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funny lines that should have been

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    funny lines that should have been

    allright, people on the forum have made threads for funny lines and countless threads for what they think should've happened. so i have combined the two!
    post funny lines that should've been said in either show. here's mine
    (when Daniel gets radiation poisoning and ascends)
    Jack; OH MY GOD! They killed danny!
    Sam; YOU! bas tar dS!
    teal'c(in chef voice); hello there tau'ri!
    Vice Admiral and occasionally the Acting Leader of the Gateworld Cantina

    Teyla: I want my barbie doll.

    Rodney: Does anybody remember what RAM stands for? Anybody?

    Ronon (to a wraith): Why can't we just be friends?

    Sheppard: Ya know what, I'm sick of this place. I'm going back to McMurdo.
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      Rodney: Damn...I forgot the flux capacitor!



        Caldwell to Sheppard :

        "You call that a military style haircut ???


          Goauld Queen: U dare speak to me this way!
          Jack O'Neill: What?
          G.Q: U dare speak to me this way!
          J.O: What?
          G.Q: U dare mock me!
          J.O: Maybe if U take that damn thing outta you neck, I might understand ya!
          G.Q: What do you...(realizes he's talking about the snake, which is infact
          her). U dare speak to me this way!
          Sam: wow U actually got a goauld to speak in circles.
          Daniel: Ya...that's an acheivement.
          Teal'c: Indeed.
          Vala: Oh please, when I was host to quetesh I almost drove her crazy with insane riddles.
          Daniel: Somehow I don't doubt that. Those riddles wouldn't happen to be all...
          Sam: Innuendo?
          Daniel: That.
          Vala: U know I'm much more three Dimensional than U give me credit for.
          JAck: What are ya, a cartoon?
          Vala: ya, that's original.
          Goauld queen: I must agree, she speaks not like a person of depth.
          Daniel: weren't U just threatning to have us suffer eternally for our insolence?
          *Goauld queens eyes glow in anger*
          Jack: slow down there grass hopper, the man's got a point.
          Goauld Queen: Well a queen's gotta make her threats.

 carried away.
          1 Year 11mths without using the letter U on the thread: ask Morbo anything


            Teal'c: Yes

   had to be said.


              Rodney: you know what i don't know , i just don't know
              May the odds be ever in your Favor ! oh and please say hello to me on Skype and Facebook


                Originally posted by Enzo Aquarius View Post
                Teal'c: Yes

       had to be said.
                Indeed !


                  Teal'c; indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed indeed< whizzzzzzzzz over load of agreement> beep beep beep KABOOM!
                  Jack; huh, T was a robot, that explains a lot actually...
                  Vice Admiral and occasionally the Acting Leader of the Gateworld Cantina

