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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    February 13, 2016

    Photos: Akemi, Jeff, lunch at WVRST, mead, bourbon, Bubba

    Even though it’s the weekend and we’re not on our sets shooting (for a change), I still can’t quite escape the pull of Dark Matter. I just spent the past two hours reviewing the director’s cut of Episode 204. A very robust director’s cut of 204. I’ve made the easy trims but the next round of cuts are going to get just a little more painful. There’s A LOT going on in this episode and it’ll be a challenge not to lose too many of my darlings.

    Ah, just as well. With the temperature plummeting to record lows for this winter season, I didn’t feel like going out anyway. BUT that didn’t stop Akemi and I from meeting up with our friend Jeff – visiting from Chicago – and hitting the farmer’s market and a sausage-themed restaurant called WVRST for lunch where we sampled five delicious varieties. Well, four delicious varieties plus the weird vegetarian option Akemi ordered.

    My favorite was the barese for 2. Just the right amount of char and Grana Padano cheesiness.

    Jeff, as usual, came bearing gifts. A couple of southern literary items (including an eater’s guide to Savannah) and these two lovely bottles.


    Interesting bottle design.

    And another delightful bourbon to add to my ever-growing collection.

    Akemi managed to find this fashionable hat for Bubba, just in time for the downturn in the weather.

    Another review of Episode 204 tomorrow. But only after a trip to our fave Toronto comic shop The Silver Snail. What’s on YOUR comic list?
    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


      February 14, 2016

      Photo: Heart-shaped omelets, beef and celery

      I celebrated Valentine’s Day today with an afternoon nap. In all fairness, I’ve been feeling under the weather of late, so bad that I even elected to forego my weekly visit to The Silver Snail, our local comic shop. Now THAT is pretty sick. And it didn’t help that this weekend’s weather has been, well, kinda…

      Still, it’s nothing a couple of mugs of hot water, lemon, and manuka honey, a couple of advils, and a lot of doing absolutely nothing won’t fix.

      The dogs enjoyed a special Valentine’s meal, compliments of Akemi:

      Heart-shaped omelets, beef and celery. A far cry from the crusty mushroom-walnut veggie patty I had for lunch (which, incidentally, was in the shape of a patty).

      Think I’ll spend the rest of the evening resting, reading, and feeling guilty about the fact I should be working on that script rewrite.

      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


        February 15, 2016

        Drea writes: “Think we can do another mailbag soon?”

        Answer: Okay, let’s do it!

        arcticgoddess writes: “By the way, it’s that time of year again. The time of year that you decide and let us know whether you will be visiting San Diego Comicon again. So, will you?”

        Answer: No. After my experience at last year’s SDCC, I’ve decided I won’t be going back. In addition to a litany of annoyances, it was, ultimately, a giant waste of my time – time that would be better spent working on scripts for next season.

        shinyhula writes: ” How was the mead, does it taste like you’re drinking honey? ”

        Answer: Er, not quite. More like a slightly turned dessert wine.

        Drea writes: “How’d your final “pants in go Joe? And how is Lulu doing?”

        Answer: May final “pants-in” is still a little over three weeks away, but the suit went from not fitting to barely fitting to fitting uncomfortably to fitting snugly. Progress! As for Lulu, all good although it would seem she’s gotten used to being hand-fed.

        motownfilly writes: “Are you wearing a CRAVAT in that tunnel?!?”

        Answer: Yep. Suit and tie when I’m on set – unless it’s Hamilton in which case I’m in full winter gear. A more relaxed ensemble (suit and no tie) when I’m in prep.

        KathyC writes: “So the Raza gets a new crew member…and loses two? I can see Six not coming back to the crew, since he turned everyone in. But where is Five?”

        Answer: Uh, good question. Where IS FIVE?

        Tam Dixon writes: “Bubba (Akemi’s dog) still healthy as a horse?”

        Answer: Yep. He’s so spry that some people at the park actually mistake him for a puppy.

        Maggie L80 writes: “Where’s Alexander Rook gotten off too? And what about that creep old man with the funky breathing apparatus?”

        Answer: Answers coming your way in season 2!

        ceresis64 writes: “And speaking of official, when will the new cast members be announced?”

        Answer: Well, you already known that Melanie Liburd will be playing the role of Nyx. Casting announcements for the roles of Devon, Arax Nero, and Misaki Han coming soon. Just waiting on the network…

        Star_Climber writes: ” I like the sound of “I’ve Seen The Other Side Of You”. An episode revealing more about the dark past of the Raza crew, their darker side?”

        Answer: Sure sounds like it. I have a feeling this one’s going to be a fan favorite.

        Drea writes: “Hey Joe? Did Ivon Bartok give up on his writing aspirations already??? How come you’re handling his script?”

        Answer: Ivon wrote a great script for Episode 209 but Paul and I do rewrites on each and every script.

        StellaByStargate writes: “Any word yet on when Season 2 airs?”

        Answer: No official premiere date yet but I’d suggest you clear your summer schedule.

        PekkaSteele writes: “So, Joe, Arax Nero is Mike Dopud?”

        Answer: That’s a mighty fine educated guess.

        jimfromjersey writes: “Tehya is gorgeous! Is she Melissa’s?”

        Answer: That she is!
        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


          February 16, 2016

          Yep, it’s that time again. Time for fandom to choose another title – this one for Episode 204. As it turns out, I had a difficult time paring it down to three choices, so you have four to choose from in this round.

          And the nominees are…

          Cast your vote! Tell your friends! Contribute to t.v. history!
          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



            February 17, 2016

            Video: Medical Monitor

            Photos: Dark Matter

            Spent my afternoon in editing with the lovely Wendy Hallam-Martin, working on the John Stead-directed Episode 204. LOTS going on in this one. An alternate title I was going to throw into the mix “Space Station Are Dangerous” didn’t make the cut because it literally did not make the cut. Ah, well. Still, a lot of great contenders to choose from (including Akemi’s favorite, “Hello, Titch”).

            While director Bruce McDonald started shooting Episode 206 this morning, I was starting prep on Episode 207 with a new (to Dark Matter) director. I know him for his work in front of the camera but have heard A LOT of great things about him both personally and professionally. And, if today was any indication, we’ll probably have a slew of great stories to add once this episode wraps.

            Uh oh.

            We had a great visit from the gang at NBCUniversal yesterday. They’ve been nothing but super supportive of Dark Matter and we GREATLY appreciate their genuine love for the show. They’ve been instrumental in helping us break viewership records overseas and, I have no doubt, the best is yet to come.

            A few Shadow variations, compliments of our regular supplier, Victoria Klein. We opted for the darker green.

            Should you be inclined to take a hit, you’re going to need one of these.

            Prep continues tomorrow with back to back to back meetings: Art Department, Costumes, Graphics and Playback. And, of course, more writing.

            The writing never ends.

            Tune in tomorrow for more Dark Matter goodies and the reveal of a brand new episode title. And there’s still time to vote!
            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



              February 18, 2016

              Photos: Dark Matter, poll

              Sure, he’s directing episode 207 but, more importantly, Jason Priestley joined the Dark Matter Whisky/ey Club. He’s a bourbon man.

              I have a feeling we’re going to get along just fine.

              Hey! We have a new episode title! And the final tally on this one wasn’t all that close either.

              So far, we have –

              Episode 14: Welcome To Your New Home

              Episode 15: Kill Them All

              Episode 16: I’ve Seen The Other Side Of You

              Episode 17: We Were Family

              The voting broke down as follows…

              More meetings tomorrow! More writing! More rewriting (and, apparently, re-rewriting!).

              Also, more on-set hijinks!
              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                February 19, 2016

                Photos: Jeff Teravainen, Ivon Bartok, Dark Matter, Joe Mallozzi

                Can I just say how much I enjoy working with this guy? Jeff Teravainen (Lieutenant Anders) is a class act – who totally kills it onscreen. His presence may be bad news for our Raza crew, but always great news for our Dark Matter production crew. Can’t wait for you to see Jeff tear it up in season 2. Until then, you can follow him on twitter @JeffTeravainen

                My partner in on-set crime – and pre and post-production larceny – is the totally awesome Vanesssa Piazza. As an Executive Producer, she oversees all facets of production, from prep to mixes, far before and well beyond. AND (bonus marks) she’s a lot of fun to work with. Without her, there would be no Dark Matter. Follow her on twitter @Vanessa_Piazza_

                He followed me from Vancouver and I stranded him in Toronto. He practically lives on set where, as a Consulting Producer, he oversees quality control. And, occasionally, fends off any bears that happen to wander onto our stage. Follow him @Ivonbartok

                The official Dark Matter twitter account: @dark_matterTV

                And, of course, you know where to find me: @BaronDestructo
                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                  February 20, 2016

                  Photos: Dark Matter, Lulu, Bubba

                  With the start of prep on Episode 208 and the commencement of principal photography on Episode 207, Friday, February 26th, marks the unofficial halfway point in the production of Dark Matter’s second season. On the one hand, I am amazed and delighted that it has gone so quickly and so smoothly to date; on the other hand, I am stunned and slightly unnerved by the fact that we have less than three months to go before wrap. I await internal notes on Episode 208 and am almost finished my pass on Episode 209. Paul is working on Episode 210 this weekend and I have a first draft of Episode 211 sitting on my desktop, awaiting review. I’ve got an outline for 212 and want to get started on the script by next weekend. As for 213, the BIG season finale…well, we’re keeping the details on that one under wraps but suffice it to say if you thought season’s finale was a shocker..

                  Many have asked me “What happens in season 2?” What lies at the heart of the show’s second season?” All I can say is: “Tune in this summer and find out.” But, in the meantime, I’ll just leave this right here…

                  Some of you had questions. And I have answers!

                  KathyC writes: “Question for your next mailbag: are there ever comments you don’t let get posted? I’m sure we are ALL awesome and don’t comment anything inappropriate. Have you had problems in the past with comments, is that why you approve them?”

                  Answer: When I first started this blog, I decided to approve comments because, frankly, at the time I didn’t know what kind of comments I’d be receiving. Over time, I’m glad I did because, moderation requires me to read all the comments, allowing me to get to know my blog regulars. Back when I was on Stargate, there were a few instances where I had to delete some rude or disrespectful comments but nowadays my censorship is limited to the occasional spam message that manages to make its way through the filter.

                  Duptiang writes: “Is Martin Gero going to join you in any capacity for Season 2?”

                  Answer: I wish, but Martin Gero has his hands full with his hit NBC show, Blindspot, which will keep him very busy for the foreseeable future.

                  MaggieL80 writes: “Who is Titch? (I know the reveal is coming)
                  Will the Android be reprogrammed at H-8? Will she finally get a name?
                  Will we find out more about Five’s background & her little gang before she boarded the Raza?
                  Will we ever see Six again?
                  Will One finally tell Three why he thinks he was on the Raza & who he really is?
                  Who is that big eyed Rock & what does he want?”

                  Answers: Titch? All will be revealed in Episode 204. There will definitely be some tinkering on Hyperion-8. The details of FIVE’s background will come to light over time. Oh, we’ll definitely see SIX in the early goings. Someone else may reveal ONE’s secret first. As for that big-eyed Rock – the answer would be too big a spoiler.

                  dasndanger writes: “Even though you felt that SDCC was a waste of time, don’t you think it may have given DM more exposure than had you not gone? Also, wouldn’t it be a good way to get a feel for fan enthusiasm – to see if it’s grown since last year – or has the comic con become nothing more than a big cosplay event?”

                  Answer: Actually, the fan component of SDCC (cosplay, panels, etc.) is the BEST part of the con and I have no issue with it. Ultimately, my participation is neither here nor there. What’s important for the show is the presence of the cast (and as many cast members as possible). I’m sure they’ll be more than happy to report back.

                  P.S. Just finished the first season of Better Call Saul on Netflix. My favorite new series! Highly recommended.

                  Today, let me leave you with a couple of pics from the homefront…


                  And lavagirl
                  The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                    February 21, 2016

                    Photo: Pug

                    Last week, I almost convinced Akemi that we should adopt a senior pug. More to the point – I did convince her that we should adopt THIS 10 year, 9 lb bundle of joy –

                    It seemed such a sure thing that Akemi was entertaining a possible name change to Konatsu (a type of Japanese orange) while I was considering how to break the news to our sometime travel companion (and blog regular) Jeff who could be charged with escorting the newest addition to our family on our next Toronto trip. Sadly, however, things did not work out. Apparently the old gal has a bit of a temper and doesn’t play well with others – specifically, other dogs. And, even more specifically, other dogs who tend to roam too closer to her food bowl (which Bubba has been known to do on occasion).

                    So, no Konatsu for us. I am truly bummed.

                    Hey, speaking of Jeff – he’s been a long-time blog regular and, the last time he was in town, I decided to find out how long. As it turned out, over six years. His first post was on January 27th, 2010 and started: “I’ve only recently started reading your blog, so I’ll apologize in advance if I’m covering old ground, or if I’m out of step with the current backstory.” before going on to discuss Black and White sausage, haggis, and, of course, Stargate.

                    Intrigued, I decided to check out a few other regulars.

                    dasNdanger – who hasn’t been coming around as regularly because she wants to avoid spoilers – started posting back January 22nd of 2008 (Over eight years ago!) with a comment that began: “Hiya, Joe… Cute pup. I’m new to the fandom…” And, tellingly: “… despite my husband watching SGA from the beginning, I was only sucked in by Common Ground – excellent episode – and now watch mostly because of Todd. Love the character, and his shaky alliance with the SG team.” The beginning of a looooong love affair.

                    gforce – feels like he’s been around forever but, in truth, Gary has been around since November 27th, 2009 when he dropped a quick message to let me know how much he was enjoying my Tokyo gastronomic travelogue. He came for the Japanese food, but stayed for the Stargate.

                    ponytail – One of this blog’s most prolific posters started weighing in back on August 13th, 2008, with a comment on Stargate: Atlantis and then, a week later, expressing her outrage at the show’s cancellation.

                    Tam Dixon – August 7th, 2009. Let me know how impressed she was with my diet dedication – and how perfectly okay it is to make a couple of bites of chocolate part of your daily regimen.

                    PBMom – January 8th, 2009, Hilda introduced herself as a blogger for Fox 26’s “Your Family Matters” news segment – and, over the years, we’ve gotten to know her, her husband and, of course, her son Patrick who, despite his challenges, has come such a long way in such a seemingly short time.

                    Sparrow_hawk – and fellow avid reader started posting here on December 14th, 2008, with a post about anime, CG, and, of course, books (Curse of Chalion, Paladin of Souls, and Beowulf!).

                    Going AAAAALLL the way back to my earliest of early days, I see a few familiar names, among them…

                    Carolina – Left a comment on my very first post, aptly titled “The Beginning” back November 21st, 2006. Although she’s now an infrequent poster, we still keep in touch via email. In fact, just a couple of weeks ago, I sent a few recommendations her way in advance of her planned trip to Tokyo.

                    And just looking back over the past day’s comments, here are a few posters, newbies and veterans alike, and their respective “start dates”:

                    KathyC – September 28, 20013: Gave The Ladies #1 Detective Agency the thumbs up.

                    DebraDownsth – August 17, 2007: Inquired about an ascended Daniel.

                    Ganymede – June 20, 2008: Invited me to Polaris22

                    Maggie L80 – August 27, 2015: Just started watching Dark Matter!

                    Duptiang – December 7, 2010: Weighed in on my Narita travel experience.

                    And so many more.

                    Do you remember your first comment to this blog?
                    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                      February 22, 2016 - Part 1

                      I started this blog on another hosting site before moving over to my permanent home here on wordpress. I was able to transfer all of the pre-existing comments with me – but, sadly, not their IP addresses. So, more or less…

                      KathyC writes: “I definitely was a lurker for a long time before actually posting a comment. I think I’ve read your column daily since…since…oh geez. I don’t know when. 2012, maybe?”

                      Answer: March 7, 2012 – “It may surprise you to know…I watch Finding Bigfoot. LOL Stupid show, but can’t miss it when it comes on.”

                      poshrapto writes: “Used to be daubermaus, then maushiem, then a few other sign ons, now I just follow on fb. Came on board at the start of SG-U, after googling a recipe and finding you.”

                      Answer: March 26, 2010 – “Matcha Ice Cream with veins of dark chocolate ganache and a dusting of salt and cinnamon – amazing!”

                      Pennylnn writes: “I don’t remember my first but I do remember giving you the idea for the book club….which I never did get credit for!”

                      Answer: December 20, 2007 – “Hi Joe. I feel silly that it took me a week to find your new blog….”

                      Betty Monfette writes: “I have been following you for an age and a half.”

                      Answer: December 14, 2012 as Betty Monfette but possibly as far back as March 17, 2008 under a different name?

                      Evil Droid writes: “My first post here was just a few months ago when I discovered Dark Matter on Netflix & binge watched all the episodes in about 3 days! ”

                      Answer: As Evil Droid, I’ve got January 22, 2016 – “I am so waiting for season 2. Just watched season 1 again on Netflix & will probably with it again, and again…..”

                      Maggy Kelly writes: “I don’t recall exactly my first post, but it was around 2008, for sure.”

                      Answer: October 7, 2009 – “Hi Joe! I’m a newbie to your blog and have enjoyed it so far… only have been reading since the end of August/ early September.”

                      Keith writes: “I’ve read every post since… At least 2008 I think. But I only post when I feel there’s something I can add to the conversation. ”

                      Answer: October 20, 2009 – “Your “Johnny Damon” comment kind of kicked a question into my head, a big enough question to convince a long time reader, first time writer (LTRFTW) to actually post and ask it: How do writers such as yourself actually come up with character names? Does more thought go into cast member names than just single episode appearances?”

                      baterista9 writes: “Gee, no, but I followed At least two of your previous blogs /production diaries at GateWorld and starting around…2003?

                      Answer: January 16, 2007 – “Sorry to say that, living in the home city of Tex-Mex, I missed International Spicy Food Day. Am enjoying, however, the ARCTIC BLAST you kindly sent to South Texas. Send more…but not right away!”

                      StellaByStargate writes: “Egad. Mine was probably a Sam/Jack question.”

                      Answer: Yep. January 25, 2008 – “…the third part of the AT interview released on yesterdy made reference to the lines from Trio…I assume that interview was done before those lines hit the cutting room floor (*sigh*). Do you think you could be so kind, once Trio airs, to share with us that little tidbit that was lost…a lot of people would love to know what was said.”

                      Airelle writes: “I know I have been here a spell, can’t remember dates. ”

                      Answer: You don’t need to. February 19, 2008 – “Joe, thank you for the blog and all your hard work making SGA the best,Congrats on the rating, and really like the pictures you post, the puppies are so cute too…”

                      antisocialbutterflie writes: “You made me look. I have been lurking here since at least May 2008. Wow, it’s been a long time.”

                      Answer: Actually, April 8, 2008 as Anti-Social Butterfly – “I have to admit I wasn’t entirely paying attention to the blog when I read McKay/Ronan/Keller Scramble and thought that Tracker was going to be some god-awful body switch episode. I think I prefer the love triangle as a plot device, though Jason playing the character of McKay does make me chuckle a bit inside.”

                      paloosa writes: “I don’t remember what I wrote, but I started sometime in 2007.”

                      Answer: December 17, 2007 – “I opt for Blogger – its black, dark oppressive feel better fits your evil persona. This light colored, cheery stuff is just too fluffy for you.”

                      Jon Hrubesch writes: “I started following your blog sometime last year when Ian Brock asked if he could use my artwork for the transfer transit set.”

                      Answer: March 30, 2015 – “Being someone who loves all things science fiction I am very excited for this show…” But we corresponding via email prior to this.

                      Elminster writes: “According to your search thingy my first post was September 19, 2009, but I’m sure there are a couple before that. I’d say early 2008 or late 2007.”

                      Answer: September 4, 2009 – “Hi Joe. Long time lurker, first post… Nice blog, really friendly people. And I admit, I came to your blog for the Stargate stuff, but have stayed as much for the other things. The food, the books, dogs and the CHOCOLATE! Anyway, what got me out of lurkdom was your indication of smilelys geting in the way of cutting and pasting remarks from the website. Try cutting and pasting into notebook first, then cutting and pasting back into whatever application you use. You’ll lose the smilelys!”

                      lewis writes: “Love the past blog history trip down memory lane. Gotta ask… how many days in a row have you consecutively blogged now?”

                      Answer: I haven’t missed a day since I first started back in late 2006. Even when I was locked out of my account back on the other hosting site, I continued to update the blog. As for you… June 8, 2010 – “I just found your blog and love it! I’ve always loved your commentaries on the dvds over the years and now to read your blog … well, talk about a great read! “ Thanks!

                      sunstonetal writes: “I’ve lurked the blog for several years – I have it on my RSS feed and read posts as I choose from there. I think i’ve been reading since at least 2009, because I saved the link to your February 6th 2009 post which was a list of restaurants from around Vancouver that you recommended.”

                      Answer: February 7, 2009 – “Hey Joe. I’m not that new to your blog anymore, (i’ve been reading for a few months) but I’ve never commented before so, ‘Hello!’”

                      Astrumporta writes: “My first comment was on your 3rd post, on November 29, 2006 (as Michelle)! In fact I think I broke the news to Stargate fandom that you’d started a blog. Of course someone on Gateworld forum stole my post as their own. Don’t get me started.”

                      Answer: Yep. November 29, 2006 – “Thanks for the great descriptions of everything, Joe. I don’t think I could remember any of that long enough to blog it, much less make it funny. What the heck is a hairy lobster, and why were you sorry they were out of them?”
                      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                        February 22, 2016 - Part 2

                        Kat Impossible writes: “Hmmm, I am not sure about my first comment. I think it was definitely something Dark Matter related.”

                        Answer: Yep. September 27, 2015 – “It was mean to put in that last moment!!! I was so shocked back when I watched the episode for the first time. Dark Matter is such a great show though, I would have a hard time picking any favourite moments, even though I quite liked it when Ennis Esmer and his crew were on board the Raza.”

                        Laura H writes: “Looooong time lurker here. I’ve read almost every post since somewhere halfway 2007 (including those from 2006, when reading back wasn’t as much of an effort as it would be now), but rarely posted. I think this post may be my 5th or 6th”

                        Answer: 11th. August 13, 2010 – “Cool, they’re gonna perform laparoscopic surgery on the Destiny (re: concept art)? Or thoracoscopy, or… ‘brain’oscopy, or… what the heck are they planning to ‘scope’ out there?”

                        Line Noise writes: “January 7, 2009 was my first comment. I asked you whether you’d ever considered writing a script with a favourite author.”

                        Answer: Actually, it was January 8th, 2009 but your were commenting on my January 7th post.. “G’day! Short time reader, first time commenter. :-) Re: Spec scripts. Have you ever considered approaching some of your favourite sci-fi book authors about writing or collaborating on a script?”

                        bambamfans writes: “Hi everyone… I searched your blog and the earliest recorded answer to me I believe was August 10 2007, so I must have been around before that to have asked.”

                        Answer: July 25, 2007 – “I realized that although Peter DeLuise directed many episodes for season 10 of SG-1, he was not featured in ANY of the commentaries let alone his own episodes. Was he not available or simply because of the way he commentates they did not allow him to do it.” For the record, Peter DeLuise was a commentary favorite. Did I mention he’ll be directing Episode 209 of Dark Matter?

                        Star_Climber writes: “Was fun to read about the veterans that have been commenting on here. I started visiting the blog not so long ago, i think, even though Stargate is one of my favorite shows, i found your blog after the first season of Dark Matter and i love it. I do not remember my first comment, probably something like: love this, love that etc. ”

                        Answer: As a matter of fact… October 3, 2015 – “I hope many more people will start watching this show and grow to love it. Can’t wait for season 2! In the meantime, re-watching sounds like a great idea.”

                        jimfromjersey writes: “I don’t remember it, but I think I’ve found it via your handy-dandy search tool. July 25, 2008: ”JimfromJersey writes: “ I just received BREAKING NEWS email from SyFy Portal: “Brad Wright announces that a third Stargate movie is in the works”

                        Answer: Actually… May 23, 2007 – “Joe, Time for a bit of fanboi-ism! With SG-1 nearing its end, I just wanted to personally thank you and everyone at Stargate(s)for many years of unsurpassed entertainment. While I’ll mourn SG-1’s passing, I look forward to the movies and a long, healthy future for Atlantis. Eat well, live well!”

                        Drea Crysel writes: “I remember when you first began contributing to the SG blog, then again some blog account or another, just before the current WP incarnation. And although I did not begin regularly contributing until I discovered you had managed to get Dark Matter onto TV, ( and had only made one or two comments prior to that under a different handle) I’ve So many fond memories of the postings and people over the years, I actually had to genuinely devote some time to careful contemplation to narrow down my fav.”

                        Answer: Not sure but… July 7, 2011 – “Hi Joe. Ok, this should offer you something to smile at other than the absolutely irresistable charm of your triplets…..Has D Blue sent you advancement concept doc. yet? If not, email me, catch me on twitter or leave a message on our webblog and i’ll fill ya in. -Drea”

                        Barbaro writes: “I have no idea when I first commented on your blog Joe, but I’ve been reading it since I heard about it from Gateworld way back before the cancellation of SGA”

                        Answer: March 8, 2008 – “Wait a minute Joe, I do get up at 6 am. And by the way my 6 am is three hours earlier than yours is. That’s why I like it when you post to your blog early.”

                        FargateOne writes: “Sorry,,,nope!”

                        Answer: June 25, 2007 – “Vos blogs m’ont fait prendre mieux conscience de l’importance d’être un scénariste, scripteur ou écrivain de talent pour assurer le succès d’un film ou d’une émission. De mauvais dialogues ne peuvent que nuire aux acteurs si talentueux soient-ils. “

                        2cats writes: “I know I was an avid long time lurker before posting because I was shy about writing anything that would remain “forever” in the ether. That still bothers me. But according to your search tool above, using 2cats, it was Sept. 13, 2015. But using Carol Z., the earliest was July 24, 2008. I asked Mark Savela some questions on his Q&A.”

                        Answer: December 15, 2007 – “Well, well, I FINALLY found you Joe. Still shaking from Mallozzi Blog withdrawal, (it isn’t a pretty sight). Hey, I LIKE this new locale! Speaking from a graphic designer point of view, the black text on white IS easier on the eyes, (wink-wink), so please continue the style.”

                        Jenny Horn…no, Jenny Robin…wait… writes: “From what I can tell, I started commenting on your blogspot blog in February 2007. ”

                        Answer: February 7, 2007 – “Dark chocolate + cherries + chilis (as in chili peppers)”. Sound familiar?

                        Dallas Marshall writes: “I was with you for a few years during Stargate. […] I stopped posting this past December and began making my comments on Twitter because my posts stopped showing up here regardless of what login that I used. I have no idea whether or not I said something stupid and offended you, or whether it’s a glitch. If I have offended you, I am deeply sorry.”

                        Answer: Er, no. Don’t ever recall being offended by anything you’ve written. Has to be a glitch. February 16, 2011 – “Since you say you will not be privy to new SGU developments after your move, do you have any suggestions regarding other people “in the know” that we should be watching on Twitter, blogs, Facebook or web sites? Does Brad Wright post any where?”

                        DP writes: “I think I was inquiring as to when Brad Wright would finish his Q&A, but had been reading posts that got a lot of Gateworld chatter before that. I was posting under my Gateworld user name back then.”

                        Answer: GateFanSamJack, I presume? November 22, 2008 – “I’m having a ball reading about your jam sessions writing and planning SGU. I’m so jealous of you guys having a job where the problems are so open-ended.”

                        maggiemayday writes: “My first comment was probably about Daniel Jackson or some long rambling story about life in Japan. I’ve been quiet and concise lately, my surgery a couple months ago went well enough, but I am definitely not bouncing back in a timely fashion.”

                        Answer: December 11, 2007 – “Dagnabbit! you beat me to the Hawaiian spam blog sushi reference. mumble, mumble, mumble … taking my titanium spork and going home now. Nevermind, I am home now.” Have missed you and your Japan ruminations. I’ll always fondly remember the story of your friend who ate the Japanese mustard-dipped dog. Sending you positive thoughts for a speedy recovery!

                        ceresis64 writes: “Like some others, I was just a reader before a participant but can’t remember when I made my first post. When will we get pictures for this Season, of different dogs dressed up dedicated to represent what the episodes are about?”

                        Answer: I’ve got August 3, 2015 – “Found my way here! It’s tricky to ask longer questions on Twitter in 140 characters!” I’m going to wait until the costume department have put up a dog-themed post for each episode of season 2 after which I’ll shuffle them up and post them all – maybe host a contest and see who can match up each dog picture to their respective episode. Sound like fun?

                        shinyhula writes: “Yep, it has been a long time on the JM blog, I came for the behind the scenes scoop and stayed for the cooking tips and friendly SG fans. I didn’t post much until the Great Whispers Naming Contest which the lovely Anne Teldy won.”

                        Answer: Alas, I’m not aware of your alias. As shinyula: July 24, 2012 – “Again I make the mistake of reading this blog before lunch, so very hungry now from looking at that sandwich.”

                        glowyzoey writes: “I have no clue when I first commented on this blog. ”

                        Answer: December 15, 2007 – “Hello, Joe! I like the new blog, except for the smaller print. My eyes doth protest it. *squint squint* […] Hugs to poor Jelly. Hope you have a good visit with your mom.”
                        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                          February 23, 2016

                          Video: Dark Matter Season 1 - The Mole Is Revealed!

                          Photos: Dark Matter Press Day

                          Today, sixteen members of the press representing outlets and sites from all over America and the world, visited the set of Dark Matter to interview the cast, take a tour, and eat lemon chicken. I was given the heads up about the junket a while back and, last week, was forwarded a preliminary schedule. The press would be arriving at 8:30 a.m. and then leaving at 2:30 p.m. Between then, they would interview our actors and, at some point, chat with me as well. Among those in attendance, representatives from Syfy, NBCU, and a couple of familiar faces (Sammi! Michael! Bridget!) as well.

                          I was asked to be there for their arrival so I could welcome them, perhaps squeeze in a quick Q&A, a set tour, and then head back to the office to do some writing. That was the plan anyway.

                          Sammi Agnoff, Publicity Coordinator at Syfy, was one of the first to arrive to oversee the action. Haven’t seen her since SDCC! She (and her team) have been doing a terrific job of supporting the show.

                          Also representing Syfy, their Manager Of Publicity – the lovely Fowzia Iranpur.

                          We picked up breakfast donuts! Alas, there were very few takers. I assumed that, like me, most were “on the program”.

                          Andrew Liptak (IO9), Tiffany Vogt (, Michael Simpson (SciFiNow) and Sarah Lewin ( We talked Dark Matter and Stargate. But mostly Stargate.

                          A rare photo of IO9’s Andrew Liptak in his early days at Stargate Command, serving as a communication officer on SG-12.

                          Anyways – everything went according to plan.

                          For about twenty minutes after which my brief Q&A became more of a Q&A&A&A as we awaited the first cast members. I regaled the gathering with tales from Dark Matter’s first season, my time on Stargate, and was THIS close to sharing some terrific dinner party recipes when our first two actors arrived on the scene – coming in on their day off no less!

                          As it turned out, the schedule was a little more…flexible than we’d first assumed because the rest of the cast was down on set, actually shooting a t.v. show, and stealing them away proved a bit of a challenge. And so, I stepped in and did my best to entertain (“Hey! Who knows how to play I Spy?!”), fielding any leftover questions and generally doing my best to move those donuts.

                          For the next five hours, I was on and off. They were a great group but I couldn’t help but feel like one of those comedians warming up the crowd before the headliner (“When’s Dane Cook getting here?!!”).

                          Finally, there was enough of a break in the action to allow us a quickie tour. We headed downstairs to check out the new sets (Hyperion-8 Gen Pop, the alley way, caves, “guest ship”, and the Marauder).

                          We’re heading onto a hot set. Make sure to turn off your cell phones. Or, yeah, just go ahead and check your twitter accounts.

                          We cram into the Marauder which is undergoing a new paint job. Two members of the press are overcome by the fresh fumes forcing the rest of us to beat a hasty retreat.

                          Nothing but blue skies!

                          A few more interviews and then it was on to lunch. Because of the horseshoe table layout and scarcity of seats, I was seated at the kids’ table in the center of the room where I entertained everyone by eating lemon chicken and spare ribs. I was one fire!

                          Alex Mallari Jr. (FOUR) and Anthony Lemke (THREE) on the hot seats!

                          Photographic proof that Zoie Palmer (The Android) and Jodelle Ferland (FIVE) are still on the show.

                          Or came in for the presser on their day off to give the illusion they’re still on the show.

                          Sadly, due to time constraints (everyone had to catch afternoon flights out so that they could be home in time to watch an all new episode of Grandfathered), the members of the press never got a chance to tour the Raza set.

                          That is, of course, presuming there was a Raza set to tour and the timing wasn’t an elaborate bit of trickery on our part to misdirect the press from discovering a HUGE spoiler!

                          In the end, a great time was had by all.

                          I think.

                          I’m pretty sure they had a good time.

                          I had a good time.

                          I do regret not having one of those breakfast donuts.

                          Anyway, thanks to our publicist Mario Tassone, Executive Producer Vanessa Piazza, Catherine from NBCU, and the gang from Syfy (Sammi, Fowzia, and Arune Singh).

                          P.S. Much of the Q&A’s revolved around the big season one finale reveal. The cast was asked how they found learned the news/reacted to the reveal of the mole?

                          Most of you have already seen this vid, but in case you missed it the first few times, THIS is how the cast found out the identity of the mole…before the last shot of the final day of main unit production:
                          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                            February 24, 2016

                            Photos: Jason Priestley

                            I knew of Jason Priestley through his extensive work in front of the camera but, over the past year, I’ve been hearing more and more about his work behind the camera as well. And then, back in October, when we were putting together our directors’ schedule for Dark Matter’s second season, his name came up again. And again. According to people in the know, Jason is a pretty damn fine director.

                            So, I did my due diligence, asked around, and learned that not only is he a good director, but he is, apparently, a great guy to work with. Win-win!

                            Jason started prep on Episode #207 last week. On his first day, he was fairly quiet. In hindsight, he was clearly getting the lay of the land, familiarizing himself with the production, its personnel. And then, on day 2, he was ON – breaking down the script, its scenes and shots; fielding any burgeoning issues in cool, collected fashion. Every episode will have its challenges and the mark of a great director is how he/she deals with them. Jason has been great at quickly identifying potential problems (ie. the ghost stunner, the escape beat, the Nyx time cut) and then coming up with possible solutions.

                            Over the course of this past week,he’s been prepared, professional, upbeat, and ever-positive.

                            Also, he likes bourbon. In the words of a late great Dark Matter villain: “That’s a win-win…win!”.

                            Production on Episode #207 begins Friday (as equally fab director, Andy Mikita, flies in to begin prep on Episode #208) and I look forward to seeing Jason on set and in action.

                            Also, at the next meeting of the Dark Matter Whisky/ey Club.
                            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                              February 25, 2016

                              Video: Stargate: Atlantis

                              Photos: Jodelle Ferland, David Hewlett, Stargate: Atlantis. Dark Matter

                              Well, what do we have here? It’s a Stargate: Atlantis reunion on Dark Matter! Princess Harmony and Rodney McKay, back together again! This takes me back…

                              And this…

                              Today was our cast read-thru for Episode 207 and, while I can’t confirm that Tabor Calchek will be making a return appearance on the show (There’s a possibility that David just came in to replace the space heaters in the conference room), wouldn’t it be funny if he ended up on the ship and had to go toe to toe with our Android?

                              Hey, while we’re on the subject of Stargate/Dark Matter, here’s a little something for an upcoming episode…

                              What could we possibly have in store in season 2?
                              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                                February 26, 2016

                                Photos: Dark Matter, Andy Mikita

                                Uh, why is that stasis pod on? In emergency lighting mode? Haven’t seen that since…oh…scene 1 of Episode 101.

                                Well, look who it is. Director Andy Mikita (Episodes 112, 113 – and soon-to-be 208) has come bearing gifts: not one but TWO bottles of whiskey.

                                A little something from the props department. It’s actually a huge teaser – but you’ve got to know what you’re looking for. Or at.

                                It light up and everything. And when I say “everything”, I do mean…

                                A little work-in-progress via the VFX department.
                                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread

