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SG-1-Use of Myth and Culture Thread

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    Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
    Especially the drag
    I would say in Roman terms...after 100 AD? You do have the emperors, and without them we wouldn't have the glorious Suetonius' 'Lives of the Twelve Caesars'- which is full of scandal, gossip and strange little details, but yet he manages to show more detachment and archness then any 'true' historian (eg. Tacitus!!) usually did. His account of Nero is a classic The fiction after the Augustan period is rubbish though (shudders at the thought of Lucan and Seneca).
    Good old Tacitus lol he really liked the Germania.

    I love it when you get the praetorian guard taking out emperors who are bugging them. Such nice guys.

    The Caesars needed some symboites and a less jaded population, maybe they could have held it together. Once they started feeding the masses and entertaining them, the plebians were more in control than the patricians.


      But the patricians were such snobbish, over-masculating (I've made that a word!), over-compensating, dominating and secretly but highly neurotic fools so much of the time it wouldn't have made a difference. The fact that the 'Republic' was in actuality a oligarchy where the only 'democratic' voting was done by plebians and freedmen who depended on the elite candidate for survival... The moment they started to build an empire, they were doomed. The idea of them having symbiotes is fun though. For some reason I have Nero as a full-on randy party Goa'uld, Tiberius as the obligatory one who you wouldn't trust but is more 'human' (poor bloke never got over his wife ) and Caligula would be the cynical loony. Great fun

      Courtesy of smurf, as always


        hmmmmm that could explain why Julius wanted to conquer the world

        I was watching 'Needs' last night, they had Maya/Aztec stuff in the background.

        Never did Seneca.


          Originally posted by Iffy View Post
          hmmmmm that could explain why Julius wanted to conquer the world

          I was watching 'Needs' last night, they had Maya/Aztec stuff in the background.

          Never did Seneca.
          You don't want to. His philosophy and letters can grate, and his tragedy...oh dear sweet lord, no, no, NO
          'Needs' is a weird one, no? It revolves around an essentially Egyptian burial object which has spread throughout the Goa'uld, but the culture itself is a mixture. The dress does not really specify a culture, and neither do their objects, but the architecture is definately leaning towards that period, except more gilded and painted as per crazy overlord usual The costumes seem to fit into the non-specific ancient stereotypes, with lots and lots of shiny fabric and some skimpiness. Daniel's hair was highly amusing- 'We'll rumple it! Yes, rumple!'

          Courtesy of smurf, as always


            Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
            You don't want to. His philosophy and letters can grate, and his tragedy...oh dear sweet lord, no, no, NO
            'Needs' is a weird one, no? It revolves around an essentially Egyptian burial object which has spread throughout the Goa'uld, but the culture itself is a mixture. The dress does not really specify a culture, and neither do their objects, but the architecture is definately leaning towards that period, except more gilded and painted as per crazy overlord usual The costumes seem to fit into the non-specific ancient stereotypes, with lots and lots of shiny fabric and some skimpiness. Daniel's hair was highly amusing- 'We'll rumple it! Yes, rumple!'
            His hair got more and more curly and ruffled.

            You had like 2 anceint cultures - really you could sell me on a Mayan/Aztec coffin thing more than the Egyptian style one they used. It was a bit weird that way consistency was off a bit or maybe the go'ould that the Father killed off was just eclectic (sp?) in thier decorating tastes.

            I liked Sam's Tok'kra flashback.

            makes note to avoid Seneca


              Originally posted by Iffy View Post
              His hair got more and more curly and ruffled.

              You had like 2 anceint cultures - really you could sell me on a Mayan/Aztec coffin thing more than the Egyptian style one they used. It was a bit weird that way consistency was off a bit or maybe the go'ould that the Father killed off was just eclectic (sp?) in thier decorating tastes.

              I liked Sam's Tok'kra flashback.

              makes note to avoid Seneca
              They didn't have an actual Goa'uld who could give them a precise culture, so they did what they usually do in those circumstances and go for a combo culture with lots of opulence and shinies to draw the eye. Usual weird Hollywoodish mixture of ancient designs. On the Mayan subject, I do love how they were so determined that Hathor should never see the light of day that they dumped her in South America
              Also avoid Lucan. Lucan is incidentally Seneca the Younger's nephew. Also steer clear of Pliny's letters concerning his wife (a modern female response is usually 'ick, ick, urgh'), and Menander, because his plays are really not funny. At all.

              Courtesy of smurf, as always


                Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                They didn't have an actual Goa'uld who could give them a precise culture, so they did what they usually do in those circumstances and go for a combo culture with lots of opulence and shinies to draw the eye. Usual weird Hollywoodish mixture of ancient designs. On the Mayan subject, I do love how they were so determined that Hathor should never see the light of day that they dumped her in South America
                Also avoid Lucan. Lucan is incidentally Seneca the Younger's nephew. Also steer clear of Pliny's letters concerning his wife (a modern female response is usually 'ick, ick, urgh'), and Menander, because his plays are really not funny. At all.
                I try to avoid any male from antiquity writing about women. It stirs the inner miltant feminist in me to anger. Much like Virgils oops lost a wife oh well, I'll get a new one.

                Well the tree canopy is rather heavy in parts of South America

                All sparkle and dazzle no substance but Daniel's my destiny. Here honey hop in so I can brainwash you a little.


                  I am slowly working my way through season 2. Reyac (sp?) put the basball mitt on his head - too funny

                  a bit cargo culty in a cute way


                    Originally posted by Iffy View Post
                    I try to avoid any male from antiquity writing about women. It stirs the inner miltant feminist in me to anger. Much like Virgils oops lost a wife oh well, I'll get a new one.

                    Well the tree canopy is rather heavy in parts of South America

                    All sparkle and dazzle no substance but Daniel's my destiny. Here honey hop in so I can brainwash you a little.
                    Hence the fact that she needs to brainwash him. Circumnavigates the whole issue of her not having a personality...
                    Its strange to think that that kid has quite literally grown up whilst doing Stargate. Quite cool though.

                    Courtesy of smurf, as always


                      Watching the early seasons I realize that the haircut sorks better on Spader. I keep thinking Danny needs a haircut


                        Snippity-snip in the last ep of season two-thank the higher powers But then they gave him the brushed down hair, which I think was a deliberate attempt to make him look sweet and vulnerable, which kinda backfired because then everyone was up in arms when he actually started to get in people's faces and get a bit moody (which considering everything he had been through and his personality, I think he had the potential to be)...and that was random. Sorry

                        Courtesy of smurf, as always


                          He's so cute when moody

                          I had somehting relevant to post and now it's gone


                            Originally posted by Iffy View Post
                            He's so cute when moody

                            I had somehting relevant to post and now it's gone
                            I know that feeling...

                            Courtesy of smurf, as always


                              It occurred to me tonight that lost and found is a theme that re-occurs over and over in Stargate.

                              I'm too tired to be anything but shallow aobut it at this point

                              still can't remember what I wanted to post earlier



                                You'll just have to watch all the episodes again until you remember, won't you

                                Yep, 'lost and found', whether it be physical or spiritual, does actually crop up quite a bit...from culture, to family, belief, faith, to your sense of self (eg. the ascension business), etc. Ooh, we're getting deep...

                                Courtesy of smurf, as always

