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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    September 2, 2016

    Who’s taking the shot? And who’s doing the shooting?

    Find out tonight at 7 pm PDT/10 pm EDT on Syfy and Space Channel!

    And, to whet your appetites, check out a little sneak peek preview here:

    TWO is in Serious Trouble

    I’m flying out of L.A. shortly and should be home in time for dinner and then…Dark Matter!

    I hear next week (September 9th) is going to be a double episode and then, the following week (September 16th), it’ll be our BIG season finale. I will, alas, be in Japan for that one, but I’m recording it so no spoilers, please, until I get back.

    You know, I was reluctant to make this trip to L.A. but, now that it’s complete, I have to admit it was great. I met a number of very interesting people in addition to getting together with friends like Martin Gero, Carl Binder, Bob Picardo, Ellen Wong, Melanie Liburd, and Jason Priestley. And, for the first time ever, I thought: “Hey, I could actually live here!”. Of course, I didn’t do any driving, relying on Uber to get me around, and the few times I did walk to meetings I ended up getting lost all three times. If Uber were to offer a pick-up and carry service where a guy would physically pick you up and carry you to your nearby destination, I’d be totally on board.

    It’s going to be a crazy month. Tomorrow night, our League of Accommodation kicks off the fantasy football season with our league draft. My Snow Monkeys will attempt to dethrone reigning 2015 champs The Running Dead coached by Ivon Bartok. Then, I’ve got a week to do a pass on the script before jetting off to Tokyo and Osaka for two full weeks of seeing just how tight I can make my suit. Then back for another two weeks of packing and prep, a pass on another script and then – back to T.O. with Akemi and the dogs (who will, presumably, be down to their fighting weights by then).

    Thanks to everyone who congratulated Team Dark Matter on our third season pick-up! If you thought season 2 was crazy…
    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


      September 3, 2016

      Photos: Dark Matter

      It’s funny. About a month ago it was the agony of “Oh, no! Will we get picked up?!”. Now, it’s the agony of “Oh, no! We got picked up!” Scripts to write. Stories to break. Plans to make. And what seemed so faraway back in May as we were wrapping up production on Dark Matter’s second season now seems alarmingly near as we gear up to begin prep in October for a mid-November start date! We got some crazy plans for the show’s third season, some truly audacious stories, and progressively bigger twists, turns and surprises in store. It will all build off the events of our final three episodes this season and, boy oh boy, things get pretty wild in Episodes 211-213 –

      “Wish I’d Spaced You When I Had the Chance” (my buddy picture, an unlikely pairing I’ve been wanting to write since last hiatus).

      “Sometimes In Life You Don’t Get To Choose” (which provoked the following email response from my writing partner Paul: “Phew, that’s some ending. I feel like maybe you’re working out some issues here. You might want to talk to someone about that.”).

      “But First, We Save The Galaxy” (in which many of the elements we story elements we set up in season 2, and “Stuff To Steal, People To Kill” in particular, dovetail in spectacular fashion).

      It’s been a whirlwind season and we’re going to finish strong. First, with a double episode shot (211 and 212) next Friday September 9th and then, on Friday September 16th, it’ll be the finale. Alas, I’ll be in Japan for the latter but I’m sure I’ll be hearing your screams all the way across the Pacific.
      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


        September 4, 2016

        Video: Dark Matter 2x10 - Geeksiders review

        Photos: Dark Matter

        My conversation with Akemi today:

        Me: X has a ten year old son.

        Akemi: What?! Really? Since when?!

        Me: Uh, since about ten years ago.

        Dark Matter “Episode 23: Take The Shot” was written by series co-creator Paul Mullie, and directed by Dark Matter editor Paul Day.

        So, what’d you all think?

