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Gou'uld technology gets weaker the longer stargate went on....

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    Gou'uld technology gets weaker the longer stargate went on....

    This thread is nothing to do with the comparision between Gou'uld technolgy and another races, or the comparision about there technolgy appearing weaker due to more advanced races being introudced e.g. replicators and ori tolan aschen being over the season.

    This is to see if anyone agrees with me that although the writers claim that the Gou'uld and jaffa became so easy to kill that it was perhaps there own doing.

    What i mean is there are alot of examples but i will just point out a few:

    In the very first episode O'Neil fires a staff weapon and blows a whole right threw a brick wall. It is often showed early in the show that the staff weapon can cuase alot of damage yet as the show gets older the staff weapon becomes significantly weaker, you get shot form it and pretty much always live no problems.

    Gou'uld motherships in the earily seasons were pretty powerful. Althoguh i cant remember any specific examples it seems that they have gone from beign able to conquear whole planets too being destroyed in one shot by almost anything e.g. the projectile that came fromt he surface of the planet in beachhead that was part of the super gate.

    They have even started making fun of them like Baal when he captured Adria and Sg-1 beamed in why didnt he have a personal sheild why havnt any of the Baal clones had person sheilds, infact what happened to personal shields for Gou'ulds they seemed to dissappear and just altogeather made them that much easier to kill.

    The Jaffa went from being bred to being warriors to being standing targets that didnt shoot back or if they did couldn't aim anyway.

    There are alot more but i dodnt want to spend all day on this so yeah....
    Last edited by redrama9; 05 August 2007, 06:53 PM.

    The only thing that got weak was the staff weapon, but that was for dramatic purposes. As the show went on, sometimes it just burned your back, other times, it blew up a brick wall. It's level of destruction depended on the writer. As for ships, they were always powerful, we just found ways to blow them up. That's a natural progression of the show. Finally, we come to personal shields. This is one department they really screwed up. I would have loved to see Carter, the Tok'ra (especially Jacob/Selmak), and later Vala use the Goa'uld ribbon device as a standard offence/defence item.


      Well the current staffs are so weak because they're different weapons. Teal'c now carries a Sodan staff which is far smaller, weaker, and more maneuverable. 7ft.-blow-your-head-off staffs were overkill, and too large to be practical. The 5ft.-ish staffs are powerful enough for a 1-shot-kill, and maneuverable enough to double as a hand-to-hand combat weapon. Not to mention a lot easier to carry.
      "Most of our John Sheppard impressions sound more like a demented Jimmy Stewart than Joe Flanigan."
      ~David Hewlett


        I didn't realise they had different types of staff weapons.


          I don't think you can analyze tihs without talking about the fact that more advanced races have made them seem weaker. Except maybe for the staff weapon which several theories could be brought to light. But yea, I agree on the hand-device although more advanced weaponry maybe able to penetrate it or there could have been some sort of shortage.
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            Originally posted by Daniel Jackson View Post
            The only thing that got weak was the staff weapon, but that was for dramatic purposes. As the show went on, sometimes it just burned your back, other times, it blew up a brick wall. It's level of destruction depended on the writer. As for ships, they were always powerful, we just found ways to blow them up. That's a natural progression of the show. Finally, we come to personal shields. This is one department they really screwed up. I would have loved to see Carter, the Tok'ra (especially Jacob/Selmak), and later Vala use the Goa'uld ribbon device as a standard offence/defence item.
            I think those were pretty hard to come by though. It was typically only a powerful goa'uld system lord that had a ribbon device and most o them died in exploding ships/stuck by Replicarter. Also, operation of the device requires Naquadah in the blood, so only a very few of the SG mebers coul even use it, and that assumes that they were ever able to figure it out in the first place. So far as I am aware the only thing that the Tau'ri ever figured out was how to ring up to a ship. Although, Vala might have known how it worked, but that enver seemed to come up.
            Hrm... *wanders off*
            "A friend is someone who stabs you in the front."

            Ilshah, host to A’aaruk-GateWorld RP


              Remember too that the Goa'uld were basically scavengers. Any technology they had, they stole there wasn't a lot of initiative to develop or expand technology, as a race the goa'uld were rather stagnant, lacking much in the way of entrepreneurial spirit, for lack of a better phrase. Sure some of them attempted some genetic manipulation and such but met with little success. By and large they existed in a state of perpetual warfare against one another and subjugation of humans and Jaffa. In their Hubris perhaps they came to believe their own assumptions of their godhood and in so doing assumed themselves to be perfect or invulnerable, thus change or advancement was unnecessary. Only Anubis, who presumably got much of his knowledge and guidance from the knowledge he gained when Ascended, showed much in the way of desiring to improve upon his technology. As far as technological advancement from the Jaffa, well, the feudal system being what it was did little to encourage them to do much other than procreate and fight. Inventive genius was most likely not rewarded. I’m thinking that what the goa’uld had at the beginning of the series was largely unchanged because they lacked the ability to further their technology to a far reaching extent.
              "A friend is someone who stabs you in the front."

              Ilshah, host to A’aaruk-GateWorld RP


                The Goa'uld stole tech, but were able to reverse engineer a lot of it. Personal shields and ribbon devices were almost certainly produced by the Goa'uld, based off of Alliance (Nox/Ancient/Furling/Asgard) tech.

                So basically...there is no real excuse as to why Ba'al didn't have a personal sheild and ribbon device. It would have made for much cooler scenes, as well.

                The staff got weaker, I do recall. Like the zat third-shot thing never being used again. Remember in WTSG (or TSL) when Daniel says he is going to die from a staff blast wound because of RADIATION? What ever happened to that? The writers just forgot.

                Other stuff appeared weaker as the Tau'ri got stronger. The level of advancement the Tau'ri had was a little hard to swallow, though. The amount of those HUGE BC-304s they pumped out...ships made in SECRET. Almost impossible to believe. The writers could have done it, though. Explain that Earth 'out-sourced' many ship components (and the final shipyard building phase) to other planets. All of the races that owe us one could be working to make the ships in turn for protection, tech, defense weaponry, etc. The kind of relationship that was implied in Enemy Mine, only on an inter-galactic scale.

                Quite frankly, for all the complaints I have about the writing in this show, I am kind of surprised that I love it so much. I guess it's just an unconditional love. Like mothers who still love their insane, mass-murdering children.
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                  Its true most Goa;uld ships seemed to get weaker as we got better at battleing them and improved are own weapons! However if you remember at the end of series 5 the Standrad Ha'tak got a boost by anubis! And Ha'taks could even battle asgard ships! Then came more technology like the Prode droids, mind prode, supersoilders and the anubis superweapon mothership!

                  You say the tollan technology outranked them (and it did as they built their own stargate) But in the end the gao'uld with upgraded ships beat them into dust!

                  Its only after Reckoning that we have seen them soo weak! Especailly in the hands of the free Jaffa who i gess never captured any or the newer advnaced hataks and instead only got left with the old series 1 calss! exsplaining the one hit kill in beachhead.

                  As for the staff weapons you have a point! maybe the staff that could blow a hole in a wall hand just had new batterys?
                  Atlaest the ZATS are still powerful!
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                    well for snakes they are pretty clever at copying technology such a rings and beaming tech and can make ships with weapon and among other things...

                    that is mcuh more than us humans can do now


                      Originally posted by MechaThor View Post
                      You say the tollan technology outranked them (and it did as they built their own stargate) But in the end the gao'uld with upgraded ships beat them into dust!
                      I'm not convinced the Goa'uld couldn't build stargates if they really wanted to, but what would be the point, there are millions of them all over the place.
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                        Originally posted by jds1982 View Post
                        I'm not convinced the Goa'uld couldn't build stargates if they really wanted to, but what would be the point, there are millions of them all over the place.
                        If they could Baal wouldn't have gone through such lengths to steal them.
                        "Most of our John Sheppard impressions sound more like a demented Jimmy Stewart than Joe Flanigan."
                        ~David Hewlett


                          they know how they work and operate im sure the goauld could of biult a cheaper less better version of the real gates, since baal knows dialling and among other goaulds they seem to know alot about the stargate...such as when tealc got stuck in the stargate


                            Anubis wasn't a Goa'uld, though. He was a Ascended Being with the personality of a Goa'uld, so it doesn't count. His knowledge was un-paralleled.
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                              I think it was a case of Goa'uld technology seeming weaker the more advanced we got as the series went on.
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