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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    July 7, 2016 - Part 2

    Robin Hess writes: “Hi Zobot!!
    Q1. What is the hardest thing you have you have encountered with the android’s outfit?”

    We often have a “mic pack” on for sound. It has to be attached to your body somewhere but there’s not a lot of places to put it in a skin tight “onsie” Also, once it is attached, going to the bathroom is a good time, I’ll let you picture all that in your head. Enjoy.

    “Q2. How would you describe the android’s personality since she is an android?”

    Clinical. Dry. Rational. Optomistic. Pesimistic. Child like. Literal. Those are all words that come to mind.

    “Q3. What have you found you like or dislike about playing this character?”

    I like how in the moment she is, how honest, how real, how she is one hundred percent in whens she’s doing anything. I have enjoyed figuring out how to play her and how to bring little nuances that hopefully communicate different things. I don’t think there is anything I dislike about playing “The Android,” but it is challenging in a way I haven’t experienced with other roles I’ve had. Obviously my dialogue is a challenge and I have to spend a great deal of time being very focused to learn it. It’s funny. The part that is the most interesting for me with this characters is also what is the most challenging, but overall I very much enjoy playing her.

    Casey Van Cleve writes: “How hard is it to learn the lines of a Android?”

    It’s hard but it’s gotten easier for me now that it’s my second season. I’m starting to get used to it.

    Jacquelyn May writes: “One- How long does it take to put your number tat on?”

    Not long at all, Lynda McCormack, our wonderful makeup artist is incredible at what she does and could probably put it on with her eyes closed now, so its pretty quick. Taking it off on the other hand is a whole other story, it takes longer to do that because its a professional grade fake tattoo so it really takes a liking to my neck.

    fpmolina writes: “My Android questions three:
    1) are you going to be using anymore accents this season, loved the jealous accent scene from last season.”

    Hmmm, can’t tell you that, they’ll kill me if I tell you things… I don’t want to die????

    “2) do you think you will ever get a love interest on the show?”

    I sure hope so, poor wee Android needs a little bit of love in her life doesn’t she? Sad lil lonely lil droidette needs someone to call her own, so heres hopin’

    “3) what is the best thing you have eaten on set?”

    Soup. They always make a really great soup and I LOVE soup!!!!!

    Michelle Deen-Alston writes: “1) Will we see more of android this season?”

    I believe you will.

    “2) You play the android so well, but I was wondering, is there a lot of blooper or are you able to stay in character?”

    There’s definitely bloopers. I mess my lines up from time to time. Sometimes they just won’t stay in my head or I get tongue tied and then keep messing up the same word. Often if Melissa O’Neil and I are in a scene together, there will be at least one take we can’t get through. I’m not sure what it is with the two of us but we laugh for some reason. Just seems to happen.

    Maggie L80 writes: “Thanks for setting up the Q & A with Zoie. My questions: Any inspirational performances that you draw upon for The Robot?”

    Not specifically for The Android but every time I watch an actor who inspires me, it’s in there y’know. You take them all with you. They’re in you then and everything in me gets drawn on and some of it is used in a character I play. The Android is no different. She is different parts of me, my life, my friends, things I’ve seen and done. It all gets accessed and the parts I need get put into the work. So in short, everything inspires each character I play.

    “Your favorite color?”

    I don’t have one. I’ve never had one. And when I was a kid I would make up a colour when anyone asked me what my fave colour was. I’d say blue, or yellow or red or whatever but inside I knew I was just making it up. I’ve never had a fave color or number or anything like that. I’ve never really understood it.

    cathyweaver30 writes: “Zoie,
    1) Will we ever see @cloverblob in an episode?”

    If she has anything to do with it, then YES.

    “2) What is your favorite episode of Dark Matter and why?”

    Thats a tough question because there are so many great eps but I really enjoyed the very first ep of the whole series because it really felt like the audience and the characters were in the same place of the complete unknown. It was a huge episode of discovery for everyone and I thought it was some really great television.

    Cheri P writes: “Kudos for the amazing job you have done as The Android.”


    “1. You indicated that you were not a fan of working out or going to the gym. How do prepare for the physical demands of your character?”

    I don’t really prepare physically. I just kinda jump in there and go for it. It’s kind of how I deal with anything physical, I see it in my head and then I just go for it!

    “2. Who was your childhood idol?”

    Hmm, I’m not sure that I had an idol, but I very much looked up to Meryl Streep as a young kid and she’s been a huge inspiration to me in my career. She’s obviously a tremendously talented actress who can seemingly do just about anything. I think what I respect about her so much is her commitment and dedication to her craft. She’ll do nearly anything to create a believable character and she will immerse herself in it until she gets it. I have a huge amount of respect for that.

    @BaddassMer writes: “does Android get pulled apart and put back together this season”

    … ummm pulled apart? Ouch! I sure hope not, but if so… OOOOOOUUUUCCCCHHHHH!

    “any other parts of you’re anatomy get molded”

    An Android never talks about her mouldy parts.

    anthrod127 writes: “Question for Zoie, will you be kicking more ass in season 2? How much of the stunt fighting do you do? “

    You never know, there may very well be the odd Android fight scene in season two. As far as how much I do, the answer is, I do as much as I feel I can. Also, John Stead the stunt coordinator checks in with me to see how comfortable I am with a move. If I’m in any way uncomfortable, then our extraordinary stunt doubles jump in. There are some things John would just automatically give to the double because it’s simply not safe for me to attempt. The stunt doubles are so talented and make me look outstanding so I’m more than happy to stand back and let the pros do work their magic.

    cpinzone85 writes: “Hi Zoie, first I just wanted to say you’re a magnificent woman, incredible actress and a huge inspiration in my life. I have so many questions for you but I’ll ask just a few:
    1. What’s the weirdest thing a fan has ever done for you?”

    Hmmm, weirdest? I don’t think of many things as ‘weird” but I think seeing my face tattooed on someone still catches me off guard. It’s just something I don’t think you ever get used to, seeing your face on the anatomy of someone else. Fans have made birthday video messages for me in the past which was so lovely and so thoughtful and really made me smile and feel good – that was a lovely gesture that really meant a lot to me. I’m so genuinely grateful to the fans because their passion for the show or for us actors is real and genuine and very special. It’s true and meaningful and it may sound all a bit cheesy but I’m very moved by the people who send letters and reach out.

    “2. If you were single and I asked you out on a date, would you say yes?”

    Yes, of course.

    Janie writes: “So… Zoie Palmer: you are my favorite android of all time. I am so excited to see you in my living room again! (huge Lost Girl fan). Your cat should take a lead from Joe and give fan shout outs on Twitter!! Thanks to both of you for doing this.

    1. I saw an interview where you said that you do indeed think the android has a range of emotions so your affect is never totally flat. Is it hard to stay so reserved the whole time?”

    It’s not hard in that I want to burst into emotion all the time but the challenge is to somehow portray more with very few tools. That’s what I’m often trying to figure out in any given scene.

    “2. I’ve never seen the android smile. Does she or can she smile?”

    It’s both a good observation and a good question. I believe The Android can smile but I’m very resistant to having her do it. I want to use it when it really calls for it and I think there will be a scene where I go, “yes, it should happen here”.

    “3. What keeps you busy in your free time and do you have any upcoming projects between season 2 wrap and the beginning of season 3 (we all cross our fingers for S3).”

    Everything keeps me busy when I’m not shooting. The rest of my life really. When we’re in production it’s very busy and many things end up on a kind of hold until you’re wrapped. So once I’m wrapped I like to reintroduce myself to life, to friends, to my hobbies, to reading, to walking, to my pets, to filling myself up so that I may bring more and more to my characters.

    “3.1 (: It’s always about your hair, right? How the hell do they get it into that curl and how long does it take you to get it out?”

    The hair is quite a process performed by the very talented Renee Chan. The whole thing takes approximately an hour but it’s in two stages. First it’s the curlers and then I’m sent over to have my makeup done. Once that done, I go back to Renee who then begins the artwork and in truth I don’t know what she does. I have my face in my script running my lines and then at some point she asks me to bring my head up so she can finish the front and thats it. It’s done. It is complicated and because she’s so good she just does it everyday and looks incredible.
    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


      July 7, 2016 - Part 3

      Templeton writes: “Question for Zoie, will Android and Four finally hook up this season, or is she just too emotional for his taste?”

      The Android and Four eh? Wow, there’s an interesting combo. I think the word on the street is that the strong silent types are dynamo in the bedroom so, well, here’s hoping.

      Jordan Thane writes: “Qns for Zoie – The Android was fairly isolated in the first season, will we see her included more in the action, maybe leave the ship to go on missions, get in a fight or two, meet some other Androids?”

      Hmmmm, you may just be on to something there.

      “We know Kris Holden Ried is guesting and because I love you two working together, do you get to work with him?”

      Maybe maybe maybe.

      “What are you most excited for us to see in this upcoming season?”

      For you guys to see it, I think you’re going to love it!!!

      bambamfans writes: “Thanks Zoie for responding to our questions. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed your performance as the Android and what she’s brought to the Raza crew. I loved the stunts, the accents & I’m fascinated with the way you speak in the role. I hope one day you’re invited to an Aussie convention, test out the accent.

      1. I realise you can’t speak yet regarding the Android’s exciting arc and perhaps even physical appearance in Season 2 for spoiler reasons. Could you share your reaction when Joe and Paul shared what they had in mind for the Android or when you read the first script?”

      I love all of Joe and Paul’s ideas for my character. It may sound like I’m just saying that but it’s really true. These guys know exactly what they’re doing and every time they tell me what they have in store my reaction is “wow, you’re brilliant”.

      “2. Is there a member of the cast that you didn’t have many solo scenes with in Dark Matter Season 1 that you’d like to have a scene with and why?”

      Well I don’t often have solo scenes with many of the other cast members. I had several with “Five” in season one and really enjoyed that and I’d happily welcome solo scenes with any of them. Each of the actors brings something really special to their character so it’s so much fun to have a real moment with them from time to time.

      “3. Have you ever said you had a particular skill to get a job and then had to perform it? If so, what was the skill?”

      Ha, well early on in my acting career I think I said I could do anything anyone asked me if I could do. “Miniature carvings out of tree bark? Yes absolutely, of course I can.” But you do have to be careful because if they’re asking, it’s likely because you’re going to need to actually do it.

      Audrey E. writes: “First of all, THANK YOU Jo’ and Zoie for this wonderful opportunity !
      – Also, Jo’ talked about a new outfit for the Androïd this season ? What do you think of it ?”

      I really like the new outfit for The Android, but I also miss the old one sometimes. T hey each have a very different vibe to them and inform the character quite a bit.

      Melissa writes: “1 question: Will you marry me?”

      Yes, sure.

      Michelle writes: “So question for Zoie, when she’s at the console typing does she ever type out sentences to see if anyone is paying attention?”

      I do type out sentences and I have this slightly paranoid theory that the keyboards are actually hooked up to printers that are always on and are printing every random thing I type in some room somewhere that’s hooked up to twitter or something and there’s some account somewhere where everyone can log on and see it all. Member how I mentioned paranoid? Yeah.

      seaskycafetriste writes: I am glad that I went to Philadelphia to meet you.
      Q3: in the real world, if you have the capability of the Android, which skill you want the most? And what will you do with this skill?”

      In my life I’m very emotional, very sensitive and can’t shut that off. In part it’s very useful for my chosen career but it would be nice to have the rational of an Android sometimes. I’m sure many people would relate to that, just to make decisions based on reason and not emotion. I don’t think I would really want to live that way, but it might be nice sometimes.

      adherentbodhi writes: “@ZoiePalmer are you excited that DM is aired in Taiwan and Asia?”

      I think it’s great anywhere Dark Matters airs! I think it’s such a fun show and I really hope it’s enjoyed everywhere!

      Alicia writes: “Is the Android forever learning, like any AI? Which would mean that the more time she spends with the crew, the more she understands them and their feelings. She doesn’t need to literally feel to actually understand what feelings are. So will she become way more “empathetic” I guess in a way, for this new season? It would only make sense for an AI to explore deeper and deeper.”

      This is a wonderful question. I do believe The Android is always learning, I do believe she “evolves” so to speak and figures out each situation she’s in from other things she’s learned from the past, from the other crew members etc. In terms of whether or not she’ll become more empathetic – hmmmm, we may just have to wait and see.

      Carl writes: “For Zoie,
      1. You worried way too much about that pesky other android, you are way more interesting and more attractive for it.”

      That’s very kind of you Carl. I will try to remember that

      “2. How do you express so much with your movements and expressions as subdued as they are?”

      Again thank you. It’s a challenge definitely and one I’m still working on. This character is great in that the more I play her the more I’m learning about how to play her. It’s a first for me in a lot of ways to play such a character so just as The Android learns about people and things, so do I about the character and how she works.

      “3. Have we seen the end of the alternate/copy of you that was diagnosing you? Please don’t let her come back and wipe you out!”

      Hmmm, you mean The Red Android. She is scary isn’t she? She’s sooooooo, well, Android like. I’m not sure we’ve entirely seen the last of her just yet????

      CathyL writes: “Hiya, so glad to be able to ask Zoie questions. 1. Did Joe follow up on his promise to Cloverblob to have her in S2?”

      This is a question for Cloverblob’s representatives. I know nothing of this.

      2. Since you play The Android, do you prefer Android phones over IPhones?

      Ha! I own an iPhone.

      3. What kind of music does The Android like most, I’m guessing Techno.”

      I think The Android is partial to classical music.

      Ranae writes: “My question is did it require a lot of takes when the jealous android spoke with several different accents? I can’t watch that scene without cracking up? Your portrayal of the android is so fun and engaging.”

      Thanks very much! That was such a fun scene for me to do. I have to say, I was actually quite nervous because I had to do them all in one take. I couldn’t mess up any of the accents, so I was nervous. It’s hard to flip from accent to accent so I wasn’t entirely sure I could pull it off. I was lucky and it worked out, but it was definitely a really fun moment for me.

      Sandy writes: “Questions for Zoie…
      1. If the Android were to meet Dr. Lauren Lewis (aside from noticing the physical resemblance hee) what kind of interactions do you think they have… would their be lots of scientific curiosity?”

      I think Dr. Lauren Lewis would be both fascinated with and protective of The Android. I think she’d want to learn everything she could about her but also she’d feel like she had a responsibility to be ethical with The Android and to make sure nobody mis-treated her. I imagine Dr. Lauren would keep The Android a secret for quite a long time.

      “2. What do you like to do during your downtime while filming on set?”

      I read the next scripts. I get on my phone and chat to friends. I eat and eat and eat. I hang out with the rest of the cast, or with Joe or with Ivon, or anyone else who’ll hang out with me. Just about anything is what I do.

      “3. If you weren’t an actor what would you passionately pursue?”

      I’m not sure really. I only know I definitely couldn’t sit in an office all day. I’d likely do something with animals. I just know that whatever I do in life, it needs to have some freedom involved. I’m not the kind of personality who could sit in a building at a desk. It’s just not in my nature.

      Lily writes: “Questions for Zoie:
      1) What is the typical lead time of receiving the script for an episode prior to shooting?”

      It’s different from show to show, but typically a few days to a week. Joe and Paul are very good to us and get us the scripts as soon as possible.

      “2) Have you ever consider leaving the bar-code tattoo on your neck to see how the public react when off set?”

      I never take the barcode off at the end of a shoot day. I just go home with it on and take it off there. And yes, I have absolutely forgotten it’s on and found myself in the grocery store with a lot of people staring at me. As it’s a tattoo I forget it’s there and all of a sudden I’m wondering why I’m getting a lot of weird looks.

      “3) Does the Android sleep, recharge, or neither?”

      You may just find out that very thing this season. Or you might not. But you might….. you know, maybe.

      Angela Merry Pavlica writes: “Do you have a middle name? If so would you tell us fans what it is?”

      Sure my middle name is “Ann” which means that my initials spell ZAP.

      Ttlypalmerised writes:
      What motivates/inspires Zoie Palmer to be such a beautiful human being inside out?”

      That’s a very kind thing to say. I have been so very lucky in my life. I had the good fortune of being born in a great country and then coming to yet another great country full of opportunities. I have wonderful parents who taught me about the kind of person I want to be in this world. It was very important to them that I treat others, whoever they may be, with respect and kindness and I’m very grateful to them for that. You don’t get anywhere on your own in this world and that’s no different for me. I had a lot of help to get where I am and so I’m just trying to spread it around a bit. There a lot of people in this world that do a whole lot more than I. I’m just trying to do my part

      Dallas Marshall writes: “Zoie – Dogs, cats, both, other?”

      Them alllllll. I love animals. All animals.

      LC writes: “1) What made you audition for DM and the android?”

      I thought it was a great part on a great show with great people. Was kind of an easy decision to throw my hat in the ring.

      ceresis64 writes: “1) What is your favourite genre of music?

      I don’t have a favourite kind of music, I like it all. Well not literally it all but I like all genres.

      2) What is your favourite song?

      I’m not sure I have a favourite, but I very much like “You don’t know me” – by Ray Charles.

      3) Which song would you say describes you?”

      “You don’t know me” – by Ray Charles????

      A BIG thanks to Zoie Palmer for taking the time to field a slew of questions!

      Now, it’s Melanie Liburd’s turn! Post your questions for Dark Matter’s Nyx Harper in the comments section.
      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


        July 8, 2016

        Video: Dark Matter "Episode 15: Kill Them All" exclusive clip

        Photos: Dark Matter

        Tonight! Things are going to get crazy on Hyperion-8!

        “Episode 15: Kill Them All!”

        A sneak peek at Commander Shaddick (includes a teaser clip from tonight’s episode!)

        The Android zings SIX in another Exclusive clip at

        And one more exclusive clip – an actual blog exclusive!


        I talk about the season 2 premiere with Kelly Townsend of TVJunkies.

        Anthony Lemke talks about the season 2 premiere with Kelly Townsend of TVJukies.

        Melissa O’Neil talks about season 2 with GeekTown.

        Jeff Teravainem on Lt. Anders with Kelly Townsend of TVJunkies.

        I reveal “secrets” behind the show to Michael Idato of the Sydney Morning Herald.

        Melissa reveals all things Dark Matter with PureFandom.

        TWO, SIX & Nyx Part 1 via Tom Gardiner of ThreeIfBySpace.

        TWO, SIX & Nyx Part 2 via Tom Gardiner of ThreeIfBySpace.

        Melissa talks TWO with SciFiandTVTalks’s Steve Eramo.


        Baz Greenland at TheDigitalFix:

        Welcome to Your New Home plays the fine line between reintroducing audience to these characters and establishing a new plot thread for season two.

        Aaron Billingham of KneelBeforeblog:

        We were told to look out for it putting the Dark in Dark Matter, that no-one is safe and that there will be a lot more world building. So far I’m definitely happy with the last two and I’d say there’s been a fair ol’ stab at the first one too.


        Broken Fellowship in Five Slices

        Patricia Bertrand at WormholeRider:

        Titled, Welcome To Your New Home, the new place is not exactly all that welcoming.

        Informative AND fun:

        Andrew Liptak tells us –

        How Dark Matter went from graphic novel to Syfy hit

        The A.V. Club’s Kyle Fowle considers –

        Syfy’s Progressive New Frontier

        Syfy offers you the opportunity to –

        Go backstage at an intergalactic prison!

        The sim yard scenes were shot on one of the coldest days of the year…

        And other fun facts about “Episode 14: Welcome To Your New Home”

        FilmSchoolRejects’ Allison Bigelow suggests –

        You Should Give Syfy’s Dark Matter A Chance

        A reminder that I’ll be live-tweeting tonight from my dedicated Dark Matter account: @DarkMatter_show when episode 2 airs – 7 pm PDT, 10 pm EDT.

        And another reminder to get your questions in for the lovely Melanie Liburd, Dark Matter’s Nyx Harper! Just post them in the comments section and I’ll deliver them for ya!
        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


          July 9, 2016

          Photos: Dark Matter

          “Episode 15: Kill Them All”.

          Last night’s episode answered a few questions, one of the chiefest being “Which dog picture matched up with episode 2”. Well, now you have your answer.

          A few behind-the-scenes tidbits on the episode…

          The part of Alicia Reynaud (the corporate wheeler-dealer who, off the top of the episode, takes an unusual interest in our FIVE, aka Das, aka Emily Kolburn) is played by Lost Girl alumna Inga Cadranel – and there’s a great story about her casting. When we started auditions for the role, we received a link to the first round talent, a few self-tapes (from those who weren’t able to come in), and, as always, a couple of “offer only” demos off the top. The latter is pretty much what you’d guess – more seasoned actors submitting for the role who feel they’re at a place in their respective careers where they’ll only consider certain roles if they’re offered sans the need to audition. Before this particular part, I can’t ever remember casting someone off a demo, always preferring instead to go with someone who has taken the time to learn the lines and give it a go. In this case, however, the individuals who came in for this role weren’t quite right and so we took the rare step of watching the demos. One actress’s demo reel wasn’t all that impressive EXCEPT for a terrific performance in one scene. “She’s great!”I said. “Really?”asked Vanessa. “No, not her,”I said, dismissing the woman who’s demo we were watching. “Her!” indicating the woman she happened to be acting opposite of…Inga Cadranel who got the part off of SOMEBODY ELSE’S demo reel!

          P.S. Note her bearded right-hand man, Hughes. Why do I mention the fact that he’s bearded. Oh, I don’t know…

          When it came time for the fans to choose the title for this episode, they were given three choices – all lines of dialogue from the script. There was “Hello, Pumpkin.”, which Alicia Reynaud uses to refer to FIVE at the end of our tease, “Your Extra Pillows And A Hug Goodbye,” which was Nyx’s line when she’s trying to pitch our crew on why they should allow her to throw in with them, and the eventual winner “Kill Them All” which, as it turns out, is one of the most surprising lines of dialogue in the episode given who utters the phrase.

          This episode was directed by cast and crew (and producer) favorite Bruce McDonald who directed season one’s Episode 7 guest-starring Ruby Rose as Wendy the android. Bruce’s low-key, easygoing nature always translates to a fun, relatively stress-free onset experience.

          Bruce takes over Warden Treihan’s office to study his shot list over lunch.

          Bruce in action.

          Directing the pivotal FIVE/SIX scene.

          Setting up the FOUR-gets-clocked shot.

          Framing the Android.

          Eavesdropping on the conspiring inmates.

          Taking out the trash.

          Also making an appearance in this episode is one of my favorite recurring characters (and recurring actresses), Commander Truffault played by Torri Higginson. And, as usual, Torri tears it up. She and Anthony were having so much fun in the visitation scene that, if you’d watched the director’s cut, you’d probably be shipping them. Don’t know if THREEfault will ever be a thing, but there’s no denying the terrific onscreen chemistry between the two.

          What’s all the more amazing is that the Truffault character was originally written to appear in three episodes in season 1 – introduced in Episode 2 as an unlikely ally, returning to engage the crew in an op in Episode 10, and then dying on Iriden-3 after accepting delivery of the white hole bomb in Episode 11. Unfortunately – or, should I say FORTUNATELY for all involved – Torri had a scheduling conflict for that final episode. After being wowed by her performance in that first episode, I suggested to Torri that we NOT make it work and, instead, look ahead to potentially revisiting the character in season 2. Which we do – here in this episode and…a couple of more times before season’s end

          A reminder that you have one more day to post your questions for The Raza’s newest crew member, Nyx Haper – Melanie Liburd!
          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



            July 10, 2016

            Video: Dark Matter review season 2 episode 2

            Photos: Dark Matter

            Whew! Some great responses to Dark Matter’s second episode “Kill Them All”:

            Loss Of Innocence – Aimee Hicks at SpoilerTV

            “Dark Matter knows how to capture attention and enthrall its audience, which is precisely what they did with the season premiere. The show wasted no time gearing back up to full speed and that pace doesn’t appear to be letting up anytime soon.”

            There’s A New Kid In Town – Tom Gardiner at ThreeIfBySpace

            ” Now that we’ve established the basics of the situation, episode 202 was free to run wild. And it did. And it was fun.”

            Veronica Scott recaps season 2, episode 2 of both ‘Killjoys’ and ‘Dark Matter’ – at USAToday

            “I wish my two favorite Syfy shows weren’t back to back, so much goodness packed into one evening!”

            New enemies, possible allies, and challenges for the Raza’s imprisoned crew – Cort Robinson at PureFandom

            “Oh, boy. This season is shaping up to be one wild ride.”

            Shocker Times Two – Michael Knox-Smith at Mike’sFilmTalk

            “Season two continues to be a rollicking roller coaster ride of reveals and close calls. ”

            The Dark Matter Raza Crew Try a Jail Break – Together – Justin Andress at Inverse

            “After last season saw the team crumble under the weight of suspicion and paranoia, the team has finally gotten their collective head on straight, which is pretty satisfying. Especially when it leads to the kind of intricately plotted action scenes that make up the third act of the episode.”

            This show strikes the perfect balance of being kept guessing while not becoming frustrated by stories that don’t move forward. – Michael Ahr at DenOfGeek

            Dark Matter “Kill Them All” is where this season starts to kick off. – Jideobi Odunze at GeekedOutNation

            Last night’s episode was jam-packed with plenty of action and an opportunity for each of the main characters to shine… – Ruben at TVEquals

            We’re only two episodes in and we’ve already been granted the death of a core character, an AI killing spree, a prison break and more. – Christopher Hart at TheNerdRecites

            Kill Them All was the kind of episode we’ve come to expect from this great series; action packed, full of mysteries, twists, and turns, and suspense. – Craig Suide at SciFiMoviePage

            I’m continually fascinated by the lengths this show will go and how it overlaps its concurrent plots, peaking and dipping when the times are right. – Sahurai at BladeOfTheSashurai

            This episode gave each of the members of the crew a chance to shine… – Kathleen Wiedel at TVFanatic

            Only time will tell… – Elise Koszarek at Nerdophiles

            Anna and Josh at GeekSiders

            Tonight, catch the Dark Matter after-show discussion with @yaeltygiel and @TauriJay LIVE on @afterbuzztv at 7 pm PDT/10 pm EST!

            So, what’d you all think?
            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



              July 11, 2016

              Video: Dark Matter

              Photos: Dark Matter

              So, now that U.K. viewers are on board, let’s continue our look back at the behind-the-scenes goings-on of Dark Matter “Episode 15: Kill Them All”!

              Ah, yes. Awesome to have Torri Higginson back as Truffault in deliciously Machiavellian fashion. Love her performance, her attitude, her style! As I mentioned in a previous blog entry, the director’s cut of Truffault’s sit-down with THREE was decidedly more…uh…chemistry-laden. So much so that I coined the term THREEfault for potential shippers. Meanwhile, AfterBuzz’s Yael Tygiel is spearheading Twyx shipdom. Other shipdoms of potential note include Thryx, Twee, Nyxon, Andrax and, of course, Foix.

              A lot of things had to fall into place for our anti-heroes’ escape plant to work, and one of the most crucial pieces of the puzzle was the layout of Hyperion-8 relayed to THREE by their sometimes ally Commander Delaney Truffault (P.S. I completely forgot she even had a first name and when one recent review mentioned “Delaney” I was like “Who the hell is Delaney?”). THREE heads back to Gen Pop and eventually transfers the image in his head to the bed frame. Sure, it looked easy, but that one little sequence was fraught with persnickety details. We needed to test and find the right drawing material that wouldn’t smudge with repeated takes. The actual layout went through a half dozen versions until we could find one we could all agree on (The one pictured above wasn’t even the final version we used). And, of course, there was a big debate over whether THREE should use lipstick (as scripted) or one of those makeup pencils which, realistically, would work better. I decided to go with lipstick because it felt a little more MacGyver. And, anyway, would THREE even know what an eyebrow pencil was? After much back and forth, the simple shot of the lipstick map was shot weeks after main unit on the episode had wrapped. But, boy, was it worth it!

              Ah, the magic of television!

              The part of Inspector Lee Shaddick of the Galactic Authority’s Serious Crimes Division was played by veteran actress (Run Lola Run, The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy, The Shield, Copper, The Bridge) Franka Potente who, not only guested in this two-episode arc, but did a BUNCH of greatly-appreciated press for the show. A LOT of international press!

              The part of prison boss Arax Nero was played by longtime fan (and Joseph Mallozzi) favorite Mike Dopud who, to date, I have cast in practically every show I’ve ever done. How’s that for a vote of confidence? He was perfect for this particular role…because I actually wrote it FOR him! And, as always, Mike delivers a flawless performance.

              Enter Misaki Han. And what an entrance it is! If there was one minor quibble Executive Producer Jay Firestone had with this episode, it was that Misaki intro was too damn short! And I agree with him.

              The role of Misaki Han, Commander of the Royal Guard of Ishida (replacing poor, ill-fated Masahide Akita), is played by the lovely Ellen Wong – who, incidentally, like Mike Dopud, I’d been dying to cast since the show’s first season. And she is perfect, conveying a character alternately strong, extremely capable, and slightly unhinged. Those of you who enjoyed a glimpse of Han Shireikan are in for a treat later this season. Some other characters who cross her path…not so much.

              The “Episode 15: Kill Them All” Recap at

              Dark Matter “Episode 15: Kill Them All”: Fun Facts at

              Dark Matter Backstage: Alex Mallari Jr. shows us the fine art of starting a prison riot at
              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                July 12, 2016

                Video: Dark Matter

                Photos: Dark Matter

                Okay, finishing up our BTS look at Dark Matter “Episode 15: Kill Them All”.

                So, back in 2015, we did a photo gallery shoot for the show’s first season. While waiting for her turn under the hot lights, actress Jodelle Ferland was just hanging around so I handed her Bubba and told her to strike a pose.

                She did. A whole whack of ’em!

                And I remember deciding, right there and then, that if we got a second season, I would expressly write a scene in which FIVE lugs Bubba down a corridor, swings around, and blasts someone.

                And so, some four months later, when the opportunity arose to put the big gun in her little hands, I took it!

                Before she even got to Bubba, however, there was a matter of getting her out of that room. A couple of things about the “Kill Them All” scene. First, I was strongly urged to have her drop the line in favor of the less controversial: “Take them out.”, but I couldn’t imagine our little FIVE using the term. Yes, admittedly, “Kill them all” feels pretty bonkers for our adorable ship’s mascot, but that WAS the point. Also, in retrospect, “Take Them Out” would’ve made a terrible title.

                Second, the director’s cut contained a little something extra that didn’t make final version. After overseeing the Android’s torture, threatening the crew, slapping FIVE, and then pulling a gun on her, Shaddick ends up on the floor, bleeding. She looks up at our Android and says: “F*^k you, robot.” And the Android pulls the trigger. Now, I was fully expecting a portion of the line to get bleeped, but thought it the perfect cherry on the proverbial sundae. But there was vehement disagreement about the line – which was too bad. It would have made for another memorable little surprise.

                One more review, this one from Jessica Anson at MyMBUZZ:

                There’s something for everyone here! If you like action scenes, you got ’em. If you like space politics, you’ve got that. Sword fights? Yup. Giant guns? Them too. It’s an episode spilling over with content.

                And I leave you with a little something from an upcoming episode that came my via Dark Matter VFX Supervisor Lawren Bancroft-Wilson. The Witness Droid was designed Jeff Bartzis and overseen by FuseFx’s Shawn Hillier who, along with his team, created the awesome 3D turntable display…
                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                  July 13, 2016

                  Videos: Dark Matter 2x03 "I’ve Seen The Other Side Of You" promo + sneak peek

                  Photos: Dark Matter

                  While laying low on the Raza, a computer glitch causes the crew to turn against each other.

                  Oooh. Sounds ominous.

                  I’m not going to say much about this episode because I don’t want to spoil the surprises in store, but suffice it to say it’s one of my favorite episodes of the show’s second season.

                  The story’s unique premise allows two different groups to shine in totally different ways: the old guard vs the new order.

                  And, as is always the case in Dark Matter, events in this episode will influence future storylines, so pay close attention!

                  A few sneak peek previews:

                  Dark Matter Preview: Identity Crisis by Kelly Townsend at TheTVJunkies

                  “I’ve Seen the Other Side of You” Sneak Peek by Tom Gardiner at ThreeIfBySpace

                  And some thoughts on season 2 so far…

                  “Kill Them All” is a title that by itself promises to put the dark in Dark Matter, one of the three things we were told to expect in season 2. – by Aaron Billingham at Kneel Before Blog

                  Dark Matter 2.2 Raza Crew Assemble at Black Girl Nerds

                  Dark Matter certainly seems to have stepped things up a gear with its second season by Baz Greenland at The Digital Fix

                  What You Can’t Unsee by Agasicles Stamas at GWW

                  Some solid acting performances and a fantastic prison riot make for a fun watch by Ian Cullen at SciFi Pulse

                  Is [Spoiler] Really Dead? by Jen Stayrook at The Workprint

                  Dark Matter’s Joseph Mallozzi Goes Dark Season 2 by Greg David at TVEh?
                  The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                    July 14, 2016

                    Photos: Dark Matter

                    Director Bruce McDonald, Stunt Coordinator John Stead, and their fellow miscreants on Hyperion-8.

                    Tomorrow night’s instalment of Dark Matter, “Episode: 16: I’ve Seen the Other Side of You” sees a welcome return to the friendly environs of the good ship Raza. Until all hell breaks loose but, still, nice to be back in familiar surroundings.

                    I won’t be live-tweeting the episode BUT – on Akemi’s persistent insistence – I will be doing a live Periscope after the show. That’s right! Come find me on twitter after the episode airs (7 pm PDT, 10 pm EDT) – @BaronDestructo . Bring snacks!

                    But first, here’s a treat for you. The Mikkei shuttle…

                    Mikkei shuttle concepts from FuseFx. FuseFX Supervisor Shawn Hillier. Dark Matter VFX Supervisor Lawren-Bancroft Wilson requested some slight adjustments that are reflected in the revised version:

                    Mighty damn gorgeous, no?
                    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                      July 15, 2016

                      Videos: Dark Matter “Episode 16: I’ve Seen the Other Side of You” preview

                      Photos: Dark Matter

                      Yes, Dark Matter is back tonight with an all-new instalment: “Episode 16: I’ve Seen the Other Side of You”. Pictured above: the dog-themed pic that accompanies the episode. I mean, come on. Think of the title. This one was a little easier than the rest.

                      The all-new episode airs tonight – 7 pm PDT/10 pm EDT. And then join me for a post-episode Periscope by finding me on twitter @BaronDestructo.

                      Those of you who were around may remember that fans were given the opportunity to vote for the title to tonight’s episode, choosing from among three candidates…

                      “Fourteen Months” and “Shields. Engines. Weapons. It’s an incredible rush.” are snippets of dialogue that will figure into tonight’s episode somewhere. Watch for them!

                      A little preview of tonight’s episode from TVGoodness:

                      It might be our favorite hour of Dark Matter so far

                      A little preview to whet your appetite…

                      Okay, okay. One more…

                      And, while I’ve got your attention, let me direct you to Steve Eramo’s latest interview with Dark Matter’s THREE, Anthony Lemke:

                      The Good, The Bad And The (Not So) Ugly – Interview with Dark Matter’s Anthony Lemke

                      While Kenneth Chaw’s Star 2 chats with Dark Matter’s TWO, Melissa O’Neil:

                      Dark Matter star Melissa O’Neil happy she tried something new

                      See you online at at 8 pm PDT/11 pm EDT!
                      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                        July 16, 2016

                        Video: Geeksiders review: Dark Matter - Season 2 Episode 3

                        Photos: Dirk Gently’s Holisitic Detective Agency, Blindspot, Arrow

                        I want to start off today’s blog entry by simply stating how bull**** home printers have become. Today, I was unable to print up a copy of my new script because my HP printer needed to have its magenta cartridge replaced. Magenta?!! Seriously. I only require one color for all of my printing needs. Black. That’s it! NOT magenta! NOT yellow! And certainly NOT cyan, whatever the hell THAT is. And the fact that they’ve designed printers NOT to print if the color cartridges run low due to evaporation brought on by year’s of disuse is absolutely galling! Let it be known that, in the Dark Matter universe, HP executives were exiled to a barren moon in the Adhara sector for their shady product practices, only to be forgotten by a disinterested populace. When someone finally remembered them (“Hey, remember those guys who used to make the printers that would stop printing every time one of their little-used color ink reserves would tap out?”), a rescue shuttle was promptly sent only to discover the remains of the HP brain trust, their remains as desiccated as the innards of my cyan printer cartridge. Consider it canon.

                        Hey, what’s up with some of my former Stargate co-workers? Well, glad you asked…

                        Former Stargate Showrunner (and SGA and SGU co-creator) Robert C. Cooper is an Executive Producer on the forthcoming Dirk Gently’s Holisitic Detective Agency for Netflix.

                        Former Stargate Executive Producer (and Dark Matter Consulting Producer) Martin Gero is show running NBC’s Blindspot and is directing its season 2 premiere (which he also wrote!).

                        Former Stargate stunt coordinator James “Bam Bam” Bamford has been busy on Arrow. In addition to fight coordinator duties, he’s also directing episodes as well – most recently the first two episodes of the show’s fifth season.

                        Meanwhile, on the Dark Matter front, some thoughts on “Episode 16: I’ve Seen the Other Side of You”…

                        Dark Matter Season 2: Is Five the Reason for the Raza’s Change of Heart by Justin Andress at Inverse

                        In every chapter of forming a family, there’s always the fear that who someone once was will creep back and destroy the ties that bind in the present…by Sashurai at Blade of the Sashurai

                        It has been said that we all have two sides of ourselves. The side we are in private and the side we show to those around us. On last night’s episode of Dark Matter, this took on a whole new meaning… by Rueben at TV Equals

                        Little Green-Haired Girl by Katie at Three If By Space

                        A big episode for the crew, though most importantly Five who continues to grow the most as the heart of this cast of characters…by Jodeobi Odunze at Geeked Out Nation

                        Something profound happened at the end of this episode, and I really don’t think it was given enough focus… by Kathleen Wiedel at TV Fanatic

                        It was great to have Five at the center of the narrative, though, with her unwavering belief that her friends should all want to be who they’ve become after the mind-wipe… by Michael Ahr at Den of Geek

                        Just because someone can’t remember the past doesn’t mean it didn’t leave an everlasting impact on them…by Aimee Hicks at Spoiler TV

                        One tiny mystery solved, but of course the bigger ones remain... by Veronica Scott at Happily Ever After

                        Clearly, we knew this in theory, but it is something to behold actually seeing them in action…by Cort Robinson at Pure Fandom

                        Now that most of the crew of the Raza are reunited aboard their ship, you’d assume things could slowly return to normal… not yet at least… by Elise Koszarek

                        Reboot by Michael Knox-Smith at Mike’s Film Talk

                        Anna and Josh of Geeksiders weigh in with their thoughts:

                        And my weekly post-episode discussion with The TV Junkies’ Kelly Townsend:

                        Dark Matter: Joseph Mallozzi Talks “I’ve Seen the Other Side of You”.

                        Jodelle and Anthony chat with TV Goodness:

                        Anthony Lemke and Jodelle Ferland Talk Dark Matter Season 2
                        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                          July 17, 2016

                          Photos: Joe Mallozzi, Dark Matter

                          Yeeeeah! Who’s joining me on the Atlantis expedition?!

                          Oof. You know what I hate? Writing. Especially when I’ve been sitting on the same scene for going on three days. THREE DAYS! If I can just forge ahead, get it done and then, hopefully, tear through these last ten or so pages, I can actually take day off and NOT WRITE…which, frankly, is what I’ve been doing these past three days except that, instead of reading or watching something, I’ve just been staring at my laptop screen.

                          I’ve been reviewing some of my fave time loop movies and t.v. episodes with Akemi lately. We started with Groundhog Day (which she found dated and I didn’t love as much on the re-view), then move on to Run Lola Run (she LOVED IT, as did I just as much on the re-view), SG-1’s “Window of Opportunity” (she found Rick’s performance somewhat…disinterested, while I felt the episode showed some age), and SGU’s “Time” (which she found confusing but compelling, and an episode I still consider one of the best time-travel stories we ever did. Kudos to Robert C. Cooper). Lined up for future viewing: Star Trek: The Next Generation “Cause and Effect”, Buffy the Vampire Slayer “Life Serial”, The X-Files “Monday”, Angel “Time Bomb”, Lois & Clark “Twas the Night Before Myxomas”, Smallville “Reckoning”, Dr. Who – various, Farscape “Back and Back and Back to the Future”, and about a dozen more.

                          Dark Matter “Episode 16: I’ve Seen the Other Side of You” recaps, reactions, and reviews:

                          When this show is over and looked back upon, we feel that this week’s episode will stand out as one of the most memorable and crucial episodes… by Christopher Hart at The Nerd Recites

                          Dark Matter: It’s Two vs. Five in “I’ve Seen the Other Side of You” by Jen Stayrook at The Workprint.

                          It turns out that the crew’s memories aren’t gone after all, which Five had to learn the hard way… by Leaf Miranda at The Young Folks

                          Wait, what? by Siobhan Dempsey at Word of the Nerd Online


                          Season 2 Episode 3 Fun Facts!

                          What’s the Deal with the Crystal Tower?

                          You remember the crystal tower, dontcha?
                          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                            July 18, 2016

                            Photo: Anthony Lemke, Bubba

                            We watched the first two episodes of Netflix’s Stranger Things last night. I’m enjoying it so far and really, REALLY hoping that all of these cool narrative elements come together and make sense in the end. Akemi, on the other hand, was freaked-out. “Is this horror?”she asked as the frightened scientist ran through the flickering corridors in the opening.

                            “No,”I said. “It’s science fiction.”

                            “Are you sure?”she asked after the scientist met his fate.

                            “It’s science fiction,”I insisted.

                            And then, throughout the first episode, Akemi: “It’s horror.” “I think it’s horror.” “This not science fiction. Horror!”

                            We usually watch a single episode of something before bedtime but she was so unnerved she suggested we watch a second episode that would answer some of the first’s eerie questions. So we did. And got more eerie questions. She would have stayed up for a third but she was exhausted. Before drifting off to sleep she informed me: “I might have to turn on the light to go to the bathroom tonight. And wake you up.” Thankfully, she didn’t.

                            This morning she woke up, still weirded out by the show. “I can’t sleep last night,”she told me. “I worried that you disappear. So I kept touching you to make sure you’re still here. But you seem to not like it.”

                            Being touched while I’m trying to sleep? Of course I’m not going to like it!

                            Hey, look who dropped by to spend time with the original Bubba. Yes, it’s t.v.’s Anthony Lemke “(“Le Monkey”to Akemi), into town for a couple of days before heading to San Diego for Comic Con.

                            Hey, if you have any questions about the last episode, “I’ve Seen the Other Side of You”, post ’em. I’m long overdue for a mailbag and will try to field your questions over the next couple of days. But one that has come up:

                            Sandy Pahl asks: “Why didn’t Two, Three and Four question where One & Six were after regaining their memories?”

                            Answer: The fact that only Portia Lin, Marcus Boone, and Ryo Ishida’s neural imprints flashed up suggests that when the crew first created this fall-back strategy (in the event the Android was incapacitated), Jace Corso and Griffin Jones were not part of the team.
                            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                              July 19, 2016

                              Late last night, we learned of the passing of Nola “Nolamom” Shingledecker, a longtime Stargate fan, recent Dark Matter fan, and a member of this blog’s community since the very beginning. Her friend and fellow San Antonian, baterista9, forwarded the following:

                              “This is a very hard post to write…On July 12, 2016 my wife passed away in her sleep. This has been a difficult time for the whole family…I want to thank those who have helped with their words of support…I have tried to contact everyone who’s numbers I have. I hope this post will reach those I have been unable to call…She was a teacher at Taft High School in NISD for 20 years and her passing will impact this district greatly…She got her degree and master degree from UTSA and became a full time teacher in 1999. She was so excited about the upcoming year’s classes. As per her request, her remains were sent to Texas State University to further educate students in the field of Forensics…She was a very good person and there is not enough space to cover the positive impact she made during her life…She will be missed…”

                              This morning, I went through Nola’s posts dating back to December of 2006 and noted how much of her personality came through in those comments, and how well we got to know her over these many years. Often, it’s the small strokes that paint the bigger picture…

                              She had a BA and an MA in history.

                              She was married to an architectural designer for 45 years.

                              She loved dogs, especially yorkies, and was incredibly supportive of my Maximus and Jelly through their various health issues and final days.

                              She loved pecans, berries, lobster, clam chowder, spaetzle with tenderloin, wild boar sausages (which she made after her husband’s hunting trips), Hungarian food, prawns, souffle, dim sum, shish kebab, a good Philly cheesesteak, and the Kahlua truffles her daughter would make (especially for her!) at Christmas but…

                              She hated beets after polishing off a bowl of them as a child. Also, not a fan of turkey sausage, melons, San Antonio summers, networking, zombies, or internet trolls.

                              She was a big fan Anne McCaffrey, the original Willy Wonka (showing clips to her economics classes to illustrate the factors of production: Oompaloompas as labor and Willie as entrepreneur), Star Trek: The Original Series (using the episode “Charlie X” to illustration the socialization process, or lack thereof, to her sociology class), Gary Larson’s The Far Side, and her Dallas Cowboys.

                              She eschewed gift cards (which she considered cop-outs) in favor of good old-fashioned personal shopping for the ones on her list.

                              She was a self-avowed “sportscar person” who would often tell her economics students that, if she were rich, she would have a Lamborghini.

                              And some of the comments she left on this blog that really gave us a sense of who she was:

                              “Everyone should know the name of the custodian who cleans their office (or in my case, classroom) and treat them with the same respect that they treat their boss. ”

                              “One of the best things you can do is to cultivate the people who are least noticed. These are the folks who are unsung, but who may do so much in the long run. I’m a teacher. What does it cost me to get to know the custodial staff? Nothing. Maybe a breakfast taco now and again or a dozen doughnuts a couple times a year. What does it benefit me? Myriad ways – little things like getting the best new pencil sharpener installed the same day as mentioning that my pencil sharpener is lousy…having loads of boxes of paper delivered to the copy room without having to ask (yes, it would seem that this is is given -NOT) Having your classroom given extra attention so that things are dusted and vacuumed regularly (not the case for everyone) And the smiles of all of them – knowing that I acknowledge their hard work which is almost universally unsung. Are these folks ever going to be in a position to help me “on the way up”? Unlikely. Although I did have some cafeteria ladies talk to the principal about how they’d like to have me as an administrator.

                              Everyone in an organization contributes to the end product, no matter how humble their job. If a person wants to make their workload lighter (in the long-run obviously) be kind to EVERYONE who makes your job possible.”

                              “Akemi did a lovely job on the beef – it’s the oven’s fault if it’s not done enough for you.”

                              “Whatever time Maximus has left he will spend with the one who loves him most, this is important.”

                              “Lovely Thanksgiving here, and my Cowboys win in the last 3 seconds! Excellent food, family and friends and a good game to boot. Today the two grandmas, my daughter, and my granddaughter go for our annual pilgrimage to see the Nutcracker ballet. Tis the season!”

                              “… Talk about a hard candy Christmas! But it was probably our most thankful one – we had much to appreciate in each other and within our family grew stronger.”

                              “It’s been a good Christmas here in South Texas. We had 15 over today for a huge pot of vegetable beef soup and the present exchange. Everything from the youngest 4 year old grandson to my 87 year old mother in law were present and had a good time. It was a bit crazy, but joyous.”

                              “I woke up one more time – each day is a gift.”

                              Donations can also be made in her name to FACTS (Forensic Anthropology Center at Texas State) instead of flowers.

                              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                                July 20, 2016

                                Photos: Dark Matter, Anthony Lemke, Bubba, Lulu

                                Who’s going to San Diego Comic Con? Well, Dark Matter will be there. Thursday, July 21st at 7 pm, join cast members Melissa O’Neil, Anthony Lemke, Alex Mallari Jr., Jodelle Ferland, and Melanie Liburd along with Executive Producer Jay Firestone in Room 60E for the Dark Matter panel.

                                Well, our lodger left us today, bound for San Diego. He’ll be missed – by a couple of the locals in particular…

                                It wasn’t all fun and games though. While here, Akemi put him to work…

                                Meanwhile, local celebrity rag captures celebrity in totally candid shot:

                                Cider house rules!

                                Well, finished a first draft of Episode 301 . I’m going to take a day off, give it a polish, then send it off to Paul and co. for notes, after which I roll right into Episode 303. But FIRST, I need to do a pass on that military SF pilot before sending it out another round of “professional vetting”. P.S. Thanks to Maggie, Ryan, Bob, and Chris, the military vets with an eye for detail – and story!

                                Also, looks like I’ll be L.A.-bound for the last week of August. My new agency wants me to do “the tour”, so I’ll be flying in for fight days of meetings – and meals with (hopefully) my L.A. pals: Martin Gero, Carl Binder, Marc Bendavid, Melanie Liburd, Ellen Wong and Adam.

                                Hey, you know what Friday night is? Yep, it’s SciFi Friday! Killjoys at 6 pm PDT/9 pm ET and Dark Matter at 7 pm PDT/10 pm EDT! It also may mark my last pick at the tweeting/periscoping can. It’s been fun, but twitter and I may be breaking up. Our relationship has hit a rocky patch.

                                Allow me to leave you with some eye candy (work-in-progress!) from our crack visual effects team lead by our tireless VFX Supervisor Lawren Bancroft-Wilson.

                                Screenshots of the Ishida Cruiser in FTL. Original concept design by artist Jon Hrubesch. Modelled by Brendan Morfitt, overseen by VFX Supervisor Shawn Hillier of FuseFX.

                                EOS-7 design by Jeff Bartzis, FuseFX. Visual effects work overseen by VFX Supervisor Shawn Hillier, FuseFX.

                                Tomorrow, promos and previews for Dark Matter “Episode 17: We Were Family”.
                                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread

