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gate direction

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    In which episode(s) have you seen someone step through the opposite side of the gate and appear on the other side?

    And in reference to them blowing up the nuke on the opposite side of the wormhole in The Pegasus Project, the blast did translate through the wormhole; there was a directed blast coming through on Teal'C's end.


      Not the Pegasus project. Those were detonated in front. The detonation from behind is from a later episode where Daniel convinces them to disconnect the super gate in order for Odyssey to go through and try to destroy the Ori.
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        Originally posted by gateman2007 View Post
        In which episode(s) have you seen someone step through the opposite side of the gate and appear on the other side?

        And in reference to them blowing up the nuke on the opposite side of the wormhole in The Pegasus Project, the blast did translate through the wormhole; there was a directed blast coming through on Teal'C's end.
        I was actually referring to Daniel's plan to destroy the Gate so he could use the Ori ship to send Merlin's weapon through to the Ori galaxy. (and I see now this was already covered).


          If you were step through the back of a gate that was an incoming wormhole and just come out as if your were an incoming traveller why don't the people in stargate just stand behind the gate when enemies have bypassed the shield or iris or if you are on a planet without a defense for the stargate(like most other stargates) and shoot them from there? They couldn't shoot back because if you go through the stargate the wrong way then you never come back. This would also give them an advantage because when you walk through the stargate would you ever think that the enemy would hide ehide the stargate and use that to hide themselves.


            I think you would come through the event horizon wet or it anatomically inverts you as it pulls u in


              The "Event Horizon" as it exists in the Stargate Universe is not the threshold of the wormhole. It is a "disassembly field" that takes matter apart before sending it through the wormhole and then reassembles it on the other side. (Remember that in 48 hours they created an event horizon without a wormhole.) The Wormhole itself is only 2 dimensional and can only be seen from the front of the gate as the watery puddle. If you look through from the back you can see objects standing on the other side (like looking through a mist) because you are only looking through the event horizon field. I'm guessing that if you walked through the back of the wormhole there would be the possibility of parts of your atomic structure encountering the wormhole between the actual wormhole and the event horizon field. This would basically mean you get sucked into the wormhole without being disassembled first. That's probably a BAD thing since you're going to get ripped apart by the singularity but the receiving gate will not have the coordinate data necessary to put you back together.

              I'd hope that the gate builders were smart enough to take that severe safety hazard into account and simply put up a forcefield over the back side of the gate ring when the gate is "open" even though we've never seen any evidence to indicate one way or the other.


                It would surely such to accidently fall through the back of the gate and die because the gate builders didn't think about putting in a safety feature.


                  I know this is the older thread but someone else started another one just like it not too long ago.
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                    In A Matter of Time, when the wormhole is being sucked into the blackhole, I believe you can see on the other side of the gate the vortex of the wormhole swirling as it's being sucked in. Or, was that just the event horizon?
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