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SIGHTINGS! Stargate Actors on other shows

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    It'd be interesting if Simon turned out to be Narim. If that was the case, he'd be recognized by members of the SGC, thus explaining why the guy refused to join the Atlantis expedition in the first place. Actually, that'd be a good way to bring back the Tollan into the picture. They could help us out with Atlantis.


      Oh, Chris Heyerdahl played Halling in SGA, he's also, along with BamBam, pretty much taken over the Wraith characters as of No Man's Land and beyond.

      The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


        Originally posted by mcbarr View Post
        It'd be interesting if Simon turned out to be Narim. If that was the case, he'd be recognized by members of the SGC, thus explaining why the guy refused to join the Atlantis expedition in the first place. Actually, that'd be a good way to bring back the Tollan into the picture. They could help us out with Atlantis.
        That would be amazing.


          Also Christian Bocher(Dr Levant in Wormhole X-treme) plays a convict in the SGA ep "Condemned".

          I'm usually not opposed to recycling actors so it doesn't bother me.


            Yeah, i mean reusing actors is fine, I just think reusing characters that are main from two of the series is weird. I mean Simon and Narim are both well known chars.

            I think it may be a way to bring him back, hes presumed dead but I imagine its possible that he left his home world and came back possibly. I would love to see Sam meet him. That would be hilarious.


              Every single female Wraith so far besides Elia has been played by Andee Frizzell and every single male one up 'til now have been played by some guy whose name I forgot.

              It's not unusual.


                also as of sga 3x13 one of the raiders attacking the town was the trust operative that was using the holo tech to frame oneill for the assination of kinsey


                  the jaffa in SG-1 are reused a lot too, i swear there are only 5 and all the Goa-uld share them!


                    Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
                    Every single female Wraith so far besides Elia has been played by Andee Frizzell and every single male one up 'til now have been played by some guy whose name I forgot.

                    It's not unusual.
                    Andee Frizell has been played every Wraith female sans Ellia, who was played by Jewel Staite. James has not been the only unmasked Wraith. There's two/three others. I believe BamBam played the sweet Asian Wraith in Sateda, Chris Heyerdahl played the Wraith commanders in No Man's Land, Sateda, and Common Ground. There's another actor that plays the Wraith (the Wraith in Duet I believe was NOT played by James Lafazanos).

                    On another note, the young Ernest Littlefield from Torment of Tantalus, is well, Paul McGillion, who I need to even finish this sentence?

                    The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


                      James BamBam has then been a Pangaran, an Athosian and a Wraith. He never gets to play one of the Tau'ri.


                        He was one of the mental ward "guards" in The Real World.


                          Yes, that too. I just remembered. But it was a hallucination world, so Dolly Parton could've been there or something.


                            Originally posted by FallenAngelII View Post
                            Yes, that too. I just remembered. But it was a hallucination world, so Dolly Parton could've been there or something.
                            Even so, Dr Weir had to have been there at one point (probably as a visitor) as she would not have had the mental knowledge of what that hospital looked like.

                            So there could really be a hospital ward that looks like BamBam.

                            The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


                              I'm defintely pro-recycling, especially if it keeps good actors eating.
                              On fighting:
                              Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
                              Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


                                The actor (Ben Bass) who played the doctor on Law and Order last night is the same guy who played Steven Rayner in The Curse.

