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Joseph Mallozzi's Blog! (SPOILERS For All SG Shows and Dark Matter)

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    February 28, 2015

    Photos: Joe Mallozzi, Natalie Cooper, sock of the day, Joe's zoo date with Cloverblob

    Well look at who I came across this morning at the Farmer’s Market. None other than my favorite fellow foodie Natalie Cooper, aka Batman, aka The Sock Girl! She informed me that she had been trying to convince her mom to join her for the special tasting menu at a local high-end Mexican restaurant. I, of course, strongly urged her to drop her mom like a hot potato – in favor of a nice cold potato (yours truly!). So, mom’s out. ¡A comer!

    Speaking of Natalie, I’ve fallen behind in this blog’s semi-regular Sock of the Day feature. Pictured above: Friday’s instalment. As someone who hasn’t taken a math class since grade 10, I really appreciate this one.

    And, while we’re on the subject, these Halloween-themed socks arrived in the mail the other day compliments of – I think because there was no accompanying message – Sylvia. Thanks, Sylvia! I think.

    The other day, somebody asked me why I didn’t respond to comments on twitter. Well, the truth is my online presence is pretty much confined to this blog which, going on eight years now without missing a day, is enough. I use only use twitter to keep updated on @DRUNKHULK, while Facebook is reserved solely for sharing lost dog posts.

    Yes, to those asking, today was my zoo date with Cloverblob -

    So, how was it? Well, let me post this screen grab of the text I just sent Zoie:
    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


      March 1, 2015

      Photos: Zombies, baby chair, guns

      I came across the above in the production offices this week. Just in time for my weekly Walking Dead night. This week, we were joined by my writing partner, Paul, who never watched an episode of the show before – and promised to keep his mouth shut during the telecast.

      Well, I finally made some progress on our season finale, episode #113. As so often happens, I’ll agonize over those first half dozen scenes, writing and rewriting them, spending weeks tweaking the dialogue, at which point I’ll become so frustrated that I’ll just push through the script, doubling my output in a single day. What I’ll have, of course, I’ll hate but, after more rewrites and tweaks, it’ll grow on me. I’m out of Act I and into Act II. Top of page 21!

      Pictured above: When the restaurant hostess walks over and affixes THIS to the neighboring table, that’s your cue to hurry up, finish your meal and get the hell out.

      Oh, hey, another hello to all of the new readers to this blog who have stumbled upon us seeking information about Dark Matter, Stargate, or a recipe for crispy chicken skin

      (right here: No. For reals!)

      Welcome! Things are going to get a whole lot more interesting on this blog in the lead up to our summer premiere.

      Finally, another interesting flyer I noticed in the production offices last week. Hmmm. There’s gotta be a better way to unload those weapons...
      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


        March 2, 2015

        Photos: Lee Rose, sock of the day, Caitlin Brown

        Director Lee Rose calling the shots on the ISS Far Horizon.

        Hey, with all this talk about socks of late, I’ve really been remiss in not displaying actress Jodelle Ferland’s unique sock sense – on display at last night’s Walking Dead soiree:

        Speaking of socks. Natalie informs me I’ve also been remiss in not posting the recent pair she sported for this blog’s Sock of the Day ongoing feature. Voila!

        She’s particularly proud of those anthropomorphic pants.

        Well, well, well. Look at who got a haircut…

        Caitlin Brown (Executive in Charge of Business Affairs AND Development) sports her new do. She’s been doing something new with her hair. And I LOVE IT!

        Whoowhee! Big night ahead as I’ve got Amanda Tapping’s director’s cut of episode #104 to watch and give notes on ahead of a visit to editor Paul Day tomorrow morning!
        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


          March 3, 2015

          Photos: Cupcakes, whisky, Dark Matter whisky club, Mutant X

          I was up into the wee hours of this morning, watching and preparing notes for the director’s cut of episode #104 – and writing a scene for this week’s schedule. And it looks like I’ll be up into the wee hours of tomorrow morning, watching and preparing notes for the prod cut of episode #103 – and writing another scene for this week’s schedule. Hopefully not overly wee as I have to get up at 5:30 tomorrow to get in for 7:00 a.m. call. We’ve got TWO units rolling tomorrow! In addition to the afternoon concept meeting for episode #107 with director Bruce McDonald. The rewrite on #107 and #108. Finishing up my cut of #104. And, oh yeah, continuing work on the script for the season finale.

          To those of you asking – No, you didn’t miss the big casting news I hinted at last week. Rather than post the news on this blog, I decided to go through proper channels first. Now some of you may wonder: What’s the difference between just making an unofficial announcement and going through those official channels? Well, last time I checked, about three weeks and counting.

