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Could Atlantis be cut off from Earth again? (possible spoilers)

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    Could Atlantis be cut off from Earth again? (possible spoilers)

    For a long time now, I've seen a lot of posts where people are hoping that Atlantis would be cut off from Earth again.

    IMO, I don't think that it should happen. Contact with Earth has allowed the show to grow in the amount of stories it can tell, especially when it comes to the Daedalus and now
    the Apollo.
    Some of the most interesting story threads for me have been when actions in both shows result in an overall achievement. IE: When Sg-1 found the ZPM that protected Atlantis during the seige, or when the inventor of the time jumper appearently built others in the Milky Way that allowed Sg-1 to find the ZPM in the first place. Even now that Sg-1 is cancelled, I'm more than a bit curious to know about Earth in the stargate universe, and Atlantis will be the only way to further that storyline on a regular basis.

    However, I'm not completely close-minded and am curious about why people would want Earth to be cut off. Please enlighten me.

    This topic has already been covered in the season 3 section. The thread title is also way too spoilery.


      Read The Rules purdy please


        but the search function turned up very little.

        Also, I'm a bit confused on how the title is spoilery. I've heard people say they want Atlantis to be cut off, but I haven't read any spoilers to that effect. In fact, the changed title of the thread doesn't reflect the question I'm asking.


          Originally posted by geewillie86 View Post
          but the search function turned up very little.

          Also, I'm a bit confused on how the title is spoilery. I've heard people say they want Atlantis to be cut off, but I haven't read any spoilers to that effect. In fact, the changed title of the thread doesn't reflect the question I'm asking.
          There has been a spoiler for it released, I posted it on another thread a while back. The reason it's being considered spoilery is because:

          They do actually get cut off from Earth again after Apollo arrives & fails with it's mission in 'First Strike'. They are cut off right through into S4. However Carter does somehow make it over for an unknown number of eps, most likely in the back half of the new season.



            I guess thats what I get for NOT reading all of the spoilers. :-)


              Only if all of Earth's ships explode, every ZPM they have, and the Midway Station get "magically" destroyed.
              Calvin grows up to be Frazz. The logical continuation of this is, of course, that Frazz then grows up to be Edward Norton's character from Fight Club. And thus, all four of these characters are gods.Let's go one more step. Calvin grows up to be Jeremy, who grows up to be Frazz, who grows up to be "Tyler Durden," while Suzie grows up to be Haruhi Suzumiya; since Kyon becomes The Doctor, this leads to the inescapable conclusion that after the end of Fight Club, Calvin becomes Captain Jack.


                Yes, I suppose that
                cutting atlantis off from earth would be unlikely

                but the question, before the title was altered, was why the writers would want to do so in the first place.


                  Originally posted by Col. Shadow Quinn View Post
                  Only if all of Earth's ships explode, every ZPM they have, and the Midway Station get "magically" destroyed.
                  How many ships do they have as of the end of the season...3 (Odyssey, Apollo & Daedalus).

                  Odyssey is in the MW battling the Ori. Apollo goes to Pegasus & fails. Daedalus is rumoured to
                  Have been damaged in Vengeance, so is either getting repairs done back in the MW or is out of action for a while.

                  They only have 3 ZPM's, 1 in Antartica, 1 in Atlantis & another in the 304. The 304 might be destrtoyed by the end of the season in SG-1. However if Ori ships attack it, then it's gonna get depleted fast. The same for the one in the outpost. If it's used defending Earth if the Ori do attack in the movie or whatever. Then that will also get depleted.

                  That only leaves the space station. Which is still only a shell at this moment.

                  There are a bunch of ways this could be taken out. The most likely are:

                  The Asurans get it, but I'm thinking Weir orders it's destruction when Apollo screws up & the Asuran warships come for them.

                  Hence if that goes, all that leaves are 3 ships. Maybe less come the end of SG-1. 1/2 maybe be in the MW while another is left in Pegasus. Apollo might not even make it seeing how the writers like to destroy everything they can.

                  The Asurans come out into play for S4 with their ships. Maybe patrolling parts of the galaxy, hence Daedalus/APollo might not be able to get in or out to Atlantis.

                  There are a number of things that could do it. However DH has said it himself that's how it turns out, so you can choose to beleive it or not right now, but it is going to happen. It starts back in Canada soon with only 5/6 eps left to air before his words will be proved true.

                  Yes, I suppose that

                  cutting atlantis off from earth would be unlikely

                  but the question, before the title was altered, was why the writers would want to do so in the first place.
                  Why, because they have taken lots of stick from fans saying how easy it has gotten since Daedalus & the ZPM arrived in 'The Siege III'. The whole premise for Atlantis was they were in this dangerous new galaxy totally cut off from Earth & the MW. Then since S2 within a couple of weeks & some change they would be back. However if really needed, they could simply gate back.

                  Thus they must be taking the criticism on board now & putting it back to the more dangerous times of S1. Therefore in order to do that, they can't have ZPM's, Ship & Space Stations. Therefore some have gotta go between 'First Strike' & the S4 premiere.


                    Umm. there's actually a very easy way for Atlantis to be cut off from earth:

                    Activate the engines. Fly the place away. Being gone from the actual planet renders all stargate addresses useless, and if no one knows where it is, then no spaceship can find it.

                    This is problematic because in the return part 2:
                    the engines are busted up
                    and even if they do have the power to fly away, they could just contact Earth and tell them what happened.

                    Now I doubt that will happen. I doubt it's even possible. All I'm saying is that it is possible.


                      I think the Apollo is gonna make it. They're hiring a fairly well known actor to play the part of its commander. I highly doubt it's only going to be a one-episode gig.
                      These are the wrong people... in the wrong place.


                        I like the connection since SG-1 is nearly over!
                        Originally posted by G.B Shaw
                        Silence is the most perfect expression of scorn.
                        Martyrdom is the only way in which a man can become famous without ability.
                        Criminals do not die by the hands of the law. They die by the hands of other men.
                        You'll never have a quiet world till you knock the patriotism out of the human race.
                        Americans adore me and will go on adoring me until I say something nice about them.
                        One man that has a mind and knows it can always beat ten men who haven't and don't.
                        You see things; and you say, 'Why?' But I dream things that never were; and I say, "Why not?"
                        The liar's punishment is not in the least that he is not believed but that he cannot believe anyone else.


                          Originally posted by cowpants View Post
                          Umm. there's actually a very easy way for Atlantis to be cut off from earth:

                          Activate the engines. Fly the place away. Being gone from the actual planet renders all stargate addresses useless, and if no one knows where it is, then no spaceship can find it.

                          This is problematic because in the return part 2:
                          the engines are busted up
                          and even if they do have the power to fly away, they could just contact Earth and tell them what happened.

                          Now I doubt that will happen. I doubt it's even possible. All I'm saying is that it is possible.

                          Actually that does happen also in the ep. Nothing about how high or far it goes but it does go up. It also goes down the way in the exact same ep.
                          So I think doing all that may run a good bit of power from the ZPM.

                          However I don't actually think they go off the planet unless they find more ZPM's. Even if it somehow did, they still wouldn't be cut off becauseApollo would know where it was, so they could jump out to the edge of the galaxy & subspace the new coordinates back to the SGC (Like they interacted in 'Critical Mass' or 'Pegasus Project'. Even if that weren't somehow possible, they'd only need to dial into the SGC for a micro second in order to transmit a datburst. Which they managed to do in S1 with MKI generators. Since then they now have MKII's which are far more powerful. So if needed, they could dial in using them for a sec to give the updates.

                          Here's how I think it will go down:


                          Apollo arrives, launches the attack on the Asuran homeworld to try & destroy the new ships. That fails miserably, it flees back towards Atlantis. This attack severely pisses off the Asurans, they immediately launch a counter attack. The SGA team cacks their pants, they want to submerge the city to stop the Asurans from detecting them. They know they don't have 3 ZPM's in order to leave Lantia. So McKay & Zelenka concoct a plan in order to submerge the city again. This involves lifting Atlantis off the ground. So they start up the sublight engines, life off a few hundred m's, activate the shield then turn them off. The city drops like a stone & boom sinks right under to the bottom of the ocean. From 'Rising', 'Before I Sleep' we know there is some sort of docking clamp mounted on the ocean floor. So it goies down, bangs into that & is secured.

                          The only problem is that the ZPM was already depleted from the Ancients using it for 10,000 years on the Tria/Trea. It was depleted a lot once more when Daedalus used it in 'Echoes'. Then again when it took off in 'First Strike'. So now they only have minimal power. Maybe enough to run the city for a little while, but nowhere near enough to dial another galaxy.

                          The outpost on Earth gets used when the Ori attack Earth in the movie. The ZPM gets used up from firing all those Drones. In the process I can see it being destroyed by the last Ori ship. Odyssey with a ZPM also, gets it depleted in fighting the Ori ships. Because SG-1 will be over, I think they may even blow that up in the big final battle.

                          That only leaves 2 known 304's, Daedalus & Apollo. Daedalus is supposed to get banged up in Vengenace. So that rules it out & probably heads back to Earth once it learns Apollo is on it's way over.

                          Therefore that only leaves the mid-way station as the final contact point. Seeing as the Asurans are now coming, I think they detect it & are heading towards it. When Weir is the one who gives Shep the orders to Drone it's ass using a PJ. This will at least prevent them from getting to Earth or the MW from that point.

                          Hence that only leaves the ships as the contact point. So obviously something happens on that front, maybe Deadalus is destroyed & not simply banged up as rumnoured. However Caldwell is still alive, so maybe the crew abandon ship by beaming down to a nearby planet then gating back to Atlantis. If that happened, only Apollo would be left to hold the fort.

                          I think the Apollo is gonna make it. They're hiring a fairly well known actor to play the part of its commander. I highly doubt it's only going to be a one-episode gig.
                          Thry hired LG to star as Gerak then killed him off etc, RP as Sumner, so they have no p[roblems bumping people off when they want to. If it had planned out the way it looked to be heading then it probably would make it, but Daybreak was axed so Mitch Pileggi is free again to reprise his role as Caldwell once more. With production costs already rising before S4 has even started, I don't see them paying two crews regularly for both Apollo & Daedalus. It would be cool to have 2 regular ships on Atlantis backing each other up all the time, but it's unrealistic to think that'll happen.

                          So it'll most likely be 1 or the other. If that were the case & choices had to be made, I'd personally much rather have Daedalus than Apollo.

