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How would we defeat the Wraith?

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    Originally posted by garhkal View Post
    We only win due to the biggest weapon of all.. the script. Take that out of the equation, and we are pants...
    LMAO totaly


      they should just fly atlantis back to earth, find loads of zpms from somewhere, build loads more ships and then let the wraith come to them. we would own the wraith with our human/asgard ships, the antarctic outpost and atlantis


        Originally posted by LPMS View Post
        they should just fly atlantis back to earth, find loads of zpms from somewhere, build loads more ships and then let the wraith come to them. we would own the wraith with our human/asgard ships, the antarctic outpost and atlantis
        One problem with that
        1) How would we and where would we find S**T loads of ZPM's
        2) It takes 1 year and $$$millions$$$ to build a BC-304
        3)The wraith cant get to earth in there ships the radiation from the hyperspace window "kills" there mostly organic ships so they must make jumps and with a logical guess it would take them 600 years whilst doing 30 min jumps and looking for the location of earth to get here (and the wraith hive that got kind of close because it had the Aroura mission reports was destroyed and the knowlage (better hyperdrives and location of earth) along with it)
        4)Look what happened last time they atlantis expedition tryed to fly atlantis with only one ZPM

        Although the deadulus could give them there ZPM so that would take some of the strain off of the one ZPM so they would be able to fly atlantis, but still flawed idea, -but a good one because there would be no way the wraith could find the location of Earth because Atlantis is no longer in PG and the atlantis expedition would be able to devote more time to reasearching more Anciant tech instead of allways looking at the deep space sensors for wraith activity so there are up sides and down sides


          The only outcome I can see is that it all ends with a massive fleet engagemnet.

          The Wraith have the numbers. 1 v 1 they are no match for any earth ship so they will have to amass their fleet and try to pick earth ships off one at a time. However with better sensors and deep space scanners in atlantis and on BC-304's they should see this coming and either regroup at one point or withdraw altogether. Then launch a full scale attack with 2 or more of the ships with ZPM's and help from the Travellers and possibly the Genii.

          Either way it would be costly too both sides but thats large scale warfare for you.
          aka paddytehpyro


            Originally posted by garhkal View Post
            We only win due to the biggest weapon of all.. the script. Take that out of the equation, and we are pants...
            That´s it. Put SG-1 in an unarmed space shuttle and/or Sheppard in a F-302.
            Both should do the trick, no matter how big the enemy fleet is

            "Traditional" military solutions would be very risky considering the fact of our small-sized fleet (no matter how powerful one ship is..failure of critical components is quite normal in a fight) and the lack of ZPMs to power Atlantis shields.
            The best way would be a biological weapon,removing the Wraiths need to feed or targeting the Queens.
            Thanks for the Sig go to the talented Fainne
            Which Supernatural character are you? (I hate those things..but sadly it fits )
            You're John! You are skilled and smart, but world-weary and a little jaded. You're a serial monogamist, and you love hard. You can sometimes be a little too narrow-minded, and stubborn to a fault, but your heart is always in the right place.

            The GateWorld Cantina - Kara : Runner gone Wraith gone Wraith Queen gone human barmaid


              I'd infect their ships with a virus. That should cut down on their numbers and enable Atlantis to more easily keep track of the small, scattered groups that would remain.
              It's a dangerous business going out your front door.
              --J.R.R. Tolkien


                The problem with atlantis flight was cuz of the hit they got from the Asurans...

                As I said in another topic, why not use exotic matter bombs ? USA never seams to think about the rest of the universe or long term consequences, why would they start now ?

                I guess a good solution to the fact that the wraith keep wanting to go to the MW would be to call them to a "movie night" and show the fleet free jaffa/lucian aliance + earth have.
                Not to mention the Ori ships. I guess the priors kinda own them one and could borrow one or two ships..

                Sorry for the wraith fans, but it was stated in TLM that they suck... They were destroyed by michael in just a year. Apart from the virus, what have michael done that they couldnt ?

                Edit: Oww, and now they even know how to "make" black holes...
                Last edited by Unbreak; 24 May 2008, 12:57 PM.


                  well sionce we can defeat the go'aould why dont we just send a few of those guys the th pg? then defeat the go'aould?....again

                  on second thoughts im not keen on the idea of a super super race....after all could you imagine if that happened and we had the whole anubis scenario again.....a wraith goa'ould hybrid thats half ascended? no thankyou mr thinker of the worst possible scenario.

                  i say we go red giant on all planets after all wats a few black holes.....possibly solves the lack of power we tend to have....


                    Ignoring moral consequences?

                    Wage a campaign of extermination. The retrovirus seems to function by essentially disabling the Iratus-related DNA. Rework it into a virus that destroys Iratus-related DNA and find a way of infecting their entire population with it. This could likely be done on two fronts, by infecting their cloning facility(ies) and by introducting it to the water supplies of all the human-inhabited worlds such that when the Wraith attempt to feed, they become infected.

                    It's genocide, to be sure, but it accomplishes the task.
                    "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                      surely there is a way of infecting humans with this virus and passing it onto wraith when they feed? after all ronan taught hiself not to be fed upon (season two first episode ronan was in it mentions something along those lines) he could stop the wraith. so there must be a mental componant to stop the wraith feeding? or maybe a fear component? if ronan could stop them feeding on him maybe he controlled his fear? so basically teach humans to be at one with themselves, meditation blah blah infect them with an updated version of the virus and let the wraith feed. boom year or so down the line wraith are gone...hopefully. then the new bad guys turn up in which case were back at square one...


                        Originally posted by pbutter View Post
                        Kill the queens... ?, or, better yet, lets mate with the queens, thus creating a third offshoot of the race, that would then defeat the Wraith.

                        Come on..., who''s up for matin..., copulatin..
                        Lets kill the queens
                        Knowledge is power, but how do you use that power defines whether you are good or evil


                          Originally posted by Starrtom View Post
                          If somehow the Wraith reunite and get over their internal civil war, get rid of Michael, and concentrate all their efforts to take on the Lanteans and all humans to again become the dominant power in the PG, what would we have to do to defeat them? Any ideas, in my way of thinking we would be in serious trouble and I am not sure myself how would we do it. Would really appreciate some ideas.
                          sit back and watch them starve... since you said wipe out all the humans..
                          or sit back and watch them shoot the air... since you said wipe out all the lanteans.

                          "And those who are prideful and refuse to bow down shall be laid low and made onto dust." Then Shall Fall Scifi!

                          If you don't worship Metonic... your parents won't love you anymore.. well they dont now...


                            with the worlds most ultimate weapon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, A Stick with a Nail through it, and before you say "oh yeah how's that gonna work" you need to know that it's no ordinary stick, it's,,,,,,A REALLY BIG STICK & A REALL BIG NAIL POSSIBBLY RUSTY.
                            And if that don't defeat them i can't see any other weapon doing the job because that is the best our child like race can come up with,,,,,so we are all doomed
                            I WILL KILL YOU WHERE YOU STAND

