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Head Shot, Idiot

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    Head Shot, Idiot

    Why are Stargate personnel too stupid to take a head shot unless the enemy is a Kull Warrior with helmet on, in which case a head shot becomes futile?

    Episode after episode they're fighting Jafah or Wraiths or Unas, and the badguys always have body armor or super healing powers or both, and the SG soldiers will empty clip after clip futilely center-of-mass then be captured or killed when they inevitably run out of ammo. Adding insult to injury the Wraiths generally leer at their mentally challenged victims just before they go down, as if mocking the foolish humans for not using their last couple of bullets to try for a head shot.

    Add Colonel Everett to the roster of idiots who died because they inexplicably didn't think to take a head shot. If our military people are really this stupid I should be a general as apparently I'm a tactical genius the likes of which no writer of either Stargate show has ever encountered.

    Episode after episode, battle after battle, soldiers who are supposed to be elite special forces are captured or killed because it doesn't occur to them to take a head shot. Some who are captured have escaped only to repeat the exact same mistake under the exact same circumstances all over again.

    In one case it's even with the exact same enemy. There's Rodney McKay with a loaded pistol and an injured Wraith limping ominously toward him, and McKay asks Sheppard, "What should I do?"

    The selfsame Wraith has already been shot several times, BY SHEPPARD, although never in the head, of course, but does Sheppard possess even the tiniest mote of intelligence required to adapt and learn from his mistakes? What does he tell Rodney? "Shoot him!"

    "Head Shot!" are the two words that would save McKay's life, but you'll never hear them, because even the heroic protagonist Sheppard lacks the intellect or resourcefulness to think of shooting anywhere but center of mass. McKay empties the clip into the Wraith's body armor, and once again it doesn't work, just like it didn't work for Sheppard earlier this episode, nor did center-of-mass work last episode, either. And yet nobody ever adapts.

    Does anyone else occasionally get the feeling that these idiots deserve to die in Darwinian disgrace? Maybe with enough Sheppards weeded out of the gene pool we can maybe get someone like Jack Bauer up to bat for humanity, and for once we in the audience won't have to sit through yet another infuriating repetition of the "emptying the clip center-of-mass" death scene.

    It's like the family that keeps letting Toonces drive the car. Yes, shooting center-of-mass works, but not very well. After a dozen episodes or so the main characters should have figured it out, but the only people who seem to have a clue are in the audience.

    I theorize that the only way to get Sheppard to shoot a Wraith in the head would be to put the Wraith in a Kull Warrior helmet.


    btw, notice the rating on Stargate? Censorship offices tend not to take a good view on people getting shot in the head in prime-time tv shows...


      Originally posted by Area 51-and-a-Half View Post

      It's like the family that keeps letting Toonces drive the car.

      To be fair, not shooting in the head is just a time honored cinematic tradition. Bullet proof vests always make people invincible.


        yeah, it's silly.They should use .308 or 5.56 instead of 9mm or 5.7.It would be easier to kill a wraith with headshot.And sidearm??why didn't SOF units use 9mm???They use .45 cal because it has a better "stop-effect" than 9mm beretta.
        Stolen Kosovo


          Yeah its just a tv rating issue rather then a story problem.
          "Dying doesn't work in our favour!"


            From a special effects/stunt perspective, it's also a lot harder/more expensive to blow someone's head off than it is to stick a couple of squibs inside the actors clothing.


              Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
              From a special effects/stunt perspective, it's also a lot harder/more expensive to blow someone's head off than it is to stick a couple of squibs inside the actors clothing.
              Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
              BOOM HEADSHOT.

              btw, notice the rating on Stargate? Censorship offices tend not to take a good view on people getting shot in the head in prime-time tv shows...
              although i agree that at times a head shot makes more sense than a body shot, i also agree with the above posts; rating and costs stops them from doing it all the time.

              once or twice a season, maybe, if they cut out an effects scene, and we'd see the shot. that, or just keep having all the shooting off screen and have the characters mention it they were head shots
              *throat punch*
              My blog:
              LVI now open to all fandoms!!!


                The only time I've seen a shot at a Head (FACE really) was in Rising (SGA) parts 1 or 2. Can't remember.

                Ford put a Bullet in one of the Wraiths face but he was wearing a mask. Quite alot of gore.

                Just the way a like it.

                They should be a Thread open called 'Violence In Atlantis' which was opened by me. It was originally called 'Bullet in the Face' but was changed by the 'Mods'. (Which was a good idea after all as it got more replies!!)

                Check it out

                For Wraith, hunger burns like a fire.

                Tell me, Sheppard, if you found yourself burning alive, would you settle for just one drop of water ...

                ....... or would you take more?



                  Ford shot one Wraith in the head in "Rising".It wasn't worse than "normal"
                  Stolen Kosovo


                    Everett didn't die, he was sent back to Earth!

                    Shep took & passed the Mensa exam back on Earth, so he's very smart!

                    The problem with headshots it's gruesome & quite difficult to pull off. Ford shot a dumb Wraith Drone in the nut in Rising. However he was wearing the face mask which allowed them to easily pull off the effect.

                    The biggest factor is that it's a family show hence it's rating, so don't think many parents would allow their kids to watch it if Aliens were getting shot in the head every few secs.

                    Watch when they kill a Jaffa, Wraith or whoever, their is hardly ever any blood spilled & shown on screen, despite the actual amount of violence that takes place in the ep.

                    I doubt budget would make all that amount of difference, but it's probably more a reason of un-necessary hassle to do it numerous times, while it ups the gruesome element that may lose them viewers or get them in trouble with Skiffy.

                    Realistically if they were fighting the Wraith, not all members would be carrying P90's or Beretta's or whatever handguns they use.

                    They would switch to using 'Desert Eagle's' as the handgun of choice.
                    While at least half would switch from using an SMG to either to a more powerful assault rifle or even a machine gun. Would love to see Ronon running in Rambo style with a .50 cal MG on each arm, or a Vulcan Minigun


                    Don't think many Wraith would get back up after getting hit with that baby!


                      Yeah you try taking a headshot in the heat of battle. It's notoriously difficult to shoot a tiny moving target like a persons head. Soldiers (except possibly snipers) are trained to shoot at the center of mass because they are more likely to hit the target at a distance. However if your enemy is really close and advancing straight at you, it probably wouldn't hurt to try and shoot them in the face. What was it, the first episode where they couldn't kill Jaffa because of their armor? It hasn't been a problem since then, and Wraith have been going down pretty easily as of late.
                      All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing-Edmund Burke

                      The question which once haunted my being has been answered. The future is not fixed, and my choices are my own... and yet, how ironic! For I now find, I have no choice at all! I am warrior... let the battle be joined.-Dinobot-Code of Hero

                      Don't blame me, I voted Cthulhu


                        Let's pretend that they all passed some SOF training(I doubt that when I see them in the fight) including MOUT and CQB techniques.So they should be able to hit enemy heads.In CQB you should shot two bullets in the chest a one in the head (to ensure the target is really eliminated). They should shoot one bullet into wraith's/jaffa/ori soldier head when he's lying on the groung to ensure he won't be back.
                        Last edited by g.o.d; 26 April 2007, 09:31 AM.
                        Stolen Kosovo


                          At the end of the day, it's down to the simple physics of special effects - to make a gunshot effect you use a small explosive device called a squib together with a packet of fake blood. This is concealed within the actor's clothing and set off by remote control to simulate a gun shot hitting the actor. You can't just stick a squib to someone's forehead (aside from it would probably be dangerous, the whole point of them is that the squib itself is not visible).

                          It's exactly the same reason why in movies etc where someone is shot whilst partially dressed etc, the shots *always* hit them where they are clothed and not on bare flesh - watch the movie Desperado and the scene where a guy wearing an open waistcoat over a bare chest gets shot by guyswith automatic weapons... every single shot hits him in the waistcoa!


                            Originally posted by jds1982 View Post
                            Yeah you try taking a headshot in the heat of battle. It's notoriously difficult to shoot a tiny moving target like a persons head. Soldiers (except possibly snipers) are trained to shoot at the center of mass because they are more likely to hit the target at a distance.
                            Exactly. Headshots are taken very rarely, and usually from a very close range AND if you have the time to aim.

                            Originally posted by Wraith_Boy
                            Realistically if they were fighting the Wraith, not all members would be carrying P90's or Beretta's or whatever handguns they use.

                            They would switch to using 'Desert Eagle's' as the handgun of choice.
                            The Desert Eagle is one of the pistols LEAST suitable for combat use. It's reliable enough for hunting or target practice, but not for intense combat shooting. Plus it weights like a rifle. And 50 bullets out of a P90 will still be a hell of a lot more lethal than seven .50AE slugs out of a Desert Eagle.

                            Oh and man-portable miniguns make no sense whatsoever. They require electricity to rotate those barrels, so you need to carry a hefty battery- and their rate of fire is obscenely high. The only man-portable minigun prototype ever built was about 30 pounds in weight, plus a 30 pound battery, and the 500 rounds of linked ammo added another 18 pounds. That package would serve you for about 35 seconds of combat. Add all this to the standard infantryman equipment and try to walk around with that load for an hour or so. The empty brass ejection is a disaster; the guy who fired the minigun in the Predator movie had to wear a protective suit. No accuracy to speak of, of course. Oh and the 5.56 caliber version generated enough recoil to spin the shooter around like a spinning top.
                            If Algeria introduced a resolution declaring that the earth was flat and that Israel had flattened it, it would pass by a vote of 164 to 13 with 26 abstentions.- Abba Eban.


                              what i dont get is why the use the p90 lol, iguess cause its a 50 round clip? and i say kimber 1911's for sidearms



