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SIGHTINGS! Stargate Actors on other shows

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    Originally posted by Callista View Post
    I thought that was him but I didn't see his name go by and I couldn't find it on 24's site. Thanks!

    yeah i he also has a reoccuring role on Lie to Me as one of the characters husband
    Last edited by MIZA; 25 March 2009, 08:42 PM.
    May the odds be ever in your Favor ! oh and please say hello to me on Skype and Facebook


      Originally posted by MIZA View Post
      Tim Guinee is on the show 24 he's a reporter a mean one too !

      Speaking of 24. Just saw a commerical for tomorrow nights episode. And heard and saw a familier face. SGA's own hybrid Wraith himself Connor Trinneer will be guesting!!!

      CREATION STARGATE VANCOUVER 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 & 2012
      GATECON VANCOUVER 2008 & 2010
      FAN EXPO VANCOUVER 2012 & 2013


        Originally posted by AnnieS View Post
        Speaking of 24. Just saw a commerical for tomorrow nights episode. And heard and saw a familier face. SGA's own hybrid Wraith himself Connor Trinneer will be guesting!!!
        Re: Connor Trinnear's 24 appearance:
        Too bad he didn't get to do much. But at least he didn't get killed!

        And Tomin was back again tonight as well. He was much nicer when he was running around killing Origin unbelievers


          Originally posted by Callista View Post
          Re: Connor Trinnear's 24 appearance:
          Too bad he didn't get to do much. But at least he didn't get killed!

          And Tomin was back again tonight as well. He was much nicer when he was running around killing Origin unbelievers
          My thoughts exactly. Though I was ready to smack Kiefer upside the head when he held a gun to Connor's head!!

          BTW...speaking of Connor, I am watching on episode of "Without A Trace" and guess who is playing the high school basketball coach. Yes that's right Connor!! Also in the episode is Marina Sirtis who played the Russian scientist Svetlana Markov in Watergate (better known as Deanna Troi from Star Trek), she was playing the missing kid's mom!!

          CON*CEPT MONTREAL 2006
          MARCON COLUMBUS 2007
          POLARIS TORONTO 2007
          CREATION STARGATE VANCOUVER 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 & 2012
          GATECON VANCOUVER 2008 & 2010
          VCON VANCOUVER 2010
          FAN EXPO VANCOUVER 2012 & 2013


            I was sick a little while ago. So while I was watching TV, Outer Limits was on and I watched then saw Dr. Fraiser! Then a few days later I was watching Fringe and there she was again! Also not long ago I watched Max Payne and Beau Bridges was in it. I was like It's General Landry! So that was fun.


              Yesterday I read an article about Bindi Irwin & Bob Irwin (do the US know of them? I think you'd know Bindi- & Bob's her younger brother- & their the kids of the late Croc Hunter Steve Irwin).

              Anyway, they're filming some movie in (South Africa??)- & the article was about how Bob saved a baby seal while filming.
              But the point is- the movie (from memory something about 'Free Willy 4') & includes pirates.
              This is a direct quote from the article:
              Bob said in the film he got to have a sword fight with Grandpa Gus Grisby, played by veteran Hollywood actor Beau Bridges.
              (note- I bolded his name)
              I was like:

              I just looked it up on IMDB, & it's currently due for release next year.


              All Sigs Made By Me.


                yeah i just saw Connor Trinneer on 24 , i totally thought he was going to get killed , but nope thats cool he'll be back
                May the odds be ever in your Favor ! oh and please say hello to me on Skype and Facebook


                  Am watching a movie called "Gun Shy" and one member of the cast is Mitch Pileggi playing Dexter Helvenshaw. Also in the movie is Liam Neeson, Sandra Bullock, Oliver Platt and Michael DeLorenzo!!!
                  MY CONVENTIONS:

                  CON*CEPT MONTREAL 2006
                  MARCON COLUMBUS 2007
                  POLARIS TORONTO 2007
                  CREATION STARGATE VANCOUVER 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 & 2012
                  GATECON VANCOUVER 2008 & 2010
                  VCON VANCOUVER 2010
                  FAN EXPO VANCOUVER 2012 & 2013


                    Christopher Heyerdahl, SGA's Halling, played a particularly nasty demon in last weeks Supernatural.

                    Alex Zahara (Michael in '1969') turned up as a magician who met an untimely end on Supernatural a few weeks back.


