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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    Originally posted by Pitry View Post
    I'd say it's arbitrary, depends on the mood.

    ...which is what self-judgement is all about, really
    And a personal blog


      Originally posted by scarimor View Post
      And a personal blog
      Personal? Ewwwww. Who lets peopel have blogs?!
      Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
      Yes, I am!
      Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
      Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
      Peter Pan R.I.P




          Originally posted by Joseph Mallozzi
          Come on. Irresponsible and Emancipation were way worse!
          At least you have the balls to admit it, Joe, at least you have the balls to admit it.

          Speaking of which, and I'm not sure if this is allowed or not, but what's with the odd, Wraith-like formation on this pic?

          The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


            Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
            I'd be curious to know what his post/deny criteria are. I've seen some pretty acerbic things make it through... and I've likewise heard of "milder" comments that didn't. And for all that he lambasted me, he posted the one comment/question I submitted... he just didn't answer it.
            Shads, major thumbs up for the siggy. How's the oxygen wastin' going on today?

            I'd be curious too as to what his criteria. I suspect nothing, just as he feels like. I went on today because Atlantis fandom seems to have died on my flist and I wondered if it was dead elsewhere. The same comments, the same people, yadda yadda.

            I do wish he'd just stick to food.



              Originally posted by rarocks24 View Post
              At least you have the balls to admit it, Joe, at least you have the balls to admit it.

              Speaking of which, and I'm not sure if this is allowed or not, but what's with the odd, Wraith-like formation on this pic?
              That looks like the 'underneath' of the walkway in Atlantis .
              BEST OF BOTH WORLDS


                Originally posted by golfbooy View Post
                Shakespeare is not overrated.
                Coming in late... Absolutely!
                There are very sound reasons as to why he is considered by many to be the greatest writer in the English language.
                "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                  May 13

                  Photo: PUGS!

                  Write-Up: Joe's prospective car/hovercraft, and spoilers for the latest Sopranos episode + ending of Survivor: Fiji


                  None today, sorry.


                    I say, go for the hovercraft!!


                      May 14

                      Photos: A Wraith, and a fairly...common one, if you know what I mean.

                      Well, maybe; we don't get a face-on look. Anyway, they're pics from "The Seer".

                      Write-Up: They are unstoppable, they are unimaginably terrifying, they are all around you...and they are closing in on Joe. "Kids", coming to a theatre...near you (dun dun dun!!).

                      Geez, Siler gets injured even in hypotheticals.


                      Anonymous #1 writes: “Can you tell us when Continuum will begin shooting?”

                      Answer: Sure. Next week.

                      Anonymous #2 writes: “Since the team is looking for the Athosians in "The Seer," do they disappear in "Missing?"“

                      Answer: Tune in and find out.

                      Allison writes: “ I've been wondering for a bit about the music that is in each episode. Is most of it composed before the episode is made and dropped in during post or is there an individual score for each episode?”

                      Answer: It depends on the episode. Some episodes are scored while others make use of the vast Stargate library that Joel Goldsmith has created for us.

                      Jupiter writes: “I had a nightmare last night that SGA wasn't signed on to do a Season Five. It made me cry. Have you had a similar experiance?”

                      Answer: My tearful nightmares usually involve me going back to high school to redo grade ten math. Close.

                      Anonymous #3 writes: “Have you recorded any commentaries for the season 10 DVDs?”

                      Answer: I’ve done commentaries for almost all of the episodes I wrote - Morpheus, Memento Mori, Counterstrike, and Quest I. I’ll probably be doing Family Ties in the coming weeks.

                      Johnny E! writes: “ How long does it take you to read these post, emails, etc, and then determine who gets an answer? Also, are you on any season 9 commentaries? Thanks! Oh, one last question, I know some of the guys over there (Martin Wood) are into comics. Are you and if so, what is your favorite character?”

                      Answer: It takes me about an hour to read and respond. I did do commentaries on all of my season 9 episodes (if I remember correctly). I’m not as into comics as I used to be, but if I had to pick a favorite character, I’d go with Dead pool (the Joe Kelly version).

                      Fortitude writes: “Will the Stargate films spend more time being i) filmed or ii) edited and having the cgi bits added in?”

                      Answer: They will.

                      Anonymous #4 writes: “It seems to me that you're just using Irresponsible to say "Hey, look guys, I'm also our biggest critic!".”

                      Answer: Mmm, no. I’m down on Irresponsible because I sincerely didn’t like the episode. Over the course of a given season, there will be episode I don’t like, but they’ll usually be outnumbered by the episodes I do like. And The Shroud was an episode I did like.

                      SMB_Books writes: “You mentioned in a recent entry that you were doing a read through of This Mortal Coil. When does filming begin for this episode and how long will it take to shoot?”

                      Answer: It beings shooting on Wednesday and, like all good Stargate episodes, should take seven days to shoot.
                      Last edited by PG15; 14 May 2007, 04:37 PM.


                        Originally posted by Wormhole View Post
                        That looks like the 'underneath' of the walkway in Atlantis .
                        The strange organic formation attached underneath is a natural part of an Atlantis walkway?

                        Ooh, nice to see the Common Ground Wraith again. And in the brig, 3rd Wraith now to share the brig onscreen.

                        The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


                          Originally posted by ToasterOnFire View Post
                          Oh, absolutely. Some of the drop is due to downloading or network decisions. Some of the drop is also due to viewers losing interest in the show for a likely variety of reasons.

                          TPTBs, regardless of show, like to explain away ratings drops on external sources that they can't influence (network scheduling and promotion) but rarely to never talk about internal sources that they directly influence (the writing isn't keeping viewers interested).
                          Isn't it the 'hardcore' fans that download? Surely not the casual viewer - and if the are sooo many casual viewers (so as to make the opinions of 'hardcore' fans insignificant) why was the drop in rating a problem?
                          Last edited by Zoser; 14 May 2007, 04:22 PM.
                          Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                          My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                            Actually, the interesting dilemma, and this has been talked about earlier and on other threads, is that all shows across all networks have seen a ratings drop.

                            This may be due to several factors that need to be taken into consideration.
                            1) DVR - this above all is the most critical factor, DVR is not counted in ratings sweeps. The reason is because people would just fast forward through the advertising.
                            2) DVR's second effect of allowing people to watch other things at the same time then going back and watching the DVRed content.
                            3) More and more people are willing to just buy the seasons from iTunes. $1.99 an ep and the ability to watch it on television through the use of various technologies has further hindered this.
                            4) Overall, the quality of the shows on all networks has become somewhat, mediocre. The shows that are good, are suffering the same as a result because of the general mediocre-ness. Shows like Survivor have become so redundant the very thought of watching the show makes me want to rip out my hair. American Idol has become old as well (I never watched a season, seen episodes here and there).

                            In essence, it's not that the shows are actually doing poorly, it's that the Nielsen ratings, for the most part, are becoming obsolete. Not for the reasons that many on this board and some other claim.

                            The reason you should vote Republican in 2010.


                              Originally posted by rarocks24 View Post
                              Actually, the interesting dilemma, and this has been talked about earlier and on other threads, is that all shows across all networks have seen a ratings drop.

                              This may be due to several factors that need to be taken into consideration.
                              1) DVR - this above all is the most critical factor, DVR is not counted in ratings sweeps. The reason is because people would just fast forward through the advertising.
                              2) DVR's second effect of allowing people to watch other things at the same time then going back and watching the DVRed content.
                              3) More and more people are willing to just buy the seasons from iTunes. $1.99 an ep and the ability to watch it on television through the use of various technologies has further hindered this.
                              4) Overall, the quality of the shows on all networks has become somewhat, mediocre. The shows that are good, are suffering the same as a result because of the general mediocre-ness. Shows like Survivor have become so redundant the very thought of watching the show makes me want to rip out my hair. American Idol has become old as well (I never watched a season, seen episodes here and there).

                              In essence, it's not that the shows are actually doing poorly, it's that the Nielsen ratings, for the most part, are becoming obsolete. Not for the reasons that many on this board and some other claim.
                              I was beginning to wonder if my tastes had changed or just about everything on TV sucked.
                              We must have heard or read the same report. Even one of the multitudinous Law and Orders (Criminal Intent, I think) will have it's first run on USA instead of NBC because it gets better rating there.
                              I think alot has to do with timing. If there is a show that is half way decent another good show will be placed in opposition to it (Heroes and 24) and other hours nothing, absolutely nothing. (Another pet peeve is when they move a shows time slot so many times you just give up looking for it - of course if it really good I'll look!)
                              Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                              My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                                i think that's part of it. the networks, if they each have a winner, don't play them at different times...they put them head to head. And then we have folks with digital cable, that will only ALLOW you to watch/tape one show at a time and the networks - in thier desire to get a 'we win' are basically shooting themselves in teh foot, because they're competing themselves out of ratings

                                that's one reason i like my old off air tv...sure, it sucks to have 5 channels, but i can tape as many as i have vcr's for adn watch ALL that i want, not just what the networks thing i SHOULD be watching
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


