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SIGHTINGS! Stargate Actors on other shows

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    Originally posted by Atteria
    Teryl Rothery was also in Dead Like Me, she played a real estate agent, in several episodes.
    The guy who Steve tried to eat in Poisoning The Well died a week before on Dead Like Me.

    He was in the waiting room for plastic surgery (he was going to get a sex change) and two women were yelling at each other. One threw her shoe and it got the heel right in the guys head. Ouch.

    Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
    Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


      Was watching The Chronicles of Riddick, which prompted me to watch Pitch Black again. I had forgotten that Caludia Black was an early victim.

      "We'll keep the light on for you."


        NEW sighting!!!! Dan Shea (Sgt. Silar) played a major league baseball scout on tonight's episode of the 4400. (more of a cameo, but it was him)
        Last edited by Atteria; 12 June 2005, 05:27 PM.


          Haven't seen her yet, but Lexa Doig was listed under guest stars, for the 4400. I have no idea what part she will be playing. This must have been shot in Vancouver.


            Tony Amendola in a couple episodes of Alias

            And Erick Avari in episode... 308 Breaking Point (episode which I am recording to my computer right now) of Alias

            Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
            Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


              Lexa is playing an English professor, on the 4400.


                Me again......

                Colin Cunningham is playing an FBI agent on the Dead Zone, trying to arrest John Smith, because Stillson (Sean Patrick Flannery) got the Justice Dept. involved. Got all that? Oh, the actor who played the Russian colonel on SG-1? Well, he's Stillson's father and real bad guy.

                Looks like Lexa Doig is going to be on the 4400 next week too, and Robert Picardo will be joining her.
                Last edited by Atteria; 12 June 2005, 06:48 PM.


                  And I believe I saw Dan Shea.
                  Hatshepsut, Queen Pharaoh


                    On the 4th season premier of "The Dead Zone" the continuing character of Greg Stilson is played by Sean Patrick Flannery (Orlin) which probably explains why "Stargate SG1" couldn't get him this year. Stilson's father is played by Garry Chalk (the Russian Colonel Checkov).
                    Hatshepsut, Queen Pharaoh


                      I think I sawTorri Higgins on an episode of Outer Limits last night. A super computer was running the world, and she was one of 3 that destroyed it, but only after the computer realized that it had to take itself out of the equation for man to be a better specie.

                      "We'll keep the light on for you."


                        Originally posted by Hatusu
                        And I believe I saw Dan Shea.
                        I thought I did too! It was like a Stargate guest star banquet on the 4400 last pm. If I didn't know it was him, I might not have recognized SPF, though--he looked so different from Orlin. And it was weird to hear the actor who played the Russian speak in his regular voice.


                          Originally posted by Reefgirl
                          It's me yet again, Steven Williams (General Vidrine) was 'X' (the insider who came after 'Deep Throat') in X Files

                          It's got to have something to do with them both being filmed in Vancouver
                          He was also in 21 Jump Street with Peter DeLuise.

                          I've been watching a lot of old Smallville episodes recently, and made a mental list of everyone I recognized from SG-1...

                          (I realize most of these are repeats)

                          Corin Nemec (Jonas Quinn) played the guy from Club Zero that Lex shot in the episode "Zero"
                          Teryl Rothery (Janet Fraser) played a real estate agent showing the Talon to a prospective buyer, but I don't recall the episode
                          Colin Cunningham (Maj. Paul Davis) played one of the thugs trying to rob Lionel's vault in "Insurgence"
                          Steve Bacic (Camulus) played a guy who was killed as revenge for helping torment a freshman years earlier
                          Erica Durance (Krista, Teal'c's ladyfriend in Affinity) plays Lois Lane in season 4 and will be in season 5
                          Garwin Sanford (Narim in SG-1 and SImon in SGA) played in the episode "Red" as the father of a troubled girl who hangs out with a red-K-affected Clark
                          Craig Veroni (Grodin on SGA and a Prometheus crewmember on SG1) played a DCA agent in "Fever"
                          Dan Payne (many roles including the Ashrack in Allegiance) played a Lexcorp security dude

                          I'm sure there are more.


                            Is Smallville made in Vancouver by any chance


                              Had to laugh, in the premiere episode of The 4400 (season 1) one of the NTAC agents tracking the ball of light is the guy from Absolute Power who's job it was to say "Target eliminated." Funny, kinda had the same role.
                              And it came to pass that in time the Great God Om spake unto Brutha, the Chosen One: "Psst!"

                              Jack: You're so shallow.
                              Daniel: Oh please. Teal'c is like one of the deepest people I know. He's so deep. Tell him how deep you are. You'll be lucky if you understand this.
                              Teal'c: My depth is immaterial to this conversation.
                              Daniel: Oh! You see?
                              Jack: (to Daniel) No more beer for you.

                              River: My food is problematic.


                                Originally posted by emily_reich
                                ok, so i went and saw Elektra for the third time and realized that there's no thread to mention my guest start sightings! i always spot someone from stargate on non-stargate shows and movies, and it's always fun to point them out, even if other people know about 'em already

                                so what stargate actors (leads or guests) have ya seen in other stuff lately?

                                i'll start, and hopefully this thread doesn't die out by tomorrow!

                                there were three folks i noticed watching elektra... obviously colin cunningham, but also the pool-player was the evil cameraman from prometheus, and kirsten prout who played abby was in... was it birthright?... as the young jaffa girl...

                                i also saw tony amendola in either law and order or SVU... i believe it was the former... *goes to check imdb*...

                                and they have shown the mars movie michael shanks was in several times recently on scifi and i caught it once...

                                so anyone else got any? doesn't necessarily have to be recent, i just have a bad long term memory
                                lol....I do this all the time.....I been watching SG for soooo long that I notice a bunch of the actors in other shows....

                                Don S. Davis in "Atomic Train"
                                Amanda Tapping in "Love or something like it"
                                Teryl Rothery in played a doctor in X Files....
                                Oh.....The guy that plays 'Reynolds' on SG1 is a security guard in 'Zeon Girl of the 21 century' on Disney Channel (lol,my little sister was watching it the other day and I saw him and I was cracking up)
                                And of course RDA in "MACGYVER"....(heh...)