        “Dark Matter takes a methodical yet introspective look into the mindset of its primary crew.” by Sashurai at Blade of the Sashurai

        “We’ve stressed all season how the creators are crafting exceptional and superb SF every week and this week’s episode is another that ranks among those for us.” by Christopher Hart at The Nerd Recites

        “Dark Matter flawlessly merged intensely rich drama with a high-stakes situation to create one of its strongest episodes to date.” by Aimee Hicks at Spoiler TV

        “There were some very profound philosophical questions at play here regarding the nature of what makes a person a person. Is The Android actually a distinct, feeling being, or is she merely a very complex facsimile?” by Kathleen Wiedel at TV Fanatic

        It’s All In Your Head… by Tom Gardiner at SciFi Singularity

        “The Android’s anomalous behavior has always been one of the more intriguing storylines in Dark Matter, and for it to be at the center of this week’s episode without actually being the cause of the conflict was a nice bit of storytelling.” by Michael Ahr at Den of Geek

        “Ooooooooo are we at the infamous betrayal yet, Dark Matter? I can smell it coming. I don’t think the Android’s actions in this week’s episode, “Take the Shot,” constitute a betrayal, but I definitely think we’ve been setting up for one for a long time coming.” by Jen Stayrook at The Workprint

        “Dark Matter “Take the Shot” again is another standout episode for tying up a loose end that is Android’s flaws. They make her awkward, they make her funny, entertaining, and most of all personable around the rest of the crew.” by Jideobi Odunze at Geeked Out Nation

        “Dark Matter this week had a splendid bit of misdirection that kept everyone guessing right till the end.” by Michael Knox-Smith at Mike’s Film Talk

        “Take the Shot was the episode I’d been waiting for, in which Android’s touching assumption that the crew of the Raza are her friends, gets challenged.” by Veronica Scott at Happily Ever After

        “It was the tale of two Androids on the latest episode of Dark Matter on Syfy last night.” by Rueben at TV Equals

        Josh of Geeksiders flies solo on this week’s review:

        Meanwhile, SciFi and TV Talk’s Steve Eramo interviews Dark Matter Supervising Producer Ivon Bartok: Catching Up With Dark Matter’s Ivon Bartok
        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


          September 5, 2016

          Photo: Dinner at Mission

          It’s hard to believe we’ll be heading back to Toronto in about a month. And just when I was settling back into the swing of things here in Vancouver, revisiting my favorite book shops and discovering amazing new restaurants. At the top of the latter list is Mission on West 4th. I discovered this place while Anthony Lemke was in town, checking it out on the spur of the moment and being completely wowed by the creativity in the kitchen and the depth of the flavor profiles. It’s the type of restaurant that would thrive in more culinary-forward cities like New York or Los Angeles but here in Vancouver, where diners are more interested in bang for your buck fill-your-piehole joints, it’s going to be more of a challenge. Still, Mission is not without its ardent supporters and has been nominated as one of Vancouver’s Best New Restaurants by enRoute Magazine. And no surprise there. It’s farm-to-table Pacific Northwest cuisine at its finest.

          The man behind the restaurant is Chef Curtis Luk, a former Top Chef Canada finalist and – gotta love this! – big SF fan. Yes, Stargate fans, he’s one of us! And, on our last brunch visit, I enthused about the food and he complimented me on Dark Matter (which he recently binged on Netflix).

          One of the things that really stands out for me are – believe it or not – the vegetarian dishes. I know, I know. It sounds crazy coming from me, but it’s true. I could go to Mission, bypass the many wonderful meat-themed plates on the menu, and still leave delightfully, deliciously satisfied.

          If you’re in town, check it out. Then head on over and help a fellow geek out by Voting Mission Best New Vancouver Restaurant of 2016.

          Hey! Interested in joining our Comic Book Reading Club? We kicked things off this week with our first pick, Dardevil: “Born Again”.

          Swing on by and join the discussion!

          Comic Book Reading Club: Daredevil "Born Again" (#226-233) Let's Discuss!

          ...A MAN WITHOUT HOPE...

          ...IS A MAN WITHOUT FEAR.

          Well, this was a powerful read. The Kingpin's meticulously executed, piecemeal destruction of Matt Murdock was almost unbearable to behold, and the depiction of our hero laid-low, barely able to muster the strength to drawl out of bed conveyed a sense of misery and abject hopelessness that really resonated.

