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SG-1 - House M.D. similarities?

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    SG-1 - House M.D. similarities?

    I've watched first season of House M.D. and I think I've noticed some similarities personality-wise
    Greg House - Jack snarky, grumpy, doesn't care about the rules
    Cameron - Sam knowledgeable, but by the book, has a crush on Greg House
    Chase - Mitchell bubbly, trigger-happy and usually over-enthusiastic and overconfident in his abilities
    What do you think?

    I started watching house a while ago an i never thought of sg1 but i was reminded of an atlantis house is sheppard and cutty/cuddy...not sure of spelling is weir....just the same kinda dynamic between the characters

    check it out!


      Originally posted by Rezukien View Post
      I started watching house a while ago an i never thought of sg1 but i was reminded of an atlantis house is sheppard and cutty/cuddy...not sure of spelling is weir....just the same kinda dynamic between the characters
      Well, I can see that too. Shep is in many ways a lot like Jack and yes I've never noticed before but Cuddy does have something of Weir in her


        It's so weird, my friend and I were just talking about this. But we thought the general construction (and look) of the cast in House was loosely based on the SG1 centre four but their personalities are very different to our four in SG1.

        House/Jack - Older guy, sexy, grey hair, grumpy but funny, leader.
        Cameron/Sam - Smart woman, very pretty and by the book.
        Chase/Daniel - Nerdy white guy, floppy hair, can have a sense of innocence.
        Foreman/Teal'c - African American guy, doesn't say anything if it doesn't need to be said, has a sensitive side.

        Personality Differences

        House - Too grumpy, too harsh, emotions are too buried, colder.
        Jack is much warmer and lighter, his sarcasm is funny but not hurtful and he shows that he cares a lot about his team.

        Cameron - Very vulnerable, innocent, can be walked all over, insecure, full of self doubt and too adherent to the rules.
        Sam is much more self confident, has leadership skills, kind but firm and has a wild streak even if adherent to rules.

        Chase - Keeps his softer side hidden until he trusts someone, looks out for number one first then thinks about everyone else, will do controversial things if he can get ahead.
        Daniel thinks about others first, will show his softer side and trust people before he should in some case, but will do controversial things but only because he thinks it's for the right reasons.

        Foreman - Cares for others but doesn't let them get too close, confident, self-assured, know he's the best in his field.
        Teal'c takes a while to trust people but once he does they have his trust, friendship and loyalty for life. Is confident and self-assured but knows that he bested if come across the right opponent at the wrong time.

        The only huge difference for me is that I ship Sam/Jack but don't Cameron/House - Cuddy/House have far more chemistry.

        And yes, I am a fan of both show.

        (Credit to RepliCartertje for the beautiful sig and to Mala for smilies.)


          Originally posted by Seahen
          Hmmm, interesting topic. I've always thought Jack and House were similar, and I think Nikki summed up their differences/similarities quite nicely. The only other thing I'd add is that Jack seems quite a family man too me (even if he no longer has a family), while House is the anti-family man.

          They both have their dark sides but they let that side affect them differently.

          Also, Jack is the ultimate leader, knows when to stand back and let his people take the lead, is unselfish when it comes to the job. He just wants to accomplish the mission and get all his people home.

          House on the other hand, just wants to solve the puzzle. He doesn't care how it gets done, and he'll step over anyone to do it.

          I never saw much comparison between the ducklings and the rest of SG1. I can see a bit of Sam in both Cameron and Foreman, but I don't think Sam is as much of a whiny b**** as Cameron. In fact, I think Daniel is better compared to Cameron. Daniel and Cameron are both the heart/conscious of their teams. Daniel can also be compared to Wilson as the best friend who knows House/Jack best.

          As for ships, yes both Sam and Cameron have crushes on their bosses, but Sam has never let it interfere with her work, while I think Cameron has. Cameron is much more forward with letting House know she's attracted to him and I think Sam would be mortified to act that way. They practically had to lobotomize Jack before she'd admit her feelings to him.

          Oh and Nikki, I like House/Cuddy better too! Cuddy can keep up with House and give him heck right back.

          anyway, bit of a ramble, so I hope you all can make heads or tails of it.
          Season 3 was great for House/Cuddy. And I totally agree with you, especially the two bolded paragraphs. You're right, the one thing I really hate about Cameron is that can be a whiny b**** a lot of the time and really makes a play for House to the extent of it interfering with her work. And I could definitely see Daniel as a mix of Cameron/Wilson, however I'd say that Sam has a House quality about her as well, with that drive and determination...oh and of course the being a genius thing, lol.

          (Credit to RepliCartertje for the beautiful sig and to Mala for smilies.)


            Originally posted by Seahen
            Hmm, interesting. I never thought about it, but can see that (bolded sentence). Definately both geniuses. Lets hope Sam never develops a handicap and become addicted to painkillers or she might do more than just blow up a sun!

            (Credit to RepliCartertje for the beautiful sig and to Mala for smilies.)

