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If you were a Goa'uld who would you be and why?

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    i wouldn't mine being baal. just because he looks and seems really cool. I like how he handles all the other system lords like their petty trash. other wise i'd be yu but he is to old and it is taking its toll on him.


      Yu is cool but he is going crazy. I never did like baal because he is not that unique; but anubis is neat because he is powerful,secretive and looks cool.


        I'd pick the Greek goddess Nike, goddesss of victory. Rumored to run and fly at great speeds. My Jaffa would all bear the "swoosh" symbol and when I conquer Earth everyone will be forced to wear overpriced sneakers.

        Or I wouldn't mind being the Goa'uld known as the Celtic goddess Morrigan, goddess of battle, strife and fertility. She creates all kinds of trouble and is rumored to be a shape-changer, often assuming the guise of a crow or raven. I assume she'd have a few tricks up her sleeve to do the shape-changing thing so that would be very cool.

        Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


          I'd have to go with some kinda of Samurai Goa'uld. I think that would be really cool. We haven't really seen all that many Japanese Goa'ulds before, actually I don't think we have seen any but I could be wrong..... Anyways, I could have Samurai Jaffa, Jaffa but with Samurai armor instead of the reagular kind. But since I'd be Samurai, I don't think I could be a bad Goa'uld. A Goa'uld with honor(actual honor not that arrogance most Goa'uld have ), that will be something new.
          Church: Well than just get over there and yell bang bang bang.
          Doc: I don't know even that sounds pretty aggressive...
          Church: Oh come on!
          Doc: ...Besides I'm not supposed to get involved unless someone gets hurt.
          Church: Huh, I see. (Raises pistol and shoots) Well, looks like Caboose has hurt himself. Maybe you should go over and help him Doc.
          Doc: You know you could have just asked nicely.
          -Red vs Blue
          Teal'c: "I have read of a place where humans do battle in a ring of Jello."
          O'Neill: "Napoleonic power monger."


            Originally posted by buckner
            Yu is cool...
            I know.


              The Goa'uld are very different from each other each has it's own personality.


                I would be the Aztec god Tezcatlipoca, who was rumored to be able to see all the thoughts and deeds of men in his obsidian mirror, and my Jaguar Guard would be decked in jade and obsidian. Hopefully, spot remover wouldn't work against them, b/c that'd be a humiliating way to lose ;p

                Tezcatlipoca also enforced fair treatment of slaves (his beloved children) and punished transgressions with poverty and slavery, so I'd be much more secure from internal uprising.

                Also, traditionally the priesthood selected a man to pretend to be Texactlipoca every year, and he lived that year in the lap of luxury before having his heart cut out in sacrifice to the god, which I'm sure could work into the character interestingly, somehow...

                This sounds like a decent story, actually, I should copy it out...
                Last edited by grendelsbayne; 07 May 2005, 01:01 AM.
                Sentio Aliquos Togatos Contra Me Conspirare


                  I would be Baal because i would be alive.
                  i just love to give and recieve GREENS


                    Id be Nirrti bcs she has the best outfits . . . and invented the invisibility thinggie which is just so darn cool . . . and who doesnt want to be invisible sometimes?
                    She is great at escaping too . . . Sounds like me . . . in the end I get caught too.
                    13!!RED thinggies and counting . . . FUN!

                    okay now I do not actually want red thinggies but for some reason people like to give them to me . . .
                    some people multiple times!;-)


                      i'd be Osiris
                      Save us from danger, save us from evil
                      Servatis a periculum, Servatis a maleficum


                        Originally posted by oragans
                        I would be Baal because i would be alive.
                        ROFL!! well, if you're gonna choose on logic, that's a pretty darn good one!

                        as for me, i'd say one that HASN'T actually been on the show... and go with 'Anat read up and you can prob'ly guess why

                        but, umm... to go with one who HAS been on the show, i'd say osiris (still don't get why all the greek names are used for the egyptian gods in SG, but, well... what can ya do gotta love fiction, eh??


                          I'd have to say Hathor or Nirrti. Both the epitome of Goa'uldish qualites and sexy at the same time. Oh yeah and they can kill you without messing up their awsome outfits.
                          Please come and vist my friends and my little corner of the net. We'd love to have you.


                            i think i would probably be apophis, i have always really liked him and to me, he seems the most likely person i would follow as a god. the only problem is i would have to shave my head...
                            "A general is only as good as the people he commands."


                              Gotta go with Ra on that one. I mean come on, Ra was the god of gods, the lord of all he surveyed. Pretty cool I think. So yeah, Ra.
                              "When I started school it was considered a miracle for an ass to talk, now I'm not so sure." ~Anonymous

                              "I do not agree with what you say, but I defend to my death your right to say it." ~Voltaire

                              "Like Broadway, the novel, and God, feminism has been declared dead many times" ~Katha Pollit

                              "I'm a feminist and I don't care who knows it." ~Me


                                I am the host of a minor goa uld.... This sucks....

                                Sorry for the sarcasm, I am prepared to be called immature, juvinile and retarted for what must seem like some idiots ramblings.

                                "Carter tried to seduce me."
                                "You poor man"

                                "No no no no, he just doesn't like going through the Stargate."
                                "He's worse than Dr. McCoy."
                                "The character that Dr. Beckett plays in real life."