          Miller is a master storyteller and he's at his best here, delivering a story at turns bleak, suspenseful, shocking and, ultimately, satisfying. The first four issues are exceptionally strong, setting up a powerful and oh-so-patient enemy in The Kingpin who completely dismantles our hero's life in shockingly efficient fashion. But as the story progresses beyond that point, the tables begin to turn, less for something our hero does than just plain bad decision-making on the part of our villains. Good help is hard to find, and nowhere is this better demonstrated than in the actions of Nurse Lois who goes off-book and gets herself nabbed. Later a couple of snipers are also taken down and brought in, one of them agreeing to testify against his boss. It all starts to fall apart for Kingpin, but one could argue it goes off the rails for him (and me too a little) with the introduction of Nuke, a true red, white and blue headcase who is a marked contrast to the carefully orchestrated elements of the Kingpin's scheme up to that point. Our antagonistic is brought down by his own hubris. And an OTT soldier of fortune with an affection for amphetamines..and blowing **** up. It was akin to using dynamite to deal with a rat problem but, I suppose, that was the point.

          Can't say that, had I been in his position, I could have forgiven Foggy, much less Karen, but I suppose that's why Matt Murdoch is a hero while I'm a guy who writes about them.

          David Mazzucheli's art, and the colors by Christine Scheele and Richmond Lewis, compliment the story's tone - grim, composed, at times lurid and popping with primaries. What amazes me is how many books from this era, especially through the 90's, look incredibly dated by comparison. Really beautiful stuff here.

          Given everything that befalls our hero over the course of the story, the conclusion feels less a happy ending and more a respite from what promises to be a brutal, ongoing war. Eventually, the other show will drop...

          Well, those are my initial thoughts. What did you all think of "Born Again"?

          Let's get this discussion going...
          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



            September 6, 2016

            Video: Dark Matter S02E11 & S02E12 Promo Trailer

            Photos: Dark Matter

            “Wish I’d Spaced You When I Had the Chance”

            The crew races against time to track down and locate a missing Three and Five before the Galactic Authority gets to them first.

            “Sometimes in Life You Don’t Get to Choose”

            Four’s loyalty is put to the test when he attempts to reclaim the throne of Ishida.

            They air back to back, this Friday night starting at 7 pm PDT/10 pm EDT on Syfy and Space!

            Check out a Sneak Peek at a scene from our Dark Matter double-header

            Oh, that ending…
            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



              September 7, 2016

              Honestly, it feels like mere months ago we’d received the call from Prodigy Pictures Jay Firestone informing us that Dark Matter was a go. And now, suddenly, here we are gearing up for the season 3. Our game plan is simple: outdo what we did the year before. I know, I know. Right now, some of you are thinking: “Unlikely!” After this Friday’s Dark Matter double-header, eve more of you will think: “Impossible!”. But here’s something I know that you don’t…

              The stories, the character reveals, the narrative ramp-up, and the emblematic Dark Matter twists, turns, shocks, and surprises awaiting you next year. But FIRST –

              We save the galaxy!

              Well, that’s the plan anyway.

              Speaking of plans, I have two more days on the home front, scrambling to finish up my pass on this script, before Akemi and I are Japan-bound for two glorious weeks of eating. And whatever else we manage to find time for. Maybe visiting her family in Osaka. Then, October 24th, we are back in town and I have roughly a week to ten days to get my **** together before we head to Toronto for the beginning of prep. Rumour has us starting production in late November – which should allow us to shoot our first three episodes before the holiday break.

              I never thought I’d say this but I am actually looking forward to going back to Toronto.

              But first things first. Friday night! 7 pm PDT/10 EDT. TWO back to back episodes!
              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                September 8, 2016

                Photos: Dark Matter

                Tomorrow night, it’s a Dark Matter double-header!

                First up, starting at 7 pm PDT/10 pm EDT it’s “Wish I’d Spaced You When I Had the Chance” –

                The crew races against time to track down and locate a missing Three and Five before the Galactic Authority gets to them first.

                This episode was directed by Mairzee Almas (Lucifer, The Last Ship, iZombie, The 100, Smallville – to name but a few). It was my first time working with Mairzee. She was an absolute joy to work with and she delivers an episode chock full of suspense, humor and, most importantly, heart. Lots and lots of HEART! I’m confident some of you will shed a few tears during this one.

                Immediately following, at 8 pm PDT/11 pm EDT, it’ll be “Sometimes in Life You Don’t Get to Choose”

                Four’s loyalty is put to the test when he attempts to reclaim the throne of Ishida.

                This episode was directed by Will Waring (Continuum, Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, Stargate: Universe). This was NOT my first time working with Will. Some of my best memories of my time on Stargate of are the days I spent on set with Will. And, this time out, it was just old times. Love this guy – and his episode which promises twists, turns, surprises and an ending I’ve been planning for years!

                Thank you to Marizee and Will for delivering two of the most impactful episodes of the season!

                For a sneak peek at what these diabolical geniuses have in store for you, click on the link below and check out Akemi’s favorite scene from tomorrow night’s double-header:

                The Misadventures of THREE and FIVE
                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                  September 9, 2016

                  Photos: Dark Matter, The Hollywood Reporter

                  Tonight’s the night for a double dose of Dark Matter! Things kick off at 7 pm PDT/10 pm EDT with –

                  “Wish I’d Spaced You When I Had the Chance”

                  And then, immediately following, at 8 pm PDT/11 pm EDT, it’s –

                  “Sometimes in Life You Don’t Get to Choose”

                  It’s going to be crazy!

                  The Nerd Elements sits down with Dark Matter’s THREE, Anthony Lemke:

                  Anthony Lemke (THREE) is a Total Softy

                  Steve Eramo talks with Dark Matter‘s Tabor Calchek, David Hewlett:

                  Catching Up With Dark Matter’s David Hewlett

                  Pick up the latest issue of The Hollywood Reporter and check out its “Catch Ontario’s Breakout Stars” article featuring Dark Matter’s FOUR, Alex Mallari Jr.

                  Well, that’s it. I’m ready. Ish. Mostly packed. Tomorrow, Akemi and I leave for Japan. And this getaway could not have come soon enough. We have two days in Tokyo (which will include a 4 hour chocolate-making course…entirely in Japanese), immediately followed by a bullet train ride to Osaka for four days with Akemi’s family, then back to Tokyo for the remainder of our stay. Back to Vancouver on the 24th for 10 days and then it’s a return to Toronto for production on Dark Matter’s third season. If you’re the intensely curious sorts, or just want sneak peeks of what we have in store for you in Year 3, you are in for a treat…
                  The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                    September 10, 2016

                    Photos: Akemi, Bubba, Lulu, Petunia

                    So, what did you all think of last night’s Dark Matter double-header?




                    All of the above?

                    Do tell! Leave your feedback in the comments section. I’ll peruse your thoughts once I land in Japan!

                    In the meantime, enjoy some dog pics. Bubba, Lulu, and special guest star Petunia!
                    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                      September 11, 2016

                      Photos: Dinner, japanese breakfast, lunch, Tokyo, Akemi, Joe Mallozzi

                      September 11th back west but the 12th here. This blog entry comes to you from the future!

                      So, the fallout from Friday night’s Dark Matter double-header continues to resonate. I’ll hold off talking about it until our international fans have had a chance to catch up but, suffice it to say, if you found the ending of episode 212 shocking, you’ll be downright devastated by our season finale.

                      Meanwhile, I’m in Japan. After a typical sleepless pre-flight night and a relatively sleepless eight hour flight, I arrived in Tokyo at 4:00 p.m. local time, about midnight my time. Once Akemi and I had caught caught the shuttle bus from Narita, checked into our hotel, enjoyed a late night of yakitori –

                      I forced myself to stay up until 9:30 p.m. (5:30 a.m. Vancouver time). By 10 p.m. I was OUT. Then, following a deep sleep, I roused awake in a panic, assuming I had slept in and wasted much of the afternoon. I scrambled to check the time on my iPhone. What was it? 8 a.m.? 9?! 10?!!! Try 1:30 a.m. I’d been asleep for all of three and a half hours.

                      I slept fitfully until 6 am when I woke up – much to Akemi’s relief as she had been up since 4 a.m. – then we got dressed and headed over to the Tsukiji Fish Market for our traditional Japanese breakfast –

                      We walked around Ginza. We walked around Omotesando. I humored Akemi by agreeing to a vegetarian lunch where I enjoyed was served about a dozen dish small dishes. The overarching theme of the lunch was bitter-goopy.

                      Then, it was off to La Maison de Chocolat for second-lunch.

                      Well, my Snow Monkeys are off to a horrendous start in fantasy football league play, putting up an abysmal 64.14 points. It’s going to be a looong season!

                      Sushi tonight, then we’re off to a chocolate-making class tomorrow before catching the bullet train to Osaka. Akemi had me call the shop last month to find out if the class was offered in English. Sadly, the answer was no – but, undeterred, Akemi signed us up anyway. “It’s only one class,”she said. Right. Only one FOUR HOUR class!
                      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                        September 12, 2016

                        Photos: Akemi, chocolate-making course, Joe Mallozzi, Mariko-san, Masaaki-san

                        The plan was to enjoy two weeks off – after riding the non-stop production carousel since summer of 2014, stepping away from prep and post and scripts and notes to just, finally, get away from it all for a modest 14 days before jumping back into it. A simple 2 out of 150 weeks to relax, recharge, and refresh. You know? A hard-earned rest after two seasons, 12 scripts, 5 major rewrites, and the plotting of another 13? But this would appear to be easier said than done as, even halfway across the world, I can’t escape the seemingly endless production-related concerns.

                        Oh, but I’ll try anyway.

                        Today was our last day in Tokyo – for now – as we’re catching the bullet train to Osaka to spend time with Akemi’s family. I was, admittedly, a little leery about what Akemi had planned for the day – a four hour chocolate-making course in Japanese – but I made it work because, hey, I’m all about collaboration. I’m a freakin’ team player, right?

                        We arrive at a little before 10:30 a.m. for the start of production. Chocolate production that is. Our hosts are the Tokyo branch of San Francisco’s Dandelion Chocolate.

                        I kill time by ordering one of my many chocolate-themed snacks of the day. In this case, a spicy hot chocolate. Akemi ate my cookie and marshmallow.

                        The plan, not unlike a production prep schedule, complete with timings, structured progressions, and random chocolate tastings.

                        My impeccable Japanese penmanship on display. The name tag says simply “Joe”. “Creator/Executive Producer/Showrunner” would have taken most of the afternoon.

                        Your final product is only as good as your starting ingredients like, say, the best raw cacao beans or best written scripts.

                        But before you use ’em, make sure to sort through them, removing problematic elements like feathers, nails, and ridiculous plot points.

                        After that, it’s into the roaster where that amazing base ingredient acquires another level of characters – aroma, flavor, and special guest star casting.

                        Once that’s done, it’s on to the winnowing where the heavier nib is separated from lighter, inedible skin. The nibs are like really great script moments like the Android speaking in varied accents or THREE reducing FIVE to tears when he tells her he doesn’t care for her, not because she thinks he DOESN’T care for her but because, in so doing, it make her realizes how much he truly DOES. The skin is like those suspect creative intrusions that get cast off in prep week. Hey, how about making the corporate guard an oboe?

                        Producing chocolate is not unlike producing television. It’s the ingredients that make the final product. In this case, we elect to go with a delightful Belize/Trinidad 75% blend, sort of like marrying phenomenal director Ron Murphy with a script written by the talented Paul Mullie.

                        And into the processor it goes. Day 1! Scene 1! Interior Raza Bridge!

                        Blitz! Melissa O’Neil wants to tweak a line of dialogue. Anthony wants to ad-lib a little at the end. You say yes and the end result surpasses what you’d originally envisioned because your cast is awesome and totally in sync with the material, their characters.

                        From the food processor to the melanger, segueing from prep week to production. The nibs are ground, transformed from their humble script-like beginnings to something completely different and, hopefully, wonderful.

                        Before getting right into it, whether it be chocolate-making, production oversight, or 11th hour issues, it’s always best to be prepared. I imagine that this is how the cast and crew see me whenever I show up on set. The reaction: “Oh, ****!”.

                        Snack break #2 as the grinding process takes time. 20 minutes in the case of chocolate; about 8-10 days for an episode of Dark Matter. A sweet and salty dulce de leche dessert accompanied by a bittersweet European hot chocolate that was pretty damn close to pudding.

                        Next, Akemi adds the sugar – 25% of the total package leaving us with a 75% dark chocolate blend – or, in production terms: directed by Ron Murphy, written by Paul Mullie, guest starring sweet, sweet Marc Bendavid.

                        Then, we have to step away and allow the sugar and cacao to melange, usually 2-4 days. This is like delivering the dailies to the editor who then spends days assembling his/her edit. While this is happening, we go out for ramen. I order clam broth and pork with an egg, a side of cod roe on ice, and a request to really let those awesome VFX beats breathe.

                        And snack #3: dessert smore with a dark chocolate center and a weird but uniquely tasty drink made from the fruit of the cacao plant.

                        Oh yeah. Almost there! Check out the liquid gold director’s cut. And send in those notes.

                        Hopefully, it doesn’t get too messy.

                        Alright. Ready to head into battle once again. Put on your battle armor.

                        Temper your chocolate – and expectations – as you complete post-production. Lose the air. Add sound effects and music.

                        And color correct! Akemi reminds us to color correct!

                        And there you have it – roughly 30 bars of chocolate, or 13 episodes of television.

                        Mariko-san and Masaaki-san, the chocolate-making equivalents of Executive Producer Vanessa Piazza and Supervising Producer Ivon Bartok.

                        Ah, the satisfaction of a job well done. But don’t get too comfortable! Work begins immediately for the next (chocolate) season!
                        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                          September 13, 2016

                          Photos: Osaka, Akemi, Joe Mallozzi

                          We got into Osaka a little after 6:30 p.m. last night, checked into our hotel, then headed out in time to watch the stores close. We were so chocolated out that we skipped dinner. I know, I know. A rarity for me.

                          This morning, however, we were out bright and early. As were many eager shoppers. We passed a group of people congregated outside a department store. “What are they waiting for?”I asked. “They’re waiting for the department store to open,”Akemi informed me. Waiting for the department store to open? It was 9:30 a.m.! What kind of crazed die-hard shoppers spend 30 minutes anxiously awaiting the opening of a department store?!

                          We decided on Japanese curry for lunch. We were very early but elected to walk by the place, just to confirm its location and, whaddya know – it was already open! So we popped in. I had the katsu-kari – golden fried pork on rice surrounded by the sweet and spicy version of curry served here in Japan.

                          Then, we walked off lunch by perusing some of the local offerings, strolling through this miles-long corridor of shops.

                          Artwork adorning the entranceways.

                          Akemi can’t resist a good cut-out.

                          We wandered by this temple. Outside the entrance to the grounds was a statue of a portly fellow that Akemi proclaimed: “Your favorite god.” “Why’s he my favorite,”I asked? “Because he’s always eating and surrounded by food.” Oh.

                          Artwork adoring the ceiling above the entranceway. Chinese astrological signs. I’m a snake. Surprised?

                          We stop for a snack – ice cream sandwiched between two wafer-thin mochiko powder shells. Akemi liked the shells. I preferred the ice cream. This is why we’ve been together for almost seven years.

                          One of the department stores was hosting a special Hokkaido-themed event, featuring products and specialities from Japan’s northernmost island – and, uh, this unique claw game. Win your date a potato!

                          On our way back to the hotel, I pick up some of the biggest figs I’ve ever laid eyes on. An oasis of healthy snacking in the eye of a crispy, crunchy, creamy culinary storm.

                          It rained this afternoon, but that didn’t dampen our enthusiasm to check out the modest little farmer’s market that set up shop close to our hotel. A sample plate of spicy “thread” peppers caught my eye and, after trying one, I ended up purchasing a bag. “You know what goes great with peppers?”said the pepper farmer. “Mushrooms!” And he motioned me over to the adjoining booth where I was presented with samples of two different mushrooms, one black and one white. Delicious. As I bought one of each, the mushroom farmer informed me that “The black ones fight cancer while the white ones are good for your skin.” “Honey is also good for your skin!”piped up the honey farmer at the neighboring stand. And he had samples too. Good thing our hotel room has a kitchen.

                          Tonight, it’s unagi dinner with Akemi’s family!

                          Today’s entry is dedicated to blog regular Mike A. Condolences on your loss, Mike.
                          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                            September 14, 2016

                            Video: Dark Matter - Season 2 finale sneak peek

                            Photos: Akemi, hotel suite, Akemi's family, dinner

                            Good morning!

                            The hotel (Intercontinental) upgraded us to a suite complete with kitchen so we took advantage by picking up some items at the local farmers’ market and shops and making breakfast.

                            Giant figs, two types of dried mushrooms, Okinawa sea salt, garlic & thyme olive oil, three types of dried pepper, local honey, local tomato juice, local orange jelly, local thread peppers, and local yuzu-kosho paste.

                            Akemi looking and feeling quite at home.

                            The peppers were very tasty – and not particularly hot. EXCEPT for the one Akemi got.

                            They were selling three types of eggs that differed by what the chickens ate. The ones we picked up were pretty rich and delicious.

                            Last night, it was unagi dinner with Akemi’s family: her brother, father, and mother. We went to their favorite local eel restaurants (and mine!) Uoi. We actually visited for lunch last time we were in town – and got a little TOUR as well.

                            Appetizer: tempura shrimp paste wrapped in shiso and lotus root.

                            Shirayaki. Light, crisp, and possessed of a sweet, subtle flavor.

                            Kabayaki dinner – This sauced version is darker, richer – and equally delicious.

                            On the way back to our hotel, I couldn’t resist stopping for my favorite Japanese dessert. Not macarons at chocolatier Jean-Paul Hevin. Not the airy light seasonal maron cakes at revered patissier Hidemo Sugino’s shop. Not the hand-crafted chocolates at La Maison du Chocolat. I”m talking about the $1.50 Hattendon cream buns available in many fine Japanese subway stations. I got the matcha (green tea) and the custard. As amazing as I remembered them!

                            Hey, check it out! It’s a sneak peek scene from this Friday night’s Dark Matter season finale:
                            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                              September 15, 2016

                              Video: Okonomikyaki

                              Photos: Lunch, Akemi's family, Joe Mallozzi, Osaka, Akemi, dinner

                              I always found it interesting that, despite the crazy amount of food I would eat every time I visited Japan, I would return home actually lighter than when I left. At first, I assumed it was because I’d lost heavier muscle mass and gained comparatively lighter body fat BUT when I started measuring said body fat after subsequent trips, I discovered that I was actually getting leaner. How to explain it? Well, it could be the quality of the food I’m eating. Or a possible change in my metabolism triggered by the time zone change. But, more than likely, it’s the walking. Lots and lots of walking. Consulting my handy iPhone health monitor, I noted that, back in Vancouver, my sedentary lifestyle had me walking about, oh, 2000 steps a day. Since arriving in Japan, my average daily step count is closer to 17 000. Poor Akemi, with her tiny little feet, has probably hit 100k since our arrival!

                              I’d like to say that all this exercise makes me feel great, but the truth is I feel really, really, REALLY sore. Fortunately, while in L.A. recently, I invested in an incredibly comfortable pair of Ermenegildo Zegna’s to replace the pair of mail order Stacy Adams that, literally, fell apart on me while walking down Beverly Blvd. It could have been much, much worse.

                              So, for our last day in Osaka, Akemi and I met up for lunch with her mother, father, and brother. This time, it was soba and udon…

                              I went with the cold soba set and tempura. It’s accompanied by a dipping broth you season yourself with the daikon, wasabi and/or green onion. By the way, can I just say how out of this world better tempura is in Japan compared to the heavy, greasy versions we’re usually served in North America?

                              Akemi’s dad, mom, and brother kindly treated us to lunch. At one point, Mrs. Aota noted I was holding my chopsticks incorrectly. I adjusted my hold and had my skills totally evaporate – to the point where Mr. Aota, clearly feeling sorry for me, suggested I go back to my original hand position and not worry about it.

                              After lunch, I did an impromptu Periscope (I think I may do a few more before trip’s end) and then, we walked. And walked. And walked.

                              Hey! We discover a statue of what Akemi declared my “favorite god” because he’s surrounded by food. Only, it turns out, he maybe isn’t a god at all but a street mascot.

                              We pass this clinic, it’s windows adorned with photos of hot young women. When I asked Akemi about it, she informed me one visited this doctor “give more energy to your cincin”. Ah. That explained the photos.

                              Other assorted store and restaurant front mascots. Osaka was full of them:

                              More Osaka sights:

                              The famed canal that runs through Osaka. When the city’s beloved Hanshin Tigers won Japan’s version of The World Series, locals celebrated by jumping off the bridge and into the water. Not recommended.

                              Osaka is known for many things – chiefest among them is takoyaki, battered octopus balls served molten hot. Here, locals and tourists alike line up for the hometown delicacy.

                              They even do a dessert version, minus the octopus and plus the chocolate.

                              Oooh, that’s sharp!

                              Purple Deadpool says: “Let’s party!”

                              For our farewell dinner, it was another Osaka speciality: okinomiyaki (seafood pancake…sort of).

                              And that’s a wrap on Osaka. Sayanora! Until next year!

                              The view outside our room. I could get used to this…

                              Hey, here’s another EXCLUSIVE SNEAK PEEK CLIP from Friday night’s Dark Matter season finale.
                              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                                September 16, 2016

                                Video: View outside the shinkansen - Osaka to Tokyo

                                Photos: Dark Matter, dinner at Sushisho Masa

                                Tonight, following the season premiere of Z Nation, it’s the season 2 finale of Dark Matter.

                                This episode changes everything. Trust me. Fans are going to be feeling passionate after this one.

                                And, while you’re all watching Dark Matter, I’ll be continuing my Tokyo travels.

                                Yesterday, we took the shinkansen from Osaka (arriving in a lightning 2.5 hours). Check out the view outside the window…

                                Zippy, no?

                                We did a lot more walking, this time through Roppongi, before finally ending up at our very favorite sushi restaurant in the world: Sushisho Masa. Now, the thing that differentiates Sushisho Masa from every other high end omakase sushi restaurant is the sheer inventiveness and variety of sushi. All other places will serve a set number of pieces of nigiri, between 12 to 18, all usually top quality and fantastic. Masa, on the other hand, serves roughly 40 sushi bites, ranging from the grilled octopus shirako to melt-in-your-mouth tuna nigiri. Last time we visited, Akemi could barely walk after her meal. This time, she asked for the “josei portion” and, while she did leave the restaurant feeling full, she only insisted on an hour long post-meal walk.

                                Some of the highlights:

                                Masa-san does something I’m never seen any other sushi chef do. Before serving o-toro, the prized, highly marbled top end tuna belly, he carefully trims the paper thing individual fat layers. He claims this results in a much more pleasurable taste and textural experience. I’d have to agree.

                                Masa-san and part of his team. ’til next year!

                                Well, I’m off to the Tsukiji Market. If I have time, be prepared for a live Periscope!
                                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread

