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Favorite/Not So Favorite Stargate Quotes !

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    Jonas Quinn : Thanks Teal'c, I really appreciate that, I mean, those of us that weren't originally from the planet Earth, We gotta stick together, right?

    Teal'c : Are you suggesting an Alien Conspiracy ? *Stares at Jonas Quinn in slight disgust*

    Jonas Quinn : No... Oh, of course, I was warned about your occasional use of humour, you got me

    Teal'c glares down Jonas

    Jonas : I Swear.. No conspiracy *Fears for his life*

    gets me every time


      McKAY (to Ronon through a mouthful of donut): You know, we could be a team. You could be my sidekick.

      DEX: "Sidekick."

      McKAY: Yeah -- it'd be like Batman and Ronon. Has a nice ring to it.

      DEX: Yeah, you keep eating like that, it's more like Fatman.

      (McKay's so hilarious. Lol! Sidekick. Lol!)

      McKAY: Oh my God. I can read minds. (He raises his hands to either side of his head and wiggles his fingers, smiling.) Oh, this is cool! (He hurries off.)

      (See this is why I love McKay. He's an idiot but such a funny one. LOL!)

      McKAY: He tries to hide it, but deep down, I'm the wind beneath his wings.

      (I suppose this could be true in other matters.)

      McKAY: If you're a highly-evolved super-genius, put up your hand. (He looks around the Infirmary hopefully, then pretends to look surprised and raises his hand, smiling.) Oh!

      (He's so funny! Who doesn't love McKay? I also do the same thing.)

      McKAY: Oh, God, there's so many things. (He props himself up onto his elbows and looks up at John.) Not talking happens to be one of them, by the way.

      (This is one of my favs. Cause I know how Rodney feels. Cause I hate not talking too.)

      McKAY: Radek? (He hesitates. Radek looks up at him.) I think it's safe to say that, uh, I am at times a petty, vindictive, even jealous man. (Radek looks at him suspiciously.) I sublimate my own anxieties or feelings of inadequacy by creating a bubble of hostility around myself. I know that you, probably more than anyone else, have had to bear the brunt of that hostility.

      ZELENKA: Rodney, you don't have to ...

      McKAY: Actually, I do. (He walks closer.) Here's the thing: you're a brilliant scientist, and a decent human being, and you should not have had to endure the kind of abuse that you've taken from me in the past few years. I hope you can find a way to forgive me for all the things I've said and done to you. You deserve much better than that ...

      (Radek looks at him, his mouth open in surprise, but he is genuinely touched.)

      (Lots of people think that McKay is a self centered arrogant idiot. But he does have some good in him.)

      McKAY: Yeah, well, you know what? I don't care if you don't think I was capable of ascension. (Elizabeth looks at him as if to protest that she never thought that.) I never wanted to do it anyways. In fact, you know what? I am very happy with who I am. (He types on his laptop.) And you love me.

      WEIR: What?! I never ...

      McKAY: You so did! Yeah, I may not be able to understand this new math I created, but I distinctly remember that you said you love me. (He smiles smugly at her.)

      WEIR: Actually, I said we love you and ...

      McKAY: And, what? What, you were just saying that because you thought I was dying?

      WEIR: No -- I said it because ...

      McKAY: See?! You love me! It's true -- you've said it, now I know. I always suspected it. In fact, you know what? I've always noticed that there's been a, um, indefinable and yet magical chemistry between us ... (Elizabeth shakes her head ruefully) ... that I think I covered in Chapter ten.

      (Awwwwwwww. So cute!)
      I absolutely love the self centered arrogant insulting brilliant genius geek. And we all know who that is... Rodney McKay! I love Rodney McKay and David Hewlett! If David Hewlett didn't play Rodney then Rodney would be boring! And I can guarantee that too. Do you want to know what I love? Rodney McKay, Rodney McKay, Rodney McKay, and Rodney McKay! Oh and did I mention... Rodney McKay! LOL! I bet your tired of that name already.


        Vala: It's funny, isn't it. Daniel always wanted to get in my pants, and now I'm in his.
        Mitchell: Oh, that's not funny.
        Valla: Hmm?
        Mitchell: He can't defend himself.


        That one is hilarious!
        To be snarky is to be awesome


          Originally posted by placid View Post
          "...or do you prefer Dick?"

          Khalek (sp?) (Anubis's 'son') to Richard Woolsey in episode "Prototype" of season 9.
          That was a good one


            make it spin

            spinning is so much cooler than not spinning

            we found a ring in the sand

            and below
            -Liberty Prime


              Basically any line of O'Neill.
              "A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell." - C.S. Lewis


                OK, the title's pretty self-explanatory. Say whatever Stargate quote you've got stuck in your head, be it SG-1 or Atlantis. Let the quoting begin!

                McKay: I'm not crazy, I just have another consciousness in my brain!
                Duet, Season 2.
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                  Capt. Carter: I'm an Air Force officer just like you are, Colonel. And just because my reproductive organs are on the inside instead of the outside doesn't mean I can't handle whatever you can handle.
                  "The Clarke Postulate - One's ability to correctly explain advanced theoretical thermodynamics as applied to string theory within a fictional context is directly related to one's ability to cook the perfect lemon chicken with mushrooms in a nice garlic butter sauce. While some use this unexpected correlation as proof of intelligent design, I believe that its all about the person's choice of mushrooms.

                  I also believe that there is a tear developing in the space-time continuum which if left uncheck will allow Microsoft to become a world power. I suspect that unless we all download Firefox 3 on the same day, thus sealing the tear, that life as we know it may be over and children will have their teddy bears and blankets ripped mercilessly from their arms.


                    This entire scene from Tao of Rodney has been looping through my head for the past few days!

                    McKay: She used to leave the lights on all over the house. Every room. It drove my father nuts.
                    Zelenka: For me, it was my brother...only we didn't have lights. He used to leave candles burning everywhere.
                    McKay: Yeah - well, you know what? No one wants to hear any more stories about how poor you were as a child, alright? We already feel as sorry for you as is humanly possible.
                    Zelenka: He burned the house down, you know.
                    McKay: My sister was afraid of the dark...used to blame me for leaving the lights on. Of course my father believed her. He never sided with me.
                    Zelenka: We had to live in a tent, in the dead of winter for three months.
                    McKay: At least my stories relate to what we’re doing!
                    Zelenka: So do mine.
                    McKay: We’re trekking all over the city shutting down everything the Ancients activated while they were oh-so-briefly in control so that we can stop the power from draining from our one precious ZedPM! How does that relate to your idiot brother burning the house down?
                    Zelenka: Well...if we don’t succeed ...
                    McKay: We’re not going to have to live in a tent in the dead of winter!

                    EvKawoosh's LJ Icons


                      John: I'm no scientist, but weren't those mice white to begin with?

                      (Paraphrased it, can't remember the exact quote right now. )
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                        From SG1 season 4: 'Window of Opportunity'

                        "If this doesn't stop, I think I'm going to lose it."
                        "Lose what?"
                        "Lose it. It means, go crazy, nuts, insane, bonzo, no longer in possession of one's faculties, three fries short of a Happy Meal, Wacko!"
                        A woman that allows herself the balance of cool wisdom and strength of heart.


                          mckay from seige part 3:

                          if my calculations r correct......hmmmm(smirks):


                            Vala: Last time i was this bored I took hostages


                              Aris Boch: (in reference to the zat shot he just received) Oo, that tickles.
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