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Are they preparing us?

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    Wauw seeing all your reactions make me feel sane
    I am a really logical person, and really think you should look this story from all sides.

    History is a fragile thing, we nowadays don't have all the info.
    If I think of all the history that's been wasted by deterioration, fire, whatever....
    and think of all the knowledge lost by death, murder, deceases, being burnt alive for your believes and knowledge.

    I believe that live as we know it is based on knowledge and evidence that's most common and basic, like instinct.
    Instinct formed by schools and media.

    We don't know the real meaning of life because it's being held from us, the knowledge is lost , or hidden .

    Off course you can not tell the whole world the truth, people can not function correct in that way, panic, hysteria, looting.
    And the way the media is playing people to keep them interested, scared, shop happy, scared of each other, and minorities.

    Why do we lock our doors at night?

    I'm scared........ but of what?

    We only life once let's all start enjoying it, we can die any moment, get hit by a car, plane you name it.
    But that life!

    There are so many artefacts we have not even begun understanding.

    I believe there is more to life than we now know, let's find out together.



      Originally posted by Buzz_Lightyear View Post
      I have to admit I sound crazy but watching stargate I get the feeling "there" preparing us to the reality that life out there is as real as a kick to the groin.

      I am one of those people that feel that, we... the people are not being told the truth.

      What do you guys think?

      We're not told the truth about a lot of things (and probably not told anything of a whole lot other) otherwise the US wouldn't have a multi-billion dollar black budget,, so we don't know eh


        I don't know if they are preparing us, i believe that they are in contact with aliens, BUT, if they are they wouldn't tell us ever. If there start coming masses of weird cover stories, like an unknown plauge or perhaps a meteor crash thats really large, ill be really suspicious. I mean sure all of us could probably handle it and voulenteer as stargate crew but face it, most people couldn't handle it. And there would ofcourse be war because USA didn't tell everybody and didn't share their technology and is endangering the entire world and yadayadayada... Rebels hating america would go grazy, some of the talibans too...


          It's possible that there is intelligent life out there, but if you think about it, it's very unlikely that we would ever get in contact with them.

          One big assumption is that there are civilizations that exist right now, at the same time we are existing. It's possible that, at some place 100 000 light years away, there is a civilization. Let's say they do what we do and start sending signals randomly into space hoping it will reach someone. If they send one towards Earth by chance, it will take 100 000 years for it to reach us. Then, we have to hope that we are listening at the right time so that we do receive the signal. Then, we have to figure it out, figure where it came from, and figure how to send a signal back. This is all assuming that we even realise that an alien civilization contacted us. If we do send a signal back, it will be over 200 000 years from when the original civilization first send a signal out to us. We have to hope the aliens either have very long lifespans and/or kept very very good logs of where and when they send their signals. And any form of communication would have a 200 000 year lag.

          Of course, this would work with any distance, 100 000 ly was just an example. Alpha Centauri is only 4 ly away, so an 8 year lag isn't too bad. But the majority of stars, where the greatest chance of finding a civilization, are much much further away.

          This is only one of many obstacles in trying to contact extraterrestrial life of course. But it's a pretty big obstacle. It's possible that many civilizations were born, evolved and died out (or ascended!) during the lifetime of the universe. Or, by the time a civilization receives, deciphers and sends back one of OUR signals, we may be long gone!
          sine sine cosine sine,
          three point one four one five nine!
          Originally posted by Brad Wright Q&A on Mallozzi's Blog
          [in response to a question about fan reaction to SGA's cancellation]

          Wright: You guys are actually pretty predictable (take no offense, most fan groups are). Unfortunately, you represent a very small portion of the actual viewing audience we need for financial success.
          This is the reality. Accept it.


            Originally posted by spinspinspin View Post
            It's possible that there is intelligent life out there, but if you think about it, it's very unlikely that we would ever get in contact with them.

            One big assumption is that there are civilizations that exist right now, at the same time we are existing. It's possible that, at some place 100 000 light years away, there is a civilization. Let's say they do what we do and start sending signals randomly into space hoping it will reach someone. If they send one towards Earth by chance, it will take 100 000 years for it to reach us. Then, we have to hope that we are listening at the right time so that we do receive the signal. Then, we have to figure it out, figure where it came from, and figure how to send a signal back. This is all assuming that we even realise that an alien civilization contacted us. If we do send a signal back, it will be over 200 000 years from when the original civilization first send a signal out to us. We have to hope the aliens either have very long lifespans and/or kept very very good logs of where and when they send their signals. And any form of communication would have a 200 000 year lag.

            Of course, this would work with any distance, 100 000 ly was just an example. Alpha Centauri is only 4 ly away, so an 8 year lag isn't too bad. But the majority of stars, where the greatest chance of finding a civilization, are much much further away.

            This is only one of many obstacles in trying to contact extraterrestrial life of course. But it's a pretty big obstacle. It's possible that many civilizations were born, evolved and died out (or ascended!) during the lifetime of the universe. Or, by the time a civilization receives, deciphers and sends back one of OUR signals, we may be long gone!
            You have a good point, but this is assuming the aliens are not super advanced already. For all we know we may be the baby race who doesn't know anything about anything, and perhaps they see us too 'young' to find out about them. I mean the asgard were spying on tauri and stuff.


              Originally posted by ZampraZ View Post
              I don't know if they are preparing us, i believe that they are in contact with aliens, BUT, if they are they wouldn't tell us ever. If there start coming masses of weird cover stories, like an unknown plauge or perhaps a meteor crash thats really large, ill be really suspicious. I mean sure all of us could probably handle it and voulenteer as stargate crew but face it, most people couldn't handle it. And there would ofcourse be war because USA didn't tell everybody and didn't share their technology and is endangering the entire world and yadayadayada... Rebels hating america would go grazy, some of the talibans too...
              USA didn't tell everybody-but what if this contact will be between aliens and Iran?? OMG this could be not funny! I think even if a little known coutry will kept this secret we are not 'preparable'(if you know what i'm trying to say)- the news that somewhere exist alien civilization- with whom we've got regular contact may cause global changes- don't know how big or with what kind of consequences but changes...
              sig thanks to Luci


                Originally posted by spinspinspin View Post
                It's possible that there is intelligent life out there, but if you think about it, it's very unlikely that we would ever get in contact with them.

                One big assumption is that there are civilizations that exist right now, at the same time we are existing. It's possible that, at some place 100 000 light years away, there is a civilization. Let's say they do what we do and start sending signals randomly into space hoping it will reach someone. If they send one towards Earth by chance, it will take 100 000 years for it to reach us. Then, we have to hope that we are listening at the right time so that we do receive the signal. Then, we have to figure it out, figure where it came from, and figure how to send a signal back. This is all assuming that we even realise that an alien civilization contacted us. If we do send a signal back, it will be over 200 000 years from when the original civilization first send a signal out to us. We have to hope the aliens either have very long lifespans and/or kept very very good logs of where and when they send their signals. And any form of communication would have a 200 000 year lag.

                Of course, this would work with any distance, 100 000 ly was just an example. Alpha Centauri is only 4 ly away, so an 8 year lag isn't too bad. But the majority of stars, where the greatest chance of finding a civilization, are much much further away.

                This is only one of many obstacles in trying to contact extraterrestrial life of course. But it's a pretty big obstacle. It's possible that many civilizations were born, evolved and died out (or ascended!) during the lifetime of the universe. Or, by the time a civilization receives, deciphers and sends back one of OUR signals, we may be long gone!
                In turms of Interplanetary travell you are correct.
                But if you take in to account Interstellar travell, they could be watching us Live, while beeing light years away.

                ZampraZ - i really cant imagine of going in to War against USA, right now or anytime in the future, just because they were holding back on the rest of the world about there Alien contacts and possible new technologies. As much as Governments might represent there countrys on a political level, the people of this countrys are in no way responsible for the actions of there Governments. - In fact this is one of the reasons that i do not like policy much this days. Because Governments do start wars against other Governments, but its the ordinary people that have to pay the price.
                At least for once, i would like to see the entire Bush cabinet, USA congress, and all other governments that took part in irak conflict, leave there comfartable chairs, pick up the rifles and go on a patrol duty in the streets of Irak. Perhapes then when they beeing targetd by a sniper, or a land mine, they would think twice befor declairing Wars.
                We are born capable of greatness... If we are to be who we are, and what we are; if we are to accomplish great things, then we must learn the heart's most essential rule:


                  Statistically speaking the chances that life exists out in the universe is extremely high and most likely very common, the kicker to that is what percentage of that life is intelligent and how advanced is that life?
                  We are just starting to find planets around stars and we are finding that they are very common. In the next 10-30 years we will most likely start finding earth like planets around stars.
                  It is exciting but also scary because if you base intelligent life on Humanity, they could look at us and our planet as a resource.
                  Then again if a species is advanced enough to travel such vast distances one would hope that they would be spiritually evolved (in a not religious sense)
                  The future is exciting, I only wish I could live long enough to see it all.


                    You always have to wonder if something is out there. Life forms may be fragile, but life itself seems to be extremely resilient. And I do agree that the government does hide things from the general public, whether it's ET or not, I have not clue. One thing that I wonder about is, and concerns me, is how will the religious people take it if life is found elsewhere? Some of them can be quite fanatical. I think the average person will handle it far better than they will.

                    Another question is, if we do discover life elsewhere, and it turns out to look a lot like something from the movies, is it pure chance or by design?
                    Wraith, the OTHER white meat.
                    Loyalty above all else, except Honor.


                      Originally posted by Freekzilla View Post
                      You always have to wonder if something is out there. Life forms may be fragile, but life itself seems to be extremely resilient. And I do agree that the government does hide things from the general public, whether it's ET or not, I have not clue. One thing that I wonder about is, and concerns me, is how will the religious people take it if life is found elsewhere? Some of them can be quite fanatical. I think the average person will handle it far better than they will.

                      Another question is, if we do discover life elsewhere, and it turns out to look a lot like something from the movies, is it pure chance or by design?
                      I would say it depends on their religion. More then likely they will deny and claim that the proof is a hoaks, some people still believe the earth is flat (flat earth society) go figure that.


                        Originally posted by EarthandBeyond View Post
                        In turms of Interplanetary travell you are correct.
                        But if you take in to account Interstellar travell, they could be watching us Live, while beeing light years away.
                        If by Interstellar travel you mean faster than light capabilities such as hyperspace or warp drive, then yeah, time for signals to travel would be meaningless. Still, it would have to be a really big coincidence for a civilization to have developed faster-than-light travel now (as opposed to just 100 000 years ago or 100 000 years in the future) and be interested/discovered us. They don't have to reveal themselves to us, I'm just saying that the chances of them even being able to find us are pretty slim.
                        sine sine cosine sine,
                        three point one four one five nine!
                        Originally posted by Brad Wright Q&A on Mallozzi's Blog
                        [in response to a question about fan reaction to SGA's cancellation]

                        Wright: You guys are actually pretty predictable (take no offense, most fan groups are). Unfortunately, you represent a very small portion of the actual viewing audience we need for financial success.
                        This is the reality. Accept it.

