Wraith hyperspace window shown in "Letters From Pegasus"? In that case they almost looked like a hybrid of the early milky way effect and the later Pegasus visual. (Sorry, I don't have any screen caps.)
                        Hunger is Distasteful...

                        "Jaffa, I can't believe it's not butter! Kree!"


                          The way i always saw it as is:

                          In the milkyway galexy all of the power scources were Naqudah so that obviously had a certain energy out put and a diffrent way of releasing it

                          in the Pegasus Galexy (IMO) there are obviously diffo elements and minerals and perhaps they havn't been mentioned in the show, but the wraith for one might be using them (as we know so little about there hyperdrives), also it may be a differance in the levels of solar radiation, perhaps there is a higher level of a certain mineral in the void of space than there is in the Milky way, so obviously that change may effect stuff like the level of solar radiation and how certain particals absorb light and how light is reflected/refracted in space

                          all of this is speculation. but when you are in another galexy conditions are sometimes never identicall, and minute changes the variations of evel can have a broad effect on anything


                            heres one of prommie in the MW:

                            heres anyother of oddy in the MW:

                            and heres ones of the deddy and appolo in Pegasus:

                            and then heres one of the oddy in Pegagus Project in the pegasus galaxy:
                            Last edited by therealdb; 11 September 2008, 10:12 AM.


                              It seems that some of the same things in the universe are different colors. Stars, nebulae, etc. So why can't hs windows be different coors?


