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Evidence of A Conspiracy Against Siler

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    Evidence of A Conspiracy Against Siler

    I'm convinced that there's a conspiracy against Siler. Case in point, in 'A Matter of Time' both Siler and O'Neill shut down the main breaker supplying power to the stargate. They both pull levers at the same exact time, only Siler is the one injured. O'Neill walks away.

    Please post other specific examples that there's a conspiracy against Siler here. I'd like to update the character's bio on wikipedia.
    "The Clarke Postulate - One's ability to correctly explain advanced theoretical thermodynamics as applied to string theory within a fictional context is directly related to one's ability to cook the perfect lemon chicken with mushrooms in a nice garlic butter sauce. While some use this unexpected correlation as proof of intelligent design, I believe that its all about the person's choice of mushrooms.

    I also believe that there is a tear developing in the space-time continuum which if left uncheck will allow Microsoft to become a world power. I suspect that unless we all download Firefox 3 on the same day, thus sealing the tear, that life as we know it may be over and children will have their teddy bears and blankets ripped mercilessly from their arms.

    In Upgrades Siler breaks his arm after being knocked down the stairs by O'Neill.

    In Window of Opportunity - Unknowingly stuck in a time loop, Siler stumbles into Dr. Jackson on several loops, showering papers in every direction.

    Heroes, Part 1 - Siler becomes the test subject for Dr. Lee's new ceramic polymer vest shield, taking a direct staff blast by Teal'c.

    there are probably lots more examples but these are all I can think of at the moment.

    Dan Shea who plays Sgt Siler is stunt coordinator for SG-1 and also stunt double for RDA. Whenever they are on screen together you just know Silers going to get hurt! (O'Neill can't be injured if his stunt double is already in the scene!)


      Of course Siler agrees with you. As he said in 200:

      Why does this always happen to me!?!

      In season 7 he's in the background with some sort of injury pretty much every time there's a scene in the infirmary.


        The thing I noticed in "A Matter of Time" was that O'neill kept his hands on the panel while Siler let go. Makes you wonder who really knows the eqipment. O'neill was probably grounded so it wasn't like a capacitor and jumped the gap to Siler. Yea, he's pretty much the guy you send into a place you know something's gonna blow up. He seems to be SG's equivalent of the infamous Star Trek redshirt except he doesn't he can come back next ep and get blown up again LOL, sorry Siler/Mr. Shea, just couldn't resist the comparison.
        When the time comes to utilize Earth's best weaponry against an ailen threat. The weapon that will ultimately prove to be Earth's best will be the Zatnikitel


          I think it's a running theme with Siler that he gets injuried, sort of one of those show things where they take a parody of a character/place/scene/thing & make it a running them with the show.

          other examples are the 'for crying out loud' & 'ya think?!?' lines used by various characters (mainly & , but to a lesser extent & :mitchell, 's long-running 'indeed', etc

          I don't actually think there is a real conspiracy (but you can never be too sure! ) against Siler, just a show-runing joke & that his character is clumbsy/unlucky alot of the time.

          Although, I must say, I do feel sorry for poor Siler & if I was in his shoes i would begin to wonder as well. . . .


            Originally posted by akren View Post
            I think it's a running theme with Siler that he gets injuried, sort of one of those show things where they take a parody of a character/place/scene/thing & make it a running them with the show.
            That's exactly it. That's why I laughed so hard when they brought attention to it in Season 10's "200". I always would find myself wondering what would happen to Siler next, every time I saw him.
            MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
            "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
            Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


              In Family Ties, Siler bangs his nose on a door that was "coincidentally" opened behind him, when he turned around suddenly.

              "I aim to misbehave." - Capt. Mal Reynolds

              "Alien locale is no excuse for lack of pineapples." - DP

              WALLACE: And if I don't?
              O'NEILL: We'll beam you up to our spaceship.


                Originally posted by Callista View Post
                Of course Siler agrees with you. As he said in 200:

                Why does this always happen to me!?!

                In season 7 he's in the background with some sort of injury pretty much every time there's a scene in the infirmary.
                That was so funny!

                Anyway, I think one reason that they always make Siler the one getting hurt is because (as Pharaoh Hamenthotep said), he is the stunt coordinator, so it stands to reason he should be the one getting hurt.
                Company of Thieves

                Daniel: You might want to prepare to return fire.

                Marks: For the record, Im always prepared. I just have to push this button.


                  it's just a running gag ..all for fun


                    Originally posted by Zatnikitelman View Post
                    The thing I noticed in "A Matter of Time" was that O'neill kept his hands on the panel while Siler let go. Makes you wonder who really knows the eqipment. O'neill was probably grounded so it wasn't like a capacitor and jumped the gap to Siler. Yea, he's pretty much the guy you send into a place you know something's gonna blow up. He seems to be SG's equivalent of the infamous Star Trek redshirt except he doesn't he can come back next ep and get blown up again LOL, sorry Siler/Mr. Shea, just couldn't resist the comparison.
                    You would think that Siler would be able to put two and two together and figure out that when ANYBODY asks him to do anything that he's going to get injured. Siler must be an idiot.

                    Carter: Hey - why did the Peacock cross the road? To prove to the armadillo and Siler that it was possible.
                    "The Clarke Postulate - One's ability to correctly explain advanced theoretical thermodynamics as applied to string theory within a fictional context is directly related to one's ability to cook the perfect lemon chicken with mushrooms in a nice garlic butter sauce. While some use this unexpected correlation as proof of intelligent design, I believe that its all about the person's choice of mushrooms.

                    I also believe that there is a tear developing in the space-time continuum which if left uncheck will allow Microsoft to become a world power. I suspect that unless we all download Firefox 3 on the same day, thus sealing the tear, that life as we know it may be over and children will have their teddy bears and blankets ripped mercilessly from their arms.

