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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    July 4, 2017

    Video: Weather Boy

    Photos: Lulu, Suji, Petunia, Akemi, Chef Curtis Luk, Joe Mallozzi, Kaare Andrews, Earl Grey/Lavender donut, Dark Matter

    Remember that episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation where Picard ends up living out his entire life on some alien world and then, at episode’s end, after decades have passed and he’s a very old man, he discovers it was all a temporal ruse? Well, that happened to me today. Sort of. Except instead of an alien world, it was the FedEx office on the corner of West Broadway and Cypress. There’s no such thing as a quick stop to send a package. Whenever I go, it’s like entering some sort of chrono dilation field where time and customer service no longer adhere to the rules of physics. It seems like a lifetime passes for me in that slow moving line and yet, whenever I exit, I’m surprised to discover it’s only been half an hour or so.

    Summer is upon us and that means afternoons spent out in the backyard with the dogs (Lulu, Suji, and frequent houseguest Petunia), reading, while Akemi sits inside watching Japanese television on youtube or researching interior design ideas for our new place in Toronto. Akemi’s not big on getting sun and insists 21 seconds is the cut off for safe daily exposure. Whenever we go out, she wears a hat, enormous sunglasses, and a light jacket to cover her arms. As a result, when passersby stare, I inevitably wonder whether they think she’s some incognito celebrity or an escaped mental patient.

    So the plan is to have everything packed up and shipped off (including ourselves) to August 31st. We’ve got the boxes, the tape, the movers in mind. The only piece missing in our masterful plan is somewhere to move TO – like, say, a place in Toronto. To forestall the possibility of our having to live out of my office, I’m going to fly to Toronto next week for a day of condo shopping and tacos with Ivon. My checklist includes: pet-friend, patio, AC, open concept, regular-sized oven, proximity to a dog park, and home made guacamole. If I can find all of those things on my visit, I’ll be greatly pleased.

    A few quick shout-outs before I wrap up today’s entry…

    A shout-out to Chef Curtis Luk whose Mission Kitsilano restaurant has become my favorite go-to place for brunch and/or dinner. The crazy thing is I’m not a brunch person – and yet I’ll go once, sometimes twice a weekend because it’s that good. And crazier still, I’m not a vegetarian yet always get the vegetarian dishes whenever I go because they’re that good. There are dedicated vegetarian restaurants in Vancouver, and none can equal the brilliance of Chef Curtis’s creations…

    He’s that good.

    A shout-out to hot young Vancouver director – and comic writer/artist Kaare Andrews. Sat down with him a couple of weeks ago to talk genre television, and his comic Renato Jones, available on comixology and where all fine graphic novels are sold.

    And a final shout-out to the Earl Grey/Lavender donut I had at Lucky’s Donuts. I know, I know. Earl Grey?! And Lavender??? But unquestionably the best donut I’ve eaten this year.

    Tomorrow, it’s all about this Friday night’s episode of Dark Matter, “One Last Card To Play” (alternately titled “One More Card To Play” on various sites).

    Happy 4th of July!!!

    “Kid’s sketchy. Back to you guys.”
    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


      July 5, 2017

      Videos: Dark Matter 3x06 Promo "One Last Card To Play", Dark Matter - Season 3, Episode 5: After Dark

      Photos: Dark Matter

      This Friday, July 7th, Dark Matter returns with an all-new episode – and one of my season 3 favorites: “One Last Card To Play”!

      SpoilerTV’s Aimee Hicks offers an advance preview: “Twists and Turns”

      Things take a very interesting and confusing turn in the next episode which is full of wild and unexpected twists. A plot point from last season is finally answered and the answer is quite unexpected. Friends become enemies and enemies become allies. It’s a twisted and sordid back and forth battle that draws lines and sets up some pretty big future plot points. By the end of the hour, the crew will undergo some changes and the fate of one will be left unknown.

      The promo:

      I talk about season 3 with The National’s Chris Newbould

      “Viewers tuned in to spend time with O’Neill, Carter, Daniel and Teal’c because they were almost like a second family to them. I think it’s much the same way with the Dark Matter crew. They are mercenaries, this galaxy’s most wanted, but when all’s said and done, they’re family.”

      And here is last episode’s (“Give It Up, Princess”) After Dark installment:

      And, hey, we’ve got San Diego Comic Con news!

      Thursday, July 20th

      8:15-9:15 p.m.: Dark Matter (Room 6DE)

      And now, you’re up to date!
      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


        July 6, 2017

        Photos: Dark Matter

        It’s time to rally the troops! Once this Friday’s episode of Dark Matter is behind us, we’ll be nearing the halfway mark of the show’s third season. Unbelievably, you’ll only have 7 more episodes left until…

        Well, that’s up to you. To ensure that fourth season pick-up, we need to keep getting the word out, continue getting new viewers on board and, of course, keep supporting the show by watching it on SYFY and SpaceChannel (and Netflix!).

        The truth is, it’s all in YOUR hands now and, by YOUR, I refer to our legion of dedicated Dark Matter fans. The fate of the series rests with you!

        In many ways, Dark Matter is reminiscent of my time on Stargate, another show that didn’t have a ton of money, or much press or support from the bigger online sites, but succeeded beyond expectations on the strength of its fandom – 3 shows, 17 seasons, 354 episodes! In the case of Dark Matter, it’s five year plan. Five seasons in which to tell the story of The Raza and its crew – a beginning, middle, and end already laid out, and answers to all of the show’s mysteries.

        But, first things first. Let’s get that fourth season pick-up!

        Tune in Friday nights at 9:00 p.m. on SYFY and Space Channel. Even better, tune into the entire SYFY Friday block starting with Killjoys at 8:00, followed by Dark Matter at 9:00, and concluding with Wynonna Earp at 10:00.

        TV, Eh?’s Greg David previews the next of Dark Matter:

        We were mighty confused by some of the decisions made by our heroes until midway through the episode. The payoff is worth it.

        An exclusive first look at a clip from our next episode: “One Last Card To Play” at

        SciFiAndTVTalks’ Steve Eramo Catches Up With Jodelle Ferland

        “Five is a strong person, but I worry about her, because she has her limits and can only handle so much. For me, it’s been a wonderful acting challenge to play that balance and show that my character is vulnerable, but at the same time I don’t want her to look weak. Five can take care of herself, but things are definitely getting more and more difficult as well as dangerous for her along with the rest of the Raza crew this season.”

        Brush up on your french and read Lubie en series’ interview with Natalie Brown:

        « Je pense qu’il est très indépendant et qu’il a un instinct de survie bas donc je ne suis pas inquiète pour lui physiquement. Mais, émotionnellement oui. Je crois qu’il a plus besoin de Sarah que ce qu’il peut admettre ou réaliser. Je crois qu’elle est son sens moral. J’aime penser qu’elle a été capable de lui permettre d’accéder à ses propres émotions. Donc, s’il vit sans elle, elle espère qu’il les utilisera à bon escient ».
        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


          July 7, 2017

          Photo: Dark Matter

          Drop everything you’re doing and tune in – tonight at 9:00 p.m. on SYFY and Space for an all-new episode of Dark Matter: “One Last Card To Play”. Better yet, tune in at 8:00 p.m. for an all-new episode of Killjoys and make it a double-feature. Maybe even a triple feature since Wynonna Earp starts at 10:00 p.m.

          Yes, cancel your plans. THIS is more important.

          That movie you were planning to see? It’ll be in theaters for another month at least. Avoid the crowds and the loud-talkers and catch a matinee instead.

          That dinner party you were going to attend? They’ll serve your meal an hour late and then gossip about you after you leave.

          That surgery you have to perform? That gallbladder aint going anywhere.

          As I mentioned in yesterday’s blog entry, your support over the next month will be crucial to the show’s future. We need to finish strong and get that fourth season green light!
          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


            Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post

            Brush up on your french and read Lubie en series’ interview with Natalie Brown:

            « Je pense qu’il est très indépendant et qu’il a un instinct de survie bas donc je ne suis pas inquiète pour lui physiquement. Mais, émotionnellement oui. Je crois qu’il a plus besoin de Sarah que ce qu’il peut admettre ou réaliser. Je crois qu’elle est son sens moral. J’aime penser qu’elle a été capable de lui permettre d’accéder à ses propres émotions. Donc, s’il vit sans elle, elle espère qu’il les utilisera à bon escient ».
            I understood like 70% of that. My French teacher would be so proud of me
            By Nolamom



              July 8, 2017

              Photo: Dark Matter

              Last night’s episode, “One Last Card To Play”, was one of my third season Top 3 Favorites along with Episode 304, “All The Time In The World”. So, what did you all think?

              I talk “One Last Card To Play” with Kelly Townsend of TheTVJunkies:

              “Anthony and Melissa and all the cast will come by the office and discuss things like character arcs and specific episodic beats. Frankly, Zoie and I exchange more texts than I do with my girlfriend because she’s asking if she can try this or that. It’s one of those things where you’ve just got to trust them. These characters are as much theirs as they are mine. I’ve created them, but they’ve given them life. You’ve got to give them a certain amount of leeway and then you’re always incredibly rewarded.”

              SYFYWire’s Tricia Ennis:

              “I’m honestly kinda worried about where Ryo is headed. I think he’s officially reached the point of no return.”

              Aimee Hicks at SpoilerTV:

              ” This season certainly seems like a big payoff for some of the bigger plot points that have been left hanging from the prior two seasons. There is no telling what other plot points they’ll address, but if the back half of the season can keep hitting on point like the first half then this will easily go down as the best season of the series to date.”

              Michelle Harvey at ThreeIfBySpace:

              “Alright my fellow Raza Crew fans, tonight’s episode was wonderfully intense. Though “One Last Card To Play” has seriously has me concerned for the future of our crew.”

              C.R. Sparrow at BlackGirlNerds:

              “Dark Matter excels at misdirection. This was evident from the end of the Pilot when my mouth fell open at the reveal of the Raza crew. Maybe I’m just an easy mark, but I had a similar reaction at the 8 minute and 45-second mark of “One Last Card to Play”.”

              Ian Cullen at SciFi Pulse:

              “Dark Matter returns to form with a fantastic episode, which once again features the multiverse characters from season two.”

              Michael Ahr at DenOfGeek:

              “The master stroke of the episode, however, was in having the Android take out Portia before she could take the Raza and witness the exact scene from her future vision in “All the Time in the World” two episodes back: Portia pacing in a storeroom and Marcus shooting the Android. When Five arrives on the bridge and announces, “We did see it coming,” it’s a real moment of triumph, making us wonder if other future glimpses will play out in similar fashion.”


              “Dark Matter never forgets its many plot threads and once again introduces us to the mayhem of Portia and her alternate team. This was a bit of a surprise as I had cornered Corso as the sole escapee from their last encounter.”


              “One amazing thing about this show is how the writers can yank on a loose thread from season’s past. A thread that most of us had given up on ever seeing paid off.”

              Christopher Hart at TheNerdRecites:

              “This was an excellent episode – one of the most powerful weapons in this show’s armoury is the dark Raza crew and any episode that they appear in is always SF gold.”

              Kathleen Weidel at TVFanatic:

              “Having not even seen so much as a preview trailer, I entered Dark Matter Season 3 Episode 6 with no expectations. So the return of the alternate-universe crew of the Raza proved rather a surprise.”

              Hillary Esquina at TellTaleTV:

              “Can we just take a second to praise Melissa O’Neil? She once again proves her extraordinary talent with her portrayal of Two and Portia.”

              Finally – Anthony Lemke (Dark Matter’s THREE) talks about his charity work for Handicap International with SciFiAndTVTalk’s Steve Eramo:

              “So it was a real privilege for me to go there, and probably the most worthwhile thing I did during the off-season, especially being able to bring their story back to Canada as well as America and talk about the long-lasting effects of dropping bombs on countries. Handicap International takes a neutral position with regard to warfare, but we should be cognizant of the fact that a number of any bombs dropped on a country are going to remain unexploded and will be around for a while, so we should help clean up when a conflict is over.”
              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                July 9, 2017

                Photos: Dark Matter

                So, what lies ahead in season 3? Well, check out these top secret screenshots for a few hints at what’s to come…

                Hmmm. That guy looks familiar.

                Coming or going? Hard to say.

                I’m sure that’ll just buff out.

                Space pandemonium!

                Awww, looks like Ryo Ishida and the Android have made up.

                BIG things coming your way in the back half of season 3!
                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                  July 10, 2017

                  Video: Suji

                  Photos: Suji, Joe Mallozzi

                  Suji, our twelve year old special needs senior pug, is inching towards 10k followers on instagram . Her surprising popularity is a testament to both the little lady herself AND my girlfriend Akemi who is constantly posing and photographing her anywhere and everywhere in search of the just the perfect pic. Like –

                  And –

                  And –

                  But the truth is there are unsung heroes who work behind the scenes of these photo shoots, sacrificing time and comfort to help secure that one-of-a-kind picture. Not to make this all about me, but I’m referring to me. I’m usually the guy walking her toward camera or in the background trying to get Suji’s attention so she can face the proper direction or footing the bill for those cappuccinos so she can wear the lid like a hat.

                  Or locking my elbows so that I can holding her straight up in the air for thirty seconds at a time as the sun beats down on my face…

                  Awww. What a great picture of Suji in the garden.

                  Perfectly edited to crop out visual distractions.

                  Can we just take a moment here? FYI, that grimace is a response to a combination of weary shoulders and burning retinas.

                  And to top it all off her, contract includes a clause that requires her to be hand-fed at all meals! Just like Anthony Lemke!!!
                  The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                    July 11, 2017

                    Videos: Dark Matter - After Dark Season 3 Episode 6 "One Last Card To Play" , Jodelle Ferland (Dark Matter) - Cosplay Spotlite Special Interview, DARK MATTER - Season 3, Episode 7: Sneak Peek

                    Photos: Dark Matter

                    On SYFY, the Revolution of Leading Ladies Is Already Being Televised – by Alexis Gunderson at Paste Magazine.

                    ” From Wynonna, Waverly and Officer Haught on Wynonna Earp to Dutch, Pawter and Clara on Killjoys to Two, Five, Android, Nyx, Misaki, Sarah and Solara on Dark Matter, Syfy has spent the last several summers demonstrating week after sweltering week that by transforming femininity into narrative power, and then placing that narrative power squarely in the hands of multiple, wildly different leading ladies, a whole metric ton of compelling stories can be told—stories in which boobs (begging zero pardon for this pun, as Wynonna would never forgive me if I did) are just the tips of a complexly feminine iceberg.”

                    Mishka Thebaud discusses Adrian’s Bright Future with Kelly Townsend of The TVJunkies

                    ” I remember getting the script and thinking, “Is this right? Is this a typo? Why is my name in it so much?” It was obviously a great surprise. I was super excited to do that episode. I mean, I was also nervous, obviously, since it’s a demanding one. I had a lot riding on me, but I’m always up for it and I know I’m capable of it. I knew I was going to bring it, so that was my attitude. I was confident.”

                    Anthony Lemke talks with Lubie en series – en français!

                    “Tout le monde dit c’est okay, rien de grave, tu peux aimer un robot. Mon personnage est le reste de l’humanité qui est mal à l’aise à cette idée. C’est ce qui est fun car on nous dit dans nos sociétés d’être compréhensif, ouvert. Tout est okay que ça soit le genre, la race, le sexe. Mais, la vérité ce n’est pas ce que l’on ressent au plus profond de nous et mon personnage représente cette bataille. Et je pense que l’on peut s’identifier parce que c’est la vie.”

                    Melissa O’Neil and Anthony Lemke talk Episode 306, “One Last Card To Play” on After Dark:

                    Jodelle Ferland nerding it up!

                    Here’s a sneak peek at this Friday night’s episode: “Wish I Could Believe You”:
                    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                      July 12, 2017

                      Photos: Dark Matter

                      The Art Department keeping Ash busy.

                      Lovable Zoie Palmer as our lovable Android.

                      Okay, let’s review this ridiculous dialogue one more time.

                      The gang kicking back in the Marauder.

                      Scene run-thru, Episode 305 “Give It Up, Princess”, with director J.B. Sugar.

                      Accept no substitute!

                      Well now, THIS looks familiar.
                      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                        July 13, 2017

                        Photos: Dark Matter

                        Who wants a sip of Zoie’s coffee?

                        Torri Higginson cops some Truffault attitude.

                        Jessica Sipos, the OTHER Raza’s Tash.

                        Lisa Amaral Wright shows off her latest creation: “The Helm”.

                        Roger Cross – master of the weird blade.

                        A close shave for Elliot.

                        Director/Stunt Coordinator John Stead shows us how it’s done.

                        A meeting of minds: Ennis Esmer and Jessica Sipos.
                        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                          July 14, 2017

                          Video: Dark Matter - Season 3 Trailer: The Raza Crew is Going to Earth

                          Photos: Dark Matter

                          Some behind the scenes pics of tonight’s episode, “Wish I Could Believe You” (written by Ivon Bartok, directed by Paul Day):

                          The Mr. Congeniality Award for kindness in the performance of his duties as an officer in the Galactic Authority goes to…

                          The rare Spaghetti Saturday dinner tray POV shot.

                          Director Paul Day doing his thing.

                          The Helm.

                          Hazmat team on set to deal with our hazardous camera operator, Joe Turner.

                          Zoie Palmer hits her mark.

                          Director Paul Day casually blocks the infirmary scene.

                          A sneak preview of tonight’s episode c/o

                          And what lies ahead for the crew of The Raza as we sail into the back half of season 3? Well –
                          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                            July 15, 2017

                            Photos: Air Canada, Ivon Bartok, Melissa O'Neil, Toronto condo, Wahlburgers

                            Okie doke. The plan was to motor through this script by the end of July (so that I could dedicate August to script #2), but following several false starts, a couple of roadblocks, and one frustrating detour, I’ve decided to scrap this jalopy. My focus now shifts to enjoying the rest of my summer and just reading. Spending time with Akemi and the dogs, sure. Packing and prepping for the big move, of course. And, oh yeah, rewatching old episodes of Seinfeld.

                            Look, I’m sure there are worse airlines in the world. Maybe those outfits flying dangerous cargo out of war-torn countries for example. But, really, Air Canada is just…not good. My flight out of Vancouver was delayed an hour and half. My flight back to Vancouver was delayed almost two. The last time I flew Air Canada, the flight was outright cancelled for reasons never fully revealed. A mechanical issue? The pilot overslept? The flight wasn’t full enough so Air Canada decided not to bother honoring their end of our business transaction? Who knows? The bigger question is – Why the hell have I (or is anyone) flying Air Canada when there’s a perfectly great alternative in WestJet?

                            A few words of wisdom I ‘d like to impart to those looking to sell their home or condo (all gathered from a day spent checking out Toronto condos with my back-up, The Corridors, pictured here on the cover of their new album) …

                            If you know someone is going to be coming by to check the place out, you might want to clean up a little. After seeing this, I was genuinely afraid to check out the bathrooms.

                            An access door to the building’s stairwell at the back of the master bedroom can be a little…unsettling. “They call that The Murderer’s Entrance,”Ivon helpfully offered.

                            I know, I know. Getting the place ready for prospective buyers can be such a pain in the ass, but try to make an effort nevertheless. Those sloppy little details tell a much bigger story about how you cared for the place while you were living there.

                            While I realize you still live here, try to make yourself scarce during the showing. It can make things all kinds of awkward – especially if you’re drunk.

                            And as much as I appreciate a desire to cut out the middle man like, say, the dining room corridor and a door, designing a house with the bathroom right next door to the kitchen is just weird. What’s even weirder? An open bathroom concept that has the toilet stall in direct eyeline of the top of the upstairs landing.

                            Finally, if you’re going to take a photo of the exterior and go through the pains of angling the shot in such a way as to avoid the telephone pole smack-dab in the middle of your ****ing walkway, count on prospective buyer’s actually visiting your place and noticing that…there’s a ****ing telephone pole smack-cab in the middle of your ****ing walkway!

                            Holy ****! Are Burger’s Priest burgers now available at Wahlburgers?!??
                            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                              July 16, 2017

                              Photos: Hot sauces

                              “He ordered the souvlaki with hot sauce,”my friend informed me. “His nose bled all night!”

                              “All night?” I was dubious.

                              “All night!”she insisted.

                              I suppose it was intended as a cautionary tale but the first thought that entered my mind was: “I’ve got to try that hot sauce.”

                              I’ve always been a fan of spicy. One of the first Japanese phrases I learned before going to Tokyo for the first time was “Karai no ryori wa dai suki desu” (“I love spicy food!”) lest they fear offending an overly sensitive gaikokujin palate. When I go out for pad gra prow, I dismiss foreigner (farang) spicy in favor of Thai (phet mak mak) spicy. Hell, I’ve even started making my own hot sauces.

                              But even though I like the heat, I am picky. I’m not a huge fan of the tamer cayenne-based hot sauces only because I tend to find them too vinegary. The beyond hot sauces are certainly hot, but their flavor is akin to liquid rubber. Give me an island hot sauce, something with a habanero or scotch bonnet base. Incorporate onions and garlic for flavor, the sweetness of fruit to compliment the heat, maybe even a touch of mustard to give it an extra little kick.

                              The other day, Akemi took all of my hot sauces out of the back cupboard and suggested I deal with them – which essentially means toss them or consume them in six weeks I have left in Vancouver. Well, I’m up to the challenge! But first, a little sample to find out if they’ve stood the test of time (aka – haven’t gone bad sitting in the pantry since 2010).

                              I remember the first time I sampled this one – just a touch on the end of a dipped toothpick. It was pretty intense. A friend of Akemi tested his luck and started hiccuping instantly. More of a novelty than a worthy addition to the rotation.

                              Hmmm. Just the basics here: cayenne, water, and salt. The years have not been kind to this hot sauce which went from its original vibrant orange to an ominous dark brown.

                              This one comes with a (presumably tongue in cheek) warning not to attempt to actually light the fuse. The wax seal, while amusing, is surprisingly thick and difficult to cut through. It’s a combination of some 20 peppers and not unbearable in its heat level.

                              Unlike this one that is aptly termed “Beyond Insanity” because you’d have to be crazy to eat it. It’s habanero-based sauce but also includes “habanero-infused flavor”, whatever that means. Another one that has aged terribly, at least in its coloring.

                              Also habanero-based and while this one seemed to have prevailed over Father Time, the flavor seemed a bit…off.

                              Vidalia onions and peach! I am IN! To be honest, I haven’t had the heart to open this one yet simply because I don’t want to be disappointed if it’s turned and I’m unable to use it. Jeff, I’m waiting for you to get into town before I try it.

                              My new favorite hot sauce (now that I can no longer track down my former fave, Chalido Chile Trader’s Besos de Fuegos) is this little gem made right here in B.C. with locally-sourced honey and apples.

                              I’m love the island sauces.

                              And, of course, who can resist the sweet and spicy combo of Korean gochujang. I pick up mine up at my local farmer’s market.

                              And speaking of local, Oddball Organics makes a terrific line of sauces that combine two of my favorite things: heat and garlic. From left to right, their progressively hotter offerings go from Nasty Nectar to Nuclear Nectar to Tongue Twister.

                              Oh, and that nose-bleedingly hot hot sauce? It wasn’t that hot. And my nose was just fine.
                              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                                July 17, 2017

                                Photos: Dark Matter storyboards, Dark Matter concept art

                                Occasionally, more complicated sequences are storyboarded. A director conveys his vision to the artist who creates a multi-panel breakdown of the shots that will comprise a given sequence. For instance, here’s the initial Electus Corp flashforward sequence storyboard for Episode 304, “All The Time In The World” – directed by Ron Murphy, storyboard by Gergely Kapus:

                                And here’s some of the concept art for this scene, c/o of the amazing Karl Crosby –

                                As always, kudos to our hugely talented Production Designer, Ian Brock, for bringing it all to life.

                                Finally, a little quiz. Which two Dark Matter performers attending acting school together:

                                a) Anthony Lemke (THREE) and Jessica Sipos (Tash)

                                b) Zoie Palmer (Android) and Ennis Esmer (Wexler)

                                c) Roger Cross (SIX) and Torri Higginson (Commander Truffault)

                                d) Melissa O’Neil (TWO) and Alex Mallari Jr. (FOUR/Ryo Ishida)

                                e) None of the above. You’re just wasting our time.
                                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread

