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Replicator confusion??

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    Originally posted by Starrtom View Post
    That is a very simplistic and inaccurate anology. Unas and humans are not related in any way, they are biologically completely different and would have originated from a different seed. Yes there are similarities but thats as far as it goes.

    As far as humans we have many great differences in our own kind, but we all have come from one original source, and we all share the same human DNA.

    Which is exactly the case with the two forms of replicators, the similarities are that vague.

    Question, replicators have the ability to communicate with each other through sub-space, if you have PG replicator, a MW replicator and an Ida replicator do you think they would be able to communicate with each other through this medium? I bet you they can,if they are not related how can they they all have this specific ability not be related?
    LOL. First of all, we don't know that they all have that skill, all you've done is speculated that they might do and then said "bet you they can". And second, Humans and Unas can communicate with each other, does that mean we must be related through this specific ability? The similarities between the two forms of replicators are no more substantial than similarities that can be made between humans and a multitude of other species, in fact the things humans have in common with Unas make for a hell of a lot more convincing argument that we had a common ancestor than the two forms of replicators did. There's evidence that they were both created by Humans, but that's about it, none that the two groups of Humans had any contact with each other or anything like that.


      Originally posted by jenks View Post
      Which is exactly the case with the two forms of replicators, the similarities are that vague.
      The similarities are not that vague. Both the Pegasus and Milky Way replicators share some pretty unique traits.

      If we find other humanoid creatures out if the universe; say bipedal, two eyes, vocal language, similar physiology, similar DNA; we could infer intelligently that we are related in some way.

      This does not mean that both groups were created at the same time or by the same "creator". Simply, that they were created with the same base elements under the same conditions. That makes them related.


        Originally posted by jenks View Post
        Which is exactly the case with the two forms of replicators, the similarities are that vague.

        LOL. First of all, we don't know that they all have that skill, all you've done is speculated that they might do and then said "bet you they can". And second, Humans and Unas can communicate with each other, does that mean we must be related through this specific ability? The similarities between the two forms of replicators are no more substantial than similarities that can be made between humans and a multitude of other species, in fact the things humans have in common with Unas make for a hell of a lot more convincing argument that we had a common ancestor than the two forms of replicators did. There's evidence that they were both created by Humans, but that's about it, none that the two groups of Humans had any contact with each other or anything like that.
        If there is evidence that they both were created by humans, surely there is an implication that they are related. You have replicators from 3 different galaxies millions of light years apart that have similar capabilties, makeup and communication, it can't be just coincidence, that's the basis of this thread, "where is and what is the missing link"?.

        LOL I think the replicators have a lot closer relationship with each other then we do with the Unas. Unas DNA is completely different, and just becasue we are able to crudely communicate with them does not mean we are related. That's like saying every alien tha's been encountered in SCi Fi that we were able to communicate with must be related to us.


          Originally posted by Starrtom View Post
          If there is evidence that they both were created by humans, surely there is an implication that they are related.
          If that's how you're going to define 'related', then every single human creation in the universe is related to every other.

          You have replicators from 3 different galaxies millions of light years apart that have similar capabilties, makeup and communication, it can't be just coincidence, that's the basis of this thread, "where is and what is the missing link"?.
          Actually it can, as all those things you have listed we have in common with Unas, for example.

          LOL I think the replicators have a lot closer relationship with each other then we do with the Unas. Unas DNA is completely different,
          It can't be that different, or we wouldn't be so alike.

          and just becasue we are able to crudely communicate with them does not mean we are related. That's like saying every alien tha's been encountered in SCi Fi that we were able to communicate with must be related to us.
          Exactly my point, it's ridiculous. Yet you're trying to argue that because the replicators we've seen communicate in a similar way, they must be related to each other.


            Jenks, give your definition of related in your own words.

            I think you are arguing over semantics.


              Originally posted by jenks View Post
              If that's how you're going to define 'related', then every single human creation in the universe is related to every other.

              Actually it can, as all those things you have listed we have in common with Unas, for example.

              It can't be that different, or we wouldn't be so alike.

              Exactly my point, it's ridiculous. Yet you're trying to argue that because the replicators we've seen communicate in a similar way, they must be related to each other.
              The way I am trying to define related is that they come from one original single source. I believe that the replicators are that. Humans and the Unas IMO didn't orginate from the same source. Although they kinda had similar paths in their evolution and yes they have similar things with us I don't feel makes them related.

              Communication is not the only common thing between the replicators, that is just one part of the argument. How is it that replicators (human form or other) can be destroyed by the Asgard weapon in the same way, by using the same frequency disrupter wave? You would have thought that their adoptation would have created a different wayto kill them, or at least required different frequency of the wave.

              I hope I am not annoying you to much

              I would just love to solve the history of the replicators, they are a big part of Stargate.


                Well, most of our tech can be defeated by an EMP, actually most of the tech we see in the show can. Even tough things werent planed to be destroyed by it.

                My point is exactly that being similar in some ways DONT make you be related. And Ida and MW replicator are the same and all, it was stated by the asgards.

                It wasnt said in the show that they used the same frequency, actually we know that they kept changing the frequency in order to the replicators not adapt.

                Can you guys please enumerate all the things that make them related ?

                1) Took human form;
                can be explained because both of them were trying to emulate their creators.
                2) Have the hand in the head thing;
                Asurans, interface with their creators, and MW/Ida to get intel from their enemies, and the fact that both do exactly the same thing would be explained by sort budget.
                3) They are both nanites;
                Isnt it the final stage of every tech ?
                4) The fact that they can communicate trough subspace ( not replicators communicate with asurans, but asurans -> asurans , and replicators -> replicators );
                Subspace communication is the final stage of communication, we see lots of races using it.

                And the Unas DNA might be similar to ours.. Hell, a monkey`s DNA is similar to ours...

                If we find other humanoid creatures out if the universe; say bipedal, two eyes, vocal language, similar physiology, similar DNA; we could infer intelligently that we are related in some way.
                The Unas are bipedal, have two eyes, have vocal language. We dont know a lot about their physiology, or the DNA because it wasnt shown in the show. But their "civilization" really seams like ours some thousands of years ago.

                Well, I for one would hate if we ( by we read Daniel ) could just hear an Unas speaking for 5 minutes and them start speaking Unasish. Just go to China or any country that has a language very different to yours, and try to learn their language. But one catch with none that speaks your language to help in the process.


                  Originally posted by Unbreak View Post
                  And the Unas DNA might be similar to ours.. Hell, a monkey`s DNA is similar to ours...

                  The Unas are bipedal, have two eyes, have vocal language. We dont know a lot about their physiology, or the DNA because it wasnt shown in the show. But their "civilization" really seams like ours some thousands of years ago.

                  Well, I for one would hate if we ( by we read Daniel ) could just hear an Unas speaking for 5 minutes and them start speaking Unasish. Just go to China or any country that has a language very different to yours, and try to learn their language. But one catch with none that speaks your language to help in the process.
                  We are related to monkeys. We could be related to the Unas. I think it really depends on how you define related.

                  Unlike Starrtom, I see relation as fundamental similarities that show the possibility of creation through the same set of circumstances. This doesn't apply to artificial objects as "it was created by <insert species here>" is too thin of a relationship.


                    Originally posted by Starrtom View Post
                    The way I am trying to define related is that they come from one original single source. I believe that the replicators are that. Humans and the Unas IMO didn't orginate from the same source. Although they kinda had similar paths in their evolution and yes they have similar things with us I don't feel makes them related.

                    Communication is not the only common thing between the replicators, that is just one part of the argument. How is it that replicators (human form or other) can be destroyed by the Asgard weapon in the same way, by using the same frequency disrupter wave? You would have thought that their adoptation would have created a different wayto kill them, or at least required different frequency of the wave.

                    I hope I am not annoying you to much

                    I would just love to solve the history of the replicators, they are a big part of Stargate.
                    And I'm not saying you're wrong, it wouldn't surprise me if you were right. All I'm saying is that there is almost no evidence to back your theory up, all of the similarities between the two sets of replicators are similarities that you can draw between Human and numerous other species, like Unas, for example.


                      I know humans and monkeys are related... What I mean, is that just by looking at a monkey none would say that it`s dna is so much like ours...


                        Oh well some of believe there is a relationship, and others don't. Tha'ts all fair enough. I guess we will never know for sure.

                        My guess is it was an ancient from pegasus who created Aneese, and things just went wrong. That would explain the relationship if there is one.


                          Originally posted by jenks View Post
                          No, it really isn't. There's about as much evidence linking their origin as there is between humans and the Iratus bug, ie zero.
                          From Progeny, when it was assumed by the characters that the MW replicators origins lay with the Ancients, I pretty much assumed the writers were stating that the replicators and reese were created with knowledge of Asuran programming and nanites.
                          Never, never, never believe any war will be smooth or easy...

                          ... or that any man can measure the tides and hurricanes he will
                          encounter on the strange journey.


                          2 Cor. 10:3-5
                          3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
                          4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; )
                          5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

