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Alpha/Beta Site Station

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    Alpha/Beta Site Station

    Okay, so I was thinking the other day about a couple of recurring elements throughout the Stargate universe. Specifically, the presence of an Alpha/Beta site for evacuation emergency.

    And then I was thinking, the perfect place - away from ground or space-based assault would be a cloaked station, the location of which was COMPLETELY unknown to any potential enemies. Since we know that Lantean cloaks are completely foolproof - not even Lantean sensors can detect the presence of a cloaked ship, unlike Goa'uld cloaks which aren't completely effective - a cloaked station would make the perfect evacuation site.

    And THEN I was thinking about Ba'al's plan towards the end of SG-1; to harvest Stargates and disable the correlative update protocols and seed worlds previously without Stargates, and therefore "start fresh". If the SGC were to use a similar principle to place this gate "off the grid", so to speak, they could be the ONLY ones capable of dialling into it.

    Add an iris/shield to the gate and then you'd essentially have a completely secure evac site. Add a couple of jumpers or a smaller-than-303 hyperdrive capable Earth ship for transport off the station, and you've got yourself a perfect retreat and regroup strategy should one of the primary facilities (Earth, Atlantis, Alpha Site, etc) get overrun by enemy forces.

    yeah but if the sgc was captured so to would the gate that can dial the "off the grid site"
    Vice Admiral and occasionally the Acting Leader of the Gateworld Cantina


      Originally posted by tombombadail View Post
      yeah but if the sgc was captured so to would the gate that can dial the "off the grid site"
      If Earth was over run the SGC would have been detonated, so there wouldn't be a stargate to dial with, or a least release a virus into the dialing computer so that everything is wiped.

      <<<I have watched you play with those who would play GOD<<<

      A Random but Cool Quote:
      If a man is offered a fact which goes against his instincts, he will scrutinize it closely, and unless the evidence is overwhelming, he will refuse to believe it. If, on the other hand, he is offered something which affords a reason for acting in accordance to his instincts, he will accept it even on the slightest evidence. The origin of myths is explained in this way.
      - Bertrand Russell


        ... then what's the point in the alpha site in the first place?

        Methinks you're kinda missing the point here lol.


          There's no perfectly secure site, but that's going some way towards it, I would say have several 304 bays, since they would need a place to retreat to, also, how would this place be powered?
          Best quotes ever:
          O’NEILL: I hope you like Guinness, Sir. I find it a refreshing substitute for food.
          Jack O'neill: I hope you diplomatically told him where to shove it.
          Teal'c:If you once again try to harm me or one of my companions, my patience with you will expire.
          Carter: You know, you blow up one sun and suddenly everyone expects you to walk on water.
          Thor:I like the yellow ones
          O´Neill:Hey, if you had been listening, you´d know that Nintendos pass through everything.


            Hmmm, probably a couple of Naquadah generators (since it's in-galaxy, no need for a ZPM as you'd only be dialling within the MW/Pegasus gate systems, depending on which galaxy it was located in), with a Lantean cloak/shield generator powered by a separate Naq generator.

            Reason for this would be because of the unique properties exhibited by Lantean shield tech (being completely inpenetrable while the power output of the generators is equal to or greater than the assault on the shield boundary). Considering how the station would be MUCH smaller than Atlantis, a Naquadah generator or two should be sufficient to deliver enough juice to keep the shield up throughout even a protracted battle, should it ever be detected by enemies.

            RE: docking bays, I reckon it'd be better to include just a single hangar bay for a smaller, perhaps Al'kesh sized hyperdrive-capable Earth ship, possibly with Lantean shields/cloak and a single forward (or turret-mounted) Asgard beam weapon. Primary purpose being mainly for hyperdrive transport of personnel off the station, should the gate be ineffective or inoperable, and also as a secondary support ship for defense of the station in the event of attack (in much the same way the Danube-class runabouts were on DS9, for those Star Trek fans amongst you).

