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Alternate ways for SG-1 to continue?

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    Alternate ways for SG-1 to continue?

    Ok, it's fairly apparant to me that the "movie series" attempt at continuing SG-1 is not going to work as planned. Not only is there the chance of movies leaking *cough*AoT*cough*, but most people do not want to wait months on end for a new update on what's happening to the team/Earth. I'm not saying that the movies won't or can't continue, but I think that there needs to be something else as well. A more... episodically formatted something else.

    Here are some ideas I had:
    • The team's "mission reports" could be posted online or something weekly
    • Would it be possible to take soundbytes from previous episodes and use them in animated episodes? You couldn't change the voices; diminishing the likeness of the team is already enough to put some people off.

    What are some other ways SG-1 could be continued?

    SG-1 has ended as an ongoing series. The movies are bonus adventures, so be grateful that we're getting them at all. The Ark of Truth being leaked onto the internet wouldn't have been that big a deal if the fans hadn't downloaded the movie and instead waited until March 11th. Since I have mixed feelings on the movie, I am going to rent it at my local video store for $5. If I don't like it, I only spent $5. If I do like it, I'll go buy the DVD. As for Continuum, I plan to buy it as soon as it comes out, because everything I've read about it makes it sound far supperior to The Ark of Truth. However, this is becuase I find the Goa'uld to be far more interesting than the Ori. That, and Continuum has O'Neill in it.


      personally, i know this sounds like a bit of a weird idea but here goes, i'd like to see them go back to the very beginning...

      show the Stargate story from a different perspective...

      maybe chronical the adventures of another SG-? team... there's plenty of other teams that i'm sure had aventures as well as SG1, maybe show some of their adventures


      Click on the image to go to my fanfics.


        That would be very redundant. If they're going to make a new show, it needs to be as different from SG-1 as SG:A is.


          lol, yeah, 'cause SGA is really different from SG-1 (there's already a thread about that, I just figured it was a good way to revive this topic... now I feel cheap...)

          anyhoo.. I'm not talking about a new show. I'm talking about different media outlets (e.g. the internet) that could be used to continue chronicalling (sp?)the goings-on at SGC. Another idea I had; SG-1 scripts/plotlines could be submitted to a webmaster, and the best ones posted online. Ok, that's not too original, it's a lot like SGHorizon, but at least it's an idea goshdarnit! (lol, I like the swears you have to use in PG-13 forums... ok, I hate them, but that isn't the point...)

          yeah... so... GENERATE IDEAS!


            I think just the preorders online that we can see right now disproves your claim. /forumsearch preorder
            Thats not a small number. Now count in those of us who dont buy stuff online or refuse to preorder and buy in early in the store. Now add all the other purchases over the next 6 or 12 months. Thats many times the cost of the film being returned to mgm. There will be more Sg1 movies. Bet me?


              Originally posted by kymeric View Post
              I think just the preorders online that we can see right now disproves your claim. /forumsearch preorder
              Thats not a small number. Now count in those of us who dont buy stuff online or refuse to preorder and buy in early in the store. Now add all the other purchases over the next 6 or 12 months. Thats many times the cost of the film being returned to mgm. There will be more Sg1 movies. Bet me?
              Yeah that's the feeling I have about AoT. I don't know where all this "doom and gloom" talk is coming from. The first movie isn't even out yet and the whole franchise is already doomed?
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                By no means am I saying that the movies will not continue. I hope they will. I did the search, and now I'm sure they will. Still, it takes a heck of a lot of time to write, film, edit, produce, etc. a film. Personally, I'm so addicted to SG-1 that I'll die waiting 8 months to see the next update on the team. All I'm wondering about is other ways to supplement the movies. Surely that's not doom talk, I would think that another SG-outlet would promote the series and franchise, increasing the likelyhood that SG-1 will continue, in movie form and others.

                Oh, and I think a lot of the "doom and gloom" talk comes from AoT being leaked. People think that it will doom the first movie, and that will create a domino effect, killing the movie series. Yeah, the sales probably won't be the best they could have been with the first movie, but if MGM makes SURE that Continuum is NOT leaked (and I can only hope they will, it being the better movie as far as I can tell) then SG-1 as a series (in whatever form) will be fine.


                  How about a series for the ships; prometheus, daedelus, oydessey and apollo. Prometheus lasted for over three years, we saw them only in a few episodes; surely the crew had misadventures of their own while on their way to pick up a stranded sg team!

                  And the milky way alpha site (that could be kind of like deep space nine). Less focus on military adventures and exploration; more attention on how the commanders of the alpha site handly intersteller diplomacy; like quarelling jaffa and tokra ; that sound like B5 now!


                    (this is only if u hv gd patience n an imagination)
                    they could make season 11 stuff like games and books to continue it
                    im gonna say my name by smilies

                    i am

                    i am lt colonel john emmagan

                    how cool am i


                      Originally posted by gateman2007 View Post
                      Here are some ideas I had:[list][*]The team's "mission reports" could be posted online or something weekly
                      I have no problem with this, just so long as they're written by different writers so they're not repeating themselves even in a different form. It sounds like how Joss Whedon continued Firefly, although imo he's a far superior writer to tptb.
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                        I always liked the idea of a Stargate series focussing on one of the Tau'ri's ships, but feared it'd not be considered Stargate enough (actual Stargates wouldn't need to be featured when you've got a BC-304 as the main setting for the series), or it'd be negatively compared to every other sci-fi series set onboard a spaceship (i.e. all of them...!!!). But more importantly, it wouldn't be an SG-1 continuation - at best, it'd only be able to feature SG-1 a few times a season, as guest stars.

                        I think SG-1 should be continued in some form - but any kind of series is not going to work, not least because many of the cast may want to move on - Amanda Tapping already has. Webisodes, like Battlestar Galactica does and Farscape will do soon, might work if filmed at the same time as another TV movie but revolving around an entirely new story, and distributed throughout the year to sate the addiction of people like us! Otherwise, TV movies, graphic novels and games are the only real options that I can see.

                        I actually think that a single-player Stargate RPG/FPS (for which I have tonnes of ideas, as do hundreds of other fans) could be a surprisingly good outlet for new stories, with new, regularly released "episodes" being downloaded expansions, featuring good likenesses of the actors and brand new voice acting from them, with the player character being a non-SG-1 team member.
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