                      Watched "The Mentalist" and "24" this week and Tim Guinee was in both,

                      and that guy from heroes was in the mentalist, granted thats irrelevant but...
                      People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint... it happens to kinda look like the name 'Jeremy Bearimy' in cursive English.


                        Originally posted by LandJrule View Post
                        Oh, cool.
                        We Aussies used to get Flashpoint, but they suddenly took it off air- it was like, one week it's there the next it was gone. Maybe we got between seasons- or maybe it wasn't rating enough for them to air.

                        Yeah, he was in & out for a couple of seasons- but they got rid of his character a while ago. He was hilarious.

                        'Starcrossed' is the show in Hewlett's movie. I myself haven't seen the movie (it's on my list), but I've been reading about it.
                        As for David & Joe- that'd be awesome to see them work again! They were awesome together in SGA!

                        And last week they aired another NCIS with Torri Higginson- I'm not sure what the ep is called but it

                        was the one where Ducky gets stabbed at a crime scene, & Torri's character steps in to take over until he is ok to return to work. Plus, they hinted that maybe there's a thing between Ducky & her.........

                        It's weird seeing her with longer hair- it's past her shoulders!
                        The episode is called Broken Bird. I mentioned it in my last post here. I agree with you on the longer hair. It was weird. And seemed straighter than it does in Stargate.

                        Ah, NCIS. How far away is Santa Clarita, California from Vancouver? Cos there's a lot of Stargate people who have been in NCIS. From the top of my head, Torri Higgison, Jessica Steen, Don S. Davis, and Connor Trineer.


                          Originally posted by Alexandria7 View Post
                          I hear that David Hewlett might be doing a show called Starcrossed based on his movie? His twitter was updated today to say that he was meeting with Joe Flanigan talking about movie ideas and whatnot. Perhaps we might see a collaboration between the two of them, or maybe even *hopes* see them back on screen together in different roles? I believe filming is scheduled for June/July. I think it'd be super cool if David did recruit Joe. Anyway, I was excited and had to share.
                          That would be cool if David and Joe did this show together or even a movie project. And wonder if Paul M. will end up in the show as well, since he was in the movie.

                          Wonder if either Joe or Paul will mention it this week at Creation!!!
                          MY CONVENTIONS:

                          CON*CEPT MONTREAL 2006
                          MARCON COLUMBUS 2007
                          POLARIS TORONTO 2007
                          CREATION STARGATE VANCOUVER 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 & 2012
                          GATECON VANCOUVER 2008 & 2010
                          VCON VANCOUVER 2010
                          FAN EXPO VANCOUVER 2012 & 2013


                            Flipping channels to see what was on (have to leave for work soon). And came across footage of a young Ben Browder in a movie called "A Kiss Before Dying" it is from 1991 and is airing on EA2. I just saw him for a second, and then some guy ends of dead. Is that Ben???
                            MY CONVENTIONS:

                            CON*CEPT MONTREAL 2006
                            MARCON COLUMBUS 2007
                            POLARIS TORONTO 2007
                            CREATION STARGATE VANCOUVER 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 & 2012
                            GATECON VANCOUVER 2008 & 2010
                            VCON VANCOUVER 2010
                            FAN EXPO VANCOUVER 2012 & 2013


                              Originally posted by THe KiKO peRsON View Post
                              The episode is called Broken Bird. I mentioned it in my last post here. I agree with you on the longer hair. It was weird. And seemed straighter than it does in Stargate.

                              Ah, NCIS. How far away is Santa Clarita, California from Vancouver? Cos there's a lot of Stargate people who have been in NCIS. From the top of my head, Torri Higgison, Jessica Steen, Don S. Davis, and Connor Trineer.
                              Don't forget Corin Nemic featured a while ago- twas the murder! (& he earnt the name 'Evil Jonas!' from my sister, who, may I add was like 17/18 when we saw it, & she's older than me too)

                              OH, & they replay older NCIS eps here at like 10:30pm one night- me think maybe Mon or Thurs.......they're currently going through the start of Ziva, shortly after Kate's death. Jessica Steen was in the last one I saw- I recognised her, but couldn't pick her until I suddenly had Weir pop into my head.


                              All Sigs Made By Me.


                                I saw Tony Amendola in Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles!
                                Click here to visit my DeviantArt gallery for Wraith fanart!


                                Fan of SG-1, Atlantis, AND the original SG movie! Why pick just one?

