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The reason for the ascended Rules

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    The reason for the ascended Rules

    I have a theory about the rules that the Ascended beings have.

    The reason they're not allowed to intervean in human affairs is simple.
    The moment they help a 'lower' human in any way, that human would think of the ascended being as a god/angle. he would start beliving in it and praying to the ascended being. he would tell others about it and they might also start praying to it as well.
    This would give that ascended being power. and as the Harsisis boy once showed Daniel, power corrupts.
    The moment an ascended being breaks the rules to help a lower, he might become extremly powerful (and be corrupted by that power) and become a threat to the others. therefores the others would take measures against ascended beings that try to do that, to prevent this from happening.
    the power that ascended beings get from humans praying to them may be more than just energy. it might be addictive and hard to resist once started.

    This is exactly how the Ori started. they probably had the best of intentions in the begining. but as they took the roles of gods they became hungry for more and more power until they became totally corrupt and evil.

    the ascended ancients in our galaxy know of this and don't want to make the same mistakes. so they set up the rules and made sure no one breaks them.

    Anubis was ascended with help from Oma. but as a Goauld system lord he probably had a lot of jaffa and human worshippers. this gave him huge powers the moment he ascended. the others saw this and tried to send him back but he was too powerful and could't be pushed back completely, so instead they just 'contained' him in a way that he couldn't use his ascended powers.
    Last edited by AscendedThor; 03 March 2008, 11:02 AM.

    Originally posted by AscendedThor View Post
    I have a theory about the rules that the Ascended beings have.

    The reason they're not allowed to intervean in human affairs is simple.
    The moment they help a 'lower' human in any way, that human would think of the ascended being as a god/angle. he would start beliving in it and praying to the ascended being. he would tell others about it and they might also start praying to it as well.
    This would give that ascended being power. and as the Harsisis boy once showed Daniel, power corrupts.
    The moment an ascended being breaks the rules to help a lower, he might become extremly powerful (and be corrupted by that power) and become a threat to the others. therefores the others would take measures against ascended beings that try to do that, to prevent this from happening.

    This is exactly how the Ori started. they probably had the best of intentions in the begining. but as they took the roles of gods they became hungry for more and more power until they became totally corrupt and evil.

    the ascended ancients in our galaxy know of this and don't want to make the same mistakes. so they set up the rules and made sure no one breaks them.

    Anubis was ascended with help from Oma. but as a Goauld system lord he probably had a lot of jaffa and human worshippers. this gave him huge powers the moment he ascended. the others saw this and tried to send him back but he was too powerful and could't be pushed back completely, so instead they just 'contained' him in a way that he couldn't use his ascended powers.
    To be honest, the whole "Praying = power" idea was just dumb... it created a giant plothole (how does praying give power...?) and, if the Ancients and Ori were equal in number (as was implied), then the Ori should have easily been able to defeat the Ancients with the power boost.

    One of the few things about the Ori arc I wish TPTB had thought out more... much more. They needed a purpose for the Ori to be doing these bad things and that was their answer, but it doesn't really work.
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      Originally posted by s09119 View Post
      To be honest, the whole "Praying = power" idea was just dumb... it created a giant plothole (how does praying give power...?) and, if the Ancients and Ori were equal in number (as was implied), then the Ori should have easily been able to defeat the Ancients with the power boost.

      One of the few things about the Ori arc I wish TPTB had thought out more... much more. They needed a purpose for the Ori to be doing these bad things and that was their answer, but it doesn't really work.
      never hear of "power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely"

      as for the praying giving power, its unexplained, but does not directly contradict anything else, therefor not a plot hole, just unexplained thats like saying lost is 3 series of plot holes as theres no explanation(yet)
      -Liberty Prime


        actually it explains a lot.
        praying/beliving in something might emit certain psyionic waves on the ascened-plane of existence, sending it to the entity that is being worshiped and thought of.

        The Ori were not as many as the ancients. they were probably a small group of only about a few dozen ascended beings.

        While the ascended ancients in our galaxy are thousands. a lot of humans in the milky way galaxy have also ascended and joined them.


          Originally posted by rlr149 View Post
          never hear of "power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely"

          as for the praying giving power, its unexplained, but does not directly contradict anything else, therefor not a plot hole, just unexplained thats like saying lost is 3 series of plot holes as theres no explanation(yet)
          I know power corrupts, but that's not what I'm saying. The writers portrayed it as people praying somehow gives the Ori more raw power... which makes no sense at all; It was never explained, either, which leaves us clueless. That makes it a very weak reason for the Ori invading, considering we have no idea, really, why it works.
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            Originally posted by s09119 View Post
            I know power corrupts, but that's not what I'm saying. The writers portrayed it as people praying somehow gives the Ori more raw power... which makes no sense at all; It was never explained, either, which leaves us clueless. That makes it a very weak reason for the Ori invading, considering we have no idea, really, why it works.
            well we're not supposed to understand how it works since its something beyond our level of undestanding.
            (just like we don't undersand how an advanced brain can generate telekinetic powers. we just accept it as a fact on the show and move on. )

            but it does make sense in terms of the show and helps explain a lot about the ascended beings and why they insist on keeping these rules no matter what. it does make them look bad for not helping poeple when they're in trouble. but now we understand that they have a good reason for acting this way.


              Originally posted by s09119 View Post
              I know power corrupts, but that's not what I'm saying. The writers portrayed it as people praying somehow gives the Ori more raw power... which makes no sense at all; It was never explained, either, which leaves us clueless. That makes it a very weak reason for the Ori invading, considering we have no idea, really, why it works.
              right, i was forgetting you were the expert on everything ever

              its unexplained, if they turned round and said its 'thetan radiation' (thank scientology for the ropey scientific term) coming from your mind to give ori their power, i'd agree with you, but nothing like that has been said, so its just not known yet.
              -Liberty Prime


                AoT spoilers:
                I always though that the power is channeled directly from the worshippers to the ascended bneings (in this case the Ori and later Adria). But the power was channeled through the priors. So it makes no sense if ordinary humans(like us) worship ascended beings. They always need superhumans as the transmitters.
                Stolen Kosovo


                  Originally posted by rlr149 View Post
                  right, i was forgetting you were the expert on everything ever
                  Good thing you remembered, then
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                  Previous Episode: 11x03 "Shore Leave" | Previous Episode: 6x04 "Nightfall" | Now Airing: 3x06 "Eldest"


                    Originally posted by g.o.d View Post
                    AoT spoilers:
                    I always though that the power is channeled directly from the worshippers to the ascended bneings (in this case the Ori and later Adria). But the power was channeled through the priors. So it makes no sense if ordinary humans(like us) worship ascended beings. They always need superhumans as the transmitters.
                    No I think it is so only when the worshipers are in a distant galaxy like ours.
                    The Priors are needed
                    to channel that energy because it has to be transmitted over a great distance. Besides the movie didn't really make it clear at all. But we saw that the Priors staffs were glowing and affecting all the people around him (possibly all the people on that planet) so they all stopped beliving not just the Priors.


                      Originally posted by AscendedThor View Post
                      No I think it is so only when the worshipers are in a distant galaxy like ours.
                      The Priors are needed
                      to channel that energy because it has to be transmitted over a great distance. Besides the movie didn't really make it clear at all. But we saw that the Priors staffs were glowing and affecting all the people around him (possibly all the people on that planet) so they all stopped beliving not just the Priors.
                      maybe, but who knows?
                      Stolen Kosovo


                        I never understood the worship and belief thing.

                        It could be said that SG1 showed a tonne of "belief" in Daniel while he was ascended, Jack believed that it was Daniel that helped him in Abyss. Teal'c believed it was Daniel in the Changling (is that the right ep name ???) And again - Jack had nothing but his belief in Daniel to guide him in Full Circle.

                        So by that "belief" Daniel should have been stronger than the others and not left starkers on a strange planet.


                          Originally posted by lewismnflwr View Post
                          I never understood the worship and belief thing.

                          It could be said that SG1 showed a tonne of "belief" in Daniel while he was ascended, Jack believed that it was Daniel that helped him in Abyss. Teal'c believed it was Daniel in the Changling (is that the right ep name ???) And again - Jack had nothing but his belief in Daniel to guide him in Full Circle.

                          So by that "belief" Daniel should have been stronger than the others and not left starkers on a strange planet.
                          non of them belived Daniel was a god or prayed/worshiped him. Teal'c even discouraged the Abydonians from beliving he was a god.

                          Besides even if all the Abydonians worshiped Daniel as a god, he would become more powerful but still not nearly enough for it to really matter.
                          Anubis had millions of followers and it didn't save him from the Others. although it did help him to stay in the ascended realm even though they tried to throw him out 0 they couldn't, and he got stuck in between levels in some *******ised way.
                          (of course Oma did wait until the Jaffa rebelled against him before attacking Anubis, probably because she knew Anubis would defeat her as long as he has so many followers. so only after the Jaffa rebellion at Dakara she had a chance against him and took it)


                            Originally posted by AscendedThor View Post
                            (of course Oma did wait until the Jaffa rebelled against him before attacking Anubis, probably because she knew Anubis would defeat her as long as he has so many followers. so only after the Jaffa rebellion at Dakara she had a chance against him and took it)
                            I got the impression that she did it then because Daniel had finally showed her that there was a way to stop Anubis... but she would have to end her lifelong mission in the process.
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                              Going to have to agree that praying = power is and always will be a nonsensical energy source. If praying to the Ori gives them power, then where does prayer to God or Bhuddist spiritual energy go to? And why isn't it detectable? Energy interactions will eventually emit photons or give objects momentum. A bunch of Christians at church would emit light like a light bulb. Of course, I thought the whole premise of the ascended plane was nonenergy conserving, and therefore nonsense.

                              Telekinesis would require energy from some source. Priors don't have a fusion reactor. If they're pulling energy from the ascended plane through thought, then why is my thought less powerful? Why can't normal humans pull energy from the ascended plane through thought?

