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Crazy Ideas (Spoilers SG-1 S10 and SGA S3 and 4)

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    Crazy Ideas (Spoilers SG-1 S10 and SGA S3 and 4)

    Ok, just to point out these ideas were concocted by myself and my cousins while we were out at a family dinner and alcohol was consumed so they may seem stupid.

    Now when battling a wraith hive ship, wouldn't we do more damage just playing chicken with it and just going strait into it, i mean the Daedulas has a shield the wraith don't.
    better yet mount a Stargate on the front of the ship and modify the shield so that the event horizon is open to space but the rest is not. Dial another gate which is out in space and just fly at the opposing wraith hive ship.

    This idea is following along with some plot holes we were discussing, now at the end of Season 8 of SG1 where they dial multiple gates, what would happen, more then likely the thing you send through would be evenly divided between the number of gates you dialed. But we still decided that you would in fact be cloned.
    Please remember alcohol had been consumed not long before we came to this conclusion.
    Now in season 10 of Sg1 we go to Atlantis drop of Jackson and Vala and go dial the gate and make it hop to the super gate to make it useless, and stop the Ori forces sending more ships.
    So we also asked the question, what would happen if we sent, say a jumper through the gate, would it come out the Supergate, Super sized?? We decided this to be in fact the case. Now following this theory, it must work both ways, send a ship through the super gate(having dialed with the super gate) a scaled version of the ship would come out the other side.

    Now both of these plot holes put to good use, we shrink a ship, then dial multiple gates to make many small ships, and then we send them back through the gate and out the super gate to have many many full size ships!!!

    Stupid yes, but it sure was good entertainment to think it all up, and i thought id share it with everyone.
    Any other ideas or comments on my own idea people would like to post??

    Err no, just no to all of that.
    All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing-Edmund Burke

    The question which once haunted my being has been answered. The future is not fixed, and my choices are my own... and yet, how ironic! For I now find, I have no choice at all! I am warrior... let the battle be joined.-Dinobot-Code of Hero

    Don't blame me, I voted Cthulhu


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