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LEGAL ways to watch Stargate

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    LEGAL ways to watch Stargate

    Every now and then a topic pops up with less than fully legal ways to watch SG-1 and Atlantis episodes. I was just thinking it might be good to have a sticky topic with various ways to LEGALLY watch the two shows. I'll go ahead and post two ways I know of that AFAIK are fully legal atleast in the US

    SciFi: SG-1 Weeknights at 6:00 PM Eastern Atlantis at 10:00 PM and other special times

    Fox: SG-1/Atlantis Syndication season, various time; check locally

    iTunes: Episodes sell for I believe $1.99 USD

    Please post more, promoting the shows Legally is much better for them than watching them illegally.
    When the time comes to utilize Earth's best weaponry against an ailen threat. The weapon that will ultimately prove to be Earth's best will be the Zatnikitel

    There is no other way to watch it via the exclusive channel that broadcasts it in your country.

    Either that or pay to DL it from Amazon or iTunes.

    No other ways are legal. Nor does it matter because Sci-Fi only care about how many watch it live on their channel. That & thew fact that it's only the US market that counts. So it doesn't matter if all the other countries watch it because if Sci-Fi cancels, then Atlantis will be made no more.

    Thus if people didn't know they could watch it on Sci-Fi by now or that they can get it from Amazon or iTunes, then they obviously haven't been watching the show at all through legal means. Meaning it doesn't matter because their viewership will not be counted by those who really matter.


      Originally posted by Wraith_Boy View Post
      There is no other way to watch it via the exclusive channel that broadcasts it in your country.

      Either that or pay to DL it from Amazon or iTunes.

      No other ways are legal. Nor does it matter because Sci-Fi only care about how many watch it live on their channel. That & thew fact that it's only the US market that counts. So it doesn't matter if all the other countries watch it because if Sci-Fi cancels, then Atlantis will be made no more.

      Thus if people didn't know they could watch it on Sci-Fi by now or that they can get it from Amazon or iTunes, then they obviously haven't been watching the show at all through legal means. Meaning it doesn't matter because their viewership will not be counted by those who really matter.
      You could watch it with your DVD Player if you bought the DVD's!!

      But I think that should change...if people watch TV differently, then networks should find new ways to decide it they cancel or don't cancel shows....but thats off topic.


        I watch the current season on the SciFi Channel while watching previous seasons on DVD.


          Originally posted by Wraith_Boy View Post
          There is no other way to watch it via the exclusive channel that broadcasts it in your country.

          Either that or pay to DL it from Amazon or iTunes.

          No other ways are legal. Nor does it matter because Sci-Fi only care about how many watch it live on their channel. That & thew fact that it's only the US market that counts. So it doesn't matter if all the other countries watch it because if Sci-Fi cancels, then Atlantis will be made no more.

          Thus if people didn't know they could watch it on Sci-Fi by now or that they can get it from Amazon or iTunes, then they obviously haven't been watching the show at all through legal means. Meaning it doesn't matter because their viewership will not be counted by those who really matter.
          /me probably shouldn't mention article 16c of Dutch copyright law states its legal to copy music and movies/tv programs for personal use.


            The only solution for NON-US Viewers is ''DVD''. If SCI-Fi does not receive enough ratings, but if there is a strong interest in the DVDs, they might keep it on. (It did happen with family guy: It was canceled, but they revived the show because it performed well on DVDs) So guys do like me and buy them all! United we are stronger!
            All good things must come to an end...
            Canada Rule!!!


              It's hard to care about "legal" ways to watch it when they make you wait 7 months to see part 2, especially when they were aired in Canada and Europe months in advance.

              I personally never understood why it's "illegal" to download episodes, so what if a few people see them early?

              And I'll bet if there was no such thing as money, or at least no money made from the episodes, they wouldn't care if people downloaded them or not.



                Originally posted by Vala_M View Post
                It's hard to care about "legal" ways to watch it when they make you wait 7 months to see part 2, especially when they were aired in Canada and Europe months in advance.

                I personally never understood why it's "illegal" to download episodes, so what if a few people see them early?

                And I'll bet if there was no such thing as money, or at least no money made from the episodes, they wouldn't care if people downloaded them or not.

                I don't even think the TV industry cares about illegal downloads. Either way, they still get their money for the ads playing during the show Unless it comes on a $14 CD, $25 DVD or $60 boxset, then it's a different barrel of fish as then you're taking food out of the poor actors or singers mouths as they aren't getting their small percentage of profit out of sales. (depsite the fact about 90% goes back to the publisher).


                Until it gets to a point where similtanious releases are done worldwide on TV, the only true way to legally get the episodes is DVD and even then you're still going to import them. It's easy to say Itunes or Amazon but 3/4's of the planet can't use that service because it's American only.

                What makes it worse is the fact that most places still can't even get the DVD until America gets it first, which is down right impossible if they decide to throw in another 3 to 7 month break at some point. Yes i'm blaming america for everything, but so does everyone else.
                Last edited by SaberBlade; 19 October 2007, 05:11 PM. Reason: typos



                  Originally posted by SaberBlade View Post
                  I don't even think the TV industry cares about illegal downloads. Either way, they still their money for the ads playing during the show Unless it comes on a $14 CD, $25 DVD or $60 boxset, then it's a different barrel of fish as then you're taking food out of the poor actors or singers mouths as they aren't getting their small percentage of profit out of sales. (depsite the fact about 90% goes back to the publisher).


                  Until it gets to a point where similtanious releases are done worldwide on TV, the only true way to legally get the episodes is DVD and even then you're still going to import them. It's easy to say Itunes or Amazon but 3/4's of the planet can't use that service because it's American only.

                  What makes it worse is the fact that most places still can't even get the DVD until America gets it first, which is down right impossible if they decide to throw in another 3 to 7 month break at some point. Yes i'm blaming america for everything, but so does everyone else.
                  Bite the tongue, Bite the tongue


                    Originally posted by Daniel Jackson View Post
                    I watch the current season on the SciFi Channel while watching previous seasons on DVD.

