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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    August 5, 2016

    Photos: Dark Matter, Akemi

    Tonight! It’s an all-new episode of Dark Matter on Syfy and Space Channel. 7 pm PDT and 10 pm EDT. Tune in and join the cast live tweet.

    Strapped for cash and not in a position to argue, the crew of the Raza allows Nyx (Melanie Liburd) to take the lead on a mission, only to find out belatedly their designated target is chosen based on personal issues.

    So, what lies in store for our intrepid crew. Well, from the looks of this sneak peek scene from tonight’s episode, a little ship to ship action for starters…

    We’re not gonna leave you behind!

    While this sneak peek scene posits the question:

    Can Nyx Be Trusted?

    Other previews for tonight’s Nyx-centric episode in which we finally find out what the deal is with The Raza’s mysterious new crew member:

    Liburd has been a standout since her first appearance in the season-opener, but this episode really allows her to shine… by Mary Powers at TV Geek Talk

    And, oh yeah. Watch until the very end. Love how this show doesn’t waste the last 30 seconds of an episode… at TV Goodness

    Yes, the title of tonight’s episode is “We Should Have Seen This Coming”. But there’s no way you’ll see the ending coming!

    In other showbiz-related news…

    Um, hopefully they didn’t spend too much on these, uh, groundbreaking findings:

    NBC figured out why you’re not trying new shows

    In a nutshell: Viewers are less likely to tune in to a show if they can’t catch up on previous episodes.

    Next week’s breaking news: Most readers prefer to start reading at the beginning of a book.

    Hey, did I mention Dark Matter’s first season is available on Netflix?

    And previously aired season 2 episodes are available on and iTunes.

    Today was the day Akemi finally went in for corrective eye surgery.

    Akemi Before Lasik:

    Akemi After Lasik:

    Wow! What a world of difference!

    According to Akemi, the entire procedure – which involved laser surgery on her cornea – took no time at all. And smelled sort of like chicken yakitori.
    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


      August 6, 2016

      Photos: Dark Matter

      Behind the scenes video interview with Melanie Liburd, Dark Matter’s Nyx:

      Melanie Liburd talks with Happy Ever After’s Veronica Scott

      We need not even point out that this has been another highly effective episode this season, just like all of Season 2 so far… by Christopher Hart at The Nerd Recites

      The highlight of the episode was actually one of its more understated moments, which was the time Three and Six spent on the Marauder waiting to be rescued… by Michael Ahr at Den of Geek

      Nyx’s past has finally been revealed… by Leaf Miranda at The Young Folks

      It was another example that while we see the crew as our “heroes” they don’t always have clever ways to get out of problems. Sometimes they “lose.” Sometimes they have to cut their loses and move forward… by Jen Stayrook at The Workprint

      The action and story on Syfy’s Dark Matter keeps getting darker, deeper, richer, better. Season 1 was good. So far, Season 2 is great… at TV Goodness

      Dark Matter delivered an emotionally powerful episode fueled by a powerhouse performance by Melanie Liburd and this tremendously talented cast… by Aimee Hicks at Spoiler TV

      As things fall apart in the galaxy around them, the only certainty they seem to have is each other, and a purpose of finding a way to live without being hunted again… by Katie Kelsey at Three If By Space

      This season of Dark Matter is darker. There are corporate storm clouds gathering and the crew of the Raza is stuck right in the middle. They are currently in eye of the dark hurricane that is approaching… by Michael Knox-Smith at Mike’s Film Talk
      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


        August 7, 2016 - Part 1

        Photos: Melanie Liburd

        Well, this is perfect timing. In the most recent episode of Dark Matter, “We Should Have Seen This Coming”, we find out all about the mysterious Nyx Harper. And, in today’s blog entry, we find out all about the actress who plays her – Melanie Liburd.

        I’d just like to preface this fan/viewer Q&A by saying – Yes, Melanie is gorgeous. Yes, she positively pops on screen. Yes, she’s incredibly talented, poised and professional, and very dedicated to her craft whether it’s delivering reams of dialogue or bo staff choreography. But, above all else, I have to say Melanie is a pleasure to work with because she is LOVELY. I mean, you’d be hard-pressed to find anyone kinder or sweeter. Don’t believe me? Invite her to your next con and find out!

        On to Melanie’s Q&A…

        Tam Dixon: “You move like a dancer in those fight scenes. Very graceful! Do you have a history in martial arts or dance?”

        What a lovely compliment! I worked closely with my stunt double Brianna. We make a good team. I also danced quite a bit as a child and so found it easier to learn the stunt choreography if I made it into counts and sections in my head, just like in dancing. I must have driven our stunt coordinator (John Stead) crazy. I would say ‘let’s do section 1’ and he wouldn’t have a clue what I was talking about!

        Randomness?1: “First of all, thanks for taking the time to answer peoples questions, I think you’re a talented actress who brings a lot to Dark Matter. How did it feel to be cast in the role of Nyx, knowing that the show was created by two awesome exec producer guys from the Stargate era?”

        Thank you for being so supportive! I felt OVER THE MOON! Joe and Paul are incredibly smart and talented as well as being extremely kind and generous people. I felt privileged to have been chosen by them to be part of their idea and journey and to work alongside a super strong cast. I’m very grateful for that.

        “2. Huge congrats on the Game of Thrones role, you did great. How did it feel to be a part of what is arguably the biggest fantasy drama television series ever made?”

        It was a fascinating journey and a big challenge learning one of Game Of Throne’s made up languages. I had around a month’s training in High Valarian. It was fantastic. The creativity and detail that goes into making the show is incredible to witness and the cast are so down to earth and fun to work with.

        “3. Assuming Nyx ever has her own ship, who would you want in your crew and why? (Doesn’t have to be limited to the Dark Matter universe..)?”

        Bruce Lee, Kevin Hart, Prince, Dr Spock, James Bond, Michelle Obama. Because they are all Incredible and fabulous.

        “4. What would be your dream television or movie role?”

        A baddie in James Bond or Vulcan in Star Trek. It would make my Mum very happy. She’s the biggest fan of both!

        “5. Do you see yourself as a gamer? or even more randomly, how do you feel about anime!?”

        It’s a world I’m still leaning about.

        “6. Who among the Dark Matter crew would you say Nyx dislikes the most? And who would you say she trusts the most??”

        Nyx is still trying to work that one out!

        “7. What would be your ideal alternate universe life for Nyx?”

        A spy British version of her who we meet in 1940’s London. That would be cool.

        2cats: “?Without giving too much away this early in, what does Nyx bring to the Raza crew besides kick-ass fighting ability? Specifically, does she have helpful connections or knowledge that the Raza crew can use either to break out of the prison, and (assuming that’s successful) to further their agenda? Much thanks and welcome aboard!?”

        It was intriguing developing the individual relationships with each of the other characters of the Raza crew; they’re all so complex in their own ways. We all come with different forms of baggage, hardships and loss so I think we can identify with each other in that way. Nyx a chameleon and her charm and sass most definitely add to the dynamic of the ship. She has a completely different set of abilities than anyone else in the Raza crew.

        TheOtherOne: “What was your audition like?”

        I sent an audition tape and didn’t actually meet the producers until I arrived in Toronto to start filming. Joe and Vanessa did call me for a quick chat beforehand to make sure I wasn’t completely crazy.

        “Where were you when you heard you’d got the part?”

        I was at home jumping up and down and dancing around my kitchen!

        “Who did you share the news with first? Friends or family?”

        My family and lots of my friends are in the UK. I live in LA which has an 8 hour time difference… I’m not sure how many people I woke up that night but it was quite a few!

        “Do you have a favourite place – it could be a park, restaurant??”

        The Island of St Kitts and Nevis is my special place. There is magic there.

        “And do you have a place or object (if that makes sense) that when you come across it you know you’re home?”

        Yes. In cities where the Mountains are close to the water. Cape Town, St Kitt’s, Los Angeles. I like to be close to water.

        “Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions, Melanie. I must just say, you made a brilliant and memorable début in Ep14. It feels like you’ve always been in Dark Matter somehow. Congratulations on a job well done!”

        Thank you- great questions!

        Drea: “For Melanie: Congratulations on opening the season with such a wonderful impactful performance. You’ve become an instant favorite with with many of us! I’ve been ice dancing all my life since I was 4 years old (am middle aged now) and just as Tam Dixon did, I immediately noticed your gracefulness in movement. Not just in the fight scenes but simply walking as well. You are quite the lovely young woman and we are so lucky to have you join the Raza Crew. […] Question: Where do you call home these days?? Have you now relocated to Toronto as a home base full time? Or continuing to divide the bulk of your free time between U.K and California U.S between seasons?”

        Hey Drea! I live in LA at the moment but when we’re filming I live in Toronto. The winters are brutal but the food is great!

        dianajudith: “Question for Nyx/Melanie: What inspiration did you take for playing Nyx? Also, how fun is it to play a kick-ass woman in SciFi?”

        Nyx is a fun character to play, I love her charm, sass and confidence to talk her way out of any situation. I’m a very active person so learning new skills with swords, knives, guns and Bo staffs was a dream for me. I also really enjoyed some of the short comedic scenes that Joe and Paul wrote for her. It’s awesome to play a character who can kick ass but doesn’t take herself too seriously.

        KathyC: “What’s your favorite part about playing Nyx?”

        It has to be her sassy charm and heightened super senses.

        Joanne: “Will we have a background story of Nyx?”

        Yes. Episode 206 has just aired. It is action packed!

        Gordon McGregor: “Melanie Liburd – do wish the show had allowed you to use your natural lovely voice with English accent.”

        The great thing about Nyx is that she enjoys playing different characters and using different accents on various missions she goes on with the Raza crew. So this has allowed me to use my natural accent on the show which is great.

        “Question – can you see yourself in future writing or directing a science fiction show, be it `Dark Matter’ or something else?”

        Yes to all! I’ve always been very interested in making documentaries.
        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


          August 7, 2016 - Part 2

          Farflame: “My questions for Melanie: Joe said that you nailed your part perfectly in audition. Could you tell us what did you have to do and how did you feel? Were you confident that you get the role?”

          Auditions are a mystery. I try to have as much fun as possible doing them and then try my best to forget about them. Sometimes a part that’s perfect for you comes along and everything just seems to click into place. I got very excited about Nyx’s character from the very start of the process so was over-joyed to get the part.

          “Can you briefly tell us how did you meet the Raza crew in real life for the first time? I assume it wasnt terribly exciting but anyway…”

          I met the cast onset. They’re a lovely, cracking bunch!

          “I assume you watched all episodes of DM so… which episode of DM Season 1 do you like the most (if you remember) and which crew member(s) is/are your favorite and why?”

          One of my favourite scenes is when the Android (Zoie Palmer) does all of her accents. It still cracks me up every time I watch it!

          “What you like about Nyx? Is there something you would change about her (if you could]?”

          Nyx is awesome. I wouldn’t change anything about her. It would be really interesting to explore more story lines with her brother, played by Mpoh Koaho, and see more of Nyx’s past. It would also be interesting to challenge Two’s leadership more instead of being so easily lead; we’re all such strong individuals.

          “Do you think that Nyx would eventually like to take the leadership of Raza from Two? (I dont ask about script, just about her possible intention ) I think that Nyx character is ideal for some kind of subtle rivalry with Two. For example I imagine Nyx would like to command Android like a boss… even if she is not.”

          Great question. In the future I can absolutely see Nyx challenging Two more but in a good way. It’s good for all characters to be challenged and have struggles. It’s the only way people grow. Do I think they could both exist on the ship long term? Yes, but I think there would have to be more collaboration if we stayed true to Nyx’s personality.

          “Tricky question – While filming that first fight scene with Melissa were you very cautious to dont hit her? Or were you more like “dont be shy, lets go into it, it should look realistic, lets impress the crew? And dont be afraid, we wont tell the truth to Melissa.”

          Of course I didn’t want to hurt her. She’s beautiful and is a sweetheart! Actually, Melissa and I just went for it and had fun. She’s tough and always seems to have some badass war wound!

          “Another tricky question – What do you think Nyx would do in a place of Six? If she would find out that she is a cop… Would she betray others like Six? And what would you, Melanie Liburd, do in place of Six?”

          Nyx would have kept quiet. She’s no Grass.

          “Do you remember some funny story from filming?”

          Loads. We’re all just a bunch of goofballs!

          “Do you share some hobby with some of the actors?”

          Yes. Karaoke.

          “What was your favorite TV show when you were a kid? Did you like sci-fi movies, space ships, sci-fi comics?”

          Star Trek and Star Wars.

          “If you could write one episode of Dark Matter, what would it be about?”

          The Raza Crew going back in time.

          Polaroid: “Melanie: Which actor/actress other than Melissa O’Neil did you bond with the most on/off set? Which character (Other than Two) did you enjoy interacting with on the show?”

          The entire cast were very welcoming. We all have fun together.

          Maggie L80: “Questions for Melanie: You have been in three of my favorite TV shows, Strike Back, Game of Thrones and now Dark Matter. Three very different genres. Do you have a favorite genre you prefer to work in?”

          I’m very fortunate to have been given the chance to play such diverse characters in both drama and comedy. I’ve never pigeon- holed myself and think that’s important. It’s my job to be able to step into the shoes of somebody else and interpret that in the best way I can. I thrive on a challenge and enjoy pushing myself. I enjoy all genres.

          “Favorite female role/character? Doesn’t have to be one you have played. ”

          Meryl Streep in The Iron Lady; she was outstanding.

          “Dialogue vs action, what’s your preference?”


          Sally woods: Have Nyx and Two crossed paths before?, the fight she instigated with three seemed to be only to engage Two in that awesome fight, could it have been to try and jog her memory, will we be shipping Twyx soon?”

          Nyx had heard lots about the infamous Raza crew and so was intrigued to find out how badass they really were. When she fights Two she quickly sees similarities between them which she is impressed by. Nyx being impressed doesn’t happen to often! TWYX I love it!

          “Did you watch DarkMatter before you got the part?”

          Once I got the part I binge watched the whole first season and of course, I absolutely loved it!

          Thogar: “I have some questions for Melanie! Coming in as one of the noobs, can you describe your very first time on set?”

          I missed the read through for ep 201 so I met the rest of the cast my first day on set. We were in underwear all day getting pelted with dry ice. It definitely broke the ice!

          “Does everyone on the set of Dark Matter have as much fun as Joe’s making it sound here on the blog?”

          The Dark Matter set is a fun, silly, crazy place to be. Everybody works extremely hard but will grab any available chance for a prank of some kind. My favourite part of the ship is The Bridge. I’m always pressing buttons. Its like bubble wrap – you can’t stop!

          “Besides appearance, do you and Nyx have any similarities?”

          We both have a bit of sass but I’m definitely more sensible that Nyx. She’s ruthless.

          “How do you think the real you would fare in a real prison … or a space prison?”

          Not so good. Nyx and Arax would have to be my besties.

          “When filming the sim yard scenes, just how miserable were you guys in that cold weather?”

          My jaw froze at one point which makes it tricky when you’re trying to do an accent but I had such a laugh with Melissa it didn’t matter. In-between each take we’d jump up and down and sip warm tea. Jozie and Liz our location costume assistants gave us little hand and feet warmers; love those girls.

          “Before the season started, I was sure TWO and Nyx were going to take a lot longer to become friends. Are they like buds now or will there be arguments and maybe more outright fighting between the two? (Psst … If you can’t say, blink once for “buds”, twice for “fights”.)”

          It could be one blink…or two… LOL!

          “Did anyone on the set prank you or try to make you flub your lines or laugh during a scene?”

          Sometimes Melissa would give me this look in the middle of a scene and I’d think, uh oh… We would start laughing and wouldn’t stop. I would literally be crying with laughter. Lol

          “What’s your favourite set or location to film on/in?”

          The sets in episode 206 are a work of art and so beautifully detailed. Ian Brock our designer is so talented!

          “Have you tried the whiskey? What’s your favorite?”

          Of course! I have no idea which one it was but it was very nice indeed.

          “How did the decision come about to have you use a North American accent instead of your English one? And can we vote to have you use your natural one?”

          I auditioned in both accents and the producers chose American. I enjoy working in accents and love that in the Syfy world anything is possible and can change at any time.

          “If you watch TV, what’s your favorite show on today? What’s your favorite show from your childhood? If you don’t watch TV, forget I asked those last two.”

          I binge watch a lot of shows and love House of Cards, GOT, Peaky Blinders, The Good Wife and Scandal. One of my favourite TV show from childhood has to be Dr Who.

          “Favorite weapon: Bo staff or gun? OR … Bo staff with guns in each end?”

          Bo Staff.

          wordyblerd: “The BTS and onscreen chemistry with Two/Melissa was palpable, a) were you nervous to join an established ensemble b) can you remember the moment where you got comfortable on set and in your character? Loved your work on the premier!”

          Yes, I was slightly nervous joining the cast but probably more excited. The guys did such an outstanding job in season one that I felt very privileged to join them. It was inspiring and impressive seeing the sets for the first time and the producers and cast couldn’t have been more welcoming. Melissa helped me to feel at ease and gave me lots of excellent advice about stunts, guns etc.. She’s such a pro!

          blink (@blinktumbl3): “Melanie Liburd, great to see you on the show. So grateful for the heat and subtleties you’re bringing to the role and to interactions. We all felt that chemistry, for which we are thankful. Q: Nyx is obviously a bit of a mystery for us, but unlike the rest of the crew, she knows her past. How much of that past did you know as you were playing out s2? Or how did you approach the character arc as an actor? (I have theories about Nyx being biomech or something, but just wild speculation, and you don’t have to give anything away plotwise.)”

          Joe our show runner would enjoy drip feeding me pieces of information. He told me a rough back story about Nyx but I had no idea what was going to happen once I got on to the ship, or the kind of relationships I would develop with the other members of the crew.

          Nyx goes from being in her comfort zone and in a place of high status and power in Hyperion 8 to then feeling like an uncomfortable visitor in an unfamiliar and untrusting place on The Raza. Initially, Two doesn’t allow Nyx, Arax or Devon full access to the ship or to have any weapons and this doesn’t go down too well. One of the themes this season is most definitely trust. All of these factors made Nyx very interesting and complex to play.

          Cast would only get a new script one week before filming the next episode, so I had no idea of the entire arc of my character. Whilst working out who my character was and what she wanted, I was also working through situations simultaneously. You have to trust that the script will take you where you need to go and keep your characters behaviour consistent.

          Cheri P.: “Question for Melanie: 1. How does it feel to join a cast with such strong female characters?”

          It’s very cool to be on a Syfy show that reflects women’s personalities in real life. There are strong women everywhere I look.

          “2. What’s the biggest challenge about taking on this role?”

          I have honestly had way too much fun to call it challenging!

          “3. What are your thoughts on your character’s personality?”

          Charismatic, charming, diligent, loyal… what’s not to like about Nyx!

          “4. What was it like being on Game of Thrones?”


          “Thank you for taking the time to answer questions from fans. I look forward to seeing Nyx kick-ass in upcoming episodes.”

          I’ve had so much fun answering all of your great questions. Thank you all for the kind, supporting words and for watching the show!

          Melanie Liburd
          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



            August 8, 2016

            Photos: Akemi, Dark Matter

            Guess who’s going in for surgery tomorrow morning to get a couple of lumps removed from his noggin’? Today, we treated him – and Lulu – to a stroll through Granville Island and a visit to a local pet boutique. We picked up treats, a patriotically handsome bow tie/collar but, sadly, not that awesome Hawaiian shirt we had our hearts set on because it didn’t come in his size.

            Meanwhile, a post-Lasik Akemi (“I got my eyeballs fixed!”) is enjoying her improved vision – to a certain point. She spent most of yesterday madly sweeping, vacuuming, and generally cleaning the place. When I asked what had gotten into her, she informed me that now that her sight is improved, she can actually see how messy everything is. I feel her situation is reminiscent of some tragic character from Greek lore, but I’m not sure which one.

            Hey! May I direct your attention to some pretty damn fantastic Dark Matter articles…

            First off, a great, GREAT article by The Nerd Recites’ Christopher Hart titled How Dark Matter Utilizes Akira Kurosawa’s Seven Samurai Within Its Narrative

            “We matched up Dark Matter‘s characters against each of the personality types and all of the characters fell into the set types with such astounding ease that this only lends further credence to the writers’ utilisation of this trope.”

            In interviews, whenever asked about my inspirations for Dark Matter, I always cite: Cowboy Bebop, The Thunderbolts, The Dirty Dozen, Stargate, The Shield, Stargate, and, yes, The Seven Samurai! Good catch, Christopher.

            Meanwhile, over at The Workprint, Jen Stayrook wonders Who Will Betray the Crew of The Raza? Building off Milo’s prophetic warning in “We Should Have Seen This Coming”, she breaks down the list of suspects and posits an intriguing theory or two. What do you think?

            Continuing a weekly tradition, I sit down with Kelly Townsend of The TV Junkies and discuss the most recent episode of Dark Matter. I drop a lot of interesting little tidbits in this one…

            “One of the big picture things is this looming corporate war, and as Milo says, there are certain moments of history where individuals can step in and make a difference, and that’s something that will resonate as we head towards the back half of Season 2.”

            And a nice little write-up on the show at Mikhail’s Film and TV Blog: Why Sci-Fi Fans Should Watch Dark Matter

            “This year, while browsing Netflix, I chanced upon a new, engrossing space opera that Sy-Fy aired earlier as part of its agenda to revive its status as the premiere channel for science fiction television. […] After seeing the 13-episode first season, I’m ready to declare it one of the best new sci-fi shows on television. Here are a few key reasons why it’s absolutely worth seeing.”

            Thanks for the support, Mikhail!
            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



              August 9, 2016

              Video: AfterBuzz TV - Dark Matter 2x06 review

              Photos: Bubba, Dark Matter, Stargate SG-1

              Well, the old timer is back home and resting comfortably. He’s going to be taking it easy easier for a while. That means no playing or rough housing or going up stairs or jumping – none of which he used to do anyway, but it’s good to know. Thanks for all the well-wishes!

              A few more recaps, reviews, and reactions to “We Should Have Seen This Coming”:

              You Have to be A Level 15 Friend To Unlock My Tragic Backstory at Black Girl Nerds

              This week it’s all about Nyx (Melanie Liburd)! It made my day to see Mpho Koaho who play’s Nyx’s brother Milo since I loved his character on Falling Skies! On to the recap… at The Nerd Elemen

              I suggested in our recent Dark Matter podcast that there is an architecture to this Season’s overall arc, a tick-tock approach that would see the show hitting big drum beats of unpacking the main crew’s storyline, and then quick snare hits of expanding on the adjunct crew’s back stories. And that’s exactly what we got here… Agasicles Stamas at Geeks World Wide

              Thus far have really enjoyed what this second season of Dark Matter has had to offer since returning… by Ian Cullen at SciFi Pulse

              Dark Matter certainly seems to be getting darker… by Siobhan Dempsey at Word of the Nerd

              “We Should Have Seen This Coming” was another strong episode, building to something bigger while still delivering a good origin story for Nix, some strong moral dilemmas and some exciting action too… by

              Finally, we’re finding out some more about Nyx! She’s been a character shrouded in mystery since she was introduced, revealing only as much as she had to. Not so anymore… by Jessica Anson at My M Buzz

              The Dark Matter on AfterBuzz TV with Yael, Tauri Jay, and Andrew.

              A quick shout-out to a member of our extended Stargate family. Susannah Parker Sinard’s first published novel, Hall of the Two Truths, is out August 18th.
              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                August 10, 2016

                Video: Dark Matter 2x07 Promo "She’s One Of Them Now"

                Photos: Dark Matter, pizza, Rob & Hilary Cooper

                An all-new episode of Dark Matter is only two days away. This one was directed by Jason Priestley and features guest star David Hewlett as the crew’s colorful handler, Tabor Calchek. This episode features some fun Tabor/Android interactions, a transfer transit-themed op, a big reveal about that mysterious key card, and a shocking ending.

                Theres’ a sneak peek scene featuring Tabor and the gang at but, unfortunately, it may be geo-blocked for those outside the U.S.

                From Shadow to The Red Leaves of the Red Forest, here’s a rundown of various Syfy-related illicit substances: Just Say No To Syfy Drugs

                SciF And TV Talk’s Steve Eramo chats with Roger Cross, Dark Matter’s SIX: Burden of Guilt

                I’m often asked if I still keep in touch with the old Stargate gang. Truthfully, some more than others. My former writing-producing partner, Paul Mullie, former special features producer Ivon Bartok, and former production assistant Lawren Bancroft-Wilson are presently working on my new show, Dark Matter (Paul – writer/EP, Ivon writer/Supervising Producer, Lawren – VFX Supervisor/Supervising Producer). Having a new scifi show in production has also allowed me to touch base with some of the old Stargate guard: Amanda Tapping, Andy Mikita, Will Waring, Peter DeLuise, Martin Wood, all of who directed episodes of DM. I’m still good friends with former Stargate Executive Producers Martin Gero (Blindspot, Dark Matter) and Carl Binder (Houdini & Doyle).

                And then, there’s former Stargate creator and showrunner, Robert C. Cooper, who wrote scripts for both seasons of Dark Matter, served as a consulting producer on the show’s second season, and can currently be found serving as an Executive Producer on the upcoming Dirk Gently series…when he’s not cooking up varied pizzas in his backyard pizza oven.

                I keep in touch with Rob on a regular basis (or as regular as possible considering our respective production schedules). And, whenever possible, we like to get together for a meal. While I appreciate a fine meal, he does me one better: appreciating AND preparing!

                The other night, he and his wife Hilary invited Akemi and I over to their place for a little backyard pizza party. Not only does Rob have a special, built-in pizza oven for the occasion but, in addition to the legit equipment, he also special orders the pizza flour to ensure the crust has the right taste, texture and consistency.

                Check out the offerings…

                Pear, fig, spicy salami and goat cheese.

                Crispy potatoes, bacon, and green onions.

                Burnt tomato, spicy sausage, and mozzarella.

                Peking duck: barbecued duck, hoisin, green onions, and mozzarella.

                Finally! Great pizza in Vancouver! I’d almost given up hope!

                We finished the meal with blueberry pie and four types of ice cream.

                Our affable host and hostess.

                ROB & HILARY’S

                Food: 5/5

                Service: 5/5

                Atmosphere: 5/5

                Final verdict: Highly recommended!
                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                  August 11, 2016

                  Photos: Dark Matter, Jason Priestley, Brandon Tataryn

                  Tomorrow night’s episode of Dark Matter, “She’s One Of Them Now”, is directed by the lovable Jason Priestley. Some BTS pics of the man in action…

                  Aware of my notorious temper, he gets things off on the right foot, showing up with an excellent bottle of scotch.

                  Concept meeting. He and his right hand man, 1st AD Brandon Tataryn, run the room!

                  I would often find him in his office, with that quizzical look on his face that said: “This script doesn’t make any sense!”

                  Relaxing on set, wondering what they’re going to service for lunch.

                  Pictured above: about to enter transfer transit so his clone can direct second unit

                  Spotting mermaids off the port bow.

                  “Okay, guys, I want a good clean fight…”

                  Challenging Shaun Sipos to a grappling match.

                  Hey, check out this great interview with actress Melanie Liburd (Nyx Harper):

                  Dark Matter: Melanie Liburd On Buildilng Trust With Nyx

                  “I think they see something in each other; they realize their hardships and they’ve both gone through struggles. They identify in that way and I think they’re almost kindred spirits, which happens quite early on. Even in the prison, Nyx and Two come up against each other and fight, and they’re impressed by each other. They develop that mutual respect for each other, and that helps her trust Nyx.”
                  The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                    August 12, 2016

                    Photos: Dark Matter

                    Who’s “she”?

                    Who’s “them”?

                    Find out tonight at 7 pm PDT/10 pm EDT on Syfy and Space Channel!

                    With the help of their handler, Tabor Calchek (David Hewlett), three crew members infiltrate a high-security facility via clone.

                    Tina Charles previews tonight’s episode for T.V. Goodness

                    Check out a sneak peek clip from tonight’s episode here:

                    Tabor returns as ‘Dark Matter’ embarks on deadliest mission yet

                    And check out a second sneak peek clip here:

                    EXCLUSIVE: Dark Matter 207 Clip Offers Action and Laughs

                    And, finally, here’s a link to my recent chat with Christopher Hart of The Nerd Recites:

                    We Discuss Dark Matter Season 2, Cast Habits, and Akira Kurosawa With Dark Matter Creator Joseph Mallozzi

                    P.S. Another trademark Dark Matter end-of-episode shocker coming your way!
                    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                      August 13, 2016

                      Video: Geeksiders review

                      Photos: Dark Matter, Marc Bendavid

                      Dark Matter 207 Review: Don’t Blink by Tom Gardiner at Three If By Space

                      “I want to touch on the main story this week. It involved a mystery that began early in season one with Five and the strange key card. It was a mystery that intrigued me more than any other. It’s the mystery of the “pockets of extra-dimensional space” and I’m overjoyed we’re finally getting more about it.”

                      Dark Matter: She’s One of Them Now – Cloning Around (Review) by Mike Knox-Smith at Mike’s Film Talk

                      “Joseph Mallozzi and Paul Mullie have specialized in warming up the audience only to splash freezing water in their faces.”

                      Dark Matter Season 2, Episode 7 Review: She’s One Of Them Now by Christopher Hart at The Nerd Recites

                      “This episode provided us with a true heist situation – sending in crew members to extract a device – layered with SF ideas (clones) and we loved it.”

                      Dark Matter Season 2 Episode 7 Review: She’s One of Them Now by Kathleen Wiedel at TV Fanatic

                      “Moment of heartwarming: when Three defended Five’s skills and abilities to Calcheck. Three’s just a big old softy, all full of marshmallow inside.”

                      Dark Matter “She’s One of Them Now” Review by Jideobi Odunze at Geeked Out Nation.

                      “The one way in which Dark Matter almost always lives up to expectations is that we are getting takeaways from each episode.”

                      TV Review: Dark Matter (2×07) “She’s One of Them Now” by Leaf Miranda at The Young Folks

                      “It’s hard to tell if the crew just made things better or worse for themselves. “

                      Dark Matter: She’s One of Them Now Review by Michael Ahr at Den Of Geek

                      “Dark Matter nailed it this week, and hopefully the show’s use of likable characters and innovative tech will continue to be the hallmark of its success.”
                      Dark Matter – She’s One Of Them Now – Review: “A Fun Romp” + POLL by Aimee Hicks at Spoiler TV

                      “While a lot was going on in this episode we still got to see the Android express how unique she is compared to other androids.”

                      Dark Matter “She’s One of Them Now” Review (Season 2, Episode 7) by Rueben at TV Equals

                      “Last night’s episode of Dark Matter not only featured the return of a couple of familiar faces – i.e., Talbor Calchek (guest star David Hewlett) but also – albeit very briefly Galactic Authority Inspector Kierken (guest star Kris Holden-Ried) – it also featured Five taking a lead role in a mission. It’s not her first time helping the Raza team out, but this was really her chance to shine.”

                      Dark Matter: The One Where Five Saves Everyone. Again. by Jen Stayrook at The Workprint

                      “Dearest Dark Matter,

                      We’ve had our ups and downs like everyone else, but right now, I think we’re in a really good place. We’re stable with still some excitement churning in the old engines, eh? Our second year has been positively magical, if a bit on the sad side. But do me a favor, Dark Matter. If you love me (and I hope you love me like I love you), keep my boo Five safe. There have been a lot of close calls and I’m desperately afraid of something bad happening to her. She’s the only one that matters and if you hurt her, well, things won’t be so good between us.”

                      Slice of SciFi’s Andrea Rittschof considers Dark Matter, five episodes in:

                      “And one of the best parts of this show is how much the characters grow and develop. They aren’t just untrusting criminals, or amnesiacs. They’ve grown to care about each other, their crew and when they trust each other, it hurts when one of them betrays the group. And trust isn’t instantaneous. It is built layer by layer.”

                      Geeksiders Anna and Josh weigh in with their thoughts of “She’s One Of Them Now”

                      And finally, to those of you missing the terrific Marc Bendavid, check him out in Summer in the City airing tonight at 9/8C on the Hallmark Channel.
                      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                        August 14, 2016

                        Photos: Joe Mallozzi, Dark Matter, David Hewlett

                        The bad boys of Dark Matter.

                        Director Jason Priestley on set.

                        Alex Mallari Jr.’s Spiderman audition.

                        Fun on set.

                        The Android picks up some churros.

                        Nighty-night, FOUR.

                        Who’s up for a little trip?

                        Shaun Sipos preparing for his next scene.

                        The Android overseeing the action.

                        Tabor Calchek getting comfortable on the bridge.

                        The New Odd Couple: Tabor and the Android.

                        Reynaud’s new and improved transfer transit room. Now with cookies!

                        All he needs is a mask and the web shooters.

                        Hey, Reynaud! Looking for THIS?!
                        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                          August 15, 2016

                          Photos: Dark Matter

                          Some very interesting feedback on this latest instalment. One of the surprisingly strongest reactions is to the opening scene that many found too OTT (Over the Top). More than a couple of fans have stated they found the scene specifically less Dark Matter and more Lost Girl like (I haven’t seen Lost Girl so I’ll need you to explain that one).

                          Well, it so happens that, in the script’s first draft, this scene played out quiet differently. Here’s the original version:

                          VFX – SPACE

                          Establish an upscale space station.

                          TABOR: Look, let me lay it out for you.

                          INT. TABOR’S APARTMENT

                          A casually-attired Tabor sits in his upscale suite, chatting on his computer.

                          TABOR: You’re one of this galaxy’s most notorious criminals. You’ve got a rap sheet as long the Kuiper Belt. You’re a swindler, a thief, a convicted felon and smuggler. (beat) And I want you as a client.

                          ON the individual he is talking to, a seedy-looking criminal type – ALDVIK JONES – who scratches his beard, uncertain.

                          ALDVIK: I don’t know if I need an agent…

                          TABOR: I’m not an agent. I’m a handler. I handle careers with care. Just so you know, my client roster includes seven of this galaxy’s Ten Most Wanted including Rax Veiland who just climbed up to the number three spot last week. He’s a real go-getter that one.

                          ALDVIK: Ten percent seems kinda steep…

                          TABOR: A small price to pay for peace of mind. Think about it. I’ll source jobs for you, screen and vet every employer, and handle all financial transactions. I don’t get paid unless you get paid.

                          Suddenly, the door BUZZES.

                          TABOR: Hang on. That’s probably my girlfriend, Perelandra. She’s always forgetting her pass key.

                          He gets up, calls back:

                          TABOR: By the way, I also offer packaging services – you know, pair you up with a good getaway pilot or demolition expert for those team jobs. Think about it!

                          He opens the door.

                          TABOR: Hello, sweetheart –

                          To REVEAL TWO standing there, flanked by THREE and SIX. Tabor is stunned.

                          TABOR: Oh. Portia. Well this is a pleasant surprise.

                          He smiles amiably. Then, the smile drops.

                          TABOR’s POV as she decks him. LIGHTS OUT!

                          Have a preference?

                          THE ANDROID PAYS NYX A VISIT

                          There was a snippet of dialogue lost in the edit that shed significant light on the Android’s understanding of her place on the The Raza. The scripted exchange…

                          ANDROID: You may find it hard to believe, but I once considered myself an outsider on this ship.

                          Nyx chooses to say nothing, although we can tell she doesn’t find it hard to believe at all. The Android continues –

                          ANDROID: I assumed the things that made me different made it impossible for the others to accept me as an equal – but really it was just the opposite.

                          NYX: Yeah, well, I’ve been on my own for a long time. This “team thing” is going to take some getting used to.

                          ANDROID In that respect, you’re no different than anyone else onboard.

                          NYX OFFERS TWO BACK-UP

                          In the script, before boarding the Marauder, TWO encounters Nyx by the airlock…

                          INT. RAZA – CORRIDOR OUTSIDE THE AIRLOCK

                          Nyx stands at the airlock waiting. TWO and SIX turn the corner and head down the corridor towards her.

                          TWO: I’ll catch up.

                          Nyx throws SIX an amiable but perhaps not wholly convincing smile as he passes her, opens the door, and heads into the marauder. Nyx throws a look back to make sure he’s clear, then turns and addresses TWO –

                          NYX: Need back-up?

                          TWO: I’ll be okay.

                          NYX: Look, you’ve got the history with him, you know him better than I do, but he betrayed you once and, even though he did help us escape lock-up…he betrayed you once.

                          Off TWO –

                          NYX: Maybe I’m out of line here. After all, we’re pretty much strangers and you’re still taking a chance on me –

                          TWO: I’ll be fine. And so will he.

                          NYX: If you say so.

                          TWO goes to head through the airlock then holds up, throws a look back to Nyx –

                          TWO: You’re on this ship because I trust you – but, to be honest, I haven’t trusted you with everything. There are some things you should know about me.

                          NYX: Well that sounds intriguing…and slightly ominous.

                          TWO: We’ll talk later.

                          TWO heads out. Nyx watches her go.

                          The scene was lost for time.

                          GUESSING THE PASSWORD

                          This one really, really REALLY bothered me because if the timing had been right, it would have been a very fun sequence. It wasn’t so we had to go with an altered version.

                          THREE and FOUR look on as FIVE carefully places the cover on the device, then lifts it off its stand. BEAT.

                          FIVE: I think we’re good –

                          DISEMBODIED VOICE (O.S.): Password authentication required.

                          THREE: Password?

                          DISEMBODIED VOICE (O.S.): Incorrect.

                          THREE: That wasn’t a guess!

                          DISEMBODIED VOICE (O.S.): Incorrect.

                          THREE: How many tries do I get?!

                          DISEMBODIED VOICE (O.S.): Third and final attempt – incorrect.

                          Suddenly, an ALARM SOUNDS.

                          FOUR: That was it!

                          They bolt for the door.

                          DEVON’S SACRIFICE

                          The crew of The Raza did some terrible things in their respective pasts, but they have a leg up on redeeming themselves because they possess no memories of their terrible histories. Devon, on the other hand, made some mistakes, and those memories haunt him, making his search for redemption all that much harder. He drinks, does drugs to dull the pain that accompany those memories and, at episode’s end, he is confronted by the Seers who have predicted his actions based on his habits. In this scene, Devon is finally afforded the opportunity to redeem himself by making the ultimate sacrifice, giving up his life covering for Nyx who, unbeknownst to the Seers, is actually on the station. In the scripted scene, Devon’s sacrifice is made all the more tragic in that he saves Nyx by ultimately selling himself out. Shaun Sipos was brilliant in this scene and it really kills me that it was not included in its entirety…

                          HANSMEED: Where’s The Raza?

                          DEVON: Long gone.

                          Again, off a suspicious Hansmeed –

                          DEVON: Hangar seven. Docked under an alias, but the specs should line up. Check for yourself. They left.

                          Hansmeed throws a look to one of his men. The man taps an ear comm and ducks out. It’s clear he’s doing just that.

                          HANSMEED: And why would they leave you behind?

                          DEVON: You say you know me? Then you should already have your answer. (beat) I’m a junkie. A screw-up. A short-term burden and a long-term liability. Over the course of my sorry life, I have hurt – intentionally and not – everyone who ever took a chance on me.

                          HANSMEED: We want Nyx.

                          DEVON: Well, I can’t help you with that. She’s one of them now.

                          Hansmeed’s man steps back in and gives him a nod back. Devon’s information apparently checks out. Hansmeed swings a look back to Devon.

                          HANSMEED: Where did they go?

                          DEVON: No idea. Can’t help you with that either.

                          Hansmeed considers, then throws a look to his men. They quickly step in and stab Devon, then step away. He slumps to the floor, bleeding out. Hansmeed looms over him, gives a shad shake of his head –

                          HANSMEED: What a waste.

                          Then, turning to his men –

                          HANSMEED: Back to the ship. Let’s run the next predictive model.

                          And with that, they’re off, leaving him to bleed out.
                          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                            August 16, 2016

                            Video: Dark Matter 2x08 Promo "Stuff To Steal; People To Kill"

                            Photos: Dark Matter

                            “Stuff To Steal, People To Kill” is one of my top two favorite episodes of Dark Matter’s second season. It combines many of the things I love: humor, high stakes, character insights, surprising reveals, and long overdue payoffs (a couple stretching as far back as our very first episode!). It’s pretty bananas and a lot of fun!

                            Spoiler TV’s Aimee Hicks previews “Stuff To Steal, People To Kill”

                            In case you missed it…

                            The “She’s One Of The Now” episode photo recap.

                            Behind the scenes on Dark Matter: Wardrobe!

                            Fun facts about our latest episode.

                            The Syfy Hair Awards

                            One of my favorite Dark Matter reviewers considers “She’s One Of Them Now”.

                            I discuss “She’s One Of Them Now” with Kelly Townsend of The TV Junkies.

                            “This was a great episode, which revealed a lot about Reynaud and her interest in the Raza. I also liked the fact that Nyx’s former crew members make another appearance near the end of the story. Things look like they could be about to get interesting for the last few episodes of this second season…” by Ian Cullen at SciFi Pulse

                            “As it is, this is another of the show’s teases, hopefully for later plot, much like Two’s shakes that have been introduced but not yet resolved. I look forward to it…” by Aaron Billingham at Kneel Before Blog.

                            “This week’s episode was certainly the most fun one yet as the crew of the Raza embarked on a mission to hunt down the mysterious Alicia Reynaud (Inga Cadranel) and find out what the key really does…” by Baz Greenland at The Digital Fix
                            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                              August 17, 2016

                              Photos: Dark Matter

                              One of the biggest challenges about approving episodic stills for this episode was actually finding non-spoilers photographs to sign off on. I don’t recall how many finally made the cut but I do recall it was significantly fewer than previous episodes. Such is the life of a producer on a heavily-serialized science fiction series – especially when it comes to AU episodes.

                              So, to make up for the lack of official promotional photos, I thought I’d post some of the behind-the-scenes photos I snapped during the production of this episode – directed by Andy Mikita, written by yours truly.

                              A shot of the monitor. Notice anything…unusual?

                              A rare scene (for season 2) scene in the ship’s underbelly.

                              Another monitor shot, this one featuring Torri Higginson (as Commander Truffault), one of several surprising guest stars this episode.

                              The crew gathers for the first shot of the day.

                              Director Andy Mikita in action.
                              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                                August 18, 2016

                                Photos: Dark Matter, Bubba, Lulu

                                Your first exclusive clip from tomorrow night’s episode of Dark Matter, “Stuff To Steal, People To Kill”. The crew receives a distress call from Regulus-12…


                                Your second exclusive clip from tomorrow night’s episode. THREE receives some troubling news from “The Android”…


                                I talk to Baz Greenland of The Digital Fix:

                                Exclusive interview with Dark Matter showrunner Joseph Mallozzi

                                “TDF: We’ve seen the evolution of several characters over the last twenty episodes. Which character has been the most fun to write?

                                Mallozzi: As I often tell interviewers, picking favorites on this show isn’t as simple as picking your favorite child. There are no disappointments in this group. Each one of them brings something different to the table and each one is fun to write for different reasons.”

                                More BTS tidbits to get you in the mood for tomorrow night’s episode…

                                Thanks to those of you asking about Bubba. He is on the mend and should get his stitches out this weekend. To celebrate, Akemi made him a new bowtie – and a matching collar for Lulu:
                                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread

