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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    March 15, 2015 - Part 1

    Photos: Cartoon, post office, Zoie Palmer's nicknames, text exchange

    “Girls who like Cinderella have nightmare marriage. Statistics show. It’s data!”

    – Akemi today, on our walk back home from lunch.

    I guess it makes sense.

    Today also saw us visit the post office so that Akemi could sense her dad a chocolate shipment. Apparently, his stock is running low.

    Of course no overseas shipment would be complete without the appropriate cartoon commentary that the post office employee must take great pains to avoid covering with the appropriate stamps.

    “Hey, it’s a french bulldog!”I said.

    “It’s not a french bulldog,”Akemi informed me, clearly disappointed. “It’s a rabbit.”

    Upon closer scrutiny, yes, of course. A rabbit.

    I couldn’t help but take a picture of this. It would seem certain customers are obsessive ringers.

    Hey, spoke to the gang at SyFy this week and the plan is to target April for the big Dark Matter roll-out. So, in a couple of weeks, you’ll finally get a first look at all OF the Dark Matter concept art, designs, set and cast pics I’ve been sitting on for the past couple of months. As for that awesome guest casting announcement, I urged them make it official this week.

    But who knows?

    Sunny day today! Got the dogs out and even worked on a new Android scene with Zoie Palmer. Great fun. That’s why we call her The Wizardress. Much to her surprise as you can sense from the following text exchange:


    Spacelog writes: “What can you tell us about that planned Stargate Extinction comic book that never was.”

    Answer: Alas, not much. Last year, I was contacted by a publisher about the possibility of writing some stories for a planned Stargate comic book series. I loved the idea – but my creative plate was full with the various projects I had in development. HOWEVER, I did tell them that I’d be very interested if I could translate Stargate: Extinction, that unproduced Stargate: Atlantis movie script, into a four-part comic book one-off. They loved the idea and approached MGM about the idea. And that was the last I heard of it. Maybe they felt it would get the way of the planned reboot? Too bad. I think it would have been great fun for long-standing fans of the series.

    Debra writes: “Any idea yet on when the series will be shown?”

    Answer: Dark Matter will premiere this summer. And maybe sooner than you think! Official announcement still to come.

    dasndanger writes: “What (if any) is the relationship between the world in Dark Matter, and our earth?”

    Answer: Dark Matter is set in a distance future in which multi-corps have gone out and colonized other worlds in order to exploit their planetary resources. These multi-planetaries are the big interstellar power players while the G.A. (Galactic Authority) ensures that law and order is maintained. A smattering of independent worlds exist as well, former colonies and powerful family-run republics. Earth is Homeworld Alpha.

    Ponytail writes: “Have any of your visits to Tokyo (Robot Restaurant) influenced some of your writing/vision/color in Dark Matter?”

    Answer: There’s a definite anime influence running through Dark Matter. Some quite obvious; some less so.

    Scott writes: “Will there be any epic space battles, with lasers and missiles and stuff?”

    Answer: Yep. Epic space battles. Missiles, yes. Lasers, not so much.

    JustLookAtTheFlowers writes: “1. Will the episodes be serialized or stand-alone type episodes?”

    Answer: The show will be heavily serialized. Stuff happens EVERY EPISODE. Twists, turns, ongoing character arcs. Perfect for binge-watching. Or viewing the night it airs to avoid potential office and online spoilers!

    “2. When can we expect Syfy to start promoting this show with an updated website, interviews, trailers?!”

    Answer: Yes. April’s the month!

    ivonbartokfans writes: “1. Is Zoie’s cat still around?”

    1. Yep, Zoie’s cat, Cloverblob, is most definitely around. As I mentioned in a previous blog post, my date with her did not exactly go as planned. I sent Zoie the following text not long afterwards:

    And we had the following exchange:

    “2. How many cat t-shirts does everyone own? Who has the record?”

    Answer: No idea. But I’ve seen a varied bunch!

    “3. Is Robert Cooper a possibility to direct an episode?”

    Answer: Nope, but he did write one – the episode we’re presently shooting now, #107.

    “4. Are you and Ivon doing March Madness this year?”

    Answer: It’ll be tough since we’ll be on set – but we’ll definitely try to catch a few games. Go Cyclones!

    BoltBait writes: “I see that Terry Pratchett passed away today. I’ve never read any of his book but am inspired to. Where should I start?”

    Answer: I started with Guards! Guards! But the entire Discworld series is great.

    PBMom writes: “And I too want to know if Jelly had her butt in the water bowl for any particular reasons?”

    Answer: Because it was comfy?

    JT writes: “Was wondering if you could write about how you select the directors for each episode, what they bring to it, what you’re looking for from them etc.”

    Answer: We’ve selected directors based on our past experience with them (Paolo, Ron, John, and Lee through their past work with Jay and Vanessa), (Amanda, Bruce, Martin, John, and Andy through their past work with me), and whole-hearted recommendations (T.J. and T.W.).

    mylhibug writes: “I’m rewatching all the SGU episodes and am reminded that I love the music from the show. My questions are as follows: Who picked the music for that show? Will Dark Matter have a similar feel when it comes to music? Is there a SGU soundtrack out there that can be purchased?”

    Answer: The late great Joel Goldsmith was our music composer through all three Stargate shows. Dark Matter will have a different feel when it comes to its music. As far as I know, an SGU soundtrack was never released.

    Tam Dixon writes: “How many seasons does the series bible outline?”

    Answer: The series bible is in my head. And it covers the entire journey of the ship’s crew. Ideally, five season’s worth.

    “How do you make chili oil and how do you eat it?”

    Answer: Not sure but my guess is you drop a few chilis in some oil along with the appropriate herbs and let it all sit for a week so as to allow the flavours to infuse.

    “Is the new guy David Hewlett?”

    Answer: Wouldn’t that be awesome?!

    anas bensidi writes: “Hi Mr Mallozzi, I just wanted to know if dark matter will be more like a guardians of the galaxy meets battlestar galactica thing with a more serialized tone to it or is it gonna be fun and light all the way as was SG1 for example or any show with the adventure of the week thing?”

    Answer: Hmmmm. Guardians of the Galaxy meets BSG sounds like fun! Dark Matter will definitely be more serialized that SG-1 – but it will maintain a sense of humor.

    Randomness writes: “Will we see any heart warming or memorable bonding moments between certain members of the ship’s crew this season?”

    Answer: Yes. Lots of nice bonding moments. Also lots of nice antagonistic moments as well.
    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


      March 15, 2015 - Part 2

      “Offworld, on a space station anywhere really, will we see moments where a crew member is interacting with someone who isn’t a member of the crew on their own in any significant capacity?”

      Answer: Yep, plenty of those moments as well as we explore the individual backstories.

      “Can we expect disagreements between the crew as to what direction a mission should take, or how a important decision should go?”

      Answer: The crew aint one big happy family to start. There WILL be some heated disagreements.

      “When the crew aren’t doing anything important, we will see what they like doing in their downtime, like hobbies, or just refinement of skills, things like that?”

      Answer: Yes, we’ll explore what they do on the ship on their off-time. Also what they do for a little R&R when they hit the local space stations.

      “Has to be asked, in terms of fight scenes, who do you think gets the most action?”

      Answer: They all see action but, if I had to pick the crew’s top fighters, I’d definitely go with the ladies.

      “Do you believe time travel stories have a place on Dark Matter?”

      Answer: Sure, eventually.

      “Which member of the crew would you say is the most diplomatic in a crisis situation?”

      Answer: Definitely Two and Six. They walk a fine line between the rest of our more opinionated crew members.

      shaneac1 writes: “well Joe my question is has a trailer been put together to be viewed by the syfy channel and if so what was there reaction.”

      Answer: Reaction to the prod cuts of episodes #101 and #102 has been overwhelmingly positive. SyFy is working on the first trailers as I write this.

      dasndanger writes: “Are any of the episodes completely done, and if so, have you watched them through, and if so, what do you think?”

      Answer: We have a few locked cuts, but are still months away from finished episodes. Music, color timing, and VFX take time. I absolutely love everything I’ve seen – and am really looking forward to the fan response. It’s gonna be huge!

      Scott writes: “Will Dark Matter have an opening theme song and intro for each episode, similar to SG-1 and Atlantis, or will it be like SGU and many of the newer shows these days, with just a 5-second title clip and no music (hopefully not)?”

      Answer: The latter. Alas, most productions are moving away from those big opening theme songs in favor of shorter intros (that allow for more story screen time).

      no1zoieplamerfan writes: “Any idea when we’ll finally get to see an image of the lovely Zoie Palmer the way she’ll appear as the Android?”

      Answer: I expect we’ll start seeing those cast pics sometime in April.

      Sparrow_hawk writes: “I’ll add my plaintive voice to Sylvia’s” Dark Matter swag would be really nice – will there be some available and when?”

      Answer: Executive Producer Jay Firestone has already talked to me about the possibility of Dark Matter swag, from posters and t-shirts to exclusive models of ships and weaponry. Stay tuned!

      livingforcreativity writes: “When production wraps on Season 1, will you move back to Vancouver for the summer?”

      Answer: Most definitely. Akemi and I (and the dogs) head back to Vancouver in June. I’ll hopefully be spinning stories for season 2 though July in August and then back here for production on Dark Matter‘s second season in winter of 2015.

      “Are any of the other shows you were pitching still in development (with a real possibility of actually getting a ‘go’ order?)”

      Answer: Yes. I still keep hearing rumblings about A.K.A.

      Lowriders95s10 writes: “Any idea when you will be releasing episode titles?”

      Answer: I’ve been releasing episode titles all along: #101, #102, #103, #1o4, #105, #106, #107, #108, #109, #110, #111, #112, and #113!

      bambamfans writes: “Good to hear Ron’s cutting the directorial mustard. I wish I could see dailies. They sound like fun. Do you have a viewing room or just watch on a laptop or TV?”

      Answer: I watch the dailies on my laptop whenever I can pop back into my office between meetings.

      Ponytail writes: “The correct spelling of whisky is W-H-I-S-K-E-Y! Whiskey! Whiskey, whiskey, whiskey!! The other way makes me think of cat hairs, whiskers!”

      Answer: Depends what you’re drinking:

      Sylvia writes: “Please, what was name of realllllly smooth whiskey from Washington?”

      Answer: Dry Fly Washington Wheat Whiskey:
      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


        March 16, 2015

        Video: Action Women Movie Montage

        Photos: Alex Mallari Jr., Lawren Bancroft-Wilson, Ivon Bartok, Akemi, sock of the day

        “Come on, Alex. What would Bruce Lee do? Make it awesome!” – Actor Alex Mallari Jr., all mic’d up in preparation for another big training room sequence. Dark Matter Episode #107, Day 2.

        More often than not, whenever we seek out Alex’s character, FOUR, we usually find him training. Originally, I envisioned him working with swords but, after a couple of rehearsal sessions with stunt coordinator John Stead, it became clear that we didn’t have to limit ourselves. Sure, Alex is dedicated and skillful enough to pull off an astounding double sword sequence in the opener – but his (character’s) expertise extends to other weapons as well. So far, I believe, we’ve showcased his (character’s) proficiency with four different weapons. And counting.

        “So, not so irie?”

        - VFX Supervisor Lawren Bancroft-Wilson today after Ivon and I complained that the pre-lunch Jamaican patties gave us indigestion.

        Oh, it could’ve been worse. Much worse. Four members of the crew were felled by this bug that’s been going around, dropping a cast member and another half dozen crew members last week alone! Fortunately, I had the foresight to hire Consulting Producer Ivon Bartok for situations such as this.

        From the hermetically sealed environs of my office, I can just give him orders or receive text message updates like: “Finished blocking scene #35? or “PB&J sandwiches at the craft table!” or “Anthony Lemke ate the last PB&J sandwich. Again.”

        “I think something’s coming down with me.”

        – Akemi, this morning, letting me know that her sore throat was the harbinger of a full-blown cold.

        It’s gotten so bad that, unable to speak, she’s had me do a guest intro for her recent Avocado Melt video recipe!

        Sock of the Day! Sock of the Day

        Had our concept meeting for episode #108 today, and spent much of the day on set. BIG fight sequence tomorrow with our special guest star who’ll be putting the beatdown on one of the boys. Note: Dark Matter‘s first season will boast the most ass-kicking women this side of, well…

        Finally, everyone seemed to love the new Android scene I wrote yesterday. I was inspired by the unique talents Zoie Palmer displayed in her callback audition. She is one diversely talented actress!
        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


          March 17, 2015

          Photos: Noreen Landry, Anna Dal Farra, Anita O’Toole, Jessie Gibbs, Liz Gregg (Walters), Jozie Conte

          Another whirlwind day! Wrote three new scenes, rewrote another, attended a few prep meetings for episode #108 with director T.W. Peacocke, and dropped by set to watch our awesome special guest star kick ass – and look absolutely stunning doing it. Tomorrow, we hit the bridge for more fiery antics.

          P.S. I have no doubt that, after the show premieres, you’ll be scouring these past blog entries for clues and teasers.

          Hey! You know who I’ve yet to introduce? The fun, hardworking, inspired and colorful, hat-loving ladies of the Dark Matter costume department led by Costume Designer Noreen Landry. They’ve been creating some marvelous outfits for the show (like the stylish yet practical number worn by Wendy, Zoie’s space suit, and team handler Tabor Calchek’s comfy outfits) and I’m sure there’s plenty more to come (Callie in #108, Vons and Tash in #110-111, and Alexander Rook in #112 to name a few).

          Costume Designer Noreen Landry.

          Assistant Costume Designer Anna Dal Farra.

          Head Cutter Anita O’Toole

          Truck Supervisor Jessie Gibbs.

          Noreen again, overseeing a costumes meeting.

          Anita throwing me the look and flashing the scissors, not-so-subtly letting me know it’s time for me to leave her work.

          Daily Seamstress and Wardrobe Assistant Liz Gregg (Walters).

          On-Set Supervisor Jozie Conte who keeps me lint and relatively dog hair free.

          All fantastic to work with. After this season wraps, I think I’ll get them to revamp my entire wardrobe. Either that or start casting actors my size in season 2.
          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



            March 18, 2015

            Photos: Ron Murphy, Bruce McDonald, Dino Laurenza, box

            A meeting of minds this morning as Director Ron Murphy shot as scene for episode #106, then handed off the bridge to Director Bruce McDonald for episode #107. The shipboard action got heated today in a frantic race against time – while our special guest star reached an understanding with our Android (Zoie Palmer).

            Tomorrow, we hit the airlock, corridors and quarters. Oh, and we finally sit down to

            Preeesenting…Dark Matter A Camera Operator Dino Laurenza! Check him out in action…

            The guy is poetry in motion!

            Always focused.

            Showing off his strength, dexterity – and lovely singing voice.

            The guy is so good at what he does, I suspect he’s a cyborg – half human, half camera.

            Hey! Finally received some audio samples in advance of our big music meeting. Really like what I’ve heard so far. Tomorrow, we discuss!

            What’s in the weird box? Find out this summer on Dark Matter!
            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



              March 19, 2015

              Photos: Mackenzie Lawrence, Alex Mallari Jr., Dark Matter teaser pics

              Her name is Mackenzie Lawrence but I just call her Happy because, well, she always is. Smiling. Singing. Dancing. Even after her recent bout with that flu-like bug that was going around, she was back on set, greeting me with her trademark cheer. She is, without a doubt, one of the most upbeat, exuberant, positive people I know – forever looking on the bright side of life. Either that or I’m working with a crazy person.

              Anyway, Mackenzie need our support! She has produced, directed and stars in an online pilot called Press Pause. What’s it about? Well…

              “Nora and Rose are entering the final year of their Undergraduate Degree when Nora is diagnosed with Early Onset Parkinson’s Disease. While their friendship and convictions are tested they girls find hope in humor.”

              Check it out and help support Mackenzie by voting for her pilot. The top two vote getters will have the opportunity to turn their pilots into a full web series.


              With two months to go before wrap, the excitement is building as our episodes begin to take shape. I’m looking forward to our summer premiere, but perhaps looking forward to our official pre-premiere rollout even more. We got A LOT of sneak peeks on deck: ships, cast, behind-the-scene pics. In the meantime, how about these to tide you over…

              Capturing all of the Alex Mallari Jr. (FOUR) action. And there’ll be plenty!

              Pendragon Corp: One of the multi-planetaries our crew may have to deal with.

              More mystery boxes. A running theme in this series.

              A section of the ship’s lower levels.

              Interesting design. But for what?!

              Answers to come!
              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                March 20, 2015

                Photos: Fidel Gastro's surprise dinner, Pad Thai Fries Mixed Green Salad, Joe's message for the cast and crew, Michael Simpson, Lagavulin, Bunnahabhain

                Today, I treated the crew to some food truck action. Minus the food truck because it’s too early. Instead, Fidel Gastro’s ( set up shop in the lunch room and served up a surprise dinner.


                SGT Slather: bbq pulled pork, guacamole, house made corn chips
                Diablo’s Right Wing: spicy shredded chicken with carrot aioli Shakshuka: spicy tomato stewed eggplant, zucchini and onions with creamy goats cheese

                Pad Thai Fries Mixed Green Salad

                “Do you want to leave a message for the cast and crew?”asked Exec Producer’s assistant Alison Hepburn.

                At first, I thought I’d pass and then, upon further consideration, decided to go with...

                For dessert, we had cupcakes and cake as our special guest star celebrated her birthday today Dark Matter style: in the ship’s underbelly!

                Another special guest star of sorts visited set today as writer Michael Simpson dropped by to do some interviews for SciFiNow ( He brought us a nice bottle of scotch – that got confiscated at customs. But that didn’t stop him from making him an honorary member of our whisky club and toasting the honour with a 16 year old Langavulin.

                Two down, several more to go before final wrap. Next up on the shelf: Writers Tears.
                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                  March 21, 2015

                  I woke up this morning, rolled over, and saw 6:40 a.m. flash back at me on the night stand. 6:40 a.m.! Main unit call was at 7:00 a.m.! I remember consulting the call sheet on my way out last night!

                  I jumped out of bed, my brain in a fog, and, as I scrambled to get dressed, I planned my timeline. 5 minutes to dress. 5 minutes in the bathroom. 5 minutes to take Jelly out. 5 minutes to get to my car and then a 15 minute drive to set. I could make it for maybe 7:30 a.m. I’d miss the blocking but probably be there for the first shot.

                  I considered texting consulting producer Ivon Bartok to let him know I’d be late. After all, he was probably already there.

                  And then it hit me. Of course he wasn’t there. And neither were the rest of the cast and crew. It was Saturday morning!

                  I crawled back into bed and slept until 10:30.

                  The first thing I did upon waking up was to head downstairs and check on the kitchen sink. Sadly, the drain cleaner had had no overnight effect. The sink was still clogged (this the result of Akemi’s polenta mishap the previous night). I poked my head under the sink and tried to disengage the coupling nut so I could dislodge the blockage manually – but the damn thing was painted shut. Undeterred, I elected to go with a tried and true method. I untangled a wire coat hanger, straightened it out, and shoved it down the drain. I felt it contact the pipe and then, when I gave it a little thrust, watched it pass right through the bottom of the trap like it was made of cardboard.

                  Fine. Now I not only had a blocked sink, but a punctured pipe. I called the plumbing service recommended to me by the concierge and, after taking down my information, they informed me that someone would get back to me. To be fair, they didn’t say “Get back to you, shortly” or “Get back to you, today”. I assumed that was implied but, evidently, I got that wrong.

                  And how was your Saturday?
                  The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                    March 22, 2015

                    Photos: Dark Chatter, Bruce McDonald, Craig Wright, Emily Drake, T.W. Peacocke, Galactic Authority Destroyer specs, Costumes Meeting, Ron Murphy

                    Thanks for the plumbing advice. I really should have consulted with you all from the start. A half dozen frenzied jams of a handy plunger and the blockage was instantly dislodged, allowing the trapped water to finally run free – and right through the hole I put in the pipe with that coat hanger.

                    If this incident has taught me anything (besides “Try a plunger first before attempting to use a coat hanger to dislodge a blockage”), it’s that I don’t give you guys enough to credit. If I’d asked for your opinions sooner, that red bucket wouldn’t be a permanent fixture under my sink now. Now I regret writing all those Dark Matter scripts without your input!

                    Hey, guess who I ran into yesterday? No, but close! I crossed paths with Julie Benz, Defiance‘s Mayor Amanda Rosewater, and we ended up talking about our respective shows, our upcoming premieres, and unicorns. Yes, unicorns. Anyway, Julie is very active on social media, spearheading Defiance‘s social media campaign, and she had some great advice on rallying the online fandom. A lot of it depends on you, dear blog readers, so I’ll be counting on your in the months ahead to help get the word out.

                    In the meantime, I’m thinking a live after-show would be great, a little online get-together where viewers can interact with the cast and crew, and get the behind-the-scene scoop on the series. I floated the possibility and received the following, brilliant, response on twitter:

                    Dark Chatter it is! Thanks, TF! Check back with this blog for more details!

                    Director Bruce McDonald and Director of Photography Craig Wright conspire.

                    2nd Assistant Director Emily Drake works crowd control during the episode #108 Art Department meeting.

                    Keeping Director T.W. Peacocke in line.

                    Galactic Authority Destroyer specs. Build your own!

                    Taking in a Costumes Meeting with Director Ron Murphy and the gang.
                    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                      March 23, 2015

                      Photos: Roger Cross, Jodelle Ferland, Lawren Bancroft -Wilson, Roxanne Borris, production meeting, Jessie Gibbs, pound cake bacon & nutella melt

                      Last night, the gang convened for our second to last Walking Dead night of the season (Next up: Game of Thrones!). In attendance: actor Roger Cross (SIX), actress Jodelle Ferland (FIVE), and VFX Supervisor Lawren Bancroft -Wilson. We missed last week’s instalment so it was a double-header night. We were all on the edge of our respective seats – or, in Jodelle’s case, the edge of the couch as she cuddled up all toasty warm with Lulu in her blanket.

                      Roxanne Borris dropped by my office this afternoon with some delicious home made pastries. As a result, I’ve now promoted her to 1st Assistant Art Director in Charge of Graphics AND Eclairs.

                      We had our production meeting today for episode #108. For those wondering what such a meeting consists of, it essentially boils down to all of us getting together, going through the script, and making sure we’re on the same page. 1st Assistant Director Brandon Tataryn oversaw the action, producing a nifty 21 page breakdown of each scene’s components. Here’s a peek at what you all missed. Where were you?!

                      Finally, let’s end this entry in traditional Mallozzi blog fashion: with an apology. This one goes out to Dark Matter Truck Supervisor Jessie Gibbs who I mentioned in a previous Meet the Costume Department blog post – with an accompanying photo of a different Jesse. Apparently, learning everyone’s first names isn’t good enough. Also, apparently, my “No two people with the same first name” edict has been ignored.

                      Okay, I lied. Instead of an apology, let’s end this entry with a picture of a pound cake bacon & nutella melt:

                      There. Don’t we all feel better?
                      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                        March 24, 2015

                        Photos: Sneak peek at Dark Matter's android, Rachel Sutherland

                        Last up tonight was the extra scene I wrote for episode #107. Whenever I write one of these, it invariably ends up being an Android scene because the character is so damn fun to write for – because Zoie Palmer is so damn good at playing her. This one was a particularly tricky corridor encounter and Zoie herself confided that, while she doesn’t usually get nervous before a scene, this one was a bit of an exception. Not that it showed. She NAILED it. The crew had a hell of a time keeping it together during the four takes – but completely lost it, along with the equally terrific Marc Ben-David, during the rehearsal. I’ve spent the past two hours walking around the apartment, shouting “TWOOOO DOZEN!” at the top of my lungs. Mark it! Episode #107, Scene 27A, Int. Ship – Corridor H: ONE and the Android. I guarantee it’ll be making the youtube rounds after it airs.

                        Tonight, there is no bigger Zoie Palmer fan than me. With the possible exception of Akemi who has watched the first six cuts of Dark Matter‘s first season and has completely fallen in love with her character.

                        Speaking of our dear Android, how’s this little sneak peek at what we have in the works:

                        From one favorite gal to another…

                        She rules Post Production with an iron fist – respected, admired and, in some cases, feared. She makes damn sure the episodes are locked, the deliveries made, and the trains run on time. Cross her at your peril! She is Rachel Sutherland, Dark Matter Post Production Producer! And she is a force to be reckoned with!

                        And positively delightful company. I always get to editing early just so that we can chat. She’s one of those people who you can talk to for days on end.

                        AND she’s a fellow foodie who, on occasion, will surprise me with treats. Cookies! Chocolate! Two extra days of editing!

                        This weekend, we’re hitting Buca Restaurant on King. Taleggio cheese, duck yolk, and fresh white truffle pizzas beware. We’re taking no prisoners!
                        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                          March 25, 2015

                          Photos: Dark Matter - two second unit Hamilton shoots, Bruce McDonald, Lawren Bancroft-Wilson, Anthony Lemke, Tanya Lemke, Ron Murphy, Jodelle Ferland

                          Today, I spent time on three different units. Woke up at 6:00 a.m., took the loooong drive to Hamilton for 8:30 a.m. call on not one but TWO second unit shoots (Director Ron Murphy on those owing barn scenes from episode #106, and Director Bruce McDonald on those final few farm house scenes for episode #108). It was uncomfortably cold when I arrived but, after an hour or so, the weather warmed up. Then it rained, and it got cold again. I took the looooong drive back to Etobicoke and arrived in time for main unit lunch, then spent the rest of the late afternoon and evening on set, first watching Director T.W. Peacocke shoot scenes for episode #108, then watching Director John Stead shoot outstanding (in both senses of the word) scenes for episode #105. What a day! And the high point was a double dose of actress Jodelle Ferland who is, quite frankly, perfection.

                          A little something from the Art Department and Transport to help set the mood. Anyone remember Damnation Alley?

                          Director Bruce McDonald is a rock star!

                          Dressing warmly – and peacefully – for the weather.

                          The rarely seen sled cam.

                          I tried to shoo this homeless man off set – until I realized he was VFX Supervisor Lawren Bancroft-Wilson.

                          Moving video village. That tent came in handy today.

                          Second unit for episode #108 was shooting in the cabin (background) while second unit for #106 was shooting in the barn (foreground).

                          A couple of Lemke’s: Anthony and Tanya (no relation). Note: Anthony’s injuries sustained during one of our trademark heated “script discussions”.

                          Directors Bruce McDonald and Ron Murphy exchange pleasantries – before the rivalry begins. Ron fires the first salvo by stealing their camera.

                          Ron directs actress Jodelle Ferland (FIVE) on shuttle spotting.

                          Watch your step back to crew park!

                          Like I said, those tents sure came in handy.

                          Tomorrow, another visual piece of the android puzzle. What’ll it be, belt or hair?
                          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                            March 26, 2015

                            Photos: Bruce McDonald, T.W. Peacocke, Ron Murphy, Dark Matter episode #109 production meeting, Marc Bendavid, Dark Matter Costume Designer, Dark Matter whisky club, android sneak peek

                            Wow. I repeat. Wow! SyFy sent us the rough cut of the early Dark Matter promo they’ve been working on and it is awesome. We’re a long way from finished visual effects so you’ll have to wait for the NEXT trailer to see those, but THIS trailer is pretty amazing all the same. I must have screened it a couple of dozen times for the cast and crew. A big congrats and thanks to SyFy’s Bill Trojanowski and his team. Can’t wait for you all to see it.

                            The sharply-dressed Bruce McDonald completed work on episode #107 and now heads to editing for his director’s cut. From what I hear, he’s got A LOT to work with.

                            Director T.W. Peacocke, two days into episode #108, spends his lunch break prepping for a loooong afternoon in the quarters and corridor.

                            Director Ron Murphy oversees the episode #109 production meeting. He’s all smiles – and why not? He’s already shot half the episode.

                            For those of you complaining about a lack of actor Marc Bendavid (ONE) on this blog, here’s a snap of him reviewing his sides – while embracing Cat Shirt Thursdays.

                            Costume Designer does Cat Shirt Thursday with style.

                            Another gathering of the Dark Matter whisky/whiskey club!

                            And, finally, as promised – the Android visual roll-out continues. You asked for it and here it is. The Android’s hair…
                            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                              March 27, 2015

                              Photos: Missing - Official guest star announcements, Vega 5, Anthony Lemke, Wild Oak Whisky, wardrobe department

                              If spotted, please contact this blog. They are greatly missed.

                              Welcome to Vega 5! Through the ship’s docking collar to customs and registration

                              Sub-level access corridor.

                              The latest addition to our whisky/whiskey club, resident Dark Matter badass, THREE (Anthony Lemke)…

                              Brings us the latest addition to our whisky/whiskey club: a local bourbon-style whiskey from Prince Edward County.

                              Came across this in the wardrobe department the other day…

                              I was tempted but, ultimately, passed. How fresh could those shoulder pads be?
                              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                                March 28, 2015

                                Photos: Akemi, Bubba, Jelly, Lulu, Jodelle Ferland

                                After much consideration and soul searching, Akemi decided to cut her hair. She really wanted to go short but others suggested she keep it long – so she split the difference and went medium. Now she’s looking for tips on what to do with it. I’m the wrong guy to ask.


                                Bubba is fascinated by the building go up next door. He’s like an old Italian man at a construction site, whiling away the hours.

                                My poor girl. Even though she’s in good spirits and has a healthy appetite, her bad 16 year old hips are catching up with Jelly and, lately, she’s been unable to walk without assistance. As a result of her immobility issues, she’s acquired a rash that requires me to slather baby diaper cream on her belly morning and night. Ah, the things we do for love.

                                Lulu, meanwhile, continues her unladylike ways. The other day, actor Alex Mallari Jr. (FOUR) and his girlfriend, Allie, were over when Lulu loosened belch so loud and sustained she actually scared Allie.

                                Yes, I’m talking about you.

                                Lulu + Jodelle = BFF!

                                Akemi doodles.
                                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread

