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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    October 14, 2016

    Photos: Melissa O’Neil, Vanessa Piazza, Lulu, Victoria Klein, Joe Mallozzi

    Last night, Akemi and I had dinner with Melissa O’Neil and Vanessa Piazza. We went for sushi and I over-ordered. Even more than usual because I mistakenly assumed I was only ordering single pieces of sushi. Halfway through our meal, when Akemi asked the waitress what else was coming, the waitress replied: “Tuna, eel, and more.” Uh, yeah. Thanks for clarifying. The same waitress seemed utterly perplexed later on when Melissa ordered the cantaloupe sorbet, bouncing a look of utter incomprehension between Melissa and the dessert menu. Cantaloupe sorbet? No one’s ever ordered the cantaloupe sorbet!!!

    Too much sushi, a bowl of matcha ice cream, and a couple of carafes of sake later, I headed home for a good night’s sleep. Because our frenchie, Lulu, is still recuperating from spinal surgery, we’ve taken to sequestering her in a little pen downstairs to ensure she doesn’t exert herself by climbing stairs, jumping off the bed or practicing her tae kwon do unsupervised. I’ll turn off all the lights and work at my laptop until late, then hop into her playpen and pet her until she drifts off (roughly 1100 pets) before slipping quietly upstairs.

    I fell asleep at about 1 a.m. I was awakened an hour later by the sound of Lulu coming up the stairs. Somehow, the little Houdini had managed to slip out. I picked her up to bring her downstairs and, upon our arrival, realized she wasn’t feeling well. She had messed her blanket, two dog beds, and the floor. So I cleaned her, then the floor, then rinsed down the dog beds and blanket in the bathtub before popping them in for a double wash, then took a nice hot shower. I rejoined her downstairs and repeated the bedtime process, patting her until she eventually drifted off. By the time I got back to sleep, it was a little after 5 a.m.

    Surprisingly, I got **** done today despite the lack of sleep. Finished a pass on one script. Tossed around some ideas with Jay. Sat in on an Art Department budget meeting (so far, so good!).

    And reconnected with some of the old gang. Pictured above: Props Master Victoria Klein presents Akemi with a frenchie-themed tote bag. What a sweetheart.

    Hmmmm. Apparently the new Star Trek series is in town shooting for, oh, ever, which has cost us some crew and construction personnel. Anyone out there have any experience building corporate guard garrisons or diabolical research laboratories? Lemme know!

    Status: Worried?
    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


      Just found this story line written as 2 additional seasons to the stargate world. Found it an amazing story.
      "Let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance"

      Proverbs 1:5



        October 15, 2016

        Photo: Akemi, Lulu

        I was leaving the farmer’s market when I ran into an old friend. It had been years since I’d seen her and, clearly, much had changed. She was married, had a son, and had just moved into a new house.

        “We should go out for dinner and catch up,”she said.

        “Great,”I said. I loved the idea of reconnecting after all these years.

        “You’ll love Travis,”she said, referring to her hubby. “He’s a real foodie.”

        “Let’s pick a date,”I said. Then, glancing over, noticed how her three year old son was completely smitten with my french bulldog Lulu. “Hey, your son seems to like Lulu.”

        “Oh, he’s obsessed with dogs.”

        “Do you have a dog?”

        “Oh, no,”she replied. “Travis hates dogs.”

        Travis hates dogs? She may as well have said “Travis steals from charities” or “Travis just got out of prison for killing someone he was trying to rob” or “Travis is an executive for Air Canada.” Travis hates dogs? Well why the hell would I even want to meet Travis? And why the hell would I want to go out with someone who married a guy like Travis?

        Needless to say, I did not get her number.

        It reminds me of a couple I knew. My ex had gone to school with the wife. The husband became our financial advisor. They had a dog who they kept in the garage from 9 to 5 while they were at work. One day, I learned they had put the dog down because he had been destructive – as, I imagine, anyone would be if they were kept locked up alone without any interaction for 8 HOURS A DAY! “It wasn’t fair to him,”they explained as though killing him had been an act of great largesse on their part. Needless to say, I pulled my accounts. The husband was upset, lamenting the fact that he had already dispatched their annual corporate Christmas “Thank You” gifts. In retrospect, my feelings toward him and his wife were about a bad as that bottle of white wine he sent.

        I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again. People who like dogs are generally goodhearted folks, while those who don’t are jerks at best and serial killers at worst. In both of the aforementioned cases, I cut my losses before I could find out which.

        All good on the dog front. Lulu gets her “zipper” of stitches/staples out next weekend. She looks like a chihuahua in a french bulldog costume. Bubba, meanwhile, is the toast of the neighborhood whenever he goes out for a stroll in his goofy hat or Hawaiian shirt. He’s the McGarrett of downtown Toronto!
        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


          October 16, 2016

          Photos: Joe's birthday celebration, Lulu, lunch at Schmaltz Appetizing, Akemi, Carl Binder, Alexander Ruemelin, dinner at Piano Piano

          Woke up and liked/hearted/thanked all the well-wishers on Facebook, twitter, and instagram.

          Cleaned the dog poop off the patio (Note: I originally wrote “Cleaned poop off the patio” but ultimately felt it was advisable to be specific).

          Had lunch at Schmaltz Appetizing.

          Took a stroll.

          Picked up substitute birthday cake.

          Heard from two of my favorite Germans.

          Dinner at Piano Piano.

          Quality time with my girl!

          Thanks for all the birthday wishes. The celebrations will continue throughout the week!
          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



            October 17, 2016

            Photos: Frank Consiglio, Noreen Landry, snow monkeys

            Hard to believe we’re already back in the production offices, prepping Dark Matter’s third season.

            Even harder to believe we’re about a month away from the start of principal photography on Year 3. But here’s proof. Swinging by the office today…

            Lead Set Dresser Frank Consiglio.

            Costume Designer Noreen Landry.

            We’re getting the band back together!

            Well, most of the band. We lost sax and oboe to Star Trek and percussion to Designated Survivor.

            Over the last couple of days, I’ve been working with our casting director, the lovely Lisa Parasyn, on preparing the breakdowns for Episodes 1-4. We’ve got a call-back for the Solara Shockley character next week, then first round auditions for Teku Fonsei, Adrian Maro, and a couple of guest stars including one we haven’t seen since season 1.

            On a show biz-related note – don’t you hate it when people don’t get back to you? It’s especially galling when THEY work for YOU. Makes you somewhat…less inclined to dial them in to any decision-making – and more inclined to wash your hands of them when the times comes.

            It’s amazing how quickly my interest in football has waned alongside the fortunes of my fantasy team, the Snow Monkeys. Thanks for next-to-nothing to my 2016 draft picks: Carson Palmer, Dez Bryant, DeAndre Hopkins, Demaryius Thomas, Golden Tate, Devante Parker, Thomas Rawls, and TJ Yeldon.

            On the bright side, Akemi is absolutely thrilled at the prospect of spending Sundays with me again.

            Hey, NFL, see you in December.
            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



              October 18, 2016

              Photos: Wonder Woman’s Weirdest Comic Book Covers

              Let’s celebrate the Amazing Amazon’s 75th anniversary with a look back at Wonder Woman’s Weirdest Comic Book Covers!

              Them’s some angry-looking cats.

              First rule of Fight Club: Never entrust your secret identity to a bird!

              How topical.

              I’d go with Amoeba-Man. He’s more sincere.

              They could just compromise and have a communal barbecue.

              It’s not so much the fact that she’s marrying an 8 foot tall alien as it is that atrocious toupee.

              How can you hope to defeat someone made out of paper?!! Besides resorting to burning, tearing, or crumpling?

              He may not be much to look at, but Klamos is evidently a great catch.

              How many forced weddings did Batman have to endure?

              Note: “The Women’s Lib Issue”.
              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                October 19, 2016

                Photos: Granola, Dark Matter Season 3 Location Scout, Robbie David, Norman Denver

                This morning, we hopped in the transport van and headed to The Hammer (aka lovely Hamilton where we shoot most of our exteriors) to scout locations for some of the early season 3 episodes: a munitions facility, an abandoned warehouse with lots of room for hide ‘n seek ‘n run ‘n jump, an internment camp, and, possibly, a clearing for a forest rendez-vous.

                Akemi’s new thing is making granola and, since it WAS a morning scout, she sent me off with baggies for some of the gang upstairs (the gang downstairs shouldn’t feel left out as they’ll be getting theirs in the weeks to come).

                Co-Executive Producer Robbie David is truly touched by the surprise granola.

                The Dark Matter Scout Troop.

                Every time I go to a location scout in Hamilton, I feel like I’m a character in a horror movie. First stop – right through this door.

                Atmospheric. A great place to shoot an episode of t.v. Or murder an unsuspecting film crew.

                It’s Birthday Boy Norman Denver! Let’s pick up the pace. He’s got cake to get to!

                Next stop – another sketchy-looking potential murder scene.

                Hmmm. Instead of spending all that money on a place in downtown Toronto, actor Roger Cross may want to consider more modest accommodations. Pros: 1. It may cut down on travel time for Episode 303. 2. That is all.

                Always sound advice. Wait. Is that scrawled in blood?

                Not even the picto-man on the bathroom is happy to be here.

                This one is a bit of a fixer-upper.

                The entrance for the end of 301. You’ll know what I’m talking about when the episode airs.

                Offers some nice visuals but, at the end of the day, not what we’re looking for.

                They don’t look like much now, but when Production Designer Ian Brock and the Art Department get through with them, they’ll be otherworldly.

                Or, we’ll just shoot somewhere else.

                More than likely, we’re going somewhere else.

                Which means, next week – Another location scout!
                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                  October 20, 2016

                  Photos: Roxanne Borris, Alice Foster, Anthony Lemke's tweet, good luck socks, Bubba, Lulu

                  With a little less than a month to go before the commencement of principal photography on Dark Matter’s third season (Season 3! Already!), it’s all about the prep. In the way of advance locations, set discussions, director/editor meetings, and, of course, casting! Last night, I went over the auditions for Episodes 301 and 304 which we’ll be block-shooting under the direction of one of my favorite people, Ron Murphy (who you may remember from Episodes 106, 109, 205, and 213). Some smaller – but no less important – roles with some great candidates for each (thanks to our fabulous casting director, Lisa Parasyn). Ash is an especially fun role and I’m torn between two terrific auditions

                  Hey, look who’s back in the office, working on that Ishida family tree. None other than 1st Assistant Art Director Roxanne Borris. Can’t wait to see what other goodies she’s got in store for us this season.

                  A photo of elusive Production Coordinator Alice Foster pictured here in her natural habitat, by the photocopier.

                  Tomorrow, it’s more meetings! And I finish the tease of my next script.

                  Speaking of scripts –

                  Hey, I received the following in the mail the other day with no accompanying note:

                  Birthday gifts? Bribes? Sent to wrong address?

                  Meanwhile, back on the homefront, Bubba and Lulu get in some hardcore snoozing.

                  And snacking.
                  The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                    October 21, 2016

                    Photos: Dark Matter sketches

                    You know what I hate? Apple updates. As soon as I get comfortable with something, they change it. One day, it’s the swipe/lock features of my phone; the next, it’s the iPhotos layout. I wouldn’t mind so much if said changes were actual improvements but the frustrating thing is they’re always so damn counter-intuitive. I’m about one or two more annoying updates a way from seeking out a more stable alternate for my cellular and computing needs.

                    And, while I’m in complaint mode, I have to say that the worst thing about shooting in Toronto – besides the winters – is the catering. Back in Vancouver, we’d get our lunch from the food truck that would prepare the meals on location, offering varied high-quality options. Here in Toronto, the caterers ship their pre-pared slop to the various productions, their quality varying from edible to abysmal. Today’s jerk chicken tasted like it was seasoned with rosemary and Vick’s Vaporub. The chowder we were served yesterday was a fish, quivering, gelatinous mass. Last season, someone found a raw chicken wing in the vegetarian lasagne. I’m thinking of starting a new daily feature here on this blog titled “You Wouldn’t Believe What They Served Up Today”. Watch for it!

                    Do you like puzzles? If the answer is yes, then you maybe, this weekend, you can help me break down 93 production hours down into seven 11 hour days.

                    A few preliminary “sketches of interest” via Dark Matter Production Designer Ian Brock:

                    What have we here?
                    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                      October 22, 2016

                      Photos: Lunch at Kaiju, Infuse Cafe, Lulu

                      While in Osaka this summer, I had one of the greatest katsu curries ever at Rika Shokudo. Katsu curry, for those not in the know, is thinly sliced pork fried to golden perfection served a bed of rice and alongside Japanese curry which is a thicker, somewhat sweeter version of Indian curries.

                      Today, I discovered that Canada’s best katsu curry is served in a small food court mall on Yonge Street. Kaiju, located in the basement level of 386 Yonge St. (#51) offers up a surprisingly authentic version. The chew/owner hails from Singapore and apparently spent six years in Japan, mastering, among other dishes, a damn fine katsu curry. According to the website, their homemade curry…

                      “… is made from over 14 different ingredients including various spices, fresh fruits, and vegetables. It is slow cooked for up to two days and the result is a deliciously rich, comforting sauce that balances fragrant spices with sweet and savoury flavours.”

                      They also serve up a delicious but potentially lethal homemade hot sauce.

                      Because it’s tucked away out of sight, the place doesn’t get much traffic but has persevered in its hidden location for some four years. If you’re in town, check them out. The food is great and the woman behind the counter is super nice.

                      After today’s lunch, we stopped by Infuse Cafe, home of Toronto’s tastiest teas and infused beverages.

                      The drink-making process is pretty elaborate. Check out the website for the breakdown but, suffice it to say, their drinks are far superior to any rival shop in town. Akemi had a hot jasmine tea that delivered a delicate floral flavor minus the typical bitter finish. I, on the other hand, went with something a little…heartier.

                      The Ice Cream Sandwich Coffee contains three simple ingredients – espresso, ice, and three ice cream sandwiches – which are blended to a deliciously creamy finish.

                      I’m not really a coffee guy, but I’ll make an exception for this drink.

                      Hey! Look at who got her stitches out today!
                      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                        October 23, 2016

                        One of my favorite episodes of Seinfeld involves the gang trying to get a table at a Chinese restaurant. They put their name on A list and, after being informed a table would open up in “Five, ten minutes”, they proceed to wait – and wait…and wait. At one point, a guy breezes in, walks right past them and, after exchanging pleasantries with the manager, is immediately seated. This prompts the following exchange –

                        Jerry: Excuse me… we’ve been waiting here. Now, I KNOW we were ahead of that guy, he just came in.

                        Bruce: Oh no, Mr. Cohen always here.

                        Well, pretty much the same thing happened to Akemi and I today at Bar Buca in Toronto. We arrived a little before noon and the place was hopping. There was no manager in sight, so we took up position at the front and waited. About ten to twelve minutes go by when a family walked in – mother, father, and young son. Suddenly, the hitherto M.I.A. manager magically appeared to warmly greet the woman who stepped in front of us to announce her presence. The manager informed her the wait wouldn’t be long and that a table would open up shortly. As the family shuffled off to the side, the manager stepped up and informed me it would be a 30 to 40 minute wait. I couldn’t help but point out that we were there first to which he replied the woman had put her name down first – this despite the fact that he greeted her like a long lost friend he hadn’t seen in ages. And, no, she couldn’t have called ahead because that would be contrary to the restaurant’s “walk-ins only” policy clearly mentioned on their website.

                        Rather than argue, we left and I’ve scratched Bar Buca off my go-to list. I’ll never go back. At the end of the day, there are dozens of other brunch places in Toronto (and I’ll happily recommend some better ones if you’re ever in town). Their “favorites to the front of the line” behavior also ensures I’ll never again set foot in their big sister Buca, formerly my go-to place whenever I’d host out of town guests and, up until this morning, my choice for our season 3 cast dinner.

                        Time to expand my culinary horizons!
                        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                          October 24, 2016

                          The other day, I was asked to describe my writing process. My first instinct was to say I didn’t have one but, upon further consideration, I realized that I do follow certain patterns when writing a script.

                          Step #1: PROCRASTINATE

                          I’ll do anything to avoid starting a script – surfing the net, doing my taxes, writing this blog – sometimes going weeks steadfastly distracting myself until, finally, fed up with my no-can-do attitude, I’ll capitulate and begin!

                          Step #2: LAY THE GROUNDWORK

                          I’ll open up a new file page, put my name, the date, and the title on the cover page, then set up the headers and, finally, write TEASE at the top of the first page. This always gives me a great sense of accomplishment and, satisfied with work well done, I’ll take the rest of the day off.

                          Step #3: OPENING WITH A GLACIAL PACE

                          The first scene of the episode is crucial and, for that reason, I will agonize over it for days, constructing the entire scene in my head before writing it down. After several rewrites, I’ll set it aside and come back to it the next day, throw out what I’ve written, and take another stab at it. Eventually, I’ll have a scene that I don’t love but honestly don’t hate as much as previous versions and, besides, I’ve got to get moving. And so, the following day, I’ll rewrite the scene, then forge ahead and, usually, complete the tease. This offers another great sense of accomplishment as I convince myself that 1/7th of the script is complete (tease down, next five acts and the tag to go! That’s technically 1/7th – if you don’t take page count into consideration).

                          Step #4: CREATIVE DRIVE

                          The beginning of a script is always tough as I’ll re-read and rewrite those early scenes endlessly in the hopes that racing through them will give me the momentum to carry me through the rest of the act. Instead, I usually stumble and crash half a page into new territory. Fortunately, the cure for my writer’s block is only an elevator ride away. Once I’m behind the wheel of my car, far away from the distractions of the internet and the chocolate in my fridge, I can finally focus. In fact, I’ve done some of my best writing while driving. I’m not sure why it is but the 20 minute drive to work is golden time, allowing me to run and refine dialogue so that, by the time I get into the office, I’m ready to write!

                          Step #5: PUSH! PUUUUSH!

                          That’s it! Don’t let up! Lock your door, ignore the distractions, and keep at it! You’re almost there. Yes! Yes! You’ve done it! Congratulations! You’re the proud parent of a Tease and First Act! It may not be much to look at now but, like any mom and dad, you’ll grow to love it. Or get used to it.

                          Step #6: RINSE! REPEAT!

                          Completing the first act is a HUUUGE accomplishment. Believe it or not, the hardest part is over. Now it’s simply a matter of repeating the techniques and superstitious rituals that got you here. Re-read, rewrite, go for a drive, lie awake into the wee hours playing scenes in your head, drink some sake, seek out positive reviews, comments or messages to remind you of your salad days and motivate yourself to achieve the perception of unparalleled visionary heights, you sad, creatively-spent has-been.

                          Step #7: RIDE THE WAVE!

                          At some point in the writing of the script, amidst the seemingly endless hours agonizing over turns of phrase or Rubik-like plots, you’ll get into a groove and the words will start to flow, smoother and faster. And suddenly, all the pieces of the puzzle will fall into place and you can do no wrong. You’re in the zone and it’s glorious! Great characters moments, tight dialogue runs, clever developments – it’s as if some future you has traveled back in time to give you all the answers. Sadly, this inspired burst is fleeting, usually lasting 5 to 15 pages before dissipating and leaving you the shattered mess you once were. But the key is to recognize the wave and ride it as long as you can. Just last month, I rode my best wave ever on Dark Matter Episode 304, blazing through a record 32 pages in a white heat.

                          Step #8: FEAR THE DEADLINE!

                          By this point, I’m hopefully at least halfway through the script. I can often rely on a late closing burst as all the story’s narrative points converge in those final pages of the fourth act, giving me the momentum to drive through another modest chunk. If that doesn’t work, then the prospect of a looming deadline will be enough to spur me forward.

                          Step #9: CAP IT WITH SOMETHING SPECIAL!

                          Beginning a script is tough, but ending one can be just as hard UNLESS you’ve got the Holy **** conclusion already in your head. And you should! Start strong, but end even stronger. Yes, it’s important for the viewers who will no doubt be blown away by your inspired moment, but it’s equally crucial to your creative mental well-being capping the episode with an ending YOU know will blow them away. The shocking reveal at the end of the show’s very first episode, the reveal of Jace Corso in Episode 3, TWO being blown out the airlock, the Android going down in Episode 12, the captured crew being escorted off the ship by the G.A. with SIX revealed as the mole in the season one finale, the bloodbath in the palace in Episode 212 – all deliciously devious moments I envisioned for ages and saved for script’s end, like a decadent bite of dessert you look forward to at the end of a long and exhausting dinner party.

                          Step #10: IGNORE IT LIKE AN EX THAT SPURNED YOU!

                          Once the script is complete, I’ll set it aside and move on to other things. Resist the urge to give it any attention. Don’t you remember the difficult times? The frustration? The thankless hours and days spent trying to make it work?!! Play hard to get. Ideally, I give it a few days before I pick it up and give it another read and another pass. After that, it’s someone else’s problem…

                          Until they give you notes. Then it’s your problem again.
                          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                            October 25, 2016

                            Photos: Dark Matter concept art, socks, Scrappy

                            A little concept work that came my way via the art department today. Decisions, decisions, decisions. Click on the pick for a closer look. I like the build of the chair in A as well as the helm and atypical wheel base. I’d prefer the seating to be a little hire, like B, but am not a fan of the throne-like seat backing. I’m kind of partial to G as well.

                            Hey! We’re starting to build! Production Designer Ian Brock already has the floor plans for the big “entry way” in Episode 303, ideas for the tech room and garrison, and has almost close on that space ukulele. No, really.

                            Hey, don’t throw those away! We could still use them! Elements of a crashed ship? Destroyed lab wall? Remnants of a giant aluminum robot?

                            Hey, check out the latest additions to my burgeoning sock collection – part of my belated birthday gift from Akemi. The french bulldogs will be perfect for Friday’s location scout!

                            A sad update to conclude today’s entry. Scrappy, the senior pug many of us supported and helped rescue from a high kill shelter in New York has crossed that rainbow bridge. He had a host of health issues including pneumonia and untreated diabetes, and passed away yesterday. Thanks to Waggin Train Rescue for pulling Scrappy from the shelter, ensuring his final days were not spent in lonely seclusion, and also to Green Mountain Pug Rescue that invested over $2000 for Scrappy’s care.
                            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                              October 26, 2016

                              Photo: Lulu

                              Today, my world changed.

                              We had just finished dinner and I was loading the dishwasher when Akemi said: “I wish I had baby.”.

                              I froze, stunned. The admission had come out of the blue and, to be honest, struck me as shockingly contrary to her general attitude these past seven years. But then again, she’d never been a dog person when she first came to Canada from Japan and now she positively dotes on Bubba. So, I suppose, I could see it. Sort of. Still. A baby. My brain scrambled for a response, finally settling on a lame: “Why?”.

                              “Because I didn’t have any for the curry.”

                              “Wait. Did you say bay leaf?”


                              And, my world changed back.

                              Taking it back down to Defcon 5.

                              My baby in her Anna Suit outfit. Tough to top this little lady.

                              So, today, we sat in on auditions for three of season 3’s bigger guest roles: Solara Shockley, Teku Fonsei, and Adrian Maro. Our casting director, the lovely Lisa Parasyn, did a wonderful job bringing in some terrific talent. It was tough, but we’ve narrowed down our choices and tomorrow, hopefully, we’ll have our picks!
                              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                                October 27, 2016

                                Photos: Dark Matter concept art, Akemi, Bubba, Lulu

                                From the Art Department, another little something to look forward to. Concept art for Dark Matter season 3.

                                Foreboding metal door built into a stone wall. It sports a familiar insignia.

                                Ah, it’s a cell. The big question is: Who does it hold?

                                Can’t wait to find out!

                                Today, we were at the animal clinic for Bubba’s third (of four) anti-cancer vaccines.

                                Lulu was on hand to offer moral support, but ended up freaked out and trembling through most of the visit even though all she had to do was sit and wait.

                                Freaked out!
                                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread

