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What's happened to everything ori created?

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    Sam flew one in The Shroud with her trusted laptop, so it can be done without a Prior.


      Originally posted by PG15 View Post
      Sam flew one in The Shroud with her trusted laptop, so it can be done without a Prior.
      I wonder if the Priors have the skill to design a control interface that bypasses the control chair without help from the Ori.


        Originally posted by Jeffala View Post
        If we can assume that the Priors will react the way that the Doci reacted, I doubt they'll do anything but live a life of repentance.

        As long as there are Priors, there is perfect health, and who knows how many other benefits, for the people of the Ori galaxy.
        But do the priors still have powers?


          Originally posted by garhkal View Post
          But do the priors still have powers?
          Their special abilities were a function of physiology (being advanced humans) and technology (their staffs), both of which still functioned during the time between the Ori's demise and Adria's ascension.

          Pure speculation on my part: I think that it's possible for the Doci or a Prior to "downgrade" a Prior into a human for the simple reason that Adria was able to convert Daniel into a Prior in "The Shroud" and that a Prior was able to convert Gerak into a Prior in "The Fourth Horseman, Part 2". His consciousness may have been in Celestis, but Gerak's body was on Dakara and the Prior's staff did the physical transformation.


            Originally posted by Ripple in Space View Post
            They could the Jaffa, but between 3 Asgard-upgraded BC-304s + a now powered & restocked Ancient Defense Platform + a few dozen puddle jumpers a 5 second trip away, it would take their full fleet to even challenge Earth.
            Only an upgraded 304 with a ZPM has been shown to be very effective against the ori ships, we have no idea how one without a ZPM would fair. The weapons platform had trouble with one Ori ship, even fully restocked it isn't going to make a great deal of difference and I doubt jumpers are going to be that effective especially with Ori fighters flying about. So really 10 ori ships could wipe earth out and then proceed to take out the rest of the galaxy, no other ship or faction is going to even scratch them.


              Originally posted by Ripple in Space View Post
              They could the Jaffa, but between 3 Asgard-upgraded BC-304s + a now powered & restocked Ancient Defense Platform + a few dozen puddle jumpers a 5 second trip away, it would take their full fleet to even challenge Earth.
              and BTW they could just shut down the supergate and whatever system the Priors used to come through MW stargates. By the time we managed to get to their galaxy with the BC-304 they would have a huge fleet.

              As Vala said in "Crusade", "The village I am living in is one of many, on a world among dozens like it."

              Ver Isca was building at least six ships. Based on whatever number "many" is, there could easily be as many as 300 ships (6 ships x 4 villages x 12 worlds = 288 ships). Of course, it's easily conceivable that not all villages are building ships. Some could just be contributing warriors. However, if only one village per world was cranking out 6 ships, there would easily be 96 ships.
              I would have liked SG1 to visit more the Ori Galaxy. As the original world of the Ancients I'd think of a hundred planets maybe thousands.
              La vie est une tragédie - Tout le monde meurt à la fin.
              L'Histoire est une comédie - Les gentils gagnent toujours à la fin.


                Originally posted by kirmit View Post
                The weapons platform had trouble with one Ori ship, even fully restocked it isn't going to make a great deal of difference
                Well if you're talking about the alt. reality, they didn't have a ZPM to power the outpost and they only had the drones left over from after Anubis' attack.

                That's nowhere near a fair comparison. If guy A has a P90! But it lacks bullets and a trigger and guy B has an icepick, how well off is guy A?
                Last edited by Ripple in Space; 10 July 2008, 11:21 AM.
                "Most of our John Sheppard impressions sound more like a demented Jimmy Stewart than Joe Flanigan."
                ~David Hewlett


                  Originally posted by Ripple in Space View Post
                  Well if you're talking about the alt. reality, they didn't have a ZPM to power the outpost and they only had the drones left over from after Anubis' attack.

                  That's nowhere near a fair comparison. If guy A has a P90! But it lacks bullets and a trigger and guy B has an icepick, how well off is guy A?
                  They did have a ZPM and I said even restocked while would take out a few ships isn't going to make a major difference. I suspect one on one an upgraded 304 without ZPM isn't going to be a match for an Ori ship, damage it definately, destroy one, I don't see it happening. The only big player in the fight other than the platform would be the oddy with ZPM and even that had trouble against 2 ori ships, it would only take a small fraction of the ori fleet to take earth out.


                    Originally posted by Jack_Bauer View Post
                    Besides, we have the entire Ancient database, I think we have enough info on them. Although it makes you wonder why the Atlantis expedition didn't find any mention on the Ori, or the entire galaxy that the Ancients left behind to come to MW.
                    the reason there was probably no mention in the database was probably the same as to why the asurans weren't mentioned.
                    Lose it... It means go crazy, nuts, insane, bonzo, no longer in possession of ones faculties, three fries short of a Happy Meal, wacko!


                      Originally posted by SG1Commander View Post
                      the reason there was probably no mention in the database was probably the same as to why the asurans weren't mentioned.
                      There was no mention of the Asurans because the Ancients believed they had wiped them all of the face of the planet where they were conducting the experiments.


                        Originally posted by Jack_Bauer View Post
                        There was no mention of the Asurans because the Ancients believed they had wiped them all of the face of the planet where they were conducting the experiments.
                        But to include no data at all? No mention of the research being done, no logs of the ships sent to attack the planet? The database mentioned that the planet was a research base and that the work was completed and the facility was abandoned. Why include that and nothing else?


                          Originally posted by Jeffala View Post
                          But to include no data at all? No mention of the research being done, no logs of the ships sent to attack the planet? The database mentioned that the planet was a research base and that the work was completed and the facility was abandoned. Why include that and nothing else?
                          Records get lost, forgotten, deleted etc, all the time in RL. You have to remember that the Ancient Database doesn't contain every single experiment, activity or happening that occured to the Ancients. Remember that at the time of the Asuran experiment the Ancients were at full scale war with new research and creations being conducted at all times. Just because the Asurans was the one piece of research to cause so many problems 10,000 years later doesn't mean it would be taken into special consideration when compiling the Ancient Database.

                          The fact that the research had to be destroyed and showed no promise towards it's intended purpose would give more of a reason not to be included in the database, as opposed to Ancient research which showed promise for application in the war later on.