          They served up cupcakes for our production meeting yesterday. Check out the cake to icing ratio!

          And a treat of another sort compliments of director Ron Murphy who kicks things off with Day #1 of episode #107 tomorrow! One tasty whisky, served up in line producer Norman Denver’s special Hungarian sipping glasses.

          And the ranks of our whisky club continue to grow. We’re like Fight Club, but with a lot less fighting and more glasses to clean.

          Finally, I came across this curio gathering dust in Executive Producer Jay Firestone’s office. For the man who has everything:
          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



            March 4, 2015

            Photos: Ivon Bartok, Ron Murphy, Lawren Bancroft-Wilson, Matti Huhta, Jay Firestone

            The Murph (aka Director Ron Murphy, aka Ronald Murphawski, aka Ronaldine Murphkowtiz-Kardashian III, aka The Earl of Leftwich) is off to a strong start. Day #1 of episode #106 is in the books and already I’m hearing words like “great”, “dynamic” and “callypigian”! Also phrases like “great energy” and “killing it!” (which, as it turns out, referred to that big rat they discovered in the props locker. But still.).

            Pictured above, Ron flanked by Consulting Producer Ivon Bartok and VFX Supervisor Lawren Bancroft-Wilson. I look forward to comparing this cheery, uber-positive BEFORE production pic with the inevitable weary, rage-fueled AFTER pic.

            Ron and Script Supervisor Matti Huhta manning the monitors.

            Ron directing the scene.

            Ron directing the actors.

            Ron directing the actors.

            Ron directing me to take this picture for my blog.

            I spent the early morning on main unit with Ron, Ivon, Lawren, Matti and the gang, then headed over to the production offices where I engaged Executive Producer Jay Firestone in a heated debate on a scene from the episode #103 edit, drove over to post where I finished my producer’s edit of episode #104, drove back to the production offices for the episode #107 concept meeting, resumed my heated debate with Jay on that scene from the episode #103 edit, headed downstairs to watch John Stead direct second unit, then headed back upstairs to continue my heated debate with Jay.

            In a nutshell, it all came down to a single shot from the tease. I though it was funnier one way; he preferred it another way. I suppose if I’d been dealing with any other producer, I’d have probably been thrown out of his office. But instead, Jay elected to go with the democratic approach. He went on a tour of production offices, screening the two versions for a half dozen people, and letting the audience decide.

            The majority chose his version so, in the end, it was tough to critique his take. On the other hand, it WAS easy to criticize my co-workers’ heinous tastes.
            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



              March 5, 2015

              Photos: Farmhouse scouting, Bruce McDonald, Ian Brock, Andy, Ron Murphy

              While newly minted Consulting Producer Ivon Bartok was staying cosy on our nice warm sets, I was trekking to the frosty hinterlands of Hamilton to scout farmhouse locations for our upcoming episodes. Given the fact that I’d be braving the wilderness, I dressed in what I thought was appropriate fashion – jeans, sweater, winter boots and coat – so that I could be prepared for any and all eventualities (ie. wolves, renegade steers, crazed locals, etc.). Unfortunately, I clearly didn’t think things through properly and it was only when I disembarked from the van into the chilly -12 air that I realized I’d forgotten my hat. And warm gloves.

              As a result, I tried to hurry things along – especially when it became apparent that none of the farmhouses we’d been scheduled to visit were heated. “This one’s great!”I enthused as we walked into the first farmhouse. “Perfect!”

              “Let’s check out another one,”suggested line producer Norman Denver who, coincidentally, had remembered to bring HIS hat and warm gloves.

              “Fantastic!”I said as we entered the second farmhouse, my fingers already numb from cold. “I love this!”

              And I was equally enthusiastic about the next one. And the one after that.

              Finally, we were done. I was relieved. I could almost feel my ears defrosting. It was time to go!

              Go check out the forest that is!

              Hey, what interesting hanging cauldrons. I’ll just walk over here and take a picture – and warm my hands in the steam coming off them.

              Director Bruce McDonald, in his signature cowboy hat, surveys the scene while production designer Ian Brock snaps away.

              Wow. Creepy children’s toys sure have come a long way!

              After trekking through the forest, we headed back toward the van. “Thanks so much,”I said to the woman who’d been showing us around.

              “Oh, we’re not done yet,”she informed me. “We still have to see the field.”

              Just because we were heading back in the direction of the van didn’t mean we were actually going back. Instead, we climbed over a snowbank and checked out the field. “What do you think?”asked director Bruce McDonald. “We could find her here with maybe some mountains and a twin sun in the sky.”

              “Sure!”I said. “Sounds great!” At that point, I would’ve agreed to anything. “Flying robot monkeys? Absolutely!”

              We returned to the van (I was the first one inside) and got back to the production offices in time for lunch – and a two hour stunts, SFX, VFX, and Playback meeting. What? We couldn’t squeeze in hair, make-up, props, and costumes?

              On set, Cat t-shirt Thursday was in full swing. Check out Andy from Electric -

              Oh, and amid all the Cat t-shirt Thursday celebrations, the cast and crew also worked on Day #2 of episode #107. Director Ron Murphy completed 10 pages today!

              Tomorrow, he’ll attempt to break that record!
              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                March 6, 2015

                Photos: Text message, Akemi's most dezastro day, Jelly, Guns, Bruce McDonald, Christopher Binney, Ian Brock, Trevor Finn, Victoria Klein, Lisa Amaral Wright, the Dark Matter Whisky Club

                I received the following text message from Akemi today:

                “Why?”I asked. She replied with the following photo:

                Then this one:

                And, finally, THIS one:

                Why is Jelly sitting in her water bowl?

                The episode #107 props meeting happened today. Check out all the goodies.

                Director Bruce McDonald takes Bubba for a spin.

                This is his way of requesting that extra visual effects shot.

                Bubba and 1st Assistant Director Christopher Binney get acquainted.

                Oh, damn. Fun’s over.

                Production Designer Ian Brock shows off the thingy from the place.

                Closet serial killer Trevor Finn shows off his choice of weapon.

                Props Master Victoria Klein gives us “the look”.

                On-set props, Lisa Amaral Wright, comes in from the cold. And probably wishes she hadn’t.

                The Dark Matter Whisky Club is in session!
                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                  March 7, 2015

                  Photos: Joe Mallozzi, Jay Firestone, Akemi

                  From now on, whenever someone requests a photo of me to accompany an interview or some newspaper article (“Local Producer Unwittingly Consumes Ornamental Headdress”) THIS is the one they’re getting. Akemi snapped it during today’s EPK (Electronic Press Kit) Day. Director T.J. Scott, his photographer, and the gang from SyFy were on hand to photograph and interview the actors, the sets, and Jay Firestone and me in the ramp up to the Dark Matter summer season premiere!

                  Overseeing the action on the day was Executive Producer Vanessa Piazza who drew assists from VFX Supervisor Lawren Bancroft-Wilson (drafted for monitor duty on the gallery shoot) and Consulting Producer Ivon Bartok (who helped with both the Q and A portions of the Q&A sessions).

                  Joining me on this rare Saturday foray into work was Akemi who – finally! – got to see the sets in person. And she loved them, snapping innumerable pics for her instagram…to be uploaded at a later date.

                  Backstage, on my way to my interview.

                  Snapping the cast.

                  Jay Firestone and I discuss the interview questions beforehand. But not really. Sure, we could’ve actually prepared, but that would’ve meant losing the improvisational aspect of being interviewed, something we don’t do so well….

                  Executive Producer Jay Firestone and I prepare to talk Dark Matter.

                  We had a pretty good time. Eventually. We got off to a rocky start (I’ll admit I do some of my better work BEHIND the camera) and, about ten minutes into the interview, were informed we would have to start over. As it turned out, it couldn’t have worked out better. Second time around we were focused, more relaxed and we even made sense!

                  Akemi hangs with Bubba.

                  After we were done, Jay escorted Akemi over to wardrobe and had her make a few selections. Pictured below, two of the three new gorgeous leather jackets she added to her closet. She was extremely grateful to Jay-san and is already preparing the next batch of Thank You cookies.

                  Very exciting stuff. We follow the EPK and gallery shoot with a conference call later this week to discuss marketing strategy. As I’ve already made clear, I don’t want to wait until AFTER we air to start showing you some of the show’s amazing visuals. Once we’ve all signed off, I’d like to start rolling out photos of the cast, the sets, and especially all of the amazing concept art and design work that’s been produced to date: ships, shuttles, wacky tech and weaponry! All coming your way soon – along with that long overdue guest casting announcement!
                  The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                    March 8, 2015

                    Photos: Andy Mikita, Craig Wright

                    Well, look who it is. Yes, that’s director Andy Mikita (you may know him from such shows as Stargate: SG-1, Stargate: Atlantis, and Stargate: Universe) flashing the Dark Matter trade paperback. What’s the deal? A little recreational reading? Perhaps some professional research in advance of an upcoming gig? Well, I suppose we’ll all find out soon enough.

                    A member of the Dark Matter crew who needs no introduction – but I’m going to introduce him anyway, just in case – is our incredible Director of Photography, Craig Wright.

                    Back when we were assembling the Dark Matter production team, I met with several possible candidates regarding the DOP position on the show. Craig seemed like a good guy in his interview and there was no denying his work looked great, but I was undecided – only because I really didn’t really know him. But Jay and Vanessa did know him, quite well in fact, as he’d been working on Lost Girl for them these last few years. I, ultimately, trusted their opinion and, in turn, placed my trust in Craig. And I’m happy to report that the production has been rewarded with a richly talented Director of Photography, a positive and dedicated member of the crew, and – my first instincts were correct! – a wonderful guy to work alongside.
                    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                      March 9, 2015

                      Photos: Dark Matter production office kitchen requests, Ron Murphy, Matti Huhta

                      The Dark Matter production office kitchen is fairly well-stocked, offering everything from iced tea and mini cinnamon rolls to boxes of seaweed chips. Sadly, the one thing they didn’t have today was the one thing I was looking for – club soda. And so, I went to the big whiteboard to write in my ask. Pictured above, the requests as of this late afternoon. The last two are mine, entered after I had to go all the way back to my office to grab a green marker.

                      (Wait! Which crew member is that lying on the infirmary bed?! Tune in this summer to find out!)

                      Director Ron Murphy continues to get it done on set, wrapping an enormous two-day infirmary marathon before shifting gears to our resplendent palace setting…in Kitchener, Ontario. His dailies look great and on-set producer Ivon Bartok has nothing but great things to say about the man and his work. I can safely say that episode #106 won’t be the last we’ll see of him!

                      I can say that because he’s contractually obligated to director episode #109 for us as well.

                      Well, hey, if it isn’t Script Supervisor Matti Huhta who, clearly bummed at missing out on my recent Dark Matter “Girls with Guns” pictorial decided to make the most of an opportunity the other day, holding up production so that I could get the following blogworthy snaps. When Matti’s not posing with weaponry, she’s also keeping track of script continuity, timing my episodes short, and casually remarking how long it has been since Akemi last made cookies for the crew.
                      The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                        March 10, 2015

                        Photos: Joe's to do list, Joe Strazzeri, chili oil, Akemi's text

                        Pictured above: my growing To Do list.

                        It’s always great having a fellow foodie on set. Even better if that fellow foodie is also an accomplished cook just brimming with awesome recipes and culinary secrets. Such is the case with the indomnitable Joe Strazzeri – bon vivant, culinary composer, and, oh yeah!, A Camera Dolly Grip on Dark Matter. A super guy, great at what he does, and a real pleasure to work with.

                        And as if waking up at 4 a.m. and working twelve hour days isn’t enough, Joe keeps fit by hauling sandbags around set!

                        Last week, Joe surprised me with a jar of his home made chili oil. I didn’t get a chance to try it right away – but Akemi did. The next day, while I was at work, she sent me the following text:

                        And moments later:

                        I think that if this whole Dolly Grip thing doesn’t pan out, Joe has a promising career in the luxury food industry.
                        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                          March 11, 2015

                          Video: Intergalactic pet shipping

                          Photos: Bruce McDonald, Christopher Binney, concept art

                          Ship your pet via Intergalactic Express! Planet to Planet service! (video compliments of Kelly Diamond)

                          While Consulting Producer Ivon Bartok and VFX Supervisor Lawren Bancroft-Wilson were on set with Director Ron Murphy and the rest of the gang, shooting in the Palace and eating breakfast lasagna, I was back on the home front (and by that I mean my home front away from home – the production offices) working on the script for episode #113 (halfway there!) and prepping episode #107 with Director Bruce McDonald and co.

                          Bruce powers up for a full slate of meetings!

                          The episode #107 production meeting is underway with 1st Assistant Director Christopher Binney (flanked by Director Bruce McDonald) overseeing the action. Topics for discussion on this day included snow, retractable knives, CG skin, and Hong Kong Dust. Yes, it’s a thing!

                          We also managed to squeeze in an Art Department meeting as we prepare to shoot #107 – and parts of #106 and #109. What’s in the fancy box? You’ll find out this summer!

                          Hey, I’m thinking of doing another mailbag. If you have any questions, fire away!
                          The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                            March 12, 2015

                            Photos: Director Ron Murphy's surprise, Eridani 6, Tanya Lemke, Nikki Moss, Grant Boyle, Krista Lee

                            Today was a torrid writing day. Not so coincidentally, it was a day that saw me driving around a lot and, as many of you know, I do some of my best writing while driving, showering, or whenever someone I’m having dinner with is talking to me. The day saw me blow through 11+ pages, taking me into the top of Act IV. It’s a pretty damn exciting script if I do say so myself. They’re gonna go nuts.

                            The gang on main unit was wrapping up their 7th and final day on episode #106. Director Ron Murphy – who has done a tremendous job – surprised the cast and crew with these:

                            What a guy!

                            Meanwhile, over on the other side of town, John Stead was calling the shots on Eridani 6…

                            Today was, of course, cat t-shirt Thursday. Tanya Lemke (Daily Props) shows off her kitty-themed entry.

                            Meanwhile, Nikki Moss (On-Set Key Props) rocks the ewok.

                            Grant Boyle (2nd Unit 1st Assistant Director) leaves set for his second job as a blackjack dealer.

                            Krista Lee stands in for the dealer!

                            Tomorrow, Day #1 of episode #107 with Director Bruce McDonald! And VFX spotting for episodes #101 and #102 with VFX Supervisor Lawren Bancroft-Wilson! And editing episode #105 with editor Wendy Hallam-Martin! And the second unit production meeting for scenes from episodes #106 and #109! And last, but not least, I continue work on the script for our grand season finale!
                            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                              March 13, 2015

                              Photos: Brad Wright, Earth’s rich literary history, Robbie David, birthday cake

                              Ever get one of those morning phone calls that annoys you so thoroughly that is sours your mood for the rest of the day? I received one of those this a.m. and it irritated me to no end. BUT then, happily, I got distracted with work – a visual effects spotting session, a second unit production meeting, green page revisions on four different scripts (!), the first day of episode #107 (a Bruce Mcdonald joint!), and continued work on my first draft of episode 13, the grand finale (a tease and four acts done, an act and a tag to go!). I’m busy. Crazy busy. I liken it to juggling while having someone constantly throw extra balls into your routine. Yes, it’s exhausting – but also incredibly satisfying. I’ve seen cuts of our first five episodes and they’re all great. Yes, the episodes are great, the cast, crew and directors are great, and my fellow Executive Producers (Jay Firestone and Vanessa Piazza) have been great. And I have no doubt that when the show premieres this summer, you’ll all discover how great it is. And I can’t wait.

                              On the brighter side of this Friday the 13th…

                              Well look who dropped by the Dark Matter studios today . Stargate SG-1/Atlantis/Universe creator, Executive Producer, Showrunner Brad Wright was in town on unrelated business and I guess he had a hankering for some intergalactic adventuring – and I was only too happy to oblige. Great to see him, and equally great to hear about the various projects he’s got in development (a few of them, yes, of an SF nature). Here’s hoping he’s soon in production on his new show – to coincide with season 2 of Dark Matter!

                              There’s no telling what kind of unfathomable treasures our space-faring crew will unearth. Particle accelerators, anti-grav boots, even a couple of ancient books from Earth’s rich literary history…

                              Some possible candidates for our Book of the Month Club reboot?

                              Hey, hey! Unit Manager Robbie David celebrated a birthday today in fine style – with balloons, fogged up glasses, and a personalized birthday cake.

                              Okay. Going to bed to sleep it off. And finish up my first draft of episode #113. The cast is going to flip!
                              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                                March 14, 2015

                                Photos: Melissa O’Neil, brownies, books

                                Holy crap! Just finished my first draft of episode #113, the big season finale. It comes in at a robust 57 pages and it is tremendous fun! Twist after turn after surprise leading to the final shocker that will positively blow your minds. Back when I first started developing the show, the show evolved around two colossal bombshell moments: the first being the final scene of episode #101, and the last being the final scene of episode #113. Lots of mini-bombshells along the way but these particular reveals are going to stun and stagger, not only our main characters, but the cast – and, hopefully, you viewers who come along for what promises to be a wild and very enjoyable the ride.

                                Coincidentally, as I was in the midst of scripting #113, I received some surprise gifts from a couple of cast members:

                                Whisky marmalade from the notoriously camera-shy Melissa O’Neil.

                                And these delightfully decadent brownies from Alex Mallari Jr.

                                Wonder what Anthony Lemke is going to get me? I bet it’s going to be amazing. I can’t wait!

                                I’ll do another pass on #113 this week, then send it Paul’s way so he can do his pass. After that, it’s in Jay’s hands and, after we implement his notes, the script will finally go out. And I’ll be able to breathe a sigh of relief and focus on other things: editing, prepping, producing, rewriting…and plotting out season 2. Fear not! I know exactly where we’re headed!

                                Feeling very good. Off to prep some potatoes for tonight’s dinner and, time permitting, maybe even get some reading in. These are titles I’ve been dying to get around to...

                                So, whatcha reading?

                                In the case of our cast and crew, it’ll be #113 very soon…
                                The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread

