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Everything Jack

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    Everything Jack

    One of the things I love about Stargate Sg-1 is how Jack O'Neil's funny cynical side comments and responces to the various situations that Sg-1 is in. I like how he makes fun of the Goa'uld to their face. I was just wondering if you people could list the different times Jack made you laugh. Please tell me what it was that he said, or did.

    List different times! Eeeek. how about just listing all the episodes! Although I think my favourite moment is the magnifying glass in Menace.


      Here some of my favourite O'Neill quotes:

      O'Neill: Permission to barge in, Sir?

      O'Neill: No, she tried to seduce me.
      Daniel Jackson: Oh. pause You poor man.

      O'Neill: No, sir? Does it say "colonel" anywhere on my uniform?

      O'Neill: Perfect. If any little rocks sneak up on us, we will have plenty of warning.

      Carter: You didn't think the Colonel had a telescope on his roof just to look at the neighbors, did you?
      O'Neill: Not initially.

      Jackson: Hathor was the Egyptian goddess of fertility, inebriety, and music.
      O'Neill: Sex, drugs, and rock and roll?


        Sheesh.I've either smiled ,or laughed, at quite a few Jack lines/antics over the years....
        One I laughed at was in "Bloodlines"
        Jack to Bra'tac:"Hey! Hey! Hey! Who are you calling a "Hassock" "
        Typical "Jack-ism" !

        Not sure what Bra'tac meant ,but I'm sure if I check the Compendium,I'll find out.
        The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


          Sorry when I said list the various times, I meant tell me what Jack said or did to make you laugh and if you know the episode tell me that.


            In "2001"
            Hammond: Well, SG-1 it sounds like you've accomplished all you mission goals.
            Carter: In a word,general...yes.
            O'neill: In 2 words...yes....(thinking)...sir.

            Also see signature.

            "We'll keep the light on for you."


              'burns is a gou'ald! right, that's it, i'm leaving my simpsons vhs collection to siler. he gets it'

              finding a supposedly dead danny in the lift with him 'i could have sworn that was an aspirin i took this morning'

              Ba;al "you dare to mock me!"
              Jack "you should know, of course i dare to mock you!"

              "you ended that sentence with a preposition, you *******!"

              actually, jack makes me laugh nearly every episode
              Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                In "Unnatural Selection" talking to Carter about the human replicators, Jack recalls his experience in "Brief Candle" as he Quips: "Nanites, I hate nanites."

                "We'll keep the light on for you."


                  Window of Opportunity

                  Lose it. It means, go crazy... nuts... insane... bonzo... no longer in possessions of one's faculties... three fries short of a Happy Meal... WACKO!!

                  It makes me laugh just thinking about it
                  Jack: Daniel?
                  Daniel: He just asked me if we were Soviet Spies. I just...
                  Jack: Nyet???


                    There are indeed too many!

                    "We'll keep the light on for you."


                      the bit with the magnifying glass in menace is definitely one of my faves too.
                      i love the golf through the stargate ("in the middle of my backswing!?!"), cycling through the halls of the SGC ("vern. how's the wife?") and pretty much all of his window of opportunity moments.
                      i love full circle in season 6 where he says "well spank me rosy!"
                      the tuna fish torture in rules of engagement.
                      need i go on?


                        One of my favourites is the Brocca divide when he calls Teal'c Lucy. That small exchange between Jack and Teal'c is such a great example of the "chemistry" between the two. In the earlier seasons, I think Teal'c is nearly funnier then Jack.
                        THOR: It was your stupid idea Major Carter.


                          You know... when I first watched the show I couldn't stand the characer of Jack and the lines they wrote for the character. The quirkyness and lame jokes bothered me but after awhile I came to love them!! I've recently been watching the first two seasons over again and I'm forgetting all the good stuff from him. Great stuff.
                          "You ended that sentence with a preposition!!" - Jack O'Niell

                          My DVD Collection


                            jack- time for plan B

                            sam- we have a plan B?

                            jack-no but its time for one


                              There are absolutely way too may to list, he does something funny in practically every episode. I've enjoyed all the ones listed. I also like any time he and Daniel get into a *did* *didn't* argument like in the 5th Race.

                              My Photos